Prof Seth Coffelt – Immune Cells and Metastasis
Understanding how cancer spreads from its primary site of origin to distant organs is one of the major challenges in cancer research. What has become evident in recent years is that mutations in cancer cells are not sufficient to drive metastasis formation – cancer cells need assistance from surrounding healthy cells. Among these various healthy cells, immune cells have emerged as powerful instigators of metastasis formation but, at the same time, immune cells can also prevent cancer cells from spreading.
Our lab focuses on these dichotomous roles of immune cells and how tumours control immune cell behaviour. We study these concepts in the context of breast, pancreatic and colorectal cancers. We are particularly interested in γδ T cells, a rare population of T cells with properties that are distinct from conventional CD4 and CD8 T cells, as γδ T cells can be both pro-tumourigenic and anti-tumourigenic. Our ultimate goal is to understand how γδ T cells and other immune cells participate in the metastatic process and to develop new immunotherapies that counteract metastatic lesions.
Researchers discover key to 'supercharging' breast cancer treatment
Find out more about Seth's recent research in this article by STV News here.
Young Glasgow ovarian cancer survivor speaks out about life after the disease
Read the story from the Evening Times here.
Glasgow doctor reveals why he has taken on the city's fight against cancer
Read about Seth's background and move to Glasgow here.

Lab Report
pdf Coffelt Lab Report (84 KB)
Key Publications
Coffelt SB, Wellenstein MD, de Visser KE. Neutrophils in cancer: neutral no more. Nat Rev Cancer. 2016; 16: 431–446
Coffelt SB, Kersten K, Doornebal CW, Weiden J, Vrijland K, Hau CS, Verstegen NJ, Ciampricotti M, Hawinkels LJ, Jonkers J, de Visser KE. IL-17-producing γδ T cells and neutrophils conspire to promote breast cancer metastasis. Nature. 2015; 522: 345-8.
Coffelt SB, de Visser KE. Cancer: Inflammation lights the way to metastasis. Nature. 2014; 507: 48-9.
Al-ofi E, Coffelt SB*, Anumba DO*. Monocyte subpopulations from pre-eclamptic patients are abnormally skewed and exhibit exaggerated responses to Toll-like receptor ligands. PLoS One. 2012; 7: e42217. *co-senior author
Coffelt SB, Chen YY, Muthana M, Welford AF, Tal AO, Scholz A, Plate KH, Reiss Y, Murdoch C, De Palma M, Lewis CE. Angiopoietin 2 stimulates TIE2-expressing monocytes to suppress T cell activation and to promote regulatory T cell expansion. J Immunol. 2011; 186: 4183-90.
Coffelt SB*, Tomchuck SL, Zwezdaryk KJ, Danka ES, Scandurro AB. Leucine leucine-37 uses formyl peptide receptor-like 1 to activate signal transduction pathways, stimulate oncogenic gene expression, and enhance the invasiveness of ovarian cancer cells. Mol Cancer Res. 2009; 7: 907-15. *corresponding author
Education and qualifications
2006: PhD, Interdisciplinary Program in Molecular & Cellular Biology, Tulane University, USA
2000: BA, Biology & Chemistry, Minors in Music & Global Studies, Drury University, USA
2023-present: Professor, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2016-present: Senior Research Fellow/Beatson Associate, University of Glasgow
2011-2016: Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow with Karin de Visser, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
2008-2011: Postdoctoral Research Associate with Claire Lewis, University of Sheffield, UK
2007-2008: Postdoctoral Fellow with Aline Scandurro, Tulane University, USA
2005-2007: Visiting Scientist with Frank Marini & Michael Andreeff, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
2005: Adjunct Professor, Drury University, USA
Honours and awards
British Association for Cancer Research AstraZeneca Young Scientist Frank Rose Award, 2018
Wellcome Trust Seed Award, 2017
Outstanding Staff Member Award, Netherlands Cancer Institute, 2014
Scholar-in-Training Award, AACR Special Conference on Advances in Breast Cancer Research, 2013
Netherlands Cancer Institute Staff Evening Presenter, 2013
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development, 2011-2013
Exceptional Contribution Award, University of Sheffield, 2010
Top 10 Finalist for MedImmune's Oncology Research Abstract Competition, 2009
Cancer Association of Greater New Orleans' Student Grant, 2005
Current committee membership
Breast Cancer Now Grants Committee member
Recent Publications
Churchhouse AMD, Billard CV, Suzuki T, Pohl SÖ G, Doleschall NJ, Donnelly K, Nixon C, Arends MJ, Din S, Kirkwood K, Marques Junior J, Von Kriegsheim A, Coffelt SB, Myant KB. Loss of DOCK2 potentiates Inflammatory Bowel Disease-associated colorectal cancer via immune dysfunction and IFNγ induction of IDO1 expression. Oncogene. 2024.
