Prof Srikala Raghavan - Epithelial Homeostasis and Immune Regulation at Barrier Surfaces
The mammalian skin is an excellent model system to functionally interrogate fundamental cell biological processes required for epithelial homeostasis. The intricate and dynamic relationship between cell adhesion, migration, and basement membrane organisation, in the context of the local immune microenvironment, is critical to normal skin development and healthy tissue function. Gaining insight into the complex interplay between these processes allows us to understand how they go awry in pathological conditions such as inflammatory skin disorders and cancer.
Our work is organized into two major research programs:
1. Epithelial-Immune Metabolic Crosstalk and Inflammatory Skin Diseases. This program focuses on understanding the crosstalk between epithelial cells, immune cells, and the extracellular matrix (ECM) in maintaining homeostasis and exploring the metabolic drivers of inflammatory skin diseases and cancer.
2. Stem Cell Homeostasis and Nuclear Mechanosensing. This program focuses on understanding the mechanical underpinning of the crosstalk between the ECM and cell junctions with the cytoskeleton and nucleus in maintaining stem cell quiescence and the role altered nuclear mechanotransduction in driving diseases such as metastatic cancers.
Lab Report
Key Publications
Kurbet A, Hegde S, Bhattacharya O, Marepally S, Vemula PK, Raghavan S. Sterile Inflammation Enhances ECM Degradation in Integrin β1 KO Embryonic Skin. Cell Reports. 2016;Sep 20;16(12):3334-47.
Bansal D, Kulkarni J, Nadahalli K, Lakshmanan V, Krishna S, Sasidharan V, Geo J, Dilipkumar S, Pasricha R, Gulyani A, Raghavan S, Palakodeti D. Cytoplasmic poly (A)-binding protein critically regulates epidermal maintenance and turnover in the planarian. Schmidtea mediterranea. 2017;Sep 1;144(17):3066-3079.
Krishna S, Yim DG, Lakshmanan V, Tirumalai V, Koh JL, Park JE, Cheong JK, Low JL, Lim MJ, Sze SK, Shivaprasad P, Gulyani A, Raghavan S*, Palakodeti D*, DasGupta R*. Dynamic expression of tRNA-derived small RNAs define cellular states. EMBO Rep. 2019;Jul;20(7):e47789. (*co-corresponding authors).
Bhattacharjee O, Ayyangar U, Kurbet AS, Ashok D, Raghavan S. Unravelling the ECM-Immune Cell Crosstalk in Skin Diseases. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2019;May 7;7:68.
Kurbet AS, Raghavan S. Isolating Immune Cells from Mouse Embryonic Skin. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1879:299-305.
Raghavan S, Vasioukhin V. Staying connected under tension. Science. 2020;Nov 27;370(6520):1036-1037.
Krishna S, Raghavan S, DasGupta R, Palakodeti D. tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs): establishing their turf in post-transcriptional gene regulation. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021;Jan 2.
Biswas R, Banerjee A, Lembo S, Zhao Z, Lakshmanan V, Lim R, Le S, Nakasaki M, Kutyavin V, Wright G, Palakodeti D, Ross RS, Jamora C, Vasioukhin V, Jie Y, Raghavan* S. Mechanical instability of adherens junctions overrides intrinsic quiescence of hair follicle stem cells. Dev Cell. 2021;Mar 22;56(6):761-780.e7. [*Cover Image]
Banerjee A, Biswas R, Lim R, Pasolli HA, Raghavan S. Scanning electron microscopy of murine skin ultrathin sections and cultured keratinocytes. STAR Protoc. 2021;Aug 17;2(3):100729.
Bhattacharjee O, Ayyangar U, Kurbet AS, Lakshmanan V, Palakodeti D, Ginhoux F, Raghavan S. Epithelial-Macrophage Crosstalk initiates Sterile Inflammation in Embryonic Skin. Frontiers in Immunology 2021;Oct 14;12:718005.
Lim R, Banerjee A, Biswas R, Chari A, Raghavan S. Mechanotransduction through adhesion molecules: Emerging roles in regulating the stem cell niche. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022; 10 966662. 12 Sep. 2022.
Wang J, Fu Y, Huang W, et al. MicroRNA-205 promotes hair regeneration by modulating mechanical properties of hair follicle stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023;120(22):e2220635120.
