Paradoxically, the immune system can both benefit and antagonise the growth of cancer. Therefore, understanding how the cells of the immune system interact with the cancer microenvironment is of crucial importance. In their updated seminal review 'Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next Generation', Hanahan and Weinberg underline the importance of 'Avoiding immune destruction' and 'Tumour-promoting inflammation' to cancer biology. The immune cell compartment of cancer is composed of tissue resident immune cells and leukocytes that infiltrate from the circulation. The development of the cancer immune environment is inherently dynamic and the processes that regulate immune cell recruitment and function are not well understood. In recent years, the field has discovered that immune cells play roles in initiation of primary tumours, tumour maintenance and growth, and in aiding cancer metastasis. Recent success in directing and strengthening the immune system's anti-cancer functions (e.g. Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocyte; TIL therapy and immune check-point inhibition) highlight the potential for new therapies that can come from better understanding of how leukocytes are (dys)regulated in inflammation and cancer. However, current tumour immunotherapy strategies do not work for all patients or cancers.
Left: 3D imaging of lung adenocarcinoma. Tumour (green), large blood vessels (red), bronchioles (magenta), perivascular space (yellow). Right: neutrophils in the vasculature of the lung
We aim to better understand the immune system's role at the sites of primary tumour development and at the sites of cancer metastasis. All tumours have some influence on the local vasculature, either modifying it to meet their own needs or using it as a route to spread throughout the body. This has important consequences for our understanding of how the cells of the immune interact with the vasculature. Since it was first studied by microscopy more than 120 years ago, leukocyte extravasation has been refined in molecular detail in the post-capillary vessels, the major sites of immune cell infiltration in many (but, importantly, not all) anatomic sites. The way that leukocytes interact with the specialised vasculature of the lung, spleen, bone marrow, tumour co-opted vasculature and tumour neovasculature are relatively understudied often due to the technical difficulties of imaging some of these vascular beds. Due to the heterogeneity of the vasculature, these are exactly the areas that are least likely to fit the paradigms of leukocyte adhesion and transmigration established in the post-capillary venules. More recently, several innovative techniques have been developed to address these specialised sites by microscopy. This has helped to further investigate mechanisms of immune cell regulation, e.g. showing how immune cells interact with each other at sites of infection or injury to allow fine-tuning of the immune response and a greater portfolio of immune functions to be achieved. Therefore, a thorough examination of the localisation and regulation of leukocytes in situ is a clear unmet need to understand the fundamental mechanisms underlying onco-immunology.
We use advanced light microscopy in combination with other experimental approaches (flow cytometry, proteomics, transcriptomics) to better understand how the regulation of leukocyte dynamics contributes to the tumour environment in the context of both 'avoiding immune-destruction' and 'tumour-promoting inflammation'. Recent data point to multiple levels of immune regulation in cancer development and progression that parallel or redirect pathways that also mediate immune cell homeostasis and inflammation. Our overarching goal is to better understand how cancer evades and exploits the fundamental mechanisms of immune regulation and use this information to uncover new or better therapeutic strategies.
pdf Carlin Lab Report (299 KB)
Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Jamieson T, Jackstadt R, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Secklehner J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Fercoq F, Clarke W, Hedley A, Gilroy K, Lilla S, Vuononvirta J, Graham GJ, De Filippo K, Murphy DJ, Steele CW, Norman JC, Bird TG, Mann DA, Morton JP, Zanivan S, Sansom OJ, Carlin LM. Maturation, developmental site, and pathology dictate murine neutrophil function. bioRxiv. 2021.
McFarlane AJ, Fercoq F, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Neutrophil dynamics in the tumor microenvironment. J Clin Invest. 2021;131: ed2021.
Mackey JBG, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Neutrophil Maturity in Cancer. Frontiers in immunology. 2019; 10: 1912.
Carlin LM, Stamatiades EG, Auffray C, Hanna RN, Glover L, Vizcay-Barrena G, Hedrick CC, Cook HT, Diebold S, Geissmann F Nr4a1-dependent Ly6Clow monocytes monitor endothelial cells and orchestrate their disposal. Cell. 2013; 153: 362-75. (cover image).
2004: PhD, Imperial College London, Supervisor Dan Davis
2000: BSc (Hons) Immunology, University College London
2016-present: Group Leader/Head, Beatson Advanced Imaging Resource (BAIR), CRUK Scotland Institute, Glasgow
2013-2016: Lecturer in Respiratory Science/Group Leader, Imperial College London
2009-2013: Postdoctoral Fellow with Frédéric Geissmann, King's College London
2005-2009: Postdoctoral Fellow with Tony Ng, King's College London
Derby SJ, Dutton L, Strathdee KE, Stevenson K, Koessinger A, Jackson M, Tian Y, Yu W, McLay K, Misquitta J, Alsharif S, Clarke CJ, Gilmour L, Thomason P, McGhee E, McGarrity-Cottrell CL, Vanderlinden A, Collis SJ, Rominyi O, Lemgruber L, Solecki G, Olson M, Winkler F, Carlin LM, Heiland DH, Inman GJ, Chalmers AJ, Norman JC, Carruthers R, Birch JL. Inhibition of ATR opposes glioblastoma invasion through disruption of cytoskeletal networks and integrin internalization via macropinocytosis. Neuro Oncol. 2024;26(4):625-639.
Fercoq F, Cairns GS, Donatis MD, Mackey JBG, Floerchinger A, McFarlane A, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Whyte D, Arnott LWG, Nixon C, Wiesheu R, Kilbey A, Brown L, Al-Khalidi S, Norman JC, Roberts EW, Blyth K, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Integrin inactivation slows down neutrophils congesting the pre-metastatic lung in a model of breast cancer. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2003.2019.585724.
Fetit R, McLaren A, White M, Mills ML, Falconer J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Gilroy K, Lannagan TR, Ridgway RA, Nixon C, Naiker V, Njunge R, Clarke CJ, Whyte D, Kirschner K, Jackstadt R, Norman JC, Carlin LM, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ, Steele CW. Characterising neutrophil subtypes in cancer using scRNA sequencing demonstrates the importance of IL-1β/CXCR2 axis in generation of metastasis specific neutrophils. Cancer Res Commun. 2024.
Li C, Liu Q, Han L, Zhang H, Immler R, Rathkolb B, Secklehner J, de Angelis MH, Yildirim A, Zeuschner D, Nicke A, Carlin LM, Sperandio M, Stoeger T, Rehberg M. The eATP/P2×7R Axis Drives Quantum Dot-Nanoparticle Induced Neutrophil Recruitment in the Pulmonary Microcirculation. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2024:e2404661.
Matchett KP, Wilson-Kanamori JR, Portman JR, Kapourani CA, Fercoq F, May S, Zajdel E, Beltran M, Sutherland EF, Mackey JBG, Brice M, Wilson GC, Wallace SJ, Kitto L, Younger NT, Dobie R, Mole DJ, Oniscu GC, Wigmore SJ, Ramachandran P, Vallejos CA, Carragher NO, Saeidinejad MM, Quaglia A, Jalan R, Simpson KJ, Kendall TJ, Rule JA, Lee WM, Hoare M, Weston CJ, Marioni JC, Teichmann SA, Bird TG, Carlin LM, Henderson NC. Multimodal decoding of human liver regeneration. Nature. 2024.
Müller M, May S, Hall H, Kendall TJ, McGarry L, Blukacz L, Nuciforo S, Georgakopoulou A, Jamieson T, Phinichkusolchit N, Dhayade S, Suzuki T, Huguet-Pradell J, Powley IR, Officer-Jones L, Pennie RL, Esteban-Fabró R, Gris-Oliver A, Pinyol R, Skalka GL, Leslie J, Hoare M, Sprangers J, Malviya G, Mackintosh A, Johnson E, McCain M, Halpin J, Kiourtis C, Nixon C, Clark G, Clark W, Shaw R, Hedley A, Drake TM, Tan EH, Neilson M, Murphy DJ, Lewis DY, Reeves HL, Le Quesne J, Mann DA, Carlin LM, Blyth K, Llovet JM, Heim MH, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bird TG. Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer. Nature. 2025.
Santi A, Kay EJ, Neilson LJ, McGarry L, Lilla S, Mullin M, Paul NR, Fercoq F, Koulouras G, Rodriguez Blanco G, Athineos D, Mason S, Hughes M, Thomson G, Kieffer Y, Nixon C, Blyth K, Mechta-Grigoriou F, Carlin LM, Zanivan S. Cancer-associated fibroblasts produce matrix-bound vesicles that influence endothelial cell function. Sci Signal. 2024;17(827):eade0580.
Whyte D, Voorde JV, Sumpton D, Dhayade S, Dornier E, Moore M, Novo D, Peters J, Wiesheu R, Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Fercoq F, Fisher S, Caballero CD, Gilroy K, Redmond KL, Mitchell LE, Anderson E, Thomson G, Dzierozynski LN, Saab JJA, Lewis CA, Muir A, Halbrook CJ, Strathdee D, Jackstadt R, Nixon C, Dunne P, Steele CW, Carlin LM, Macpherson IR, Roberts EW, Coffelt SB, Blyth K, Sansom OJ, Norman JC, Clarke CJ. Uridine Phosphorylase-1 supports metastasis of mammary cancer by altering immune and extracellular matrix landscapes of the lung. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2007.2002.601676.
Farahmand P, Gyuraszova K, Rooney C, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Jayasekera G, Hedley A, Johnson E, Chernova T, Malviya G, Hall H, Monteverde T, Blyth K, Duffin R, Carlin LM, Lewis D, Le Quesne J, MacFarlane M, Murphy DJ. Asbestos accelerates disease onset in a genetic model of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Frontiers in Toxicology. 2023;5.
Hewitt RJ, Puttur F, Gaboriau DCA, Fercoq F, Fresquet M, Traves WJ, Yates LL, Walker SA, Molyneaux PL, Kemp SV, Nicholson AG, Rice A, Roberts E, Lennon R, Carlin LM, Byrne AJ, Maher TM, Lloyd CM. Lung extracellular matrix modulates KRT5(+) basal cell activity in pulmonary fibrosis. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):6039.
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Schmidt T, Dabrowska A, Waldron JA, Hodge K, Koulouras G, Gabrielsen M, Munro J, Tack DC, Harris G, McGhee E, Scott D, Carlin Leo M, Huang D, Le Quesne J, Zanivan S, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. eIF4A1-dependent mRNAs employ purine-rich 5’UTR sequences to activate localised eIF4A1-unwinding through eIF4A1-multimerisation to facilitate translation. Nucleic Acids Research. 2023; 51: 1859–1879
Humpton TJ, Hock AK, Kiourtis C, De Donatis M, Fercoq F, Nixon C, Bryson S, Strathdee D, Carlin LM, Bird TG, Blyth K, Vousden KH. A noninvasive iRFP713 p53 reporter reveals dynamic p53 activity in response to irradiation and liver regeneration in vivo. Sci Signal. 2022;15:eabd9099.
Leslie J, Mackey JBG, Jamieson T, Ramon-Gil E, Drake TM, Fercoq F, Clark W, Gilroy K, Hedley A, Nixon C, Luli S, Laszczewska M, Pinyol R, Esteban-Fabró R, Willoughby CE, Haber PK, Andreu-Oller C, Rahbari M, Fan C, Pfister D, Raman S, Wilson N, Müller M, Collins A, Geh D, Fuller A, McDonald D, Hulme G, Filby A, Cortes-Lavaud X, Mohamed N-E, Ford CA, Raffo Iraolagoitia XL, McFarlane AJ, McCain MV, Ridgway RA, Roberts EW, Barry ST, Graham GJ, Heikenwälder M, Reeves HL, Llovet JM, Carlin LM, Bird TG, Sansom OJ, Mann DA. CXCR2 inhibition enables NASH-HCC immunotherapy. Gut. 2022;
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Brownlie D, Doughty-Shenton D, Soong DY, Nixon C, Carragher NO, Carlin LM, Kitamura T. Metastasis-associated macrophages constrain antitumor capability of natural killer cells in the metastatic site at least partially by membrane bound transforming growth factor β. J Immunother Cancer. 2021;9:e001740
Juzenaite G, Secklehner J, Vuononvirta J, Helbawi Y, Mackey JBG, Dean C, Harker JA, Carlin LM, Rankin S, De Filippo K. Lung Marginated and Splenic Murine Resident Neutrophils Constitute Pioneers in Tissue-Defense During Systemic E. coli Challenge. Front Immunol. 2021;12:597595.
Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Jamieson T, Jackstadt R, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Secklehner J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Fercoq F, Clarke W, Hedley A, Gilroy K, Lilla S, Vuononvirta J, Graham GJ, De Filippo K, Murphy DJ, Steele CW, Norman JC, Bird TG, Mann DA, Morton JP, Zanivan S, Sansom OJ, Carlin LM. Maturation, developmental site, and pathology dictate murine neutrophil function. bioRxiv. 2021.
McCowan J, Fercoq F, Kirkwood PM, T'Jonck W, Hegarty LM, Mawer CM, Cunningham R, Mirchandani AS, Hoy A, Humphries DC, Jones GR, Hansen CG, Hirani N, Jenkins SJ, Henri S, Malissen B, Walmsley SR, Dockrell DH, Saunders PTK, Carlin LM, Bain CC. The transcription factor EGR2 is indispensable for tissue-specific imprinting of alveolar macrophages in health and tissue repair. Sci Immunol. 2021 Nov 19;6(65):eabj2132.
Ntala C, Salji M, Salmond J, Officer L, Teodosio AV, Blomme A, McGhee EJ, Powley I, Ahmad I, Kruithof-de Julio M, Thalmann G, Roberts E, Goodyear CS, Jamaspishvili T, Berman DM, Carlin LM, Le Quesne J, Leung HY. Analysis of Prostate Cancer Tumor Microenvironment Identifies Reduced Stromal CD4 Effector T-cell Infiltration in Tumors with Pelvic Nodal Metastasis. Eur Urol Open Sci. 2021;29:19-29.
Fercoq F, Carlin LM. "Mind the GAP": RGS1 hinders antitumor lymphocytes. Nat Immunol. 2021; 22:802-804.
McFarlane AJ, Fercoq F, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Neutrophil dynamics in the tumor microenvironment. J Clin Invest. 2021;131: ed2021.
Fercoq F, Remion E, Vallarino-Lhermitte N, Alonso J, Raveendran L, Nixon C, Le Quesne J, Carlin LM, Martin C. Microfilaria-dependent thoracic pathology associated with eosinophilic and fibrotic polyps in filaria-infected rodents. Parasit Vectors. 2020;13(1):551.
Leung EYL, Ennis DP, Kennedy PR, Hansell C, Dowson S, Farquharson M, Spiliopoulou P, Nautiyal J, McNamara S, Carlin LM, Fisher K, Davis DM, Graham G, McNeish IA. NK Cells Augment Oncolytic Adenovirus Cytotoxicity in Ovarian Cancer. Molecular therapy oncolytics. 2020; 16: 289-301.
Muthalagu N, Monteverde T, Raffo-Iraolagoitia X, Wiesheu R, Whyte D, Hedley A, Laing S, Kruspig B, Upstill-Goddard R, Shaw R, Neidler S, Rink C, Karim SA, Gyuraszova K, Nixon C, Clark W, Biankin AV, Carlin LM, Coffelt SB, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Murphy DJ. Repression of the Type I Interferon pathway underlies MYC & KRAS-dependent evasion of NK & B cells in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancer discovery. 2020;
Pillay J, Tregay N, Juzenaite G, Carlin LM, Pirillo C, Gaboriau DCA, Farahi N, Summers C, Lo Celso C, Chilvers ER, Rankin S, De Filippo K. Effect of the CXCR4 antagonist plerixafor on endogenous neutrophil dynamics in the bone marrow, lung and spleen. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 2020; 107: 1175– 1185
Plant T, Eamsamarng S, Sanchez-Garcia MA, Reyes L, Renshaw SA, Coelho P, Mirchandani AS, Morgan JM, Ellett FE, Morrison T, Humphries D, Watts ER, Murphy F, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Zhang A, Cash JL, Loynes C, Elks PM, Van Eeden F, Carlin LM, Furley AJW, Whyte MKB, Walmsley SR. Semaphorin 3F signaling actively retains neutrophils at sites of inflammation. The Journal of clinical investigation. 2020;130:3221-3237
Fercoq F, Remion E, Frohberger SJ, Vallarino-Lhermitte N, Hoerauf A, Le Quesne J, Landmann F, Hubner MP, Carlin LM, Martin C. IL-4 receptor dependent expansion of lung CD169+ macrophages in microfilaria-driven inflammation. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2019; 13: e0007691.
Mackey JBG, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Neutrophil Maturity in Cancer. Frontiers in immunology. 2019; 10: 1912.
McCormick B, Craig HE, Chu JY, Carlin LM, Canel M, Wollweber F, Toivakka M, Michael M, Astier AL, Norton L, Lilja J, Felton JM, Sasaki T, Ivaska J, Hers I, Dransfield I, Rossi AG, Vermeren S. A Negative Feedback Loop Regulates Integrin Inactivation and Promotes Neutrophil Recruitment to Inflammatory Sites. Journal of immunology. 2019;
Patel DF, Peiro T, Bruno N, Vuononvirta J, Akthar S, Puttur F, Pyle CJ, Suveizdyte K, Walker SA, Singanayagam A, Carlin LM, Gregory LG, Lloyd CM, Snelgrove RJ. Neutrophils restrain allergic airway inflammation by limiting ILC2 function and monocyte-dendritic cell antigen presentation. Science immunology. 2019; 4.
Puttur F, Denney L, Gregory LG, Vuononvirta J, Oliver R, Entwistle LJ, Walker SA, Headley MB, McGhee EJ, Pease JE, Krummel MF, Carlin LM, Lloyd CM. Pulmonary environmental cues drive group 2 innate lymphoid cell dynamics in mice and humans. Science immunology. 2019; 4.
Brown E, Carlin LM, Nerlov C, Lo Celso C, Poole, AW. Multiple membrane extrusion sites drive megakaryocyte migration into bone marrow blood vessels. Life Science Alliance. 2018; 1:
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Novo D, Heath N, Mitchell L, Caligiuri G, MacFarlane A, Reijmer D, Charlton L, Knight J, Calka M, McGhee E, Dornier E, Sumpton D, Mason S, Echard A, Klinkert K, et al. Mutant p53s generate pro-invasive niches by influencing exosome podocalyxin levels. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 5069
Riley JS, Quarato G, Cloix C, Lopez J, O'Prey J, Pearson M, Chapman J, Sesaki H, Carlin LM, Passos JF, Wheeler AP, Oberst A, Ryan KM, Tait SW. Mitochondrial inner membrane permeabilisation enables mtDNA release during apoptosis. EMBO J. 2018; 37: e99238.
Tung SL, Boardman DA, Sen M, Letizia M, Peng Q, Cianci N, Dioni L, Carlin LM, Lechler R, Bollati V, Lombardi G, Smyth LA. Regulatory T cell-derived extracellular vesicles modify dendritic cell function. Sci Rep. 2018; 8: 6065.
Irshad S, Flores-Borja F, Lawler K, Monypenny J, Evans R, Male V, Gordon P, Cheung A, Gazinska P, Noor F, Wong F, Grigoriadis A, Fruhwirth GO, Barber PR, Woodman N, Patel D, Rodriguez-Justo M, Owen J, Martin SG, Pinder SE et al. RORgammat(+) Innate Lymphoid Cells Promote Lymph Node Metastasis of Breast Cancers. Cancer Res 2017; 77: 1083-96
Karadjian G, Fercoq F, Pionnier N, Vallarino-Lhermitte N, Lefoulon E, Nieguitsila A, Specht S, Carlin LM, Martin C. Migratory phase of Litomosoides sigmodontis filarial infective larvae is associated with pathology and transient increase of S100A9 expressing neutrophils in the lung. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017; 11: e0005596
Reid SE, Kay EJ, Neilson LJ, Henze AT, Serneels J, McGhee EJ, Dhayade S, Nixon C, Mackey JB, Santi A, Swaminathan K, Athineos D, Papalazarou V, Patella F, Roman-Fernandez A, ElMaghloob Y, Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Adams RH, Ismail S, Bryant DM et al. Tumor matrix stiffness promotes metastatic cancer cell interaction with the endothelium. EMBO J 2017; 36: 2373-89
Secklehner J, Lo Celso C, Carlin LM. Intravital microscopy in historic and contemporary immunology. Immunol Cell Biol 2017; 95: 506-13
Ximena Raffo-Iraolagoitia
I am Associate Scientist in the Leukocyte Dynamics Lab. During my Ph.D. at the University of Buenos Aires, I uncovered a dark side of NK cells restraining tumour-specific CD8 T cells. During my postdoc, I used advanced imaging, flow cytometry, and scRNA-seq in genetically engineered mouse models of cancer and inflammation, with a focus on neutrophils, airway macrophages, and gamma delta T cells. While I still haven’t figured out which is my favourite immune cell, I am captivated by the unique networks they establish in cancer. An advocate for promoting a more positive research culture, I serve on the Athena Swan committee for the University of Glasgow and lead numerous outreach initiatives. Outside the lab, I am always up for climbing, hillwalking or making an “asado”.
