Prof Danny Huang - Ubiquitin Signalling
Post-translational modifications of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins (Ubls) control myriad of cellular processes ranging from cell cycle regulation, transcription and DNA repair to virus budding. Ubls are attached to protein targets by a hierarchical cascade of enzymes involving an E1 activating enzyme, an E2 conjugating enzyme, and an E3 ligase.
Defects in these pathways have been associated with diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorder and viral infection. Bortezomib (Velcade) targets ubiquitin-proteasome system, is presently approved for treating multiple myeloma demonstrating the importance of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in anti-cancer therapies.
E3s promote transfer of Ub from E2 to the amino group of a substrate lysine, and thus play a pivotal role in determining substrate fate. In general, E3s contain an E2 binding module (HECT, RING, U-box and RING-in-between-RING) and a substrate-binding domain to facilitate Ub transfer. RING E3s are the largest class with ~600 members in the human genome. Our group applies X-ray crystallography and biochemical approaches to study the regulation, mechanistic functions and mutation-induced deregulation in RING E3s.
See more about Prof Huang's work on Cbl on the Protein Data Bank website.
Other funding:
Lab Report
Key Publications
Gabrielsen M, Buetow L, Nakasone MA, Ahmed SF, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Zhang W, Sidhu SS, Huang DT. A General Strategy for Discovery of Inhibitors and Activators of RING and U-box E3 Ligases with Ubiquitin Variants. Mol Cell 2017; 68: 456-70 e10
Nomura K, Klejnot M, Kowalczyk D, Hock AK, Sibbet GJ, Vousden KH, Huang DT. Structural analysis of MDM2 RING separates degradation from regulation of p53 transcription activity. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2017; 24: 578-87
Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Anthony NG, Dou H, Patel A, Aitkenhead H, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Huang DT. Activation of a primed RING E3-E2-ubiquitin complex by non-covalent ubiquitin. Molecular Cell 58: 297-310, 2015
Dou H, Buetow L, Sibbet GJ, Cameron K, Huang DT. Essentiality of a non-RING element in priming donor ubiquitin for catalysis by a monomeric E3. Nat Struct Mol Biol 20: 982-6, 2013
Dou H, Buetow L, Sibbet GJ, Cameron K, Huang DT. BIRC7-E2 ubiquitin conjugate structure reveals the mechanism of ubiquitin transfer by a RING dimer. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 19: 876-83, 2012 (News and Views, Nature 489, 43-4)
Dou H, Buetow L, Hock A, Sibbet GJ, Vousden KH, Huang DT. Structural basis for autoinhibition and phosphorylation-dependent activation of c-Cbl. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 19: 184-92, 2012 (News and Views, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 19, 131-3)
Huang DT, Ayrault O, Hunt HW, Taherbhoy AT, Duda DM, Scott DC, Borg LA, Neale G, Murray PJ, Roussel MF, Schulman BA. E2-RING expansion of the NEDD8 cascade confers specificity to Cullin modification. Molecular Cell 33: 483-95, 2009
Huang DT, Zhuang M, Schulman BA. Identification of conjugation specificity determinants unmasks vestigial preference for ubiquitin within the NEDD8 E2. Nature Structural Mol Biol. 15, 280-7, 2008
Huang DT, Hunt HW, Zhuang M, Ohi MD, Holton JM, Schulman BA. Basis for a ubiquitin-like protein thioester switch toggling E1–E2 affinity. Nature 445, 394-8, 2007
Huang DT, Schulman BA. Breaking up with a kinky SUMO. Nature Structural Mol Biol. 13, 1045-7, 2006
Education and qualifications
2002: PhD, University of Sydney, Australia, Supervisor Richard Christopherson
1996: BSc, Biochemistry (First Class Honours), University of Sydney, Australia
2009-present: Group Leader, CRUK Scotland Institute
2007-2009: Staff Scientist with Brenda Schulman, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
2006-2007: Postdoctoral Fellow with Brenda Schulman, HHMI, USA
2002-2005: Postdoctoral Fellow with Brenda Schulman, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
Honours and awards
Lorne Protein Young Investigator Award, 2006
Recent Publications
Morgan DC, McDougall L, Knuhtsen A, Buetow L, Steven CF, Shepperson OA, Huang DT, Hulme AN, Jamieson AG. Raman active diyne-girder conformationally constrained p53 stapled peptides bind to MDM2 for visualisation without fluorophores. RSC Chem Biol. 2025.