Ayyangar U, Karkhanis A, Tay H, Afandi AFB, Bhattacharjee O, Ks L, Lee SH, Chan J, Raghavan S. Metabolic rewiring of macrophages by epidermal-derived lactate promotes sterile inflammation in the murine skin. EMBO J. 2024; Apr;43(7):1113-1134. [*Cover Image]
Education and qualifications
1998: PhD, Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK
1994: MSc Molecular Biology, Bombay University
1991: BSc Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Bangalore University
2024-present: Professor of Epithelial Biology, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow and Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute
2023-2024: Research Member, Skin Research Institute Singapore
2020-2024: Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute for Stem Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem), Bangalore
2021-2024: Principal Investigator/Principal Scientist, A*STAR Skin Research lab
2020-2021: Principal Investigator, Skin Research Institute Singapore
2012-2020: Associate Professor, Institute for Stem Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem), Bangalore
2005-2012: Assistant Professor, Columbia University, NY
2002-2004: Postdoctoral Fellow, Rockefeller University, NY (with Elaine Fuchs)
1998-2002: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago (with Elaine Fuchs)
Awards and Fellowships
2012 – 2016 Research Scholar Grant, American Cancer Society, USA
2010 – 2013 Herbert Irving Research Scholar Award
2010: JDR Cover of the Year, Awarded by the AADR/IADR
2009 – 2011 NYSTEM Idea Award from New York Stem Cell Science, New York, USA
2005 – 2008 Research Career Development Award, Dermatology Foundation
1999 – 2001 Human Frontiers Science Program, long-term fellowship
1998 – 1999 Coleman Fellowship, Committee on Cancer Biology, University of Chicago
1994 – 1997 Overseas Research Scheme Award
1991 – 1994 Department of Biotechnology Fellowship, Government of India
Professional Activities
Associate Editor, BMC Developmental Biology
Review Editor of the Editorial Board of Cell Adhesion and Migration, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Editorial Board Cell Biology and Translational Medicine (Springer-Nature)
Peer review of manuscripts for: Journal of Cell Biology, Development, Journal of Dental Research, PNAS, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, ELife, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, EMBO Reports, Cell Reports, Frontiers in Immunology
Recent Publications
Chan WW, Roy KR, Le BQ, Ezhilarasu H, Zhang X, Lim RYD, Banerjee A, Kuriakose M, Ng KJ, Murugan P, Goh CT, Zhou W, Naing MW, Raghavan S, Choudhury D. A Novel Crosslinking Approach for Biomanufacturing of a Collagen-Based Skin Dermal Template. Macromol Biosci. 2025;25(2):e2400457.
Ayyangar U, Karkhanis A, Tay H, Afandi AFB, Bhattacharjee O, Ks L, Lee SH, Chan J, Raghavan S. Metabolic rewiring of macrophages by epidermal-derived lactate promotes sterile inflammation in the murine skin. EMBO J. 2024 Apr;43(7):1113-1134.
Wang J, Fu Y, Huang W, Biswas R, Banerjee A, Broussard JA, Zhao Z, Wang D, Bjerke G, Raghavan S, Yan J, Green KJ, Yi R. MicroRNA-205 promotes hair regeneration by modulating mechanical properties of hair follicle stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 May 30;120(22):e2220635120.
Lim R, Banerjee A, Biswas R, Chari AN, Raghavan S. Mechanotransduction through adhesion molecules: Emerging roles in regulating the stem cell niche. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Sep 12;10:966662.
Lab Members
Postdoctoral Scientist
Shan Quah
Initially trained as a Zoology major at the University of Cambridge, I have had a lifelong passion for evolutionary biology. I completed my PhD on the role of microRNAs in animal evolution and development with Professor Peter Holland at the University of Oxford, then embarked on my postdoctoral work in A*STAR Singapore where I looked at microRNAs in human disease and the development of microRNA-targeted therapeutics. Whilst undertaking this research, I realised a newfound passion for using my evolutionary background as a basis to understand cancer development and therapeutic design. I am now thrilled to work with Professor Srikala Raghavan studying fundamental cell behaviours and epithelial-immune crosstalk in the initiation and progression of epithelial cancers.
PhD Student
I am a PhD student working on the pathophysiology of inflammatory skin diseases. My interests lies in understanding the metabolic interplays between the immune system and the progression of Psoriasis. I completed my undergraduate studies in the National University of Singapore before embarking on my graduate studies in the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. Before moving over to join the lab in Glasgow, I was doing my research with Prof Srikala at the A*STAR Skin Research Labs in Singapore. Outside of the lab, I enjoy dabbling in sports, travelling to new places and enjoying myself in nature.