Demi Brownlie
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Leukocyte Dynamics Lab. My PhD at the University of Edinburgh focused on understanding how macrophages influence NK cell phenotype and function in pulmonary metastatic breast cancer. For my first postdoctoral position, I joined the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, where NK cells were originally discovered. Over the course of four years there, I investigated NK cells in tissue samples from sarcoma and lung cancer patients, as well as from organ donors, primarily using high-parameter flow cytometry. Currently, I am researching how neutrophils impact NK cells during the development of pulmonary metastatic breast cancer, employing spectral flow cytometry and advanced imaging techniques. Additionally, I am co-creator of a program called 'Cell to Cell,' where we provide incarcerated learners with sessions on basic immunology and cancer-related topics. Outside the lab, I enjoy exploring with my dog, Archie, and watching a type of motorsport called drifting.
Gemma Cairns
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher investigating the role of neutrophils in breast cancer metastasis using flow cytometry and microscopy to understand their phenotype and behaviour. I found a love for microscopy during my MPhys Physics degree at Heriot-Watt University. This led me to pursue a PhD between the University of Strathclyde and the University of Edinburgh in microscopy development with an integrated business masters in healthcare entrepreneurship. I developed M4All, an open-source and 3D-printable microscopy system, to widen accessibility to research level microscopy, with a focus on imaging macrophage mitochondrial responses to Streptococcus pneumoniae challenge. I’ve been given a great opportunity to work in the leukocyte dynamics group where I’ve been learning immunology and working with in vivo cancer models. Going forward I hope to use my multidisciplinary background to make an impact on breast cancer metastasis which is a healthcare challenge close to my heart. I’m also on the committee for the Glasgow Imaging Network. Outside of work you can find me rock climbing, cycling, hillwalking, going to music gigs and watching rugby.
Qing Sun
I’m a postdoctoral researcher working on how neutrophils reprogramming to reinvigorate the immunosuppressed tumour microenvironment. Originally from Shanghai, China, I worked in the Division of Rheumatology in China and United States to investigate a novel monogenic cause for SLE and highlight the pathogenic role of disturbed metabolism in developing SLE before I joined the institute. I like hiking in my spare time and enjoy the scenery in Scotland.
Mashidur Rana
Lindsey Arnott
I am a PhD student in the lab working on developing novel in vitro systems to recapitulate the lung premetastatic niche. I use precision cut lung slices and different imaging techniques to investigate changes to immune cell behaviour and extracellular matrix structure during premetastatic niche formation. During my undergraduate degree in veterinary biosciences, I became interested in cancer biology and the immune system and from there went on to study a masters in cancer research and precision oncology. This led me to the lab and sparked an interest in immune cell dynamics within the lungs during cancer progression. Outside of the lab, you’ll mostly find me rowing on a beautiful stretch of the River Forth in Stirling. I also love to bake and cook for friends, paint, play music with the university’s brass ensemble, and hike in new places with my dogs.
Ryan Devlin
Désirée Zerbst
Integrins are cell adhesion receptors involved in mediating the invasive migration, growth and metastasis of cancer cells. Data from our lab and our collaborators has established that Rab-regulated integrin trafficking contributes to cancer cell migration.
Indeed, we have now obtained detailed descriptions of the molecular machinery of integrin transport and determined how this contributes to invasive migration of cancer cells through three-dimensional matrices.
Furthermore, we have identified components of the cell's machinery for processing and transporting mRNA that make key contributions to cancer cell invasion. We are currently evaluating the molecular components of these novel pathways as potential targets for anti-cancer therapy and patient screening strategies.
Christoforides C, Rainero E, Brown KK, Norman JC* and Toker A*. PKD Controls αvβ3 Integrin Recycling and Tumor Cell Invasive Migration Through its Substrate Rabaptin-5. Dev Cell. 2012; 23:560-572 *joint corresponding authors
Muller PA, Trinidad AG, Timpson P, Morton JP, Zanivan S, van den Berghe PV, Nixon C, Karim SA, Caswell PT, Noll JE, Coffill CR, Lane DP, Sansom OJ, Neilsen PM, Norman JC*, Vousden KH*. Mutant p53 enhances MET trafficking and signalling to drive cell scattering and invasion. Oncogene. 2013 32: 1252-65 *joint corresponding authors
Dozynkiewicz MA, Jamieson NB, Macpherson I, Grindlay J, van den Berghe PV, von Thun A, Morton JP, Gourley C, Timpson P, Nixon C, McKay CJ, Carter R, Strachan D, Anderson K, Sansom OJ, Caswell PT, Norman JC. Rab25 and CLIC3 Collaborate to Promote Integrin Recycling from Late Endosomes/Lysosomes and Drive Cancer Progression. Dev Cell. 2012; 17: 131-45
Rainero E, Caswell PT, Muller PA, Grindlay J, McCaffrey MW, Zhang Q, Wakelam MJ, Vousden KH, Graziani A, Norman JC. Diacylglycerol kinase α controls RCP-dependent integrin trafficking to promote invasive migration. J Cell Biology. 2012; 196: 277-295
von Thun A, Birtwistle M, Kalna G, Grindlay J, Strachan D, Kolch W and von Kriegsheim A, Norman JC. ERK2 drives tumour cell migration in 3D microenvironments by suppressing expression of Rab17 and Liprin-β2. J Cell Science. 2012; 125: 1465-77
1992: PhD, University of London
1985: BSc, Biochemistry, University of Southampton
2009-present: Senior Group Leader, CRUK Scotland Institute
2005-2009: Junior Group Leader, CRUK Beatson Institute
2000-2005: Lecturer, Dept. Biochemistry, University of Leicester
1999-2004: Wellcome Career Development Fellow, Dept. Biochemistry, University of Leicester
1996-1998: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. Biochemistry, University of Leicester
1994-1996: Postdoctoral Fellow, Physiological Laboratory, University of Cambridge
1992-1994: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. Physiology, University College London
Wellcome Trust Career Development Award, 1999-2004
Marco S, Walsh PJ, Revenko AS, Thomason PA, McGarry L, MacLeod AR, Ansell S, Tataran D, Bushell M, Braconi C, Norman JC. EPHA2 and scavenger receptor-directed trafficking enhances endosomal leakiness and antisense therapy delivery. bioRxiv. 2025:2025.2002.2005.635637.
Derby SJ, Dutton L, Strathdee KE, Stevenson K, Koessinger A, Jackson M, Tian Y, Yu W, McLay K, Misquitta J, Alsharif S, Clarke CJ, Gilmour L, Thomason P, McGhee E, McGarrity-Cottrell CL, Vanderlinden A, Collis SJ, Rominyi O, Lemgruber L, Solecki G, Olson M, Winkler F, Carlin LM, Heiland DH, Inman GJ, Chalmers AJ, Norman JC, Carruthers R, Birch JL. Inhibition of ATR opposes glioblastoma invasion through disruption of cytoskeletal networks and integrin internalization via macropinocytosis. Neuro Oncol. 2024;26(4):625-639.
Fercoq F, Cairns GS, Donatis MD, Mackey JBG, Floerchinger A, McFarlane A, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Whyte D, Arnott LWG, Nixon C, Wiesheu R, Kilbey A, Brown L, Al-Khalidi S, Norman JC, Roberts EW, Blyth K, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Integrin inactivation slows down neutrophils congesting the pre-metastatic lung in a model of breast cancer. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2003.2019.585724.
Fetit R, McLaren A, White M, Mills ML, Falconer J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Gilroy K, Lannagan TR, Ridgway RA, Nixon C, Naiker V, Njunge R, Clarke CJ, Whyte D, Kirschner K, Jackstadt R, Norman JC, Carlin LM, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ, Steele CW. Characterising neutrophil subtypes in cancer using scRNA sequencing demonstrates the importance of IL-1β/CXCR2 axis in generation of metastasis specific neutrophils. Cancer Res Commun. 2024.
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Waldron JA, Kanellos G, Smith RCL, Knight JRP, Munro J, Alexandrou C, Vlahov N, Pardo-Fernandez L, Moore M, Gillen SL, Strathdee D, Stevenson D, Warrander FC, Gilroy K, Nixon C, Cadden B, Powley I, Officer-Jones L, Ballantyne F, Hay J, Pennel K, Edwards J, Campbell AD, Ridgway RA, Coffelt SB, Norman J, Quesne JL, Bushell M, Sansom OJ. eIF4A1 is essential for reprogramming the translational landscape of Wnt-driven colorectal cancers. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2011.2010.566546.
Wilson B, Flett C, Gemperle J, Lawless C, Hartshorn M, Hinde E, Harrison T, Chastney M, Taylor S, Allen J, Norman JC, Zacharchenko T, Caswell P. Proximity labelling identifies pro-migratory endocytic recycling cargo and machinery of the Rab4 and Rab11 families. J Cell Sci. 2023;136:jcs260468.
Jamshidiha M, Lanyon-Hogg T, Sutherell CL, Craven GB, Tersa M, De Vita E, Brustur D, Pérez-Dorado I, Hassan S, Petracca R, Morgan RM, Sanz-Hernández M, Norman JC, Armstrong A, Mann DJ, Cota E, Tate EW. Identification of the first structurally validated covalent ligands of the small GTPase RAB27A. RSC Med Chem. 2022;13:150-155.
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Rathan-Kumar S, Roland JT, Momoh M, Goldstein A, Lapierre LA, Manning E, Mitchell L, Norman J, Kaji I, Goldenring JR. Rab11FIP1-Deficient Mice Develop Spontaneous Inflammation and Show Increased Susceptibility to Colon Damage. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2022; 323:G239-G254
Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Jamieson T, Jackstadt R, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Secklehner J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Fercoq F, Clarke W, Hedley A, Gilroy K, Lilla S, Vuononvirta J, Graham GJ, De Filippo K, Murphy DJ, Steele CW, Norman JC, Bird TG, Mann DA, Morton JP, Zanivan S, Sansom OJ, Carlin LM. Maturation, developmental site, and pathology dictate murine neutrophil function. bioRxiv. 2021.
Marco S, Neilson M, Moore M, Perez-Garcia A, Hall H, Mitchell L, Lilla S, Blanco GR, Hedley A, Zanivan S, Norman JC. Nuclear-capture of endosomes depletes nuclear G-actin to promote SRF/MRTF activation and cancer cell invasion. Nat Commun. 2021 Nov 24;12(1):6829.
Nászai M, Bellec K, Yu Y, Román-Fernández A, Sandilands E, Johansson J, Campbell AD, Norman JC, Sansom OJ, Bryant DM, Cordero JB. RAL GTPases mediate EGFR-driven intestinal stem cell proliferation and tumourigenesis. Elife. 2021;10.
Phatak V, von Grabowiecki Y, Janus J, Officer L, Behan C, Aschauer L, Pinon L, Mackay H, Zanivan S, Norman JC, Kelly M, Le Quesne J, Muller PAJ. Mutant p53 promotes RCP-dependent chemoresistance coinciding with increased delivery of P-glycoprotein to the plasma membrane. Cell Death Dis. 2021;12(2):207.
Rabas N, Palmer S, Mitchell L, Ismail S, Gohlke A, Riley JS, Tait SWG, Gammage P, Soares LL, Macpherson IR, Norman JC. PINK1 drives production of mtDNA-containing extracellular vesicles to promote invasiveness. J Cell Biol. 2021;220:e202006049
Jackstadt R, Norman JC. Stromal WNTer Keeps the Tumor Cold and Drives Metastasis. Dev Cell. 2021;56:3-4.
Koessinger AL, Koessinger D, Stevenson K, Cloix C, Mitchell L, Nixon C, Gomez-Roman N, Chalmers AJ, Norman JC, Tait SWG. Quantitative in vivo bioluminescence imaging of orthotopic patient-derived glioblastoma xenografts. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1):15361.
Sundararaman A, Fukushima Y, Norman JC, Uemura A, Mellor H. RhoJ Regulates α5β1 Integrin Trafficking to Control Fibronectin Remodeling during Angiogenesis. Current Biology. 2020; 30: 2146 - 2155.e5
Taskinen ME, Närvä E, Conway JRW, Hinojosa LS, Lilla S, Mai A, De Franceschi N, Elo LL, Grosse R, Zanivan S, Norman JC, Ivaska J. MASTL promotes cell contractility and motility through kinase-independent signaling. J Cell Biol. 2020; 219: e201906204.
Auciello FR, Bulusu V, Oon C, Tait-Mulder J, Berry M, Bhattacharyya S, Tumanov S, Allen-Petersen BL, Link J, Kendsersky ND, Vringer E, Schug M, Novo D, Hwang RF, Evans RM, Nixon C, Dorrell C, Morton JP, Norman JC, Sears RC, Kamphorst JJ, Sherman MH. A stromal lysolipid-autotaxin signaling axis promotes pancreatic tumor progression. Cancer Discov. 2019; 9: 617-627
Juin A, Spence HJ, Martin KJ, McGhee E, Neilson M, Cutiongco MFA, Gadegaard N, Mackay G, Fort L, Lilla S, Kalna G, Thomason P, Koh YWH, Norman JC, Insall RH, Machesky LM. N-WASP Control of LPAR1 Trafficking Establishes Response to Self-Generated LPA Gradients to Promote Pancreatic Cancer Cell Metastasis. Developmental cell. 2019; 51: 431-445
Linnane E, Davey P, Zhang P, Puri S, Edbrooke M, Chiarparin E, Revenko AS, Macleod AR, Norman JC, Ross SJ. Differential uptake, kinetics and mechanisms of intracellular trafficking of next-generation antisense oligonucleotides across human cancer cell lines. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019; 47: 4375–4392
Dornier E, Norman JC. Cancer cells with trapped nuclei cut their way through the extracellular matrix. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 3954
Novo D, Heath N, Mitchell L, Caligiuri G, MacFarlane A, Reijmer D, Charlton L, Knight J, Calka M, McGhee E, Dornier E, Sumpton D, Mason S, Echard A, Klinkert K, et al. Mutant p53s generate pro-invasive niches by influencing exosome podocalyxin levels. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 5069.
Diaz-Vera J, Palmer S, Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Dornier E, Mitchell LE, MacPherson I, Edwards J, Zanivan S, Norman JC. A proteomic approach to identify endosomal cargoes controlling cancer invasiveness. J Cell Sci 2017; 130: 697-711
Dornier E, Rabas N, Mitchell L, Novo D, Dhayade S, Marco S, Mackay G, Sumpton D, Pallares M, Nixon C, Blyth K, MacPherson I, Rainero E, Norman JC. Glutaminolysis drives membrane trafficking to promote cancer invasion. Nat Comms 2017; 8: 2255
Gundry C, Marco S, Rainero E, Miller B, Dornier E, Mitchell L, Caswell PT, Campbell AD, Hogeweg A, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Norman JC. Phosphorylation of Rab-coupling protein by LMTK3 controls Rab14-dependent EphA2 trafficking to promote cell:cell repulsion. Nat Commun 2017; 8: 14646
Hall PS, Smith A, Hulme C, Vargas-Palacios A, Makris A, Hughes-Davies L, Dunn JA, Bartlett JMS, Cameron DA, Marshall A, Campbell A, Macpherson IR, Dan Rea, Francis A, Earl H, Morgan A, Stein RC, McCabe C; OPTIMA Trial Management Group. Value of information analysis of multiparameter tests for chemotherapy in early breast cancer: The OPTIMA Prelim Trial. Value Health 2017; 20: 1311-8
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Dornier E, Norman JC. Tensin links energy metabolism to extracellular matrix assembly. J Cell Biol 2017; 216: 867-9
Norman J, Zanivan S. Chloride intracellular channel 3: A secreted pro-invasive oxidoreductase. Cell Cycle 2017; 16: 1993-4
Birch J, Clarke CJ, Campbell AD, Campbell K, Mitchell L, Liko D, Kalna G, Strathdee D, Sansom OJ, Neilson M, Blyth K, Norman JC. The initiator methionine tRNA drives cell migration and invasion leading to increased metastatic potential in melanoma. Biol Open. 2016; 5: 1371-9
Boulay PL, Mitchell L, Turpin J, Huot-Marchand JE, Lavoie C, Sanguin-Gendreau V, Jones L, Mitra S, Livingstone JM, Campbell S, Hallett M, Mills GB, Park M, Chodosh L, Strathdee D, Norman JC, Muller WJ. Rab11-FIP1C is a critical negative regulator in ErbB2-mediated mammary tumor progression. Cancer Res. 2016; 76: 2662-74
Clarke CJ, Berg TJ, Birch J, Ennis D, Mitchell L, Cloix C, Campbell A, Sumpton D, Nixon C, Campbell K, Bridgeman VL, Vermeulen PB, Foo S, Kostaras E, Jones JL, Haywood L, Pulleine E, Yin HB, Strathdee D, Sansom O Blyth K, McNeish I, Zanivan S, Reynolds AR, Norman JC. The initiator methionine tRNA drives secretion of type II collagen from stromal fibroblasts to promote tumor growth and angiogenesis. Curr Biol. 2016; 26: 755-65
Cassie Clarke
I am the Associate Scientist of Jim’s group, a position that enables early career researchers to lead groundbreaking, independent research. Within this role I have developed and led a programme of work that has investigated how immunometabolism can facilitate progression of metastatic cancer. Given that altered immune landscapes are detectable early in cancer development, and are a consistent feature of high-risk cancer diseases, I am now developing my own research niche focusing on understanding immunometabolism in the context of cancer prevention. Prior to this position, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre, a PhD Student at the CRUK Beatson Institute (now known as the CRUK SI), and I also worked in industry for Pfizer. Outside of work I dedicate most of my time to making memories with my husband and two daughters.
Vanessa Campos-Gonzalez
I'm a postdoctoral researcher from Santiago, Chile. I did my PhD back in my home country in Universidad de Chile where I was interested in exploring the mechanisms by which cells communicate with each other via Caveolin-1 in breast cancer. Here, at CRUK Scotland Institute, I'm currently focused in elucidating the mechanisms by which the tumour microenvironment communicates via extracellular vesicles by carrying a specific cargo (mtDNA/lipids/proteins) regulated by Rab27 in a PyMT mammary cancer model. My hobbies are reading science fiction novels and exploring the wonders of Scotland and Europe.
Luis Pardo-Fernandez
I am a postdoc in Jim’s group and my current research focus is on understanding the biological basis of uncontrolled protein synthesis in cancer. Biochemist and Neurobiologist by training I have a broad interest in understanding cell communication in complex organs and diseases, which draught me from neurosciences to cancer research. I did my PhD at the Autonomous University of Barcelona studying astrocyte plasticity and my first postdoc at Glasgow University investigating demyelination in multiple sclerosis. Then I changed fields to enrol cancer research at the CRUK SI, where I combine multiomics approaches with cell biology and mouse models to study translational control during tumour progression.
Madeleine Moore
I am the Principle Scientific Officer in Jim’s laboratory. I support the day-to-day management of the team as well as co-supervising PhD students and Postdocs within the group. I also run a highly collaborative research project investigating mRNA translational control in senescence and cancer and its role within niche generation and tumour initiation in the liver. Prior to this position, I was a postdoctoral researcher in Jim’s group and a PhD student at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. Here, I worked in Prof. Cleo Bishop’s team using high-throughput approaches to identify novel regulators of senescence in breast cancer. Outside of the lab. I enjoy yoga and spending time with my friends and family.
Iain MacPherson
Christopher McKenzie
I am a Senior Scientific Officer, continuing my exploration of carcinogenesis. I have previously worked in both academia and industry as a post-doctoral fellow and Senior Scientist, studying the roles of innate immune cells and interferons, and their roles in areas including oncology, virology and dermatology. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, reading and taking my dog on walks in nature.
Sonam Ansel
Sophie Fisher
I am a PhD student investigating the role of neutrophil metabolism in promoting breast cancer metastasis to the lungs. I have a Master’ degree in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham which included a year-long placement in the clinical trials department at MSD. Before starting my PhD, I also worked as a laboratory technician at a college in Plymouth. Outside of work I enjoy training for triathlons and hiking up munros.
Lucy Somerville
My name is Lucy and I am a PhD student studying early events in breast cancer metastasis. I have an Honours degree in biochemistry, which I obtained at the University of Glasgow. Before starting my PhD at the CRUK Scotland Institute, I worked as an associate scientist within a clinical trial testing laboratory. My current research is focussed on understanding metabolic differences between early metastatic breast cancer cells which migrate to the lung and primary breast cancer cells. Outside of work I enjoy spending time at my CrossFit gym.
Jasmine Peters (joint with Ed Roberts)
Colorectal cancer (CRC)—the third most common cancer in the UK and the second leading cause of cancer mortality—is a heterogeneous disease comprising distinct molecular subgroups that differ in their histopathological features, prognosis, and response to therapy. Despite advances in the detection and treatment of early-stage disease, patients with advanced, recurrent, or metastatic CRCs have few therapeutic options and a dismal prognosis. Utilising state-of-the-art preclinical models harbouring key driver mutations, our group is interrogating the molecular mechanisms underpinning CRC initiation, progression, response to therapy, and metastasis. Our overarching goals are to identify early-stage diagnostic biomarkers and develop stage- and subtype-specific targeted therapies.
