John Paul Career Award

All third year PhD students at the Scotland Institute are eligible for this Award, named after Dr John Paul, the founding Director of the Scotland Institute (formerly known as the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research). Candidates prepare a progress report on their work, and present a seminar to staff and other students.

Recent Past Recipients

2025: Jade Phillips

Intestinal Tissue Mechanics Regulate Angiogenesis and ISC Proliferation via Vascular Piezo

2024: Bianca Blöchl & Jasmine Peters 

Bianca Blochl: Exploring the interplay of non-genetic mechanisms and oncogene-induced transformation

Jasmine Peters: Tumour cell Rab27a controls the production of immunomodulatory extracellular vesicles which enable T cell infiltration

2023: Amy Shergold

cDC recruitment to the tumour microenvironment - A novel screen determining the heterogeneous chemokine signals driving preDC migration

2022: Michalis Gounis

Investigating the relationship between cell metabolism and exosome release in metastatic breast cancer

2020: Christos Kiourtis

The role of senescence in acute liver injury

2019: Valentin Barthet

Decoding the tumour suppressive role of autophagy in liver cancer

2018: Yasmin El Maghloob

Trafficking of signalling proteins to the immune synapse

2017: Jiska van der Reest

Proteome-wide analysis of cysteine oxidation reveals metabolic sensitivity to redox stress

2016: Christin Bauer

Bursicon/dLGR2 signaling: Enteroendocrine control of systemic metabolism

2015: Emma Woodham

Cdc42: A novel player in melanoblast migration and proliferation during mouse embryogenesis

2014: Cassie Clarke

RNA polymerase III promotes ECM remodeling and cell migration through increased expression of its product tRNAiMet

2013: Barbara Chaneton

The regulation of glycolysis by serine in cancer cells

2012: Andrew Davidson

Role of WASP family proteins