About Us

Owen Sansom Dir 17

As one of Cancer Research UK’s core-funded institutes, we have built an excellent reputation for basic cancer research, including world-class metabolism studies and renowned in vivo modelling of tumour growth and metastasis. Our goal for the future is for this discovery work to continue apace but for it to also be applied to preclinical and clinical studies.

In particular, our research places an emphasis on the following key themes:

    • Biology of early disease (How cancers start)
    • Energetic needs and metabolism (How cancers grow)
    • Metastasis and microenvironment (How cancers spread)

Working in close harmony with research groups from the School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, we occupy a magnificent research building that has allowed us to develop a number of state-of-the-art technologies in focused areas to underpin our key research themes. We also provide outstanding training opportunities for early-career scientists and host many seminars and meetings to bring all the news from the international cancer research community to Glasgow.

Finally, we are deeply grateful to Cancer Research UK, our local community and fundraisers, who offer us such fantastic support.