As part of these efforts, we are major contributors to a number of large cancer consortia, with the aim of driving more effective therapeutic approaches in colorectal cancer. Our group leads a Europe-wide, CRUK-funded consortium of basic, translational, and clinical scientists (ACRCelerate—Colorectal Cancer Stratified Medicine Network) to identify new therapeutic targets for the different CRC subtypes and deliver molecular insights with the potential to inform clinical decision-making and patient stratification. Similarly, through participation in the CRUK Grand Challenge Rosetta consortium, we are working to therapeutically exploit the altered metabolic dependencies of oncogene-addicted CRCs, and determine how distinct tumour metabolic profiles can confer resistance or predict sensitivity to standard-of-care or novel targeted therapies. Moreover, as a key contributor to the CRUK Grand Challenge SpecifiCancer consortium, we are employing transcriptional, epigenetic, and proteomic approaches to understand why there are tissue- and cell type-specific differences in the response to oncogenic mutations, with the aim of developing methods to suppress the impact of these mutations in cancer.
In addition, we are partnering with a number of leading industry innovator to accelerate the path from bench to bedside. For example, in partnership with Novartis, we are working towards the development of novel KRAS inhibitors, to address a pressing clinical need in colorectal cancer.
Read about his 2009 Nature paper on the CRUK science blog and listen to him talking about bowel cancer stem cells.
See a Google Hangout on the subject of red meat and cancer featuring Owen Sansom and Kathryn Bradbury from the University of Oxford:
Jackstadt R, van Hooff SR, Leach JD, Cortes-Lavaud X, Lohuis JO, Ridgway RA, Wouters VM, Roper J, Kendall TJ, Roxburgh CS, Horgan PG, Nixon C, Nourse C, Gunzer M, Clark W, Hedley A, Yilmaz OH, Rashid M, Bailey P, Biankin AV, Campbell AD, Adams DJ, Barry ST, Steele CW, Medema JP, Sansom OJ. Epithelial NOTCH Signaling Rewires the Tumor Microenvironment of Colorectal Cancer to Drive Poor-Prognosis Subtypes and Metastasis. Cancer cell. 2019; 36: 319-336.e317.
Johansson J, Naszai M, Hodder MC, Pickering KA, Miller BW, Ridgway RA, Yu Y, Peschard P, Brachmann S, Campbell AD, Cordero JB, Sansom OJ. RAL GTPases Drive Intestinal Stem Cell Function and Regeneration through Internalization of WNT Signalosomes. Cell Stem Cell. 2019; 24: 592-607.e7.
Faller WJ, Jackson TJ, Knight JR, Ridgway RA, Jamieson T, Karim SA, Jones C, Radulescu S, Huels DJ, Myant KB, Dudek KM, Casey HA, Scopelliti A, Cordero JB, Vidal M, Pende M, Ryazanov AG, Sonenberg N, Meyuhas O, Hall MN, Bushell M, Willis AE, Sansom OJ. mTORC1-mediated translational elongation limits intestinal tumour initiation and growth. Nature. 2014; 517: 497–500
Myant KB, Cammareri P, McGhee EJ, Ridgway RA, Huels DJ, Cordero JB, Schwitalla S, Kalna G, Ogg EL, Athineos D, Timpson P, Vidal M, Murray GI, Greten FR, Anderson KI, Sansom OJ. ROS production and NF-κB activation triggered by RAC1 facilitate WNT-driven intestinal stem cell proliferation and colorectal cancer initiation. Cell Stem Cell. 2013; 12: 761-73
Ashton GH, Morton JP, Myant K, Phesse TJ, Ridgway RA, Marsh V, Wilkins JA, Athineos D, Muncan V, Kemp R, Neufeld K, Clevers H, Brunton V, Winton DJ, Wang X, Sears RC, Clarke AR, Frame MC, Sansom OJ. Focal adhesion kinase is required for intestinal regeneration and tumorigenesis downstream of Wnt/c-Myc signaling. Dev Cell. 2010; 19: 259-69
Morton JP, Timpson P, Karim SA, Ridgway RA, Athineos D, Doyle B, Jamieson NB, Oien KA, Lowy AM, Brunton VG, Frame MC, Evans TR, Sansom OJ. Mutant p53 drives metastasis and overcomes growth arrest/senescence in pancreatic cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010; 107: 246-51
Barker N, Ridgway RA, van Es JH, van de Wetering M, Begthel H, van den Born M, Danenberg E, Clarke AR, Sansom OJ, Clevers H. Crypt stem cells as the cells-of-origin of intestinal cancer. Nature. 2009 457: 608-11
Sansom OJ, Meniel VS, Muncan V, Phesse TJ, Wilkins JA, Reed KR, Vass JK, Athineos DA, Clevers H, Clarke AR. c-Myc deletion rescues Apc deficiency in the small intestine. Nature. 2007; 446: 676-9
Sansom OJ, Reed KR, Hayes AJ, Ireland H, Brinkmann H, Newton IP, Batlle E, Simon-Assmann P, Clevers H, Nathke IS, Clarke AR, Winton DJ. Loss of Apc in vivo immediately perturbs Wnt signaling, differentiation, and migration. Genes Dev. 2004; 18: 1385-90
2002: PhD, University of Edinburgh, Supervisors Alan Clarke and Andrew Wylie
1997: MRes, Biology, University of Manchester
1996: BSc, Genetics (First Class Honours), University of Nottingham
2017-present: Director, CRUK Scotland Institute, Glasgow
2011-2017 Deputy Director, CRUK Beatson Institute, Glasgow
2005-present: Group Leader, CRUK Scotland Institute, Glasgow
2000-2005: Postdoctoral Fellow with Alan Clarke, University of Cardiff
NC3Rs Student Panel
CRUK Programme Grants interviewer
CRUK Drug Discovery Panel
North West Cancer Research Panel
CRUK Pancreatic Cancer Strategy Panel
Advisory Board, MRC Toxicology Unit, Leicester
Advisory Board, Center for Personalized Cancer Therapeutics, Mount Sinai
Advisory Board, Centre of Excellence in Translational Cancer Biology, Academy of Finland
Editorial Board, Disease Models and Mechanisms
Organising Committee, NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, 2017
CRUK Future Leaders in Cancer Research Prize, 2012
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2012
BACR/AstraZeneca Young Scientist Frank Rose Award, 2007
Centeno PP, Chester C, Ford CA, Ridgway RA, Cammareri P, Jamieson T, Marais R, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ. Epidermal tumour-resistant progenitors require SOX2-driven developmental reprogramming to drive tumorigenesis. bioRxiv. 2025:2025.2001.2023.634502.
Goodwin RJA, Marshall JF, Poulogiannis G, Yuneva M, Brindle KM, Takáts Z, Sansom OJ, Bunch J, Barry ST. Visualizing Cancer Heterogeneity at the Molecular and Cellular Levels: Lessons from Rosetta. Cancer Discov. 2025(1):34-38.
Müller M, May S, Hall H, Kendall TJ, McGarry L, Blukacz L, Nuciforo S, Georgakopoulou A, Jamieson T, Phinichkusolchit N, Dhayade S, Suzuki T, Huguet-Pradell J, Powley IR, Officer-Jones L, Pennie RL, Esteban-Fabró R, Gris-Oliver A, Pinyol R, Skalka GL, Leslie J, Hoare M, Sprangers J, Malviya G, Mackintosh A, Johnson E, McCain M, Halpin J, Kiourtis C, Nixon C, Clark G, Clark W, Shaw R, Hedley A, Drake TM, Tan EH, Neilson M, Murphy DJ, Lewis DY, Reeves HL, Le Quesne J, Mann DA, Carlin LM, Blyth K, Llovet JM, Heim MH, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bird TG. Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer. Nature. 2025.
Mzoughi S, Schwarz M, Wang X, Demircioglu D, Ulukaya G, Mohammed K, Zorgati H, Torre D, Tomalin LE, Di Tullio F, Company C, Dramaretska Y, Leushacke M, Giotti B, Lannagan TR, Lozano-Ojalvo D, Karras P, Vermeulen PB, Hasson D, Sebra R, Tsankov AM, Sansom OJ, Marine JC, Barker N, Gargiulo G, Guccione E. Oncofetal reprogramming drives phenotypic plasticity in WNT-dependent colorectal cancer. Nat Genet. 2025;57(2):402-412.
Torang A, Kirov AB, Lammers V, Cameron K, Wouters VM, Jackstadt RF, Lannagan TRM, de Jong JH, Koster J, Sansom O, Medema JP. Enterocyte-like differentiation defines metabolic gene signatures of CMS3 colorectal cancers and provides therapeutic vulnerability. Nat Commun. 2025;16(1):264.
Corry SM, Sakhnevych S, Mohamed NE, Malla SB, Byrne R, Young A, Amirkhah R, Bull C, Lees A, Redmond K, Lannagan T, Ridgway R, Taggart FR, Fisher NC, Maughan T, Lawler M, Campbell A, Leedham SJ, Ryan AE, Longley DB, Small D, Sansom OJ, Dunne PD. Viral mimicry redirects immunosuppressed colorectal tumour landscapes towards a proinflammatory and CMS1-like regenerative state. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2011.2028.625928.
Domingo E, Kelly C, Hay J, Sansom O, Maka N, Oien K, Iveson T, Saunders M, Kerr R, Tomlinson I, Edwards J, Harkin A, Nowak M, Koelzer V, Easton A, Boukovinas I, Moustou E, Messaritakis I, Chondrozoumaki M, Karagianni M, Pagès F, Arnoux F, Lautard C, Lovera Y, Boquet I, Catteau A, Galon J, Souglakos I, Church DN. Prognostic and Predictive Value of Immunoscore in Stage III Colorectal Cancer: Pooled Analysis of Cases From the SCOT and IDEA-HORG Studies. J Clin Oncol. 2024:Jco2301648.
Fetit R, McLaren A, White M, Mills ML, Falconer J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Gilroy K, Lannagan TR, Ridgway RA, Nixon C, Naiker V, Njunge R, Clarke CJ, Whyte D, Kirschner K, Jackstadt R, Norman JC, Carlin LM, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ, Steele CW. Characterising neutrophil subtypes in cancer using scRNA sequencing demonstrates the importance of IL-1β/CXCR2 axis in generation of metastasis specific neutrophils. Cancer Res Commun. 2024.
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Allen-Petersen BL, Risom T, Feng Z, Wang Z, Jenny ZP, Thoma MC, Pelz KR, Morton JP, Sansom OJ, Lopez CD, Sheppard B, Christensen DJ, Ohlmeyer M, Narla G, Sears RC. Activation of PP2A and inhibition of mTOR synergistically reduce MYC signaling and decrease tumor growth in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res 2019; 79: 209-219
Cosimo E, Tarafdar A, Moles MW, Holroyd AK, Malik N, Catherwood MA, Hay J, Dunn KM, Macdonald AM, Guichard SM, O'Rourke DM, Leach MT, Sansom OJ, Cosulich SC, McCaig AM, et al. AKT/mTORC2 inhibition activates FOXO1 function in CLL cells reducing B cell receptor-mediated survival. Clin Cancer Res 2019; 25: 1574-1587
Gay DM, Ridgway RA, Mueller M, Hodder MC, Hedley A, Clark W, Leach JD, Jackstadt R, Nixon C, Huels DJ, Campbell AD, Bird TG, Sansom OJ. Loss of BCL9/9l suppresses Wnt driven tumourigenesis in models that recapitulate human cancer. Nature communications 2019; 10: 723.
Jackstadt R, van Hooff SR, Leach JD, Cortes-Lavaud X, Lohuis JO, Ridgway RA, Wouters VM, Roper J, Kendall TJ, Roxburgh CS, Horgan PG, Nixon C, Nourse C, Gunzer M, Clark W, Hedley A, Yilmaz OH, Rashid M, Bailey P, Biankin AV, Campbell AD, Adams DJ, Barry ST, Steele CW, Medema JP, Sansom OJ. Epithelial NOTCH Signaling Rewires the Tumor Microenvironment of Colorectal Cancer to Drive Poor-Prognosis Subtypes and Metastasis. Cancer cell. 2019; 36: 19-336.e317.
Johansson J, Naszai M, Hodder MC, Pickering KA, Miller BW, Ridgway RA, Yu Y, Peschard P, Brachmann S, Campbell AD, Cordero JB, Sansom OJ. RAL GTPases Drive Intestinal Stem Cell Function and Regeneration through Internalization of WNT Signalosomes. Cell Stem Cell. 2019; 24: 592-607.e7.
Kugeratski FG, Atkinson SJ, Neilson LJ, Lilla S, Knight JRP, Serneels J, Juin A, Ismail S, Bryant DM, Markert EK, Machesky LM, Mazzone M, Sansom OJ, Zanivan S. Hypoxic cancer-associated fibroblasts increase NCBP2-AS2/HIAR to promote endothelial sprouting through enhanced VEGF signaling. Science signaling 2019; 12. pii: eaan8247.
Leach J, Morton JP, Sansom OJ. Neutrophils: Homing in on the myeloid mechanisms of metastasis. Molecular immunology. 2019;110:69-76.
Liko D, Mitchell L, Campbell KJ, Ridgway RA, Jones C, Dudek K, King A, Bryson S, Stevenson D, Blyth K, Strathdee D, Morton JP, Bird TG, Knight JRP, Willis AE, Sansom OJ. Brf1 loss and not overexpression disrupts tissues homeostasis in the intestine, liver and pancreas. Cell Death Differ. 2019; 26: 2535–2550
Malik N, Dunn KM, Cassels J, Hay J, Estell C, Sansom OJ, Michie AM. mTORC1 activity is essential for erythropoiesis and B cell lineage commitment. Scientific reports. 2019; 9: 16917.
Menon M, Elliott R, Bowers L, Balan N, Rafiq R, Costa-Cabral S, Munkonge F, Trinidade I, Porter R, Campbell AD, Johnson ER, Esdar C, Buchstaller HP, Leuthner B, Rohdich F, et al. A novel tankyrase inhibitor, MSC2504877, enhances the effects of clinical CDK4/6 inhibitors. Scientific reports 2019; 9: 201.
Reader CS, Vallath S, Steele CW, Haider S, Brentnall A, Desai A, Moore KM, Jamieson NB, Chang D, Bailey P, Scarpa A, Lawlor R, Chelala C, Keyse SM, Biankin A, Morton JP, Evans TRJ, Barry ST, Sansom OJ, Kocher HM, Marshall JF. The integrin alphavbeta6 drives pancreatic cancer through diverse mechanisms and represents an effective target for therapy. The Journal of pathology. 2019; 249: 332–342
Rohwer N, Jumpertz S, Erdem M, Egners A, Warzecha KT, Fragoulis A, Kuhl AA, Kramann R, Neuss S, Rudolph I, Endermann T, Zasada C, Apostolova I, Gerling M, Kempa S, Hughes R, Lewis CE, Brenner W, Malinowski MB, Stockmann M, Schomburg L, Faller W, Sansom OJ, Tacke F, Morkel M, Cramer T. Non-canonical HIF-1 stabilization contributes to intestinal tumorigenesis. Oncogene. 2019; 38: 5670-5685.
Spender LC, Ferguson JG, Hughes GD, Davies BR, Goldberg FW, Herrera B, Taylor RG, Strathearn LS, Sansom OJ, Barry ST, Inman GJ. Preclinical evaluation of AZ12601011 and AZ12799734, inhibitors of transforming growth factor beta superfamily type 1 receptors. Mol Pharmacol 2019; 95: 222-234
Schmidt S, Gay D, Uthe FW, Denk S, Paauwe M, Matthes N, Diefenbacher ME, Bryson S, Warrander FC, Erhard F, Ade CP, Baluapuri A, Walz S, Jackstadt R, Ford C, Vlachogiannis G, Valeri N, Otto C, Schulein-Volk C, Maurus K, Schmitz W, Knight JRP, Wolf E, Strathdee D, Schulze A, Germer CT, Rosenwald A, Sansom OJ, Eilers M, Wiegering A. A MYC-GCN2-eIF2alpha negative feedback loop limits protein synthesis to prevent MYC-dependent apoptosis in colorectal cancer. Nature cell biology. 2019; 21: 1413–1424
Vennin C, Melenec P, Rouet R, Nobis M, Cazet AS, Murphy KJ, Herrmann D, Reed DA, Lucas MC, Warren SC, Elgundi Z, Pinese M, Kalna G, Roden D, Samuel M, Zaratzian A, Grey ST, Da Silva A, Leung W, Mathivanan S, Wang Y, Braithwaite AW, Christ D, Benda A, Parkin A, Phillips PA, Whitelock JM, Gill AJ, Sansom OJ, Croucher DR, Parker BL, Pajic M, Morton JP, Cox TR, Timpson P. CAF hierarchy driven by pancreatic cancer cell p53-status creates a pro-metastatic and chemoresistant environment via perlecan. Nature communications. 2019; 10: 3637.
Besray Unal E, Kiel C, Benisty H, Campbell A, Pickering K, Bluthgen N, Sansom OJ, Serrano L. Systems level expression correlation of Ras GTPase regulators. Cell Commun Signal. 2018; 16: 46.
Bird TG, Muller M, Boulter L, Vincent DF, Ridgway RA, Lopez-Guadamillas E, Lu WY, Jamieson T, Govaere O, Campbell AD, Ferreira-Gonzalez S, Cole AM, Hay T, Simpson KJ, Clark W, et al. TGFbeta inhibition restores a regenerative response in acute liver injury by suppressing paracrine senescence. Sci Transl Med 2018; 10: eaan1230
Burke ZD, Reed KR, Yeh SW, Meniel V, Sansom OJ, Clarke AR, Tosh D. Spatiotemporal regulation of liver development by the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. Sci Rep 2018; 8: 2735
Candido JB, Morton JP, Bailey P, Campbell AD, Karim SA, Jamieson T, Lapienyte L, Gopinathan A, Clark W, McGhee EJ, Wang J, Escorcio-Correia M, Zollinger R, Roshani R, Drew L, Rishi L, Arkell R, Evans TRJ, Nixon C, Jodrell DI et al. CSF1R(+) Macrophages Sustain Pancreatic Tumor Growth through T Cell Suppression and Maintenance of Key Gene Programs that Define the Squamous Subtype. Cell Rep 2018; 23: 1448-60
Chou A, Froio D, Nagrial AM, Parkin A, Murphy KJ, Chin VT, Wohl D, Steinmann A, Stark R, Drury A, Walters SN, Vennin C, Burgess A, Pinese M, Chantrill LA, et al. Tailored first-line and second-line CDK4-targeting treatment combinations in mouse models of pancreatic cancer. Gut 2018; 67: 2142-55
Conway JRW, Warren SC, Herrmann D, Murphy KJ, Cazet AS, Vennin C, Shearer RF, Killen MJ, Magenau A, Melenec P, Pinese M, Nobis M, Zaratzian A, Boulghourjian A, Da Silva AM, Del Monte-Nieto G, Adam ASA, Harvey RP, Haigh JJ, Wang Y et al. Intravital Imaging to Monitor Therapeutic Response in Moving Hypoxic Regions Resistant to PI3K Pathway Targeting in Pancreatic Cancer. Cell Rep 2018; 23: 3312-26
Ferro R, Adamska A, Lattanzio R, Mavrommati I, Edling CE, Arifin SA, Fyffe CA, Sala G, Sacchetto L, Chiorino G, De Laurenzi V, Piantelli M, Sansom OJ, Maffucci T, Falasca M. GPR55 signalling promotes proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells and tumour growth in mice, and its inhibition increases effects of gemcitabine. Oncogene 2018; 37: 6368–6382
Flanagan DJ, Hodder MC, Sansom OJ. Microenvironmental cues in cancer stemness. Nat Cell Biol 2018; 20: 1102-4.
Foth M, Ismail NFB, Kung JSC, Tomlinson D, Knowles MA, Eriksson P, Sjodahl G, Salmond JM, Sansom OJ, Iwata T. FGFR3 mutation increases bladder tumorigenesis by suppressing acute inflammation. J Pathol 2018; 246: 331-343
Godfrey JD, Morton JP, Wilczynska A, Sansom OJ, Bushell MD. MiR-142-3p is downregulated in aggressive p53 mutant mouse models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by hypermethylation of its locus. Cell Death Dis 2018; 9: 644
Greenhough A, Bagley C, Heesom KJ, Gurevich DB, Gay D, Bond M, Collard TJ, Paraskeva C, Martin P, Sansom OJ, Malik K, Williams AC. Cancer cell adaptation to hypoxia involves a HIF-GPRC5A-YAP axis. EMBO Mol Med. 2018 10: e8699
Huels DJ, Bruens L, Hodder MC, Cammareri P, Campbell AD, Ridgway RA, Gay DM, Solar-Abboud M, Faller WJ, Nixon C, Zeiger LB, McLaughlin ME, Morrissey E, Winton DJ, Snippert HJ, van Rheenen J, Sansom OJ. Wnt ligands influence tumour initiation by controlling the number of intestinal stem cells. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 1132
Malik N, Sansom OJ, Michie AM. The role of mTOR-mediated signals during haemopoiesis and lineage commitment. Biochem Soc Trans 2018; 46: 1313–1324.
