How to Locate/Contact Us

Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute (Formerly the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute)
Garscube Estate
Switchback Road
Glasgow, G61 1BD

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When they arrive, all visitors must go to Reception (see map) to be issued with a visitor's badge that must be worn visibly at all times while in the building.

Please note: There were previously two Beatsons in Glasgow - our research centre (formerly known as the CRUK Beatson Institute) in Bearsden and the hospital at Gartnavel (the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre). For patients and doctors, details of how to find the hospital can be found at Click on the links below for directions to Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute.

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CRUK Scotland Institute RGB 2023Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute
Director: Professor Owen Sansom, FRSE, FMedSci
Telephone: 44(0) 141 330 3953

School of Cancer Sciences
University of Glasgow
Telephone: 44(0) 141 330 4161