Dawson A, Zarou MM, Prasad B, Bittencourt-Silvestre J, Zerbst D, Himonas E, Hsieh YC, van Loon I, Blanco GR, Ianniciello A, Kerekes Z, Krishnan V, Agarwal P, Almasoudi H, McCluskey L, Hopcroft LEM, Scott MT, Baquero P, Dunn K, Vetrie D, Copland M, Bhatia R, Coffelt SB, Tiong OS, Wheadon H, Zanivan S, Kirschner K, Helgason GV. Leukaemia exposure alters the transcriptional profile and function of BCR::ABL1 negative macrophages in the bone marrow niche. Nat Commun. 2024;15(1):1090.
Fercoq F, Cairns GS, Donatis MD, Mackey JBG, Floerchinger A, McFarlane A, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Whyte D, Arnott LWG, Nixon C, Wiesheu R, Kilbey A, Brown L, Al-Khalidi S, Norman JC, Roberts EW, Blyth K, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Integrin inactivation slows down neutrophils congesting the pre-metastatic lung in a model of breast cancer. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2003.2019.585724.
Whyte D, Voorde JV, Sumpton D, Dhayade S, Dornier E, Moore M, Novo D, Peters J, Wiesheu R, Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Fercoq F, Fisher S, Caballero CD, Gilroy K, Redmond KL, Mitchell LE, Anderson E, Thomson G, Dzierozynski LN, Saab JJA, Lewis CA, Muir A, Halbrook CJ, Strathdee D, Jackstadt R, Nixon C, Dunne P, Steele CW, Carlin LM, Macpherson IR, Roberts EW, Coffelt SB, Blyth K, Sansom OJ, Norman JC, Clarke CJ. Uridine Phosphorylase-1 supports metastasis of mammary cancer by altering immune and extracellular matrix landscapes of the lung. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2007.2002.601676.
Wiesheu R, Edwards SC, Hedley A, Hall H, Tosolini M, Fares da Silva MGF, Sumaria N, Castenmiller SM, Wardak L, Optaczy Y, Lynn A, Hill DG, Hayes AJ, Hay J, Kilbey A, Shaw R, Whyte D, Walsh PJ, Michie AM, Graham GJ, Manoharan A, Halsey C, Blyth K, Wolkers MC, Miller C, Pennington DJ, Jones GW, Fournie JJ, Bekiaris V, Coffelt SB. IL-27 maintains cytotoxic Ly6C(+) γδ T cells that arise from immature precursors. Embo j. 2024.
Lupo F, Coffelt SB. Stressed out neutrophils drive metastasis. Immunity. 2024(4):840-842.
Wiesheu R, Coffelt SB. From backstage to the spotlight: γδT cells in cancer. Cancer Cell. 2024.
Edwards SC, Hedley A, Hoevenaar WHM, Wiesheu R, Glauner T, Kilbey A, Shaw R, Boufea K, Batada N, Hatano S, Yoshikai Y, Blyth K, Miller C, Kirschner K, Coffelt SB. PD-1 and TIM-3 differentially regulate subsets of mouse IL-17A-producing γδ T cells. J Exp Med. 2023;220.:e20211431
Laing S, Kruspig B, Shaw R, Officer-Jones L, Edwards S, McKinven D, Hsieh Y-C, Powley I, Brady N, Pennie R, Kwan R, Lima A, Myrta S, Periyasamy M, Dye IC, Nixon C, Clark G, Junttila MR, Maddalo D, Miller C, Ali S, Fuchter MJ, Nickles D, Kirschner K, Brown RB, Quesne JL, Strathdee D, Coffelt SB, Roberts E, Murphy DJ. ERBB signalling contributes to immune evasion in KRAS-driven lung adenocarcinoma. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2007.2024.550274.