Martin KJ, McGhee EJ, Schwarz JP, Drysdale M, Brachmann SM, Stucke V, Sansom OJ, Anderson KI. Accepting from the best donor; analysis of long-lifetime donor fluorescent protein pairings to optimise dynamic FLIM-based FRET experiments. PLoS One 2018; 13: e0183585
May S, Owen H, Phesse TJ, Greenow KR, Jones GR, Blackwood A, Cook PC, Towers C, Gallimore AM, Williams GT, Sturzl M, Britzen-Laurent N, Sansom OJ, MacDonald AS, Bird AP, Clarke AR, Parry L. Mbd2 enables tumourigenesis within the intestine while preventing tumour-promoting inflammation. J Pathol 2018; 245: 270-82
Monteverde T, Tait-Mulder J, Hedley A, Knight JR, Sansom OJ, Murphy DJ. Calcium signalling links MYC to NUAK1. Oncogene 2018; 37: 982-92
Morris HT, Fort L, Spence HJ, Patel R, Vincent DF, Park JH, Snapper SB, Carey FA, Sansom OJ, Machesky LM. Loss of N-WASP drives early progression in an Apc model of intestinal tumourigenesis. J Pathol 2018; 245: 337-48
Patel R, Fleming J, Mui E, Loveridge C, Repiscak P, Blomme A, Harle V, Salji M, Ahmad I, Teo K, Hamdy FC, Hedley A, van den Broek N, Mackay G, Edwards J, Sansom OJ, Leung HY. Sprouty2 loss-induced IL6 drives castration-resistant prostate cancer through scavenger receptor B1. EMBO Mol Med 2018; 10: e8347
Pearson HB, Li J, Meniel VS, Fennell CM, Waring P, Montgomery KG, Rebello RJ, Macpherson AA, Koushyar S, Furic L, Cullinane C, Clarkson RW, Smalley MJ, Simpson KJ, Phesse TJ, Shepherd PR, Humbert PO, Sansom OJ, Phillips WA. Identification of Pik3ca Mutation as a Genetic Driver of Prostate Cancer That Cooperates with Pten Loss to Accelerate Progression and Castration-Resistant Growth. Cancer Discov 2018; 8: 764-79
Port J, Muthalagu N, Raja M, Ceteci F, Monteverde T, Kruspig B, Hedley A, Kalna G, Lilla S, Neilson L, Brucoli M, Gyuraszova K, Tait-Mulder J, Mezna M, Svambaryte S, Bryson A, Sumpton D, McVie A, Nixon C, Drysdale M et al. Colorectal Tumors Require NUAK1 for Protection from Oxidative Stress. Cancer Discov 2018; 8: 632-47
Vlachogiannis G, Hedayat S, Vatsiou A, Jamin Y, Fernandez-Mateos J, Khan K, Lampis A, Eason K, Huntingford I, Burke R, Rata M, Koh DM, Tunariu N, Collins D, Hulkki-Wilson S, Ragulan C, Spiteri I, Moorcraft SY, Chau I, Rao S et al. Patient-derived organoids model treatment response of metastatic gastrointestinal cancers. Science 2018; 359: 920-6
Woroniuk A, Porter A, White G, Newman DT, Diamantopoulou Z, Waring T, Rooney C, Strathdee D, Marston DJ, Hahn KM, Sansom OJ, Zech T, Malliri A. STEF/TIAM2-mediated Rac1 activity at the nuclear envelope regulates the perinuclear actin cap. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 2124
Ahmad I, Sansom OJ. Role of Wnt signalling in advanced prostate cancer. J Pathol 2018; 245: 3-5
Hodder MC, Flanagan DJ, Sansom OJ. Intestinal Stem Cell Dynamics: A Story of Mice and Humans. Cell Stem Cell 2018; 22: 785-7
Andrew Campbell
Rachel Ridgway
I am the lab research manager in Owen’s group with a focus on developing new complex models of colorectal cancer (CRC). The aim of this research is to improve treatment options for patients. Other research areas include studying the cell of origin for cancer, therapeutic vulnerabilities and working with complex models of CRC metastasis. Prior to joining Owen’s group I completed my BSc and PhD at Cardiff University. Outside of work I enjoy swimming, Parkrun, walking, as well visiting many of the great restaurants and pubs in Glasgow.
Kathryn Gilroy
I am a senior bioinformatician in the lab, supporting everyone in the group with their data analysis needs. This involves analysis of bulk and single cell RNAseq data, epigenetic data, genomic data, and spatial transcriptomic data. Before moving into bioinformatics, I completed a PhD and two post-docs as a bench scientist, focussing on molecular and cellular biology in cancer. Outside of work I run a scout section and try to get out in nature as often as I can.
Rosalin Simpson
I'm Rosalin a Bioinformatician within the Sansom lab, assisting the group with their bioinformatics analysis by analysing transcriptomic data such as bulk or single-cell RNA-sequencing. Before coming to the Institute, I carried out an MSci in bioinformatics at the University of Dundee and a PhD in biological sciences at the University of Aberdeen examining transcriptome plasticity responses to environmental stress. Now at CRUK SI I'm excited to be applying my bioinformatics experience to cancer research. Outside of work I enjoy baking, video games and live music.
Nathalie Sphyris
Building on my longstanding interest in epithelial cell plasticity, I am working as a scientific writer helping lab members communicate complex scientific concepts and interpret and contextualise their findings in intestinal stem cell biology, whilst also promoting and ensuring adherence to scientific integrity. I was previously an Instructor/Junior Faculty at MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX, USA), where I contributed to multidisciplinary studies on the role of the epithelial–mesenchymal transition in breast cancer and cultivated skills in grantsmanship, project management, and strategic planning. As a postdoc (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK), I investigated the role of p53-pathway components in embryonic stem cells, models of pancreatic acinar-ductal transdifferentiation, and zebrafish, consolidating my focus on the acquisition of new cellular identities through epithelial plasticity programmes. Outside of work, I enjoy getting out and about in nature, photographing cloud formations around mountain peaks, and visiting art galleries and craft fairs.
Patricia Centeno
I am a postdoctoral researcher working on melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. I am interested in how skin cells communicate and how do they response to oncogenic mutations. I am part of the Grand Challenge Specificancer team looking at the tissue specificity of cancer genes. I am Postdoc representative of the CRUK-SI institute and passionate about promoting Women in STEM. Outside the lab, I enjoy travelling to sunny destinations, yoga and recently Crossfit.
Nuray Gunduz
I am a postdoctoral researcher focusing on the role of LGR family proteins in colorectal cancer. I am also part of the Grand Challenge Specificancer team, where we explore the inter-tissue specificity of cancer genes. In addition to my research, I enjoy organizing events that support networking and career development for young scientists and currently serve as the Scientific Coordinator for the 2025 FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE Conference. Prior to joining the Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute, I completed my PhD at Bilkent University in Turkey, where my research focused on nano-biomaterials and their applications in regenerative medicine, during last year of my PhD, I was visiting researcher at the Yilmaz Lab at the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT. I hold a BSc (Hons) in Molecular Biology and Genetics from Istanbul University. Outside of the lab, I enjoy cooking, taking long walks in nature and watercolor painting.
Andrew Hartley
I am a post-doctoral research scientist focusing on the development of cancer in the intestine. I am investigating colorectal cancer dependency on β-Catenin using in vivo murine models with an aim of developing degron technology to model therapeutics. My research interests include understanding the epigenetic processes as an intestinal stem cell rewires to become a cancer stem cell. In my spare time I like to play chess, DnD, and go on hikes with my dog.
Georgios Kanellos
Nadia Nasreddin
I am a postdoctoral researcher scientist interested in the intestinal stem cell dynamics, the role of the WNT signalling pathway in carcinogenesis and the interplay between inflammation and carcinogenesis. I joined the Sansom group in 2023 to work on the role of the WNT signalling pathway in colorectal cancer. My current projects include investigating novel preventative strategies for colorectal cancer and the role of inflammation in carcinogenesis.
I am a molecular biologist by training having undertaken my undergraduate studies in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Westminster, followed by a MSc in Human Molecular Genetics at Imperial College London. Prior to joining the Sansom group, I undertook a DPhil at the University of Oxford working on the molecular and histological characterisation of colitis-associated colorectal cancer.
In addition to my research work, I am very passionate about working towards a more diverse and inclusive academia. As such, I am involved in EDI initiatives and public engagement projects that aim to foster diversity and inclusion in academia, including volunteering as a mentor and host for the charity in2STEMUK. I am also the ECR representative of the WNTUK committee, where I work to better support ECRs within the network and build a strong WNT community.
Alexander Raven
I am a post-doctorate research scientist focusing on the early development of cancer in the intestine and liver. Part of this work revolves around my involvement in the Cancer Grand challenge Specificancer consortium, which investigates why certain mutations occur in specific cancer types. Before joining the CRUK Scotland Institute, I did my PhD at the University of Edinburgh, where I studied stem cell biology and tissue regeneration. Outside of the institute, I enjoy cycling and spending time in the amazing Scottish country side.
Santi Susanti
Nikola Vlahov
Ayse Yazgilli
I am a postdoctoral research scientist focused on uncovering the molecular mechanisms that drive cancer initiation and resistance to therapy. I hold a BSc in Molecular Biology and Genetics from Istanbul Technical University, where I completed my thesis at Umeå University, Sweden, through an Erasmus scholarship. I went on to earn an MSc from Koç University, where I studied the interaction between KRAS and CRAF using molecular dynamic simulations, with a focus on mutations in lung cancer. During my PhD at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU), I investigated the functional role of a proteasome activator in lung cancer. In 2023, I joined the Sansom Group as a Senior Scientific Officer, where I worked on novel treatment strategies and drug repurposing for colorectal cancer. Since 2024, I have been working as a postdoctoral researcher, focusing on identifying molecular vulnerabilities and resistance mechanisms with the goal of improving therapeutic outcomes for patients with colorectal cancer. Outside of work, I enjoy reading, watching movies, nature walks, hiking and playing board and video games.
Ainsley Antao
Hannah Tovell
Catriona Ford
I am a Principal Scientific Officer in the Colorectal Cancer and WNT Signalling Group at the CRUK Scotland Institute. I am part of a vibrant and enthusiastic team that utilise in vivo mouse models alongside in vitro skills such as organoid cell culture to better understand disease progression and response to therapy. In addition to the various research projects that I am involved in, I support the smooth running of the lab, training of staff/students and manage our cell banks. Aside from work, I like to spend time with family, friends & church; I enjoy keeping active & getting outdoors.
Tam Jamieson
I am a Scientific Officer in the group. In collaboration with the Fibrosis Research Group at Newcastle University, we use mutagen driven MASLD/MASH mouse models of HCC, to study the role of neutrophils in disease development. We are investigating combining immunotherapy with neutrophil depletion and treatment with other potentially therapeutic agents, to reduce tumour burden in our mouse models. Outside the Institute, I like to travel, and I am a football fan.
Narthana Ilenkovan
As a clinical fellow and gynaecology registrar, I have been funded by the CRUK TRACC programme to swap my scrubs for a lab coat and pursue a PhD at the Institute with Professor Owen Sansom and Professor Patricia Roxburgh. My project is centred on developing novel mouse models of low-grade serous ovarian cancer, with a particular focus on early tumour biology and uncovering mechanisms of resistance.
Kyrillus Shody
Kyrillus is a medical oncologist by training who is pursuing a clinical-academic track at University of Glasgow after being awarded the prestigious CRUK-TRACC Clinical Lectureship Programme award. Kyrillus is working closely with Prof Owen Sansom and Dr Johan Vande Voorde leveraging preclinical models for functional interrogation of the interplay between microbiome and colorectal cancer. In his spare time, he is an avid reader and fiction writer.
Krittaya Aksonnam
Wing Yu Ho
I am Jasmine, a PhD student from Hong Kong. Currently at Professor Owen Sansom’s group, I am studying the role of NFκB signalling in metastasis of colorectal cancer using genetically engineered mouse models. Prior my PhD, I completed my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at Imperial College London and undertook an industrial placement at GSK Cell and Gene Therapy Discovery Research unit. Outside the lab, I enjoy doing aerial silks, cooking and travelling.
Lydia Melissourgou-Syka
I am a Therapy Radiographer by training with a masters on Cancer Research and Precision Oncology from the University of Glasgow. I am currently completing my PhD at the Roxburgh and Sansom Labs, where I investigate preclinical combinations of radiotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibition in mouse models of rectal cancer. Next to my PhD, I work as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Student Learning and Development Centre of the University of Glasgow, while I am also a Mentor at the M.Sc. Cancer Research and Precision Oncology course. Apart from science, I love reading books, travelling, playing the piano and a nice game of chess.
Laura Millett
My name is Laura, I am a final year PhD student from Ireland. I completed my BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Science, specialising in pharmacology at the University of Galway. I joined the Colorectal and Wnt Signalling group to investigate the role of KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer and how inhibition of this potent oncogene alters cell signalling, metabolism and stem cell dynamics in early and late stages of disease. Outside of the lab I’m a keen Gaelic football player, yogi, outdoors enthusiast and traveller.
Megan Mills
My name is Megan, I am a PhD student focusing on metastatic development in advanced preclinical models of BRAF mutant colorectal cancer and how the tumour microenvironment may influence this. I completed my undergraduate degree in Veterinary Biosciences and masters degree in Cancer Research and Precision Oncology at the University of Glasgow and went on to work as a Scientific Officer in the Sansom lab for 2-years prior to my PhD. Outside of the lab, I enjoy travelling, live music and cooking.
Teena Thakur
I'm a final-year PhD student in the labs of Owen Sansom and Ross Cagan, investigating why Ras-mutant colorectal cancers resist targeted therapies. My research focuses on how genetic complexity drives drug resistance, using transgenic mice and patient-specific fly avatars. Before my PhD, I studied drug resistance in Singapore, focusing on dysregulated pathways like DNA repair and p53 loss. Now, I explore how multiple signalling pathways interact to drive therapy resistance. Originally from India, I moved across countries to train as a scientist, learning from labs around the world that are tackling some of the toughest questions in cancer research. When I’m not immersed in the micro-cosmos of cancer cells, I’m often contemplating the vastness of our universe.
Sarah Williams
My name is Sarah, and I am a PhD student form London, UK. I completed my Bachelor’s and Masters in Biochemistry at the University of York and went on to work on CAR-T cells in the Biotech Company, Autolus. I moved to the Sansom lab to study the role the immune microenvironment has on the metastatic tropism of colorectal cancer with a particular focus on macrophages. I am also passionate about increasing diversity in the cancer research field. Outside of work I enjoy exploring travelling, running and painting.
Cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) have emerged as a promising therapeutic target in cancer because it is now well established that they actively contribute to tumour pathology. CAFs are a unique cell type in that they are highly secretory, and their secretome dictates the structure of a tumour and influences the behaviour of cancer cells and other cell types.
With our research we want to understand the molecular mechanisms through which CAFs alter the tumour microenvironment (TME) to influence cancer aggressiveness and resistance to therapy.
High-grade serous ovarian cancer and triple negative breast cancer are the major focus of our research because there are limited therapies against the cancer cells of these tumour types. However, CAFs are highly abundant in these tumours, and our overarching goal is to find ways to target CAFs in combination with other anti-cancer therapies to improve survival of cancer patients.
In the last few years, our work has described unprecedented ways through which CAFs create a TME that supports tumour invasion and metastasis by altering the structure of the extracellular matrix (ECM), and tumour blood vessels' and cancer cells' functions. A major focus of our on-going research is the metabolism of CAFs. We have found that cell metabolism is a major epigenetic regulator of CAF functions and that it can influence the translation of pro-tumorigenic ECM proteins. Our on-going research aims to investigate these aspects further and to understand how targeting specific metabolic pathways affects the composition and structure of the ECM and the immune-TME, and whether it can be exploited to halt cancer progression and improve effectiveness of conventional therapeutic treatments.
Our research is unique in that we mostly work with patient-derived cells that we generate in the lab from tissues that patients kindly donate to research. We also work with pre-clinical models relevant for ovarian and breast cancer. Moreover, because of our established expertise in mass spectrometry (MS)-proteomics, we develop tailored technology to study CAF biology, including their crosstalk signalling with other cell types in co-cultures in vitro and their metabolism in vivo.
Recently, we have joined the effort to improve early detection of cancer in patients, since detecting cancer at an early stage can dramatically increase opportunities for curative intervention. To tackle this challenge, we are developing novel MS proteomic-based technology for biomarker discovery in body fluids. This research is funded by the CRUK Early Detection and Diagnosis Research scheme.
pdf Zanivan Lab Report (102 KB)
Kugeratski FG, Atkinson SJ, Neilson LJ, Lilla S, Knight JRP, Serneels J, Juin A, Ismail S, Bryant DM, Markert EK, Machesky LM, Mazzone M, Sansom OJ, Zanivan S. Hypoxic cancer-associated fibroblasts increase NCBP2-AS2/HIAR to promote endothelial sprouting through enhanced VEGF signaling. Science signaling 2019; 12: eaan8247
van der Reest J, Lilla S, Zheng L*, Zanivan S*, Gottlieb E*. Proteome-wide analysis of cysteine oxidation reveals metabolic sensitivity to redox stress. Nat Commun. 2018; 9: 1581
Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Ruengeler E, Casazza A, Neilson LJ, Pulleine E, Santi A, Ismail S, Lilla S, Dhayade S, MacPherson IR, McNeish I, Ennis D, Ali H, Kugeratski FG, Al Khamici H, van den Biggelaar M, van den Berghe PV, Cloix C, McDonald L, Millan D et al. Secreted CLIC3 drives cancer progression through its glutathione-dependent oxidoreductase activity. Nat Commun 2017; 8: 14206
Reid SE, Kay EJ, Neilson LJ, Henze AT, Serneels J, McGhee EJ, Dhayade S, Nixon C, Mackey JB, Santi A, Swaminathan K, Athineos D, Papalazarou V, Patella F, Roman-Fernandez A, ElMaghloob Y, Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Adams RH, Ismail S, Bryant DM et al. Tumor matrix stiffness promotes metastatic cancer cell interaction with the endothelium. EMBO J. 2017; 36: 2373-89
2006: PhD, Complex Systems Applied to Post Genomic Biology, University of Torino, Italy
2002: Master in Bioinformatics, University of Torino, Italy
2001: MS in Biology, University of Torino, Italy
2010-present: Group Leader, CRUK Scotland Institute
2014-present Head of Proteomics Advanced Technology, CRUK Scotland Institute
2007-2010: Postdoctoral Fellow with Matthias Mann, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany
2002-2006: PhD Student with Guido Serini and Federico Bussolino, Candiolo Cancer Institute IRCCS, Torino, Italy
Ackermann T, Shokry E, Deshmukh R, Anand J, Galbraith LCA, Mitchell L, Rodriguez-Blanco G, Villar VH, Sterken BA, Nixon C, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Sumpton D, Tardito S. Breast cancer secretes anti-ferroptotic MUFAs and depends on selenoprotein synthesis for metastasis. EMBO Mol Med. 2024.
Dawson A, Zarou MM, Prasad B, Bittencourt-Silvestre J, Zerbst D, Himonas E, Hsieh YC, van Loon I, Blanco GR, Ianniciello A, Kerekes Z, Krishnan V, Agarwal P, Almasoudi H, McCluskey L, Hopcroft LEM, Scott MT, Baquero P, Dunn K, Vetrie D, Copland M, Bhatia R, Coffelt SB, Tiong OS, Wheadon H, Zanivan S, Kirschner K, Helgason GV. Leukaemia exposure alters the transcriptional profile and function of BCR::ABL1 negative macrophages in the bone marrow niche. Nat Commun. 2024;15(1):1090.
Gounis M, Campos AV, Shokry E, Mitchell L, Dornier E, Rooney N, Dhayade S, Pardo L, Moore M, Novo D, Mowat J, Jamieson C, Kay E, Zanivan S, Nixon C, Macpherson I, Tardito S, Sumpton D, Blyth K, Norman JC, Clarke CJ. Metabolic adaptations of micrometastases alter EV production to generate invasive microenvironments. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2005.2012.593552.
Mahmood M, Liu EM, Shergold AL, Tolla E, Tait-Mulder J, Huerta-Uribe A, Shokry E, Young AL, Lilla S, Kim M, Park T, Boscenco S, Manchon JL, Rodríguez-Antona C, Walters RC, Springett RJ, Blaza JN, Mitchell L, Blyth K, Zanivan S, Sumpton D, Roberts EW, Reznik E, Gammage PA. Mitochondrial DNA mutations drive aerobic glycolysis to enhance checkpoint blockade response in melanoma. Nat Cancer. 2024.
Sanchez-Lopez I, Orantos-Aguilera Y, Pozo-Guisado E, Alvarez-Barientos A, Lilla S, Zanivan S, Lachaud C, Martin-Romero FJ. STIM1 translocation to the nucleus protects cells from DNA damage. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024.
Santi A, Kay EJ, Neilson LJ, McGarry L, Lilla S, Mullin M, Paul NR, Fercoq F, Koulouras G, Rodriguez Blanco G, Athineos D, Mason S, Hughes M, Thomson G, Kieffer Y, Nixon C, Blyth K, Mechta-Grigoriou F, Carlin LM, Zanivan S. Cancer-associated fibroblasts produce matrix-bound vesicles that influence endothelial cell function. Sci Signal. 2024;17(827):eade0580.
Singh SP, Smyth DJ, Cunningham KT, Mukundan A, Byeon CH, Hinck CS, White MPJ, Ciancia C, Wąsowska N, Sanders A, Jin R, White RF, Lilla S, Zanivan S, Schoenherr C, Inman GJ, van Dinther M, Ten Dijke P, Hinck AP, Maizels RM. The TGF-β mimic TGM4 achieves cell specificity through combinatorial surface co-receptor binding. EMBO Rep. 2024.