Bohlen J, Bagarić I, Vatovec T, Ogishi M, Ahmed SF, Cederholm A, Buetow L, Sobrino S, Le Floc'h C, Arango-Franco CA, Seabra L, Michelet M, Barzaghi F, Leardini D, Saettini F, Vendemini F, Baccelli F, Catala A, Gambineri E, Veltroni M, Aguilar de la Red Y, Rice GI, Consonni F, Berteloot L, Largeaud L, Conti F, Roullion C, Masson C, Bessot B, Seeleuthner Y, Le Voyer T, Rinchai D, Rosain J, Neehus AL, Erazo-Borrás L, Li H, Janda Z, Cho EJ, Muratore E, Soudée C, Lainé C, Delabesse E, Goulvestre C, Ma CS, Puel A, Tangye SG, André I, Bole-Feysot C, Abel L, Erlacher M, Zhang SY, Béziat V, Lagresle-Peyrou C, Six E, Pasquet M, Alsina L, Aiuti A, Zhang P, Crow YJ, Landegren N, Masetti R, Huang DT, Casanova JL, Bustamante J. Autoinflammation in patients with leukocytic CBL loss of heterozygosity is caused by constitutive ERK-mediated monocyte activation. J Clin Invest. 2024;134(20).
Dearlove EL, Chatrin C, Buetow L, Ahmed SF, Schmidt T, Bushell M, Smith BO, Huang DT. DTX3L ubiquitin ligase ubiquitinates single-stranded nucleic acids. Elife. 2024;13.
Vosbein P, Paredes Vergara P, Huang DT, Thomson AR. AlphaFold Ensemble Competition Screens Enable Peptide Binder Design with Single-Residue Sensitivity. ACS Chem Biol. 2024;19(10):2198-2205.
Vosbein P, Vergara PP, Huang DT, Thomson AR. An engineered ubiquitin binding coiled coil peptide. Chem Sci. 2024.
Vringer E, Heilig R, Riley JS, Black A, Cloix C, Skalka G, Montes-Gómez AE, Aguado A, Lilla S, Walczak H, Gyrd-Hansen M, Murphy DJ, Huang DT, Zanivan S, Tait SW. Mitochondrial outer membrane integrity regulates a ubiquitin-dependent and NF-κB-mediated inflammatory response. EMBO J. 2024.
Chen H, Bai Y, Kobayashi M, Xiao S, Cai W, Barajas S, Chen S, Miao J, Meke FN, Vemula S, Ropa JP, Croop JM, Boswell HS, Wan J, Jia Y, Liu H, Li LS, Altman JK, Eklund EA, Ji P, Tong W, Band H, Huang DT, Platanias LC, Zhang ZY, Liu Y. PRL2 phosphatase enhances oncogenic FLT3 signaling via dephosphorylation of the E3 ubiquitin ligase CBL at tyrosine 371. Blood. 2023;141:244-259.
Chen H, Bai Y, Kobayashi M, Xiao S, Barajas S, Cai W, Chen S, Miao J, Nguele Meke F, Yao C, Yang Y, Strube K, Satchivi O, Sun J, Ronnstrand L, Croop JM, Boswell HS, Jia Y, Liu H, Li LS, Altman JK, Eklund EA, Sukhanova M, Ji P, Tong W, Band H, Huang DT, Platanias LC, Zhang ZY, Liu Y. PRL2 phosphatase promotes oncogenic KIT signaling in leukemia cells through modulating CBL phosphorylation. Mol Cancer Res. 2023.
Nikolatou K, Sandilands E, Román-Fernández A, Cumming EM, Freckmann E, Lilla S, Buetow L, McGarry L, Neilson M, Shaw R, Strachan D, Miller C, Huang DT, McNeish IA, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Bryant DM. PTEN deficiency exposes a requirement for an ARF GTPase module for integrin-dependent invasion in ovarian cancer. The EMBO Journal. 2023;n/a:e113987.
Schmidt T, Dabrowska A, Waldron JA, Hodge K, Koulouras G, Gabrielsen M, Munro J, Tack DC, Harris G, McGhee E, Scott D, Carlin Leo M, Huang D, Le Quesne J, Zanivan S, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. eIF4A1-dependent mRNAs employ purine-rich 5’UTR sequences to activate localised eIF4A1-unwinding through eIF4A1-multimerisation to facilitate translation. Nucleic Acids Research. 2023; 51: 1859–1879
Villar VH, Allega MF, Deshmukh R, Ackermann T, Nakasone MA, Vande Voorde J, Drake TM, Oetjen J, Bloom A, Nixon C, Müller M, May S, Tan EH, Vereecke L, Jans M, Blancke G, Murphy DJ, Huang DT, Lewis DY, Bird TG, Sansom OJ, Blyth K, Sumpton D, Tardito S. Hepatic glutamine synthetase controls N5-methylglutamine in homeostasis and cancer. Nature Chemical Biology. 2023;19:292-300.
Kowalczyk D, Nakasone MA, Smith BO, Huang DT. Bivalent binding of p14ARF to MDM2 RING and acidic domains inhibits E3 ligase function. Life Sci Alliance. 2022;5(12).