Suzuki T, Kilbey A, Casa Rodriguez N, Lawlor A, Georgakopoulou A, Hayman H, Yin Swe KL, Nordin A, Cantù C, Vantourout P, Ridgway RA, Byrne RM, Chen L, Verzi MP, Gay DM, Gil Vazquez E, Belnoue-Davis HL, Gilroy K, Kostner AH, Kersten C, Thuwajit C, Andersen DK, Wiesheu R, Jandke A, Blyth K, Roseweir AK, Leedham SJ, Dunne PD, Edwards J, Hayday A, Sansom OJ, Coffelt SB. β-catenin drives butyrophilin-like molecule loss and γδ T-cell exclusion in colon cancer. Cancer Immunology Research. 2023;11: 1137-1155
Quintana JF, Sinton MC, Chandrasegaran P, Lestari AN, Heslop R, Cheaib B, Ogunsola J, Ngoyi DM, Kuispond Swar NR, Cooper A, Mabbott NA, Coffelt SB, MacLeod A. γδ T cells control murine skin inflammation and subcutaneous adipose wasting during chronic Trypanosoma brucei infection. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):5279.
Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, McFarlane AJ, Kruspig B, Fercoq F, Secklehner J, Donatis MD, Mackey JBG, Wiesheu R, Laing S, Hsieh Y-C, Shaw R, Corbyn R, Nixon C, Miller C, Kirschner K, Bain CC, Daniel J. Murphy, Seth B. Coffelt, Carlin LM. γδ T cells impair airway macrophage differentiation in lung adenocarcinoma. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2009.2014.557344.
Waldron JA, Kanellos G, Smith RCL, Knight JRP, Munro J, Alexandrou C, Vlahov N, Pardo-Fernandez L, Moore M, Gillen SL, Strathdee D, Stevenson D, Warrander FC, Gilroy K, Nixon C, Cadden B, Powley I, Officer-Jones L, Ballantyne F, Hay J, Pennel K, Edwards J, Campbell AD, Ridgway RA, Coffelt SB, Norman J, Quesne JL, Bushell M, Sansom OJ. eIF4A1 is essential for reprogramming the translational landscape of Wnt-driven colorectal cancers. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2011.2010.566546.
Coffelt SB, Morton JP. LOXL2 in pancreatic tumourigenesis: the complexity of tumour-stromal crosstalk exemplified. Gut. 2023;72:221-222.
Coffelt SB, Suzuki T. The two sides of the γδ T cell coin. Nat Cancer. 2023;10.1038/s43018-023-00587-y.
Coffelt SB, Suzuki T. γδ T cells turn the tables on immune-evasive colon cancer. Med. 2023;4:141-142.
Curio S, Edwards SC, Suzuki T, McGovern J, Triulzi C, Yoshida N, Jonsson G, Glauner T, Rami D, Wiesheu R, Kilbey A, Purcell RV, Coffelt SB, Guerra N. NKG2D signaling regulates IL-17A-producing γδT cells in mice to promote cancer progression. Discovery Immunology. 2022;1:kyac002.
Paterson K, Paterson S, Mulholland T, Coffelt SB, Zagnoni M. Assessment of CAR-T Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity in 3D Microfluidic Cancer Co-Culture Models for Combination Therapy. IEEE Open J Eng Med Biol. 2022;3:86-95.
van Wagensveld L, van Baal J, Timmermans M, Gaillard D, Borghuis L, Coffelt SB, Rosenberg EH, Lok CAR, Nijman HW, Kooreman LFS, Sanders J, de Bruijn M, Wessels LFA, van der Wiel R, Rausch C, Broeks A, Kruitwagen R, van der Aa MA, Sonke GS, Schouten PC, Van de Vijver KK, Horlings HM. Homologous Recombination Deficiency and Cyclin E1 Amplification Are Correlated with Immune Cell Infiltration and Survival in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14.
Lawrence M, Wiesheu R, Coffelt SB. The duplexity of unconventional T cells in cancer. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2022;146:106213.
Edwards SC, Hedley A, Hoevenaar WHM, Glauner T, Wiesheu R, Kilbey A, Shaw R, Boufea K, Batada N, Blyth K, Miller C, Kirschner K, Coffelt SB. Single-cell analysis uncovers differential regulation of lung γδ T cell subsets by the co-inhibitory molecules, PD-1 and TIM-3. bioRxiv. 2021.