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Whitelaw JA, Lilla S, Nikolaou S, Tweedy L, Fort L, Paul NR, Zanivan S, Gadegaard N, Insall RH, Machesky LM. CYRI-B loss promotes enlarged mature focal adhesions and restricts microtubule and ERC1 access to the cell leading edge. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2003.2026.586838.
Ackermann T, Shokry E, Deshmukh R, Anand J, Galbraith LCA, Mitchell L, Rodriguez-Blanco G, Villar VH, Sterken BA, Nixon C, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Sumpton D, Tardito S. Paracrine secretion of MUFAs prevents ferroptosis in triple-negative breast cancer and reveals selenocysteine synthesis dependency for lung metastasis. bioRxiv. 2023;Volume:2023.2006.2013.544588.
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Kay EJ, Zanivan S. Bicarbonate transport as regulator of anti-tumour immunity in pancreatic cancer. Mol Oncol. 2023;17:541-544
Kay EJ, Zanivan S, Rufini A. Proline metabolism shapes the tumor microenvironment: from collagen deposition to immune evasion. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2023:103011.
Baudot AD, Wang VM, Leach JD, O'Prey J, Long JS, Paulus-Hock V, Lilla S, Thomson DM, Greenhorn J, Ghaffar F, Nixon C, Helfrich MH, Strathdee D, Pratt J, Marchesi F, Zanivan S, Ryan KM. Glycan degradation promotes macroautophagy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022;119(26):e2111506119.
Blomme A, Peter C, Mui E, Rodriguez Blanco G, An N, Mason LM, Jamieson LE, McGregor GH, Lilla S, Ntala C, Patel R, Thiry M, Kung SHY, Leclercq M, Ford CA, Rushworth LK, McGarry DJ, Mason S, Repiscak P, Nixon C, Salji MJ, Markert E, MacKay GM, Kamphorst JJ, Graham D, Faulds K, Fazli L, Gleave ME, Avezov E, Edwards J, Yin H, Sumpton D, Blyth K, Close P, Murphy DJ, Zanivan S, Leung HY. THEM6-mediated reprogramming of lipid metabolism supports treatment resistance in prostate cancer. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2022;14:e14764
Camargo L, Samji S, Lilla S, Zanivan S, Bulleid N, Hartley R, Delles C, Leiper J, Fuller W, Montezano A, Touyz R. Proteomic profile of cysteine oxidation in vacsular smooth muscle cells in human hypertension. J Hypertens. 2022;40:e225-e226.
Gioelli N, Neilson LJ, Wei N, Villari G, Chen W, Kuhle B, Ehling M, Maione F, Willox S, Brundu S, Avanzato D, Koulouras G, Mazzone M, Giraudo E, Yang XL, Valdembri D, Zanivan S, Serini G. Neuropilin 1 and its inhibitory ligand mini-tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase inversely regulate VE-cadherin turnover and vascular permeability. Nat Commun. 2022;13:4188.
Kay EJ, Paterson K, Riero-Domingo C, Sumpton D, Däbritz JHM, Tardito S, Boldrini C, Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Athineos D, Dhayade S, Stepanova E, Gjerga E, Neilson LJ, Lilla S, Hedley A, Koulouras G, McGregor G, Jamieson C, Johson RM, Park M, Kirschner K, Miller C, Kamphorst JJ, Loayza-Puch F, Saez-Rodriguez J, Mazzone M, Blyth K, Zagoni M, Zanivan S. Cancer-associated fibroblasts require proline synthesis by PYCR1 for the deposition of pro-tumorigenic extracellular matrix. Nature Metabolism. 2022;4(6):693-710.
McGarry DJ, Castino G, Lilla S, Carnet A, Kelly L, Micovic K, Zanivan S, Olson MF. MICAL1 activation by PAK1 mediates actin filament disassembly. Cell Reports. 2022;41:111442
Närvä E, Taskinen ME, Lilla S, Isomursu A, Pietilä M, Weltner J, Isola J, Sihto H, Joensuu H, Zanivan S, Norman J, Ivaska J. MASTL is enriched in cancerous and pluripotent stem cells and influences OCT1/OCT4 levels. iScience. 2022;25:104459.
Nikolatou K, Sandilands E, Roman-Fernandez A, Cumming EM, Freckmann EC, Lilla S, Buetow L, McGarry L, Neilson M, Shaw R, Strachan D, Miller C, Huang DT, McNeish IA, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Bryant D. PTEN deficiency exposes a requirement for an ARF GTPase module in integrin-dependent invasion in ovarian cancer. bioRxiv. 2022;Volume:2022.2011.2029.518198.
Salji MJ, Blomme A, Däbritz JHM, Repiscak P, Lilla S, Patel R, Sumpton D, van den Broek NJF, Daly R, Zanivan S, Leung HY. Multi-omics & pathway analysis identify potential roles for tumor N-acetyl aspartate accumulation in murine models of castration-resistant prostate cancer. iScience. 2022;25:104056.
Schmidt T, Dabrowska A, Waldron JA, Hodge K, Koulouras G, Gabrielsen M, Munro J, Tack DC, Harris G, McGhee E, Scott D, Carlin LM, Huang D, Le Quesne J, Zanivan S, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. Purine-rich RNA sequences in the 5’UTR site-specifically regulate eIF4A1-unwinding through eIF4A1-multimerisation to facilitate translation. bioRxiv. 2022;Volume:2022.2008.2008.503179.
Kay EJ, Zanivan S. Methylmalonic acid: an age-related metabolite that drives tumour aggressiveness. Nat Metab. 2022; 4:412–413
Kugeratski FG, Santi A, Zanivan S. Extracellular vesicles as central regulators of blood vessel function in cancer. Science Signaling. 2022;15(753):eaaz4742.
Ahmed SF, Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Lilla S, Sibbet GJ, Sumpton D, Zanivan S, Hedley A, Clark W, Huang DT. E3 ligase-inactivation rewires CBL interactome to elicit oncogenesis by hijacking RTK-CBL-CIN85 axis. Oncogene. 2021;40(12):2149-2164.
Budden T, Gaudy-Marqueste C, Porter A, Kay E, Gurung S, Earnshaw CH, Roeck K, Craig S, Traves V, Krutmann J, Muller P, Motta L, Zanivan S, Malliri A, Furney SJ, Nagore E, Virós A. Ultraviolet light-induced collagen degradation inhibits melanoma invasion. Nat Commun. 2021;12:2742.
Gillen SL, Giacomelli C, Hodge K, Zanivan S, Bushell M, Wilczynska A. Differential regulation of mRNA fate by the human Ccr4-Not complex is driven by coding sequence composition and mRNA localization. Genome Biol. 2021;22:284.
Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R. Quantitative proteomics identifies the core proteome of exosomes with syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a putative universal biomarker. Nat Cell Biol. 2021;23(6):631-641.
Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Jamieson T, Jackstadt R, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Secklehner J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Fercoq F, Clarke W, Hedley A, Gilroy K, Lilla S, Vuononvirta J, Graham GJ, De Filippo K, Murphy DJ, Steele CW, Norman JC, Bird TG, Mann DA, Morton JP, Zanivan S, Sansom OJ, Carlin LM. Maturation, developmental site, and pathology dictate murine neutrophil function. bioRxiv. 2021.
Marco S, Neilson M, Moore M, Perez-Garcia A, Hall H, Mitchell L, Lilla S, Blanco GR, Hedley A, Zanivan S, Norman JC. Nuclear-capture of endosomes depletes nuclear G-actin to promote SRF/MRTF activation and cancer cell invasion. Nat Commun. 2021 Nov 24;12(1):6829.
Martinez RS, Salji MJ, Rushworth L, Ntala C, Rodriguez Blanco G, Hedley A, Clark W, Peixoto P, Hervouet E, Renaude E, Kung SHY, Galbraith LCA, Nixon C, Lilla S, Mackay GM, Fazli L, Gaughan L, Sumpton D, Gleave ME, Zanivan S, Blomme A, Leung HY. SLFN5 regulates LAT1-mediated mTOR activation in castration-resistant prostate cancer. Cancer Res. 2021;81: 3664–78
Nacke M, Sandilands E, Nikolatou K, Román-Fernández Á, Mason S, Patel R, Lilla S, Yelland T, Galbraith LCA, Freckmann EC, McGarry L, Morton JP, Shanks E, Leung HY, Markert E, Ismail S, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Bryant DM. An ARF GTPase module promoting invasion and metastasis through regulating phosphoinositide metabolism. Nat Commun. 2021;12:1623.
Phatak V, von Grabowiecki Y, Janus J, Officer L, Behan C, Aschauer L, Pinon L, Mackay H, Zanivan S, Norman JC, Kelly M, Le Quesne J, Muller PAJ. Mutant p53 promotes RCP-dependent chemoresistance coinciding with increased delivery of P-glycoprotein to the plasma membrane. Cell Death Dis. 2021;12(2):207.
Domen A, Quatannens D, Zanivan S, Deben C, Van Audenaerde J, Smits E, Wouters A, Lardon F, Roeyen G, Verhoeven Y, Janssens A, Vandamme T, van Dam P, Peeters M, Prenen H. Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts as a Common Orchestrator of Therapy Resistance in Lung and Pancreatic Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2021;13:987
Kay EJ, Koulouras G, Zanivan S. Regulation of Extracellular Matrix Production in Activated Fibroblasts: Roles of Amino Acid Metabolism in Collagen Synthesis. Front Oncol. 2021;11:719922.
Kay EJ, Zanivan S. Metabolic pathways fuelling protumourigenic cancer-associated fibroblast functions. Current Opinion in Systems Biology. 2021;28:100377.
Kay EJ, Zanivan S. Two opposing sub-populations of fibroblasts decide progression of pancreatic cancer. Cancer Cell. 2021; 39:1175-1177.
Paterson K, Zanivan S, Glasspool R, Coffelt SB, Zagnoni M. Microfluidic technologies for immunotherapy studies on solid tumours. Lab Chip. 2021;21:2306-2329.
Ahmed SF, Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Lilla S, Chatrin C, Sibbet GJ, Zanivan S, Huang DT. DELTEX2 C-terminal domain recognizes and recruits ADP-ribosylated proteins for ubiquitination. Science Advances. 2020;6(34):eabc0629.
Blomme A, Ford CA, Mui E, Patel R, Ntala C, Jamieson LE, Planque M, McGregor GH, Peixoto P, Hervouet E, Nixon C, Salji M, Gaughan L, Markert E, Repiscak P, Sumpton D, Rodriguez Blanco G, Lilla S, Kamphorst JJ, Graham D, Faulds K, MacKay GM, Fendt S-M, Zanivan S, Leung HY. 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase regulates lipid homeostasis in treatment-resistant prostate cancer. Nat Commun. 2020; 11: 2508
Cao X, Lilla S, Cao Z, Pringle MA, Oka OBV, Robinson PJ, Szmaja T, van Lith M, Zanivan S, Bulleid NJ. The mammalian cytosolic thioredoxin reductase pathway acts via a membrane protein to reduce ER-localised proteins. Journal of cell science. 2020;
Lobo MJ, Reverte-Salisa L, Chao YC, Koschinski A, Gesellchen F, Subramaniam G, Jiang H, Pace S, Larcom N, Paolocci E, Pfeifer A, Zanivan S, Zaccolo M. Phosphodiesterase 2A2 regulates mitochondria clearance through Parkin-dependent mitophagy. Commun Biol. 2020;3(1):596.
Loveridge CJ, Slater S, Campbell KJ, Nam NA, Knight J, Ahmad I, Hedley A, Lilla S, Repiscak P, Patel R, Salji M, Fleming J, Mitchell L, Nixon C, Strathdee D, Neilson M, Ntala C, Bryson S, Zanivan S, Edwards J, Robson CN, Goodyear CS, Blyth K, Leung HY. BRF1 accelerates prostate tumourigenesis and perturbs immune infiltration. Oncogene. 2020; 39: 1797–1806
Oizel K, Tait-Mulder J, Fernandez-de-Cossio-Diaz J, Pietzke M, Brunton H, Lilla S, Dhayade S, Athineos D, Blanco GR, Sumpton D, Mackay GM, Blyth K, Zanivan SR, Meiser J, Vazquez A. Formate induces a metabolic switch in nucleotide and energy metabolism. Cell death & disease. 2020;11:310.
Tait-Mulder J, Hodge K, Sumpton D, Zanivan S, Vazquez A. The conversion of formate into purines stimulates mTORC1 leading to CAD-dependent activation of pyrimidine synthesis. Cancer & Metabolism. 2020;8(1):20.
Taskinen ME, Närvä E, Conway JRW, Hinojosa LS, Lilla S, Mai A, De Franceschi N, Elo LL, Grosse R, Zanivan S, Norman JC, Ivaska J. MASTL promotes cell contractility and motility through kinase-independent signaling. J Cell Biol. 2020;219:e201906204
Unbekandt M, Lilla S, Zanivan S, Olson MF. The CDC42 effector protein MRCKβ autophosphorylates on Threonine 1108. Small GTPases. 2020;11(6):451-460.
Ferraro DA, Patella F, Zanivan S, Donato C, Aceto N, Giannotta M, Dejana E, Diepenbruck M, Christofori G, Buess M. Endothelial cell-derived nidogen-1 inhibits migration of SK-BR-3 breast cancer cells. BMC Cancer. 2019; 19: 312.
Kugeratski FG, Atkinson SJ, Neilson LJ, Lilla S, Knight JRP, Serneels J, Juin A, Ismail S, Bryant DM, Markert EK, Machesky LM, Mazzone M, Sansom OJ, Zanivan S. Hypoxic cancer-associated fibroblasts increase NCBP2-AS2/HIAR to promote endothelial sprouting through enhanced VEGF signaling. Science signaling 2019; 12: eaan8247.
Whitelaw JA, Lilla S, Paul NR, Fort L, Zanivan S, Machesky LM. CYRI/ Fam49 Proteins Represent a New Class of Rac1 Interactors. Communicative & integrative biology. 2019;12:112-118.
Wilczynska A, Gillen SL, Schmidt T, Meijer HA, Jukes-Jones R, Langlais C, Kopra K, Lu WT, Godfrey JD, Hawley BR, Hodge K, Zanivan S, Cain K, Le Quesne J, Bushell M. eIF4A2 drives repression of translation at initiation by Ccr4-Not through purine-rich motifs in the 5'UTR. Genome Biol. 2019; 20: 262.
Dandoulaki M, Petsalaki E, Sumpton D, Zanivan S, Zachos G. Src activation by Chk1 promotes actin patch formation and prevents chromatin bridge breakage in cytokinesis. J Cell Biol 2018; 217: 3071–3089
Fort L, Batista JM, Thomason PA, Spence HJ, Whitelaw JA, Tweedy L, Greaves J, Martin KJ, Anderson KI, Brown P, Lilla S, Neilson MP, Tafelmeyer P, Zanivan S, Ismail S, Bryant DM, Tomkinson NCO, Chamberlain LH, Mastick GS, Insall RH, Machesky LM. Fam49/CYRI interacts with Rac1 and locally suppresses protrusions. Nat Cell Biol. 2018 ; 20: 1159-71.
Kugeratski FG, Batista M, Lima CVP, Neilson LJ, da Cunha ES, de Godoy LM, Zanivan S, Krieger MA, Marchini FK. Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 5 Regulates Proliferation and Biosynthetic Processes in Procyclic Forms of Trypanosoma brucei. J Proteome Res 2018; 17: 108-18.
Novo D, Heath N, Mitchell L, Caligiuri G, MacFarlane A, Reijmer D, Charlton L, Knight J, Calka M, McGhee E, Dornier E, Sumpton D, Mason S, Echard A, Klinkert K, et al. Mutant p53s generate pro-invasive niches by influencing exosome podocalyxin levels. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 5069.
Port J, Muthalagu N, Raja M, Ceteci F, Monteverde T, Kruspig B, Hedley A, Kalna G, Lilla S, Neilson L, Brucoli M, Gyuraszova K, Tait-Mulder J, Mezna M, Svambaryte S, et al. Colorectal Tumors Require NUAK1 for Protection from Oxidative Stress. Cancer Discov 2018;8(5):632-47
van der Reest J, Lilla S, Zheng L, Zanivan S, Gottlieb E. Proteome-wide analysis of cysteine oxidation reveals metabolic sensitivity to redox stress. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 1581.
Santi A, Kugeratski FG, Zanivan S. Cancer Associated Fibroblasts: The Architects of Stroma Remodeling. Proteomics 2018; 18: e1700167.
Diaz-Vera J, Palmer S, Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Dornier E, Mitchell LE, Macpherson I, Edwards J, Zanivan S, Norman JC. A proteomic approach to identify endosomal cargoes controlling cancer invasiveness. J Cell Sci 2017; 130: 697-711
Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Ruengeler E, Casazza A, Neilson LJ, Pulleine E, Santi A, Ismail S, Lilla S, Dhayade S, MacPherson IR, McNeish I, Ennis D, Ali H, Kugeratski FG, Al Khamici H, van den Biggelaar M, van den Berghe PV, Cloix C, McDonald L, Millan D et al. Secreted CLIC3 drives cancer progression through its glutathione-dependent oxidoreductase activity. Nat Commun 2017; 8: 14206
Reid SE, Kay EJ, Neilson LJ, Henze AT, Serneels J, McGhee EJ, Dhayade S, Nixon C, Mackey JB, Santi A, Swaminathan K, Athineos D, Papalazarou V, Patella F, Roman-Fernandez A, ElMaghloob Y, Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Adams RH, Ismail S, Bryant DM et al. Tumor matrix stiffness promotes metastatic cancer cell interaction with the endothelium. EMBO 2017; 36: 2373-89
van den Eshof BL, Hoogendijk AJ, Simpson PJ, van Alphen FPJ, Zanivan S, Mertens K, Meijer AB, van den Biggelaar M. Paradigm of Biased PAR1 (Protease-Activated Receptor-1) Activation and Inhibition in Endothelial Cells Dissected by Phosphoproteomics. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2017; 37: 1891-1902
Norman J, Zanivan S (2017) Chloride intracellular channel 3: A secreted pro-invasive oxidoreductase. Cell Cycle: 16; 1993-4
Reid SE, Zanivan S. Tumor stiffness extends its grip on the metastatic microenvironment. Mol Cell Oncol 2017; 4: e1372866
Patella F, Neilson LJ, Athineos D, Erami Z, Anderson KI, Blyth K, Ryan KM, Zanivan S. In-Depth Proteomics Identifies a Role for Autophagy in Controlling Reactive Oxygen Species Mediated Endothelial Permeability. J Proteome Res. 2016; 15: 2187-97
Clarke CJ, Berg TJ, Birch J, Ennis D, Mitchell L, Cloix C, Campbell A, Sumpton D, Nixon C, Campbell K, Bridgeman VL, Vermeulen PB, Foo S, Kostaras E, Jones JL, Haywood L, Pulleine E, Yin HB, Strathdee D, Sansom O, Blyth K, McNeish I, Zanivan S, Reynolds AR, Norman JC. The Initiator Methionine tRNA Drives Secretion of Type II Collagen from Stromal Fibroblasts to Promote Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis. Curr Biol. 2016; 26: 755-65
Paula Duch Gili
Emily Kay
Britt Sterken
Ashton Theakstone
Maja Bailey
Lisa Neilson
Douglas Cartwright
Kunal Reshamwala
Fernanda Kugeratski (Post-doc, MD Anderson, USA)
Francesca Patella (Post-doc, University College London, UK)
Juan Ramon Hernandez (Manager Proteomic Facility, University of Warwick, UK)
Steven Reid (Post-doc, Lund University, SE)
Maartje van den Biggelaar (Scientist, Sanquin Research, Amsterdam, NL)
Our lab focuses on a fundamental, yet largely unanswered question: How is the normal organisation of tissue disrupted to allow cells to form disarrayed tumours? Cells of many tissues are polarised. That is that cells collectively form configurations tailored to the needs of a tissue. During tumourigenesis this exquisite organisation is lost. Despite the loss of tissue polarity being an obligate event in cancer progression, we know little about this basic process.
We use mini ‘avatars’ of tumours ex vivo to understand how cells collectively organise. Our efforts are focused on colorectal and prostate cancers. We take two approaches to unravel the complexity of this process:
1) building new tools to analyse tumour avatars ex vivo, and
2) identifying the signalling processes that drive collective tumour invasion and metastasis. We collaborate extensively for a multi-disciplinary approach to understand tumour metastasis (Sansom, Zanivan, Blyth, Leung, Miller Labs @ CRUK Scotland Institute).
To develop better tools to understand how tumour cells loose polarity, we have developed cutting-edge, high-content microscopy and computational image analysis of tumour spheroids and organoids, live-imaging how normal cells become tumours. Molecularly, we focus on two pathways: phosphoinositide signalling (including the kinases and phosphatases that produce them, and master regulators of their function: the ARF GTPases), and the role of the metastasis-promoting sialomucin, Podocalyxin. We are particularly interested in how these participate in metastasis.
Our ultimate aim is to investigate such changes in cell polarity as potential future biomarkers of cancer in patients, and possible targets for future therapeutic interventions.
Click here to read David's interview with the Journal of Cell Science.
Click here to read David’s perspective article on LGBT+ visibility in leadership.