Nakasone MA, Majorek KA, Gabrielsen M, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Huang DT. Structure of UBE2K–Ub/E3/polyUb reveals mechanisms of K48-linked Ub chain extension. Nature Chemical Biology. 2022; 18:422–431
Nikolatou K, Sandilands E, Roman-Fernandez A, Cumming EM, Freckmann EC, Lilla S, Buetow L, McGarry L, Neilson M, Shaw R, Strachan D, Miller C, Huang DT, McNeish IA, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Bryant D. PTEN deficiency exposes a requirement for an ARF GTPase module in integrin-dependent invasion in ovarian cancer. bioRxiv. 2022;Volume:2022.2011.2029.518198.
Ahmed SF, Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Lilla S, Sibbet GJ, Sumpton D, Zanivan S, Hedley A, Clark W, Huang DT. E3 ligase-inactivation rewires CBL interactome to elicit oncogenesis by hijacking RTK-CBL-CIN85 axis. Oncogene. 2021;40:2149-2164.
Humpton TJ, Nomura K, Weber J, Magnussen HM, Hock AK, Nixon C, Dhayade S, Stevenson D, Huang DT, Strathdee D, Blyth K, Vousden KH. Differential requirements for MDM2 E3 activity during embryogenesis and in adult mice. Genes & development. 2021;35:117-132.
Magnussen HM, Huang DT. Identification of a catalytic active but non-aggregating MDM2 RING domain variant. J Mol Biol. 2021; 433:166807.
Ahmed SF, Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Lilla S, Chatrin C, Sibbet GJ, Zanivan S, Huang DT. DELTEX2 C-terminal domain recognizes and recruits ADP-ribosylated proteins for ubiquitination. Sci Adv. 2020;6(34):eabc0629.
Chatrin C, Gabrielsen M, Buetow L, Nakasone MA, Ahmed SF, Sumpton D, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Huang DT. Structural insights into ADP-ribosylation of ubiquitin by Deltex family E3 ubiquitin ligases. Sci Adv. 2020;6(38): eabc0418
Magnussen HM, Ahmed SF, Sibbet GJ, Hristova VA, Nomura K, Hock AK, Archibald LJ, Jamieson AG, Fushman D, Vousden KH, Weissman AM, Huang DT. Structural basis for DNA damage-induced phosphoregulation of MDM2 RING domain. Nat Commun. 2020; 11: 2094
Gabrielsen M, Buetow L, Kowalczyk D, Zhang W, Sidhu SS, Huang DT. Identification and Characterization of Mutations in Ubiquitin Required for Non-covalent Dimer Formation. Structure. 2019; 27: 1452-9
Patel A, Sibbet GJ, Huang DT. Structural insights into non-covalent ubiquitin activation of the cIAP1-UbcH5B∼ubiquitin complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2019; 294: 1240-1249.
Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Huang DT. Single-Turnover RING/U-Box E3-Mediated Lysine Discharge Assays. Methods Mol Biol 2018; 1844: 19-31
Marcianò G, Da Vela S, Tria G, Svergun DI, Byron O, Huang DT. Structure specific recognition protein-1 (SSRP1) is an elongated homodimer that binds histones. J Biol Chem. 2018; 293, 10071-10083.
Gabrielsen M, Buetow L, Nakasone MA, Ahmed SF, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Zhang W, Sidhu SS, Huang DT. A General Strategy for Discovery of Inhibitors and Activators of RING and U-box E3 Ligases with Ubiquitin Variants. Mol Cell 2017; 68: 456-70 e10
Nomura K, Klejnot M, Kowalczyk D, Hock AK, Sibbet GJ, Vousden KH, Huang DT. Structural analysis of MDM2 RING separates degradation from regulation of p53 transcription activity. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2017; 24: 578-87
Buetow L, Tria G, Ahmed SF, Hock A, Dou H, Sibbet GJ, Svergun DI, Huang DT. Casitas B-lineage lymphoma linker helix mutations found in myeloproliferative neoplasms affect conformation. BMC Biol 14: 76, 2016
Marciano G, Huang DT. Structure of the human histone chaperone FACT Spt16 N-terminal domain. Acta Crystallogr F 72: 121-8, 2016
Buetow L, Huang DT. Structural insights into the catalysis and regulation of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Nat Rev Mol Cell Bio 17: 626-42, 2016
Nakasone MA, Huang DT. Ubiquitination accomplished: E1 and E2 enzymes were not necessary. Mol Cell 62: 807-9, 2016
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 2Y1M
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 2Y1N
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 3ZNI
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 4A4C
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 4A49
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 4AUQ
Protein Data Bank: PDB 4V3L; PDB 4V3K
Protein Data Bank: PDB 5MNJ
Protein Data Bank: PDB 5O6T; PDB 5O6S
Protein Data Bank: PDB 5O76
Protein Data Bank: PDB 6HPR
Protein Data Bank: PDB 6QK9