Johnson SA, Ormsby MJ, Wessel HM, Hulme HE, Bravo-Blas A, McIntosh A, Mason S, Coffelt SB, Tait SWG, Mowat AM, Milling SWF, Blyth K, Wall DM. Monocytes mediate Salmonella Typhimurium-induced tumour growth inhibition in a mouse melanoma model. Eur J Immunol. 2021;14:5965
Paterson K, Zanivan S, Glasspool R, Coffelt SB, Zagnoni M. Microfluidic technologies for immunotherapy studies on solid tumours. Lab Chip. 2021;21:2306-2329.
Edwards SC, Hoevenaar WHM, Coffelt SB. Emerging immunotherapies for metastasis. Br J Cancer. 2021;124:37-48.
McFarlane AJ, Fercoq F, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Neutrophil dynamics in the tumor microenvironment. J Clin Invest. 2021;131: ed2021.
Dhayade S, Pietzke M, Wiesheu R, Tait-Mulder J, Athineos D, Sumpton D, Coffelt S, Blyth K, Vazquez A. Impact of Formate Supplementation on Body Weight and Plasma Amino Acids. Nutrients. 2020; 12(8):2181.
Millar R, Kilbey A, Remak SJ, Severson TM, Dhayade S, Sandilands E, Foster K, Bryant DM, Blyth K, Coffelt SB. The MSP-RON axis stimulates cancer cell growth in models of triple negative breast cancer. Molecular oncology. 2020;14: 1868-1880
Muthalagu N, Monteverde T, Raffo-Iraolagoitia X, Wiesheu R, Whyte D, Hedley A, Laing S, Kruspig B, Upstill-Goddard R, Shaw R, Neidler S, Rink C, Karim SA, Gyuraszova K, Nixon C, Clark W, Biankin AV, Carlin LM, Coffelt SB, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Murphy DJ. Repression of the Type I Interferon pathway underlies MYC & KRAS-dependent evasion of NK & B cells in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancer discovery. 2020;
Boire A, Coffelt SB, Quezada SA, Vander Heiden MG, Weeraratna AT. Tumour Dormancy and Reawakening: Opportunities and Challenges. Trends in cancer. 2019; 5: 762-765.
Mackey JBG, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Neutrophil Maturity in Cancer. Frontiers in immunology. 2019; 10: 1912.
Salvagno C, Ciampricotti M, Tuit S, Hau CS, van Weverwijk A, Coffelt SB, Kersten K, Vrijland K, Kos K, Ulas T, Song JY, Ooi CH, Ruttinger D, Cassier PA, Jonkers J, Schultze JL, Ries CH, de Visser KE. Therapeutic targeting of macrophages enhances chemotherapy efficacy by unleashing type I interferon response. Nat Cell Biol. 2019; 21: 511-21.
Silva-Santos B, Mensurado S, Coffelt SB. γδ T cells: pleiotropic immune effectors with therapeutic potential in cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer. 2019; 19, 392–404
Wellenstein MD, Coffelt SB, Duits DEM, van Miltenburg MH, Slagter M, de Rink I, Henneman L, Kas SM, Prekovic S, Hau CS, Vrijland K, Drenth AP, de Korte-Grimmerink R, Schut E, van der Heijden I, Zwart W, Wessels LFA, Schumacher TN, Jonkers J, de Visser KE. Loss of p53 triggers WNT-dependent systemic inflammation to drive breast cancer metastasis. Nature. 2019; 572: 538–542
Kruspig B, Monteverde T, Neidler S, Hock A, Kerr E, Nixon C, Clark W, Hedley A, Laing S, Coffelt SB, Le Quesne J, Dick C, Vousden K, Martins CP, Murphy DJ. The ERBB network facilitates KRAS-driven lung tumorigenesis. Sci Transl Med. 2018; 10: eaao2565
Carron EC, Homra S, Rosenberg J, Coffelt SB, Kittrell F, Zhang Y, Creighton CJ, Fuqua SA, Medina D, Machado HL. Macrophages promote the progression of premalignant mammary lesions to invasive cancer. Oncotarget 2017; 8: 50731-46
Kersten K, Coffelt SB, Hoogstraat M, Verstegen NJM, Vrijland K, Ciampricotti M, Doornebal CW, Hau CS, Wellenstein MD, Salvagno C, Doshi P, Lips EH, Wessels LFA, de Visser KE. Mammary tumor-derived CCL2 enhances pro-metastatic systemic inflammation through upregulation of IL1β in tumor-associated macrophages. Oncoimmunology 2017; 6:e1334744.