Click here to read David’s essay on using your voice to stand up for diversity
Other funding:
pdf Bryant Lab Report (623 KB)
Nikolatou K, Sandilands E, Román-Fernández A, Cumming EM, Freckmann E, Lilla S, Buetow L, McGarry L, Neilson M, Shaw R, Strachan D, Miller C, Huang DT, McNeish IA, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Bryant DM. PTEN deficiency exposes a requirement for an ARF GTPase module for integrin-dependent invasion in ovarian cancer. The EMBO Journal. 2023;n/a:e113987.
Sandilands E, Freckmann EC, Cumming EM, Román-Fernández A, McGarry L, Anand J, Galbraith L, Mason S, Patel R, Nixon C, Cartwright J, Leung HY, Blyth K, Bryant DM. The small GTPase ARF3 controls invasion modality and metastasis by regulating N-cadherin levels. Journal of Cell Biology. 2023;222: e202206115
Román-Fernández A, Mansour MA, Kugeratski FG, Anand J, Sandilands E, Galbraith L, Rakovic K, Freckmann EC, Cumming EM, Park J, Nikolatou K, Lilla S, Shaw R, Strachan D, Mason S, Patel R, McGarry L, Katoch A, Campbell KJ, Nixon C, Miller CJ, Leung HY, Le Quesne J, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Bryant DM. Spatial regulation of the glycocalyx component podocalyxin is a switch for prometastatic function. Sci Adv. 2023;9:eabq1858.
Freckmann EC, Sandilands E, Cumming E, Neilson M, Román-Fernández A, Nikolatou K, Nacke M, Lannagan TRM, Hedley A, Strachan D, Salji M, Morton JP, McGarry L, Leung HY, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bryant DM. Traject3d allows label-free identification of distinct co-occurring phenotypes within 3D culture by live imaging. Nat Commun. 2022;13:5317.
Nacke M, Sandilands E, Nikolatou K, Román-Fernández Á, Mason S, Patel R, Lilla S, Yelland T, Galbraith LCA, Freckmann EC, McGarry L, Morton JP, Shanks E, Leung HY, Markert E, Ismail S, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Bryant DM. An ARF GTPase module promoting invasion and metastasis through regulating phosphoinositide metabolism. Nat Commun. 2021;12:1623.
2006: PhD, University of Queensland, Australia, Supervisor Jennifer Stow
2002: BSc (Hons) Class I, University of Queensland, Australia
2024-present: Professor, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2022-present: Reader, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2014-present: Beatson Associate, CRUK Scotland Institute
2014-2022: Senior Lecturer, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2012-2014: Associate Academic Researcher, University of California, San Francisco, USA
2006-2012: Postdoctoral Fellow with Keith Mostov, UC San Francisco, USA
2022-present: Editor, Journal of Cell Science
2019-present: Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Cell Science
2019-present: Deputy Chair, Athena Swan Committee, School of Cancer Sciences
2017-present: Affiliate Member, BioRxiv Biology Preprint Server
2015-present: Editorial Board Member, International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology
2018 Profiled as 'Cell Scientist to watch', Journal of Cell Science
2011 Finalist, U. Queensland 'Young Alumnus of the Year' Award
2007 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
2005 Cure Cancer Foundation 'Australian Young Researcher of the Year'
Nikolatou K, Sandilands E, Román-Fernández A, Cumming EM, Freckmann E, Lilla S, Buetow L, McGarry L, Neilson M, Shaw R, Strachan D, Miller C, Huang DT, McNeish IA, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Bryant DM. PTEN deficiency exposes a requirement for an ARF GTPase module for integrin-dependent invasion in ovarian cancer. The EMBO Journal. 2023;n/a:e113987.
Román-Fernández A, Mansour MA, Kugeratski FG, Anand J, Sandilands E, Galbraith L, Rakovic K, Freckmann EC, Cumming EM, Park J, Nikolatou K, Lilla S, Shaw R, Strachan D, Mason S, Patel R, McGarry L, Katoch A, Campbell KJ, Nixon C, Miller CJ, Leung HY, Le Quesne J, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Bryant DM. Spatial regulation of the glycocalyx component podocalyxin is a switch for prometastatic function. Sci Adv. 2023;9:eabq1858.
Sandilands E, Freckmann EC, Cumming EM, Román-Fernández A, McGarry L, Anand J, Galbraith L, Mason S, Patel R, Nixon C, Cartwright J, Leung HY, Blyth K, Bryant DM. The small GTPase ARF3 controls invasion modality and metastasis by regulating N-cadherin levels. Journal of Cell Biology. 2023;222: e202206115
Bryant DM. We are the system. J Cell Sci. 2023(24).
Nikolatou K, Bryant DM, Sandilands E. The ARF GTPase regulatory network in collective invasion and metastasis. Biochem Soc Trans. 2023.
Freckmann EC, Sandilands E, Cumming E, Neilson M, Román-Fernández A, Nikolatou K, Nacke M, Lannagan TRM, Hedley A, Strachan D, Salji M, Morton JP, McGarry L, Leung HY, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bryant DM. Traject3d allows label-free identification of distinct co-occurring phenotypes within 3D culture by live imaging. Nat Commun. 2022;13:5317.
Kai F, Ou G, Tourdot RW, Stashko C, Gaietta G, Swift MF, Volkmann N, Long AF, Han Y, Huang HH, Northey JJ, Leidal AM, Viasnoff V, Bryant DM, Guo W, Wiita AP, Guo M, Dumont S, Hanein D, Radhakrishnan R, Weaver VM. ECM dimensionality tunes actin tension to modulate endoplasmic reticulum function and spheroid phenotypes of mammary epithelial cells. Embo j. 2022; 41:e109205
Nikolatou K, Sandilands E, Roman-Fernandez A, Cumming EM, Freckmann EC, Lilla S, Buetow L, McGarry L, Neilson M, Shaw R, Strachan D, Miller C, Huang DT, McNeish IA, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Bryant D. PTEN deficiency exposes a requirement for an ARF GTPase module in integrin-dependent invasion in ovarian cancer. bioRxiv. 2022;Volume:2022.2011.2029.518198.
Román-Fernández Á, Sandilands E, Bryant DM. The Use of Three-Dimensional Cell Culture to Study Apicobasal Polarization and Lumen Formation. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2438:439-454.
Bristow RG, Engel J, Jayasinghe I, Kampmann M, James Sansom O, Bryant DM. Conversations with LGBT+ scientists about visibility, leadership and climbing the career ladder. Journal of Cell Science. 2022;135:jcs259880
Nacke M, Sandilands E, Nikolatou K, Román-Fernández Á, Mason S, Patel R, Lilla S, Yelland T, Galbraith LCA, Freckmann EC, McGarry L, Morton JP, Shanks E, Leung HY, Markert E, Ismail S, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Bryant DM. An ARF GTPase module promoting invasion and metastasis through regulating phosphoinositide metabolism. Nat Commun. 2021;12:1623.
Nászai M, Bellec K, Yu Y, Román-Fernández A, Sandilands E, Johansson J, Campbell AD, Norman JC, Sansom OJ, Bryant DM, Cordero JB. RAL GTPases mediate EGFR-driven intestinal stem cell proliferation and tumourigenesis. Elife. 2021;10:e63807
Millar R, Kilbey A, Remak SJ, Severson TM, Dhayade S, Sandilands E, Foster K, Bryant DM, Blyth K, Coffelt SB. The MSP-RON axis stimulates cancer cell growth in models of triple negative breast cancer. Molecular oncology. 2020;14: 1868-1880
Kugeratski FG, Atkinson SJ, Neilson LJ, Lilla S, Knight JRP, Serneels J, Juin A, Ismail S, Bryant DM, Markert EK, Machesky LM, Mazzone M, Sansom OJ, Zanivan S. Hypoxic cancer-associated fibroblasts increase NCBP2-AS2/HIAR to promote endothelial sprouting through enhanced VEGF signaling. Science signaling 2019; 12: eaan8247
Fort L, Batista JM, Thomason PA, Spence HJ, Whitelaw JA, Tweedy L, Greaves J, Martin KJ, Anderson KI, Brown P, Lilla S, Neilson MP, Tafelmeyer P, Zanivan S, Ismail S, Bryant DM, Tomkinson NCO, Chamberlain LH, Mastick GS, Insall RH, Machesky LM. Fam49/CYRI interacts with Rac1 and locally suppresses protrusions. Nat Cell Biol. 2018; 20: 1159-71
Hewit K, Sandilands E, Martinez RS, James D, Leung HY, Bryant DM, Shanks E, Markert EK. A functional genomics screen reveals a strong synergistic effect between docetaxel and the mitotic gene DLGAP5 that is mediated by the androgen receptor. Cell Death Dis. 2018; 9: 1069.
Roman-Fernandez A, Roignot J, Sandilands E, Nacke M, Mansour MA, McGarry L, Shanks E, Mostov KE, Bryant DM. The phospholipid PI(3,4)P2 is an apical identity determinant. Nat Commun. 2018; 9: 5041.
Stehbens SJ, Ju RJ, Adams MN, Perry S, Haass NK, Bryant DM, Pollock PM. FGFR2b activating mutations disrupt cell polarity to potentiate migration and invasion in endometrial cancer. J Cell Sci 2018; 131:
Datta A, Sandilands E, Mostov KE, Bryant DM. Fibroblast-derived HGF drives acinar lung cancer cell polarization through integrin-dependent RhoA-ROCK1 inhibition. Cell Signal 2017; 40: 91-8
Gao L, Yang Z, Hiremath C, Zimmerman SE, Long B, Brakeman PR, Mostov KE, Bryant DM, Luby-Phelps K, Marciano DK. Afadin orients cell division to position the tubule lumen in developing renal tubules. Development 2017; 144: 3511-20
Reid SE, Kay EJ, Neilson LJ, Henze AT, Serneels J, McGhee EJ, Dhayade S, Nixon C, Mackey JB, Santi A, Swaminathan K, Athineos D, Papalazarou V, Patella F, Roman-Fernandez A, ElMaghloob Y, Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Adams RH, Ismail S, Bryant DM et al. Tumor matrix stiffness promotes metastatic cancer cell interaction with the endothelium. EMBO J 2017; 36: 2373-89
Ruch TR, Bryant DM, Mostov KE, Engel JN. Par3 integrates Tiam1 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling to change apical membrane identity. Mol Biol Cell 2017; 28: 252-60
Bryant D, Johnson A. Meeting report - Intercellular interactions in context: towards a mechanistic understanding of cells in organs. J Cell Sci 2017; 130: 2083-85
Yang Z, Zimmerman SE, Tsunezumi J, Braitsch C, Trent C, Bryant DM, Cleaver O, Gonzalez-Manchon C, Marciano DK. Role of CD34 family members in lumen formation in the developing kidney. Dev Biol. 2016; 418: 66-74
Bryant DM, Yap AS. Editorial overview: Membrane traffic and cell polarity. Traffic. 2016; 17: 1231-2
Roman-Fernandez A, Bryant DM. Complex polarity: Building multicellular tissues through apical membrane traffic. Traffic. 2016; 17: 1244-61,
David Bryant
I was a PhD student at the University of Queensland, Australia, studying how growth factor receptors control cell-cell adhesion and migration. I followed this as a Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California, San Francisco studying how cells build apical surfaces. I established the research group at the CRUK Scotland Institute in 2014. My interests are in how groups of cells assemble into tissue and how the rules for this in cancer are changed. I'm also a strong advocate for LGBT equality, and in working to make the workplace open and accepting to all. Outside of work, you'll find me obsessed by cute dogs, playing piano, and going to concerts.
Emma Sandilands
As a PhD student at the Beatson Institute, Glasgow and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre I investigated the various roles that Src and FAK tyrosine kinases play in cancer. I am currently a Laboratory Manager, where I use high-content microscopy, computational image analysis and molecular biology to study the invasion and metastasis of prostate and colon cancer in 3D. Outside of the lab you’ll find me spending time with my family and trying to keep my houseplants alive.
Archana Katoch
I joined the Postdoctoral researcher position at the Beatson Institute in 2021, following my PhD where I investigated the role of Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer growth and therapeutic resistance. In my current role, I am investigating the mechanisms that control colorectal cancer growth and metastasis, and optimising experimental systems to aid my research. When not in the lab, I love to explore the breathtaking Scottish landscapes and going for long walks (in the hopes that I get to pet a lot of dogs).
Amy Bryson
As a PhD student my project focuses on investigating effects on cell growth and morphology upon manipulation of PIP metabolism enzymes expression in colon cancer. I use both in vitro and bioinformatic approaches in my work. For four years before beginning my PhD I worked in drug discovery carrying out high-throughput assay development and drug screening. Outside of the lab I dabbled in several crafts and always have at least one on the go. Between these I am not busy enough so you will often find me doing Scottish Country Dancing.
Yuanhao Lyu
I joined Professor David Bryant’s lab in 2024 as a PhD student, where I am currently focused on investigating the role of the PIP metabolism pathway in colorectal cancer metastasis. My research aims to identify key molecules within this pathway that may either promote or inhibit metastasis, with the potential to develop them into biomarkers or therapeutic targets. To achieve this, a variety of cutting-edge techniques, including gene editing, genetically modified mouse models, organoids, live cell imaging, and flow cytometry will be employed. Outside of the lab, I enjoy skating and traveling.
Sonia Rolo
I was a PhD student at the CRUK SI, now transferred into my new Senior Scientific Officer position. I am using high-content microscopy and super resolution imaging to assess and optimize tools to elucidate phosphoinositide localisation in 3-dimensional organoid cultures models of colon cancer. Outside of work, you will find me practicing the Arts, currently focussed on poetry and watercolour paintings.
Nathan O'Donnell
I am currently undergoing a placement year at the CRUK SI as part of my MSci in Molecular and Cellular Biology (with biotechnology) at the University of Glasgow. I started my year placement in June 2024, and my project focuses on screening compounds which inhibit different proteins in the PI3K/Akt signalling pathway in PTEN-null KPN organoids. Outside of work, I enjoy playing most sports, but especially football and golf (when the ball goes straight!).
Dr Mohammed Mansour, Postdoctoral Fellow (Now: Senior Lecturer, London Southbank University)
Dr Narissa Parry, PhD Student (Now: Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
Dr Marisa Nacke, PhD Student
Dr Alvaro Roman Fernandez, Postdoctoral Fellow (Now: ThermoFisher)
Dr Konstantina Nikolatou, PhD Student (Now: Postdoctoral Fellow, Francis Crick Institute)
Dr Eva Freckmann, PhD Student (Now: Postdoctoral Fellow, CRUK Scotland Institute)
Dr Erin Cumming PhD Student (Now: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
Understanding how cancer spreads from its primary site of origin to distant organs is one of the major challenges in cancer research. What has become evident in recent years is that mutations in cancer cells are not sufficient to drive metastasis formation – cancer cells need assistance from surrounding healthy cells. Among these various healthy cells, immune cells have emerged as powerful instigators of metastasis formation but, at the same time, immune cells can also prevent cancer cells from spreading.
Our lab focuses on these dichotomous roles of immune cells and how tumours control immune cell behaviour. We study these concepts in the context of breast, pancreatic and colorectal cancers. We are particularly interested in γδ T cells, a rare population of T cells with properties that are distinct from conventional CD4 and CD8 T cells, as γδ T cells can be both pro-tumourigenic and anti-tumourigenic. Our ultimate goal is to understand how γδ T cells and other immune cells participate in the metastatic process and to develop new immunotherapies that counteract metastatic lesions.
Find out more about Seth's recent research in this article by STV News here.
Read the story from the Evening Times here.
Read about Seth's background and move to Glasgow here.
pdf Coffelt Lab Report (84 KB)
Coffelt SB, Wellenstein MD, de Visser KE. Neutrophils in cancer: neutral no more. Nat Rev Cancer. 2016; 16: 431–446
Coffelt SB, Kersten K, Doornebal CW, Weiden J, Vrijland K, Hau CS, Verstegen NJ, Ciampricotti M, Hawinkels LJ, Jonkers J, de Visser KE. IL-17-producing γδ T cells and neutrophils conspire to promote breast cancer metastasis. Nature. 2015; 522: 345-8.
Coffelt SB, de Visser KE. Cancer: Inflammation lights the way to metastasis. Nature. 2014; 507: 48-9.
Al-ofi E, Coffelt SB*, Anumba DO*. Monocyte subpopulations from pre-eclamptic patients are abnormally skewed and exhibit exaggerated responses to Toll-like receptor ligands. PLoS One. 2012; 7: e42217. *co-senior author
Coffelt SB, Chen YY, Muthana M, Welford AF, Tal AO, Scholz A, Plate KH, Reiss Y, Murdoch C, De Palma M, Lewis CE. Angiopoietin 2 stimulates TIE2-expressing monocytes to suppress T cell activation and to promote regulatory T cell expansion. J Immunol. 2011; 186: 4183-90.
Coffelt SB*, Tomchuck SL, Zwezdaryk KJ, Danka ES, Scandurro AB. Leucine leucine-37 uses formyl peptide receptor-like 1 to activate signal transduction pathways, stimulate oncogenic gene expression, and enhance the invasiveness of ovarian cancer cells. Mol Cancer Res. 2009; 7: 907-15. *corresponding author
2006: PhD, Interdisciplinary Program in Molecular & Cellular Biology, Tulane University, USA
2000: BA, Biology & Chemistry, Minors in Music & Global Studies, Drury University, USA
2023-present: Professor, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2016-present: Senior Research Fellow/Beatson Associate, University of Glasgow
2011-2016: Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow with Karin de Visser, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
2008-2011: Postdoctoral Research Associate with Claire Lewis, University of Sheffield, UK
2007-2008: Postdoctoral Fellow with Aline Scandurro, Tulane University, USA
2005-2007: Visiting Scientist with Frank Marini & Michael Andreeff, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
2005: Adjunct Professor, Drury University, USA
British Association for Cancer Research AstraZeneca Young Scientist Frank Rose Award, 2018
Wellcome Trust Seed Award, 2017
Outstanding Staff Member Award, Netherlands Cancer Institute, 2014
Scholar-in-Training Award, AACR Special Conference on Advances in Breast Cancer Research, 2013
Netherlands Cancer Institute Staff Evening Presenter, 2013
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development, 2011-2013
Exceptional Contribution Award, University of Sheffield, 2010
Top 10 Finalist for MedImmune's Oncology Research Abstract Competition, 2009
Cancer Association of Greater New Orleans' Student Grant, 2005
Breast Cancer Now Grants Committee member
Churchhouse AMD, Billard CV, Suzuki T, Pohl SÖ G, Doleschall NJ, Donnelly K, Nixon C, Arends MJ, Din S, Kirkwood K, Marques Junior J, Von Kriegsheim A, Coffelt SB, Myant KB. Loss of DOCK2 potentiates Inflammatory Bowel Disease-associated colorectal cancer via immune dysfunction and IFNγ induction of IDO1 expression. Oncogene. 2024.
Dawson A, Zarou MM, Prasad B, Bittencourt-Silvestre J, Zerbst D, Himonas E, Hsieh YC, van Loon I, Blanco GR, Ianniciello A, Kerekes Z, Krishnan V, Agarwal P, Almasoudi H, McCluskey L, Hopcroft LEM, Scott MT, Baquero P, Dunn K, Vetrie D, Copland M, Bhatia R, Coffelt SB, Tiong OS, Wheadon H, Zanivan S, Kirschner K, Helgason GV. Leukaemia exposure alters the transcriptional profile and function of BCR::ABL1 negative macrophages in the bone marrow niche. Nat Commun. 2024;15(1):1090.
Fercoq F, Cairns GS, Donatis MD, Mackey JBG, Floerchinger A, McFarlane A, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Whyte D, Arnott LWG, Nixon C, Wiesheu R, Kilbey A, Brown L, Al-Khalidi S, Norman JC, Roberts EW, Blyth K, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Integrin inactivation slows down neutrophils congesting the pre-metastatic lung in a model of breast cancer. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2003.2019.585724.
Whyte D, Voorde JV, Sumpton D, Dhayade S, Dornier E, Moore M, Novo D, Peters J, Wiesheu R, Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Fercoq F, Fisher S, Caballero CD, Gilroy K, Redmond KL, Mitchell LE, Anderson E, Thomson G, Dzierozynski LN, Saab JJA, Lewis CA, Muir A, Halbrook CJ, Strathdee D, Jackstadt R, Nixon C, Dunne P, Steele CW, Carlin LM, Macpherson IR, Roberts EW, Coffelt SB, Blyth K, Sansom OJ, Norman JC, Clarke CJ. Uridine Phosphorylase-1 supports metastasis of mammary cancer by altering immune and extracellular matrix landscapes of the lung. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2007.2002.601676.
Wiesheu R, Edwards SC, Hedley A, Hall H, Tosolini M, Fares da Silva MGF, Sumaria N, Castenmiller SM, Wardak L, Optaczy Y, Lynn A, Hill DG, Hayes AJ, Hay J, Kilbey A, Shaw R, Whyte D, Walsh PJ, Michie AM, Graham GJ, Manoharan A, Halsey C, Blyth K, Wolkers MC, Miller C, Pennington DJ, Jones GW, Fournie JJ, Bekiaris V, Coffelt SB. IL-27 maintains cytotoxic Ly6C(+) γδ T cells that arise from immature precursors. Embo j. 2024.
Lupo F, Coffelt SB. Stressed out neutrophils drive metastasis. Immunity. 2024(4):840-842.