Rumney RMH, Coffelt SB, Neale TA, Dhayade S, Tozer GM, Miller G. PyMT-Maclow. A novel, inducible, murine model for determining the role of CD68 positive cells in breast tumor development. PLoS One 2017; 12: e0188591
van Baal J, Van de Vijver KK, Coffelt SB, van der Noort V, van Driel WJ, Kenter GG, Buist MR, Lok C. Incidence of lymph node metastases in clinical early-stage mucinous and seromucinous ovarian carcinoma: a retrospective cohort study. BJOG 2017; 124: 486-94
Walton JB, Farquharson M, Mason S, Port J, Kruspig B, Dowson S, Stevenson D, Murphy D, Matzuk M, Kim J, Coffelt S, Blyth K, McNeish IA. CRISPR/Cas9-derived models of ovarian high grade serous carcinoma targeting Brca1, Pten and Nf1, and correlation with platinum sensitivity. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 16827
Coffelt SB, de Visser KE. Revving up dendritic cells while braking PD-L1 to jump-start the cancer-immunity cycle motor. Immunity 2016; 44: 722-4
Coffelt SB, de Visser KE. Systemic inflammation: Cancer's long-distance reach to maximize metastasis. Oncoimmunology 2016; 5: e1075694
Coffelt SB, Wellenstein MD, de Visser KE. Neutrophils in cancer: Neutral no more. Nat Rev Cancer 2016; 16: 431-46
Rahat MA, Coffelt SB, Granot Z, Muthana M, Amedei A. Macrophages and neutrophils: Regulation of the inflammatory microenvironment in autoimmunity and cancer. Mediators Inflamm 2016; 2016: 5894347
Lab Members
Group Leader
Seth Coffelt
Since I was a PhD student at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, I have been interested in how non-cancerous cells within tumors and metastatic lesions contribute to cancer progression. Throughout my research career, I’ve had the opportunity to study mesenchymal stromal cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and T cells in mouse models of cancer, while living in some really fantastic places. After leaving America, I moved to Sheffield, England, then to Amsterdam where I worked at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI). My lab at the CRUK Scotland Institute – where I’ve been since 2016 – has focused on the functions of gamma delta T cells during cancer evolution. This work we do with the help of many colleagues in Glasgow and around the world. I’m a people person so collaborating with other researchers gives me a lot of joy. At the weekends, I chase the kids around and frequent nice restaurants.
Postdoctoral Scientists
Nadia Iqbal
I studied biomedicine at the University of Manchester after which I completed my MRes in Translational Medicine, it was during this time that my interest in cancer research was cemented. I went on to work at the CRUK Manchester Institute as a scientific officer in the clinical and experimental pharmacology group investigating circulating tumour cells in various clinical trials after which I spent some time in the UoM functional genomics group. In my Ph.D. and first postdoc at Lancaster University I investigated the role of fat associated lymphoid clusters in the pleural cavity in the context of the inflammatory microenvironment in response to fibres. Currently I am a postdoc in Professor Seth Coffelt’s group, I am particularly interested in the tumour immune microenvironment and unlocking immunotherapeutic targets in cancer. During my spare time I like to read, cook, shop, visit nice restaurants, and holiday!
Abhiram Mallu
I am a postdoctoral researcher interested in understanding the paradoxical role of T cells in tumour progression and suppression. My current research investigates how gamma-delta T cells in the pancreatic tumour microenvironment instigate metastasis in the KPC model. During my PhD in India, I studied the effect of healthy and impaired glucose metabolism on lymphocyte trafficking and neo-vascularization. I am an enthusiastic teacher, and I aspire to lead my own research group in the future. When I am not experimenting with immune cells, I like to experiment with food, explore unfamiliar places, and enjoy reading, music, and movies.
Natalie Phinney
I am a postdoctoral research scientist investigating the influence of gamma-delta T cells on pancreatic cancer primary tumor survival and progression. Originally from Basingstoke, UK, I completed my PhD in Cancer Biology at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX USA, developing a tumor-targeting fusion protein. I also have a JD (law) degree from the University of Tennessee, USA. When not in lab, I enjoy riding horses, running, and taking my three kids to the country park.
Toshi Suzuki
Orchid LinkedIn X
I am a postdoctoral researcher who is aspiring to be a group leader in the UK. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) emerge as a very powerful therapy to advanced cancer patients, who used to have no treatment option. However, only a part of patients receives benefit from ICIs. My research focus is to understand why ICIs does not work in the majority of patients, and how we can make ICIs effective in more patients in future. T cells, macrophages and Wnt/β-catenin signalling are of my specific focuses. I enjoy working with many people and have been fortunate to collaborate with more than seven group leaders in the UK. I have also supervised 12 students (both master's and PhD), most of whom have pursued academic careers. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my research.
Principal Scientific Officer
Heather Spence
I am currently working as the principal scientific officer in Prof Seth Coffelt’s lab investigating the role of role of gamma delta T cells in pancreatic and colon cancer. My scientific journey started with my PhD at Glasgow University with Prof Malcolm Kennedy, where we cloned the major Allergen of Ascaris Lumbricoides. I then had the amazing opportunity to work as a postdoctoral fellow at the Netherlands institute for Brain Research studying the role of frame shift mutations in Alzheimer’s disease. Returning to Glasgow, I pursued a postdoctoral position with Prof Brad Ozanne at the Beatson Institute, studying AP-1 regulated genes in invasion of tumour cells and then with Prof Steve Winder at the University of Glasgow working on actin binding proteins in muscular dystrophy. Following this, I worked for 17 years with Prof Laura Machesky, as the lab’s principal scientific officer studying actin cytoskeleton in metastasis and tumour microenvironment.
Clinical Research Fellow
David Hamilton
I am a higher speciality trainee in General Surgery in the West of Scotland, currently in my first year of PhD under the supervision of Prof Seth Coffelt. My current research investigates the role of Gamma Delta T cells in pancreatic cancer. When I am not in the lab or the hospital I like to spend my time travelling, attending live music events or on the golf course.
PhD Students
Federico Lupo
I am a PhD student in Coffelt’s lab exploring the role of T cells residing in the intestines (IEL) during colon cancer initiation. Originally from Sicily, I’d completed my Integrated Master’s in Immunology at the University of Glasgow with a one-year placement in the lab of Dr Molly Ingersoll in Paris. Here, while studying the prostate immune response against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria during urinary tract infections, I made an important discovery: Immunology is my passion! Be it in cancer or infection, I’m in awe of how hundreds of cell responses are finely tuned to avoid, contain, or repress the challenge! Outside of work, I enjoy working out, reading, and travelling to new places.
Febby Nurdiya Ningsih
All the way from Indonesia to start my PhD journey in Seth Coffelt's lab and study Cancer Associated-Lymphopenia (CAL), particularly in a liver cancer model. I did previous research on an anti-inflammatory compound isolated from Japanese herb and completed my MSc in Japan. Then, I worked in the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia to develop monoclonal antibody and marine-based anti-cancer drug candidates. This dynamically changing research journey made me realize that I pretty much enjoyed every challenge of science progression. Moreover, I have always been interested in how immune cells play their roles during disease development, which in the future, I wish to focus more on cancer cases. Out of the lab, I love to do solo-travelling, hiking, and café-hopping.
Regan Leaver
Master's Students
Lewis Pennie
I am a 4th year Immunology MSci student from the University of Glasgow, and I am undergoing my work placement year carrying out research within colorectal cancer. I am interested in the role that the immune system plays within cancer, specifically how immune cells such as γδ T Cells can be pro-tumorigenic and anti-tumorigenic. Out with the lab and university I like to Mountain Bike, listen to and play music, play football, and golf.
Former Lab Members
Muhammad Aslam
Sarah Edwards (Senior Scientist, Takeda)
Kyla Foster (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Anastasia Georgakopoulou
Teresa Glauner
Wilma Hoevenaar
Anna Kilbey
Rhona Millar
Erin Morris (Department Chair of Biology & Chemistry, Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas, USA)
Anna Pidoux
Damiano Rami
Sarah Jane Remak
Elizabeth Thompson
Josip Vrancic
Robert Wiesheu