Wiesheu R, Coffelt SB. From backstage to the spotlight: γδT cells in cancer. Cancer Cell. 2024.
Edwards SC, Hedley A, Hoevenaar WHM, Wiesheu R, Glauner T, Kilbey A, Shaw R, Boufea K, Batada N, Hatano S, Yoshikai Y, Blyth K, Miller C, Kirschner K, Coffelt SB. PD-1 and TIM-3 differentially regulate subsets of mouse IL-17A-producing γδ T cells. J Exp Med. 2023;220.:e20211431
Laing S, Kruspig B, Shaw R, Officer-Jones L, Edwards S, McKinven D, Hsieh Y-C, Powley I, Brady N, Pennie R, Kwan R, Lima A, Myrta S, Periyasamy M, Dye IC, Nixon C, Clark G, Junttila MR, Maddalo D, Miller C, Ali S, Fuchter MJ, Nickles D, Kirschner K, Brown RB, Quesne JL, Strathdee D, Coffelt SB, Roberts E, Murphy DJ. ERBB signalling contributes to immune evasion in KRAS-driven lung adenocarcinoma. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2007.2024.550274.
Suzuki T, Kilbey A, Casa Rodriguez N, Lawlor A, Georgakopoulou A, Hayman H, Yin Swe KL, Nordin A, Cantù C, Vantourout P, Ridgway RA, Byrne RM, Chen L, Verzi MP, Gay DM, Gil Vazquez E, Belnoue-Davis HL, Gilroy K, Kostner AH, Kersten C, Thuwajit C, Andersen DK, Wiesheu R, Jandke A, Blyth K, Roseweir AK, Leedham SJ, Dunne PD, Edwards J, Hayday A, Sansom OJ, Coffelt SB. β-catenin drives butyrophilin-like molecule loss and γδ T-cell exclusion in colon cancer. Cancer Immunology Research. 2023;11: 1137-1155
Quintana JF, Sinton MC, Chandrasegaran P, Lestari AN, Heslop R, Cheaib B, Ogunsola J, Ngoyi DM, Kuispond Swar NR, Cooper A, Mabbott NA, Coffelt SB, MacLeod A. γδ T cells control murine skin inflammation and subcutaneous adipose wasting during chronic Trypanosoma brucei infection. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):5279.
Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, McFarlane AJ, Kruspig B, Fercoq F, Secklehner J, Donatis MD, Mackey JBG, Wiesheu R, Laing S, Hsieh Y-C, Shaw R, Corbyn R, Nixon C, Miller C, Kirschner K, Bain CC, Daniel J. Murphy, Seth B. Coffelt, Carlin LM. γδ T cells impair airway macrophage differentiation in lung adenocarcinoma. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2009.2014.557344.
Waldron JA, Kanellos G, Smith RCL, Knight JRP, Munro J, Alexandrou C, Vlahov N, Pardo-Fernandez L, Moore M, Gillen SL, Strathdee D, Stevenson D, Warrander FC, Gilroy K, Nixon C, Cadden B, Powley I, Officer-Jones L, Ballantyne F, Hay J, Pennel K, Edwards J, Campbell AD, Ridgway RA, Coffelt SB, Norman J, Quesne JL, Bushell M, Sansom OJ. eIF4A1 is essential for reprogramming the translational landscape of Wnt-driven colorectal cancers. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2011.2010.566546.
Coffelt SB, Morton JP. LOXL2 in pancreatic tumourigenesis: the complexity of tumour-stromal crosstalk exemplified. Gut. 2023;72:221-222.
Coffelt SB, Suzuki T. The two sides of the γδ T cell coin. Nat Cancer. 2023;10.1038/s43018-023-00587-y.
Coffelt SB, Suzuki T. γδ T cells turn the tables on immune-evasive colon cancer. Med. 2023;4:141-142.
Curio S, Edwards SC, Suzuki T, McGovern J, Triulzi C, Yoshida N, Jonsson G, Glauner T, Rami D, Wiesheu R, Kilbey A, Purcell RV, Coffelt SB, Guerra N. NKG2D signaling regulates IL-17A-producing γδT cells in mice to promote cancer progression. Discovery Immunology. 2022;1:kyac002.
Paterson K, Paterson S, Mulholland T, Coffelt SB, Zagnoni M. Assessment of CAR-T Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity in 3D Microfluidic Cancer Co-Culture Models for Combination Therapy. IEEE Open J Eng Med Biol. 2022;3:86-95.
van Wagensveld L, van Baal J, Timmermans M, Gaillard D, Borghuis L, Coffelt SB, Rosenberg EH, Lok CAR, Nijman HW, Kooreman LFS, Sanders J, de Bruijn M, Wessels LFA, van der Wiel R, Rausch C, Broeks A, Kruitwagen R, van der Aa MA, Sonke GS, Schouten PC, Van de Vijver KK, Horlings HM. Homologous Recombination Deficiency and Cyclin E1 Amplification Are Correlated with Immune Cell Infiltration and Survival in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14.
Lawrence M, Wiesheu R, Coffelt SB. The duplexity of unconventional T cells in cancer. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2022;146:106213.
Edwards SC, Hedley A, Hoevenaar WHM, Glauner T, Wiesheu R, Kilbey A, Shaw R, Boufea K, Batada N, Blyth K, Miller C, Kirschner K, Coffelt SB. Single-cell analysis uncovers differential regulation of lung γδ T cell subsets by the co-inhibitory molecules, PD-1 and TIM-3. bioRxiv. 2021.
Johnson SA, Ormsby MJ, Wessel HM, Hulme HE, Bravo-Blas A, McIntosh A, Mason S, Coffelt SB, Tait SWG, Mowat AM, Milling SWF, Blyth K, Wall DM. Monocytes mediate Salmonella Typhimurium-induced tumour growth inhibition in a mouse melanoma model. Eur J Immunol. 2021;14:5965
Paterson K, Zanivan S, Glasspool R, Coffelt SB, Zagnoni M. Microfluidic technologies for immunotherapy studies on solid tumours. Lab Chip. 2021;21:2306-2329.
Edwards SC, Hoevenaar WHM, Coffelt SB. Emerging immunotherapies for metastasis. Br J Cancer. 2021;124:37-48.
McFarlane AJ, Fercoq F, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Neutrophil dynamics in the tumor microenvironment. J Clin Invest. 2021;131: ed2021.
Dhayade S, Pietzke M, Wiesheu R, Tait-Mulder J, Athineos D, Sumpton D, Coffelt S, Blyth K, Vazquez A. Impact of Formate Supplementation on Body Weight and Plasma Amino Acids. Nutrients. 2020; 12(8):2181.
Millar R, Kilbey A, Remak SJ, Severson TM, Dhayade S, Sandilands E, Foster K, Bryant DM, Blyth K, Coffelt SB. The MSP-RON axis stimulates cancer cell growth in models of triple negative breast cancer. Molecular oncology. 2020;14: 1868-1880
Muthalagu N, Monteverde T, Raffo-Iraolagoitia X, Wiesheu R, Whyte D, Hedley A, Laing S, Kruspig B, Upstill-Goddard R, Shaw R, Neidler S, Rink C, Karim SA, Gyuraszova K, Nixon C, Clark W, Biankin AV, Carlin LM, Coffelt SB, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Murphy DJ. Repression of the Type I Interferon pathway underlies MYC & KRAS-dependent evasion of NK & B cells in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancer discovery. 2020;
Boire A, Coffelt SB, Quezada SA, Vander Heiden MG, Weeraratna AT. Tumour Dormancy and Reawakening: Opportunities and Challenges. Trends in cancer. 2019; 5: 762-765.
Mackey JBG, Coffelt SB, Carlin LM. Neutrophil Maturity in Cancer. Frontiers in immunology. 2019; 10: 1912.
Salvagno C, Ciampricotti M, Tuit S, Hau CS, van Weverwijk A, Coffelt SB, Kersten K, Vrijland K, Kos K, Ulas T, Song JY, Ooi CH, Ruttinger D, Cassier PA, Jonkers J, Schultze JL, Ries CH, de Visser KE. Therapeutic targeting of macrophages enhances chemotherapy efficacy by unleashing type I interferon response. Nat Cell Biol. 2019; 21: 511-21.
Silva-Santos B, Mensurado S, Coffelt SB. γδ T cells: pleiotropic immune effectors with therapeutic potential in cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer. 2019; 19, 392–404
Wellenstein MD, Coffelt SB, Duits DEM, van Miltenburg MH, Slagter M, de Rink I, Henneman L, Kas SM, Prekovic S, Hau CS, Vrijland K, Drenth AP, de Korte-Grimmerink R, Schut E, van der Heijden I, Zwart W, Wessels LFA, Schumacher TN, Jonkers J, de Visser KE. Loss of p53 triggers WNT-dependent systemic inflammation to drive breast cancer metastasis. Nature. 2019; 572: 538–542
Kruspig B, Monteverde T, Neidler S, Hock A, Kerr E, Nixon C, Clark W, Hedley A, Laing S, Coffelt SB, Le Quesne J, Dick C, Vousden K, Martins CP, Murphy DJ. The ERBB network facilitates KRAS-driven lung tumorigenesis. Sci Transl Med. 2018; 10: eaao2565
Carron EC, Homra S, Rosenberg J, Coffelt SB, Kittrell F, Zhang Y, Creighton CJ, Fuqua SA, Medina D, Machado HL. Macrophages promote the progression of premalignant mammary lesions to invasive cancer. Oncotarget 2017; 8: 50731-46
Kersten K, Coffelt SB, Hoogstraat M, Verstegen NJM, Vrijland K, Ciampricotti M, Doornebal CW, Hau CS, Wellenstein MD, Salvagno C, Doshi P, Lips EH, Wessels LFA, de Visser KE. Mammary tumor-derived CCL2 enhances pro-metastatic systemic inflammation through upregulation of IL1β in tumor-associated macrophages. Oncoimmunology 2017; 6:e1334744.
Rumney RMH, Coffelt SB, Neale TA, Dhayade S, Tozer GM, Miller G. PyMT-Maclow. A novel, inducible, murine model for determining the role of CD68 positive cells in breast tumor development. PLoS One 2017; 12: e0188591
van Baal J, Van de Vijver KK, Coffelt SB, van der Noort V, van Driel WJ, Kenter GG, Buist MR, Lok C. Incidence of lymph node metastases in clinical early-stage mucinous and seromucinous ovarian carcinoma: a retrospective cohort study. BJOG 2017; 124: 486-94
Walton JB, Farquharson M, Mason S, Port J, Kruspig B, Dowson S, Stevenson D, Murphy D, Matzuk M, Kim J, Coffelt S, Blyth K, McNeish IA. CRISPR/Cas9-derived models of ovarian high grade serous carcinoma targeting Brca1, Pten and Nf1, and correlation with platinum sensitivity. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 16827
Coffelt SB, de Visser KE. Revving up dendritic cells while braking PD-L1 to jump-start the cancer-immunity cycle motor. Immunity 2016; 44: 722-4
Coffelt SB, de Visser KE. Systemic inflammation: Cancer's long-distance reach to maximize metastasis. Oncoimmunology 2016; 5: e1075694
Coffelt SB, Wellenstein MD, de Visser KE. Neutrophils in cancer: Neutral no more. Nat Rev Cancer 2016; 16: 431-46
Rahat MA, Coffelt SB, Granot Z, Muthana M, Amedei A. Macrophages and neutrophils: Regulation of the inflammatory microenvironment in autoimmunity and cancer. Mediators Inflamm 2016; 2016: 5894347
Seth Coffelt
Since I was a PhD student at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, I have been interested in how non-cancerous cells within tumors and metastatic lesions contribute to cancer progression. Throughout my research career, I’ve had the opportunity to study mesenchymal stromal cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and T cells in mouse models of cancer, while living in some really fantastic places. After leaving America, I moved to Sheffield, England, then to Amsterdam where I worked at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI). My lab at the CRUK Scotland Institute – where I’ve been since 2016 – has focused on the functions of gamma delta T cells during cancer evolution. This work we do with the help of many colleagues in Glasgow and around the world. I’m a people person so collaborating with other researchers gives me a lot of joy. At the weekends, I chase the kids around and frequent nice restaurants.
Nadia Iqbal
I studied biomedicine at the University of Manchester after which I completed my MRes in Translational Medicine, it was during this time that my interest in cancer research was cemented. I went on to work at the CRUK Manchester Institute as a scientific officer in the clinical and experimental pharmacology group investigating circulating tumour cells in various clinical trials after which I spent some time in the UoM functional genomics group. In my Ph.D. and first postdoc at Lancaster University I investigated the role of fat associated lymphoid clusters in the pleural cavity in the context of the inflammatory microenvironment in response to fibres. Currently I am a postdoc in Professor Seth Coffelt’s group, I am particularly interested in the tumour immune microenvironment and unlocking immunotherapeutic targets in cancer. During my spare time I like to read, cook, shop, visit nice restaurants, and holiday!
Abhiram Mallu
I am a postdoctoral researcher interested in understanding the paradoxical role of T cells in tumour progression and suppression. My current research investigates how gamma-delta T cells in the pancreatic tumour microenvironment instigate metastasis in the KPC model. During my PhD in India, I studied the effect of healthy and impaired glucose metabolism on lymphocyte trafficking and neo-vascularization. I am an enthusiastic teacher, and I aspire to lead my own research group in the future. When I am not experimenting with immune cells, I like to experiment with food, explore unfamiliar places, and enjoy reading, music, and movies.
Natalie Phinney
I am a postdoctoral research scientist investigating the influence of gamma-delta T cells on pancreatic cancer primary tumor survival and progression. Originally from Basingstoke, UK, I completed my PhD in Cancer Biology at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX USA, developing a tumor-targeting fusion protein. I also have a JD (law) degree from the University of Tennessee, USA. When not in lab, I enjoy riding horses, running, and taking my three kids to the country park.
Toshi Suzuki
Orchid LinkedIn X
I am a postdoctoral researcher who is aspiring to be a group leader in the UK. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) emerge as a very powerful therapy to advanced cancer patients, who used to have no treatment option. However, only a part of patients receives benefit from ICIs. My research focus is to understand why ICIs does not work in the majority of patients, and how we can make ICIs effective in more patients in future. T cells, macrophages and Wnt/β-catenin signalling are of my specific focuses. I enjoy working with many people and have been fortunate to collaborate with more than seven group leaders in the UK. I have also supervised 12 students (both master's and PhD), most of whom have pursued academic careers. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my research.
Heather Spence
I am currently working as the principal scientific officer in Prof Seth Coffelt’s lab investigating the role of role of gamma delta T cells in pancreatic and colon cancer. My scientific journey started with my PhD at Glasgow University with Prof Malcolm Kennedy, where we cloned the major Allergen of Ascaris Lumbricoides. I then had the amazing opportunity to work as a postdoctoral fellow at the Netherlands institute for Brain Research studying the role of frame shift mutations in Alzheimer’s disease. Returning to Glasgow, I pursued a postdoctoral position with Prof Brad Ozanne at the Beatson Institute, studying AP-1 regulated genes in invasion of tumour cells and then with Prof Steve Winder at the University of Glasgow working on actin binding proteins in muscular dystrophy. Following this, I worked for 17 years with Prof Laura Machesky, as the lab’s principal scientific officer studying actin cytoskeleton in metastasis and tumour microenvironment.
David Hamilton
I am a higher speciality trainee in General Surgery in the West of Scotland, currently in my first year of PhD under the supervision of Prof Seth Coffelt. My current research investigates the role of Gamma Delta T cells in pancreatic cancer. When I am not in the lab or the hospital I like to spend my time travelling, attending live music events or on the golf course.
Federico Lupo
I am a PhD student in Coffelt’s lab exploring the role of T cells residing in the intestines (IEL) during colon cancer initiation. Originally from Sicily, I’d completed my Integrated Master’s in Immunology at the University of Glasgow with a one-year placement in the lab of Dr Molly Ingersoll in Paris. Here, while studying the prostate immune response against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria during urinary tract infections, I made an important discovery: Immunology is my passion! Be it in cancer or infection, I’m in awe of how hundreds of cell responses are finely tuned to avoid, contain, or repress the challenge! Outside of work, I enjoy working out, reading, and travelling to new places.
Febby Nurdiya Ningsih
All the way from Indonesia to start my PhD journey in Seth Coffelt's lab and study Cancer Associated-Lymphopenia (CAL), particularly in a liver cancer model. I did previous research on an anti-inflammatory compound isolated from Japanese herb and completed my MSc in Japan. Then, I worked in the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia to develop monoclonal antibody and marine-based anti-cancer drug candidates. This dynamically changing research journey made me realize that I pretty much enjoyed every challenge of science progression. Moreover, I have always been interested in how immune cells play their roles during disease development, which in the future, I wish to focus more on cancer cases. Out of the lab, I love to do solo-travelling, hiking, and café-hopping.
Regan Leaver
Lewis Pennie
I am a 4th year Immunology MSci student from the University of Glasgow, and I am undergoing my work placement year carrying out research within colorectal cancer. I am interested in the role that the immune system plays within cancer, specifically how immune cells such as γδ T Cells can be pro-tumorigenic and anti-tumorigenic. Out with the lab and university I like to Mountain Bike, listen to and play music, play football, and golf.
Muhammad Aslam
Sarah Edwards (Senior Scientist, Takeda)
Kyla Foster (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Anastasia Georgakopoulou
Teresa Glauner
Wilma Hoevenaar
Anna Kilbey
Rhona Millar
Erin Morris (Department Chair of Biology & Chemistry, Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas, USA)
Anna Pidoux
Damiano Rami
Sarah Jane Remak
Elizabeth Thompson
Josip Vrancic
Robert Wiesheu
Every year around 340,000 people die of pancreatic cancer worldwide, and by 2030 pancreatic cancer is predicted to be the second commonest cause of cancer death in the western world. Most patients present too late for surgery, with aggressive invasive or metastatic disease. Furthermore, current chemotherapies offer little benefit, so we urgently need to better understand the disease and identify better options for clinicians and patients.
To do this, we model different genetic subsets of the disease in genetically engineered models. These models mimic human tumours in terms of the genes altered, and also because they develop a dense desmoplastic stroma of fibroblasts, stellate cells, immune cells, and extracellular matrix proteins such as collagen.
By studying our models, we can determine the importance of specific genetic and transcriptomic changes identified in human tumours, identify novel targets for therapy, both in tumour cells and in the microenvironment, and test new therapies pre-clinically.
See the following CRUK blogs for more details about Prof Morton's work:
Other funding:
pdf Morton Lab Report (127 KB)
Steele CW, Karim SA, Leach JD, Bailey P, Upstill-Goddard R, Rishi L, Foth M, Bryson S, McDaid K, Wilson Z, Eberlein C, Candido JB, Clarke M, Nixon C, Connelly J, Jamieson N, Carter CR, Balkwill F, Chang DK, Evans TR, Strathdee D, Biankin AV, Nibbs RJ, Barry ST, Sansom OJ & Morton JP (2016) CXCR2 Inhibition Profoundly Suppresses Metastases and Augments Immunotherapy in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancer Cell. 29, 832-45.
Driscoll DR, Karim SA, Sano M, Gay DM, Jacob W, Yu J, Mizukami Y, Gopinathan A, Jodrell DI, Evans TR, Bardeesy N, Hall MN, Quattrochi BJ, Klimstra DS, Barry ST, Sansom OJ, Lewis BC & Morton JP (2016) mTORC2 Signaling Drives the Development and Progression of Pancreatic Cancer Cancer Res. 76, 6911-23.
Steele CW, Karim SA, Foth M, Rishi L, Leach JD, Porter RJ, Nixon C, Jeffry Evans TR, Carter CR, Nibbs RJ, Sansom OJ & Morton JP (2015) CXCR2 inhibition suppresses acute and chronic pancreatic inflammation. J Pathol. 237, 85-97.
Miller BW*, Morton JP*, Pinese M, Saturno G, Jamieson NB, McGhee E, Timpson P, Leach J, McGarry L, Shanks E, Bailey P, Chang D, Oien K, Karim S, Au A, Steele C, Carter CR, McKay C, Anderson K, Evans TR, Marais R, Springer C, Biankin A, Erler JT & Sansom OJ (2015) Targeting the LOX/hypoxia axis reverses many of the features that make pancreatic cancer deadly: inhibition of LOX abrogates metastasis and enhances drug efficacy. EMBO Mol Med. 7, 1063-76.
Morran DC, Wu J, Jamieson NB, Mrowinska A, Kalna G, Karim SA, Au AY, Scarlett CJ, Chang DK, Pajak MZ, Australian Pancreatic Cancer Genome I, Oien KA, McKay CJ, Carter CR, Gillen G, Champion S, Pimlott SL, Anderson KI, Evans TR, Grimmond SM, Biankin AV, Sansom OJ & Morton JP (2014) Targeting mTOR dependency in pancreatic cancer. Gut. 63, 1481-9.
2001: PhD, Veterinary Pathology, University of Glasgow
1998: BSc (Hons. 1st), Medical Biochemistry, University of Glasgow
2019-present: Professor, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
2019-present: Senior Staff Scientist, Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute, Glasgow, UK
2015-present: Preclinical trials coordinator, Cancer Research UK Glasgow Centre
2010-2019: Associate Scientist, Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, Glasgow, UK
2007-2010: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK
2004-2007: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, USA
2001-2004: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Institute of Biomedical & Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK
Russell SN, Demetriou C, Valenzano G, Evans A, Go S, Stanly T, Hazini A, Willenbrock F, Gordon-Weeks AN, Mukherjee S, Tesson M, Morton JP, O'Neill E, Jones KI. Induction of macrophage efferocytosis in pancreatic cancer via PI3Kγ inhibition and radiotherapy promotes tumour control. Gut. 2025.
Astuti Y, Raymant M, Quaranta V, Clarke K, Abudula M, Smith O, Bellomo G, Chandran-Gorner V, Nourse C, Halloran C, Ghaneh P, Palmer D, Jones RP, Campbell F, Pollard JW, Morton JP, Mielgo A, Schmid MC. Efferocytosis reprograms the tumor microenvironment to promote pancreatic cancer liver metastasis. Nat Cancer. 2024.
Fey SK, Najumudeen AK, Watt DM, Millett LM, Ford CA, Gilroy K, Simpson RJ, McLay K, Upstill-Goddard R, Chang D, Clark W, Nixon C, Birch JL, Barry ST, Morton JP, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ. KRAS Loss of Heterozygosity Promotes MAPK-Dependent Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Initiation and Induces Therapeutic Sensitivity to MEK Inhibition. Cancer Res. 2024.
Go S, Demetriou C, Valenzano G, Hughes S, Lanfredini S, Ferry H, Arbe-Barnes E, Sivakumar S, Bashford-Rogers R, Middleton MR, Mukherjee S, Morton J, Jones K, O’Neill E. Tissue-resident NK cells support survival in pancreatic cancer through promotion of cDC1-CD8T activity. bioRxiv. 2024:2023.2010.2014.562332.
Pereira BA, Ritchie S, Chambers CR, Gordon KA, Magenau A, Murphy KJ, Nobis M, Tyma VM, Liew YF, Lucas MC, Naeini MM, Barkauskas DS, Chacon-Fajardo D, Howell AE, Parker AL, Warren SC, Reed DA, Lee V, Metcalf XL, Lee YK, O'Regan LP, Zhu J, Trpceski M, Fontaine ARM, Stoehr J, Rouet R, Lin X, Chitty JL, Porazinski S, Wu SZ, Filipe EC, Cadell AL, Holliday H, Yang J, Papanicolaou M, Lyons RJ, Zaratzian A, Tayao M, Da Silva A, Vennin C, Yin J, Dew AB, McMillan PJ, Goldstein LD, Deveson IW, Croucher DR, Samuel MS, Sim HW, Batten M, Chantrill L, Grimmond SM, Gill AJ, Samra J, Jeffry Evans TR, Sasaki T, Phan TG, Swarbrick A, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Pajic M, Parker BL, Herrmann D, Cox TR, Timpson P. Temporally resolved proteomics identifies nidogen-2 as a cotarget in pancreatic cancer that modulates fibrosis and therapy response. Sci Adv. 2024;10(27):eadl1197.
Raymant M, Astuti Y, Alvaro-Espinosa L, Green D, Quaranta V, Bellomo G, Glenn M, Chandran-Gorner V, Palmer DH, Halloran C, Ghaneh P, Henderson NC, Morton JP, Valiente M, Mielgo A, Schmid MC. Macrophage-fibroblast JAK/STAT dependent crosstalk promotes liver metastatic outgrowth in pancreatic cancer. Nat Commun. 2024;15(1):3593.
Salvador-Barbero B, Alatsatianos M, Morton JP, Sansom OJ, Hogan C. Oncogenic KRAS cells use Wnt signalling and cell dormancy to override homeostatic cell elimination mechanisms in adult pancreas. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2002.2013.579930.
Tesson M, Stevenson K, Karim SA, Nixon C, Chalmers AJ, Sansom OJ, O'Neil E, Jones K, Morton JP. Targeted irradiation in an autochthonous mouse model of pancreatic cancer. Dis Model Mech. 2024.
Tesson M, Morton JP. The preclinical gap in pancreatic cancer and radiotherapy. Dis Model Mech. 2024(7).
Walker M, Morton JP. Hydrogel models of pancreatic adenocarcinoma to study cell mechanosensing. Biophys Rev. 2024(6):851-870.
Coetzee AS, Carter EP, Rodríguez-Fernández L, Heward J, Wang Q, Karim SA, Boughetane L, Milton C, Uyulur F, Morton JP, Kocher HM, Grose RP. Nuclear FGFR1 promotes pancreatic stellate cell-driven invasion through up-regulation of Neuregulin 1. Oncogene. 2023; 42: 491-500
Conway JRW, Warren SC, Lee YK, McCulloch AT, Magenau A, Lee V, Metcalf XL, Stoehr J, Haigh K, Abdulkhalek L, Guaman CS, Reed DA, Murphy KJ, Pereira BA, Mélénec P, Chambers C, Latham SL, Lenthall H, Deenick EK, Ma Y, Phan T, Lim E, Joshua AM, Walters S, Grey ST, Shi YC, Zhang L, Herzog H, Croucher DR, Philp A, Scheele C, Herrmann D, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Papa A, Haigh JJ, Nobis M, Timpson P. Monitoring AKT activity and targeting in live tissue and disease contexts using a real-time Akt-FRET biosensor mouse. Sci Adv. 2023;9:eadf9063.
Fey SK, Najumudeen AK, Ford C, Gilroy K, Upstill-Goddard R, Chang DK, Clark W, Nixon C, Barry ST, Morton JP, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ. Kras loss of heterozygosity promotes MAPK dependent pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and induces therapeutic sensitivity. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2008.2029.552598.
Go S, Demetriou C, Hughes S, Lanfredini S, Valenzano G, Ferry H, Arbe-Barnes E, Sivakumar S, Bashford-Rogers R, Middleton MR, Mukherjee S, Morton J, Jones K, O’Neill E. Tissue-resident NK cells support survival in pancreatic cancer through promotion of cDC1-CD8T activity. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2010.2014.562332.
Graziano V, Dannhorn A, Hulme H, Williamson K, Buckley H, Karim SA, Wilson M, Lee SY, Kaistha BP, Islam S, Thaventhiran JED, Richards FM, Goodwin R, Brais R, Morton JP, Dovedi SJ, Schuller AG, Eyles J, Jodrell DI. Defining the spatial distribution of extracellular adenosine revealed a myeloid-dependent immunosuppressive microenvironment in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. J Immunother Cancer. 2023;11.
Najumudeen AK, Fey SK, Millett LM, Ford C, Gilroy K, Gunduz N, Ridgway RA, Anderson E, Strathdee D, Clark W, Nixon C, Morton JP, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ. KRAS allelic imbalance drives tumour initiation yet suppresses metastasis in colorectal cancer in vivo. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2008.2029.555396.
Perurena N, Lock R, Davis RA, Raghavan S, Pilla NF, Ng R, Loi P, Guild CJ, Miller AL, Sicinska E, Cleary JM, Rubinson DA, Wolpin BM, Gray NS, Santagata S, Hahn WC, Morton JP, Sansom OJ, Aguirre AJ, Cichowski K. USP9X mediates an acute adaptive response to MAPK suppression in pancreatic cancer but creates multiple actionable therapeutic vulnerabilities. Cell Rep Med. 2023;10.1016/j.xcrm.2023.101007:101007.
Whyte D, Skalka G, Walsh P, Wilczynska A, Paul NR, Mitchell C, Nixon C, Clarke W, Bushell M, Morton JP, Murphy DJ, Muthalagu N. NUAK1 governs centrosome replication in pancreatic cancer via MYPT1/PP1β and GSK3β-dependent regulation of PLK4. Mol Oncol. 2023;17:1212-1227
Barry ST, Gabrilovich DI, Sansom OJ, Campbell AD, Morton JP. Therapeutic targeting of tumour myeloid cells. Nat Rev Cancer. 2023; 23: 216–237
Coffelt SB, Morton JP. LOXL2 in pancreatic tumourigenesis: the complexity of tumour-stromal crosstalk exemplified. Gut. 2023;72:221-222.
Ali A, Jamieson NB, Khan IN, Chang D, Giovannetti E, Funel N, Frampton AE, Morton J, Sansom O, Evans TRJ, Duthie F, McKay CJ, Samra J, Gill AJ, Biankin A, Oien KA. Prognostic implications of microRNA-21 overexpression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: an international multicenter study of 686 patients. Am J Cancer Res. 2022;12:5668-5683.
Bellomo G, Rainer C, Quaranta V, Astuti Y, Raymant M, Boyd E, Stafferton R, Campbell F, Ghaneh P, Halloran CM, Hammond DE, Morton JP, Palmer D, Vimalachandran D, Jones R, Mielgo A, Schmid MC. Chemotherapy-induced infiltration of neutrophils promotes pancreatic cancer metastasis via Gas6/AXL signalling axis. Gut. 2022;
Below CR, Kelly J, Brown A, Humphries JD, Hutton C, Xu J, Lee BY, Cintas C, Zhang X, Hernandez-Gordillo V, Stockdale L, Goldsworthy MA, Geraghty J, Foster L, O'Reilly DA, Schedding B, Askari J, Burns J, Hodson N, Smith DL, Lally C, Ashton G, Knight D, Mironov A, Banyard A, Eble JA, Morton JP, Humphries MJ, Griffith LG, Jørgensen C. A microenvironment-inspired synthetic three-dimensional model for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma organoids. Nat Mater. 2022;21:110-119.
Freckmann EC, Sandilands E, Cumming E, Neilson M, Román-Fernández A, Nikolatou K, Nacke M, Lannagan TRM, Hedley A, Strachan D, Salji M, Morton JP, McGarry L, Leung HY, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bryant DM. Traject3d allows label-free identification of distinct co-occurring phenotypes within 3D culture by live imaging. Nat Commun. 2022;13:5317.
Halbrook CJ, Thurston G, Boyer S, Anaraki C, Jiménez JA, McCarthy A, Steele NG, Kerk SA, Hong HS, Lin L, Law FV, Felton C, Scipioni L, Sajjakulnukit P, Andren A, Beutel AK, Singh R, Nelson BS, Van Den Bergh F, Krall AS, Mullen PJ, Zhang L, Batra S, Morton JP, Stanger BZ, Christofk HR, Digman MA, Beard DA, Viale A, Zhang J, Crawford HC, Pasca di Magliano M, Jorgensen C, Lyssiotis CA. Differential integrated stress response and asparagine production drive symbiosis and therapy resistance of pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells. Nat Cancer. 2022;3:1386-1403.
Kidger AM, Saville MK, Rushworth LK, Davidson J, Stellzig J, Ono M, Kuebelsbeck LA, Janssen KP, Holzmann B, Morton JP, Sansom OJ, Caunt CJ, Keyse SM. Suppression of mutant Kirsten-RAS (KRAS(G12D))-driven pancreatic carcinogenesis by dual-specificity MAP kinase phosphatases 5 and 6. Oncogene. 2022;41:2811–2823
Vaziri-Gohar A, Cassel J, Mohammed FS, Zarei M, Hue JJ, Hajihassani O, Graor HJ, Srikanth YVV, Karim SA, Abbas A, Prendergast E, Chen V, Katayama ES, Dukleska K, Khokhar I, Andren A, Zhang L, Wu C, Erokwu B, Flask CA, Zarei M, Wang R, Rothermel LD, Romani AMP, Bowers J, Getts R, Tatsuoka C, Morton JP, Bederman I, Brunengraber H, Lyssiotis CA, Salvino JM, Brody JR, Winter JM. Limited nutrient availability in the tumor microenvironment renders pancreatic tumors sensitive to allosteric IDH1 inhibitors. Nat Cancer. 2022;3:852-865.
Below CR, Kelly J, Brown A, Humphries JD, Hutton C, Xu J, Lee BY, Cintas C, Zhang X, Hernandez-Gordillo V, Stockdale L, Goldsworthy MA, Geraghty J, Foster L, O'Reilly DA, Schedding B, Askari J, Burns J, Hodson N, Smith DL, Lally C, Ashton G, Knight D, Mironov A, Banyard A, Eble JA, Morton JP, Humphries MJ, Griffith LG, Jørgensen C. A microenvironment-inspired synthetic three-dimensional model for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma organoids. Nat Mater. 2021;21:110–119
Dreyer SB, Upstill-Goddard R, Paulus-Hock V, Paris C, Lampraki E-M, Dray E, Serrels B, Caligiuri G, Rebus S, Plenker D, Galluzzo Z, Brunton H, Cunningham R, Tesson M, Nourse C, Bailey U-M, Jones M, Moran-Jones K, Wright DW, Duthie F, Oien K, Evers L, McKay CJ, McGregor GA, Gulati A, Brough R, Bajrami I, Pettitt S, Dziubinski ML, Candido J, Balkwill F, Barry ST, Grützmann R, Rahib L, Johns A, Pajic M, Froeling FEM, Beer P, Musgrove EA, Petersen GM, Ashworth A, Frame MC, Crawford HC, Simeone DM, Lord C, Mukhopadhyay D, Pilarsky C, Tuveson DA, Cooke SL, Jamieson NB, Morton JP, Sansom OJ, Bailey PJ, Biankin AV, Chang DK. Targeting DNA Damage Response and Replication Stress in Pancreatic Cancer. Gastroenterology. 2021; 160:362-377
Falcomata C, Barthel S, Ulrich A, Diersch S, Veltkamp C, Rad L, Boniolo F, Solar M, Steiger K, Seidler B, Zukowska M, Madej J, Wang M, Ollinger R, Maresch R, Barenboim M, Eser S, Tschurtschenthaler M, Mehrabi A, Roessler S, Goeppert B, Kind A, Schnieke A, Robles MS, Bradley A, Schmid RM, Schmidt-Supprian M, Reichert M, Weichert W, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Rad R, Schneider G, Saur D. Genetic screens identify a context-specific PI3K/p27Kip1 node driving extrahepatic biliary cancer. Cancer Discov. 2021;11: 3158–3177
Floerchinger A, Murphy KJ, Latham SL, Warren SC, McCulloch AT, Lee YK, Stoehr J, Mélénec P, Guaman CS, Metcalf XL, Lee V, Zaratzian A, Da Silva A, Tayao M, Rolo S, Phimmachanh M, Sultani G, McDonald L, Mason SM, Ferrari N, Ooms LM, Johnsson AE, Spence HJ, Olson MF, Machesky LM, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Mitchell CA, Samuel MS, Croucher DR, Welch HCE, Blyth K, Caldon CE, Herrmann D, Anderson KI, Timpson P, Nobis M. Optimizing metastatic-cascade-dependent Rac1 targeting in breast cancer: Guidance using optical window intravital FRET imaging. Cell Rep. 2021;36(11):109689.
Hill W, Zaragkoulias A, Salvador-Barbero B, Parfitt GJ, Alatsatianos M, Padilha A, Porazinski S, Woolley TE, Morton JP, Sansom OJ, Hogan C. EPHA2-dependent outcompetition of KRASG12D mutant cells by wild-type neighbors in the adult pancreas. Curr Biol. 2021;31:2550-2560
Hutton C, Heider F, Blanco-Gomez A, Banyard A, Kononov A, Zhang X, Karim S, Paulus-Hock V, Watt D, Steele N, Kemp S, Hogg EKJ, Kelly J, Jackstadt RF, Lopes F, Menotti M, Chisholm L, Lamarca A, Valle J, Sansom OJ, Springer C, Malliri A, Marais R, Pasca di Magliano M, Zelenay S, Morton JP, Jørgensen C. Single-cell analysis defines a pancreatic fibroblast lineage that supports anti-tumor immunity. Cancer Cell. 2021; 39: 1227-1244
Latif AL, Newcombe A, Li S, Gilroy K, Robertson NA, Lei X, Stewart HJS, Cole J, Terradas MT, Rishi L, McGarry L, McKeeve C, Reid C, Clark W, Campos J, Kirschner K, Davis A, Lopez J, Sakamaki JI, Morton JP, et al. BRD4-mediated repression of p53 is a target for combination therapy in AML. Nat Commun. 2021;12:241.
Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Jamieson T, Jackstadt R, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Secklehner J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Fercoq F, Clarke W, Hedley A, Gilroy K, Lilla S, Vuononvirta J, Graham GJ, De Filippo K, Murphy DJ, Steele CW, Norman JC, Bird TG, Mann DA, Morton JP, Zanivan S, Sansom OJ, Carlin LM. Maturation, developmental site, and pathology dictate murine neutrophil function. bioRxiv. 2021.
Murphy KJ, Reed DA, Vennin C, Conway JRW, Nobis M, Yin JX, Chambers CR, Pereira BA, Lee V, Filipe EC, Trpceski M, Ritchie S, Lucas MC, Warren SC, Skhinas JN, Magenau A, Metcalf XL, Stoehr J, Major G, Parkin A, Bidanel R, Lyons RJ, Zaratzian A, Tayao M, Da Silva A, Abdulkhalek L, Gill AJ, Johns AL, Biankin AV, Samra J, Grimmond SM, Chou A, Goetz JG, Samuel MS, Lyons JG, Burgess A, Caldon CE, Horvath LG, Daly RJ, Gadegaard N, Wang Y, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Cox TR, Pajic M, Herrmann D, Timpson P. Intravital imaging technology guides FAK-mediated priming in pancreatic cancer precision medicine according to Merlin status. Sci Adv. 2021;7:eabh0363.
Nacke M, Sandilands E, Nikolatou K, Román-Fernández Á, Mason S, Patel R, Lilla S, Yelland T, Galbraith LCA, Freckmann EC, McGarry L, Morton JP, Shanks E, Leung HY, Markert E, Ismail S, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Bryant DM. An ARF GTPase module promoting invasion and metastasis through regulating phosphoinositide metabolism. Nat Commun. 2021;12:1623.
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In vivo models are an important tool to recapitulate human cancer and interrogate aspects of the disease within a biological context. Validating in vitro discoveries in physiologically relevant models in this way will expedite novel therapeutic approaches for patient benefit. The group has expertise in modelling different cancer types but has a specific interest in breast cancer, and how metabolic pathways and certain signalling nodes such as the RUNX/CBFβ transcriptional complex and pro-survival factor MCL-1, contribute to tumour progression and metastasis.
The RUNX genes are essential regulators in mammalian development, most notably for bone and blood cell lineages. Like many genes important for normal development, the RUNX genes are linked to human cancer, but interestingly have been found to both promote and suppress tumour formation, a paradox we are exploring. We have shown that high expression of RUNX1 and RUNX2 in breast cancer correlates with specific subtypes of the disease and with poorer patient prognosis. We are now investigating the functionality of these genes in epithelial cancers and have shown that RUNX2 has a role in mammary stem/progenitor cells.
Other funding:
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Ferrari N, Riggio AI, Mason S, McDonald L, King A, Higgins T, Rosewell I, Neil JC, Smalley MJ, Sansom OJ, Morris J, Cameron ER, Blyth K. Runx2 contributes to the regenerative potential of the mammary epithelium. Scientific Reports. 2015; 5:15658
Ferrari N, Mohammed ZMA, Nixon C, Mason SM, Mallon E, McMillan DC, Morris JS, Cameron ER, Blyth K. Expression of RUNX1 correlates with poor patient prognosis in triple negative breast cancer. PLOS One. 2014 9:e100759
McDonald L, Ferrari N, Terry A, Bell M, Mohammed ZM, Orange C, Jenkins A, Muller WJ, Gusterson BA, Neil JC, Edwards J, Morris JS, Cameron ER, Blyth K. RUNX2 correlates with subtype-specific breast cancer in a human tissue microarray and ectopic expression of Runx2 perturbs differentiation in the mouse mammary gland. Dis Model Mech. 2014 7:525-34
Blyth K, Vaillant F, Hanlon L, Mackay N, Bell M, Jenkins A, Neil JC, Cameron ER. Runx2 and MYC collaborate in lymphoma development by suppressing apoptotic and growth arrest pathways in vivo. Cancer Res. 2006; 66:2195-201
Blyth K, Cameron ER, Neil JC. The RUNX genes: gain or loss of function in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer. 2005; 5:376-87
1997: PhD, University of Glasgow, Supervisors Ewan Cameron & Moyra Campbell
1991: BSc, Biochemistry (Honours), University of Glasgow
2019-present: Professor, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2009-present: Head of Transgenic Models, Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute, Glasgow
1997-2008: Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular Oncology Lab, University of Glasgow
1991-1996: Research Assistant, University of Glasgow
Elbassioni AAM, Raheem AA, Song J, Johnston AS, Trivett C, Lin H, Zhang H, Bradley A, Higgins E, Mooney L, Koay YC, O’Toole D, Herzyk P, Nixon C, Blyth K, O’Sullivan JF, Lang NN, Berry C, Braun T, Schiattarella GG, Giacca M, McBride MW, Nicklin SA, Cameron ER, Loughrey CM, MacDonald EA. Targeting Runx1 protects against heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. bioRxiv. 2025:2025.2001.2024.634831.
Hartley A, Galbraith LCA, Shaw R, Tibbo A, Veeratterapillay R, Wilson L, Heer R, Blyth K, Leung H, Ahmad I. Loss of ARID1A accelerates prostate tumourigenesis with a proliferative collagen-poor phenotype through co-operation with AP1 subunit cFos. Br J Cancer. 2025.
Müller M, May S, Hall H, Kendall TJ, McGarry L, Blukacz L, Nuciforo S, Georgakopoulou A, Jamieson T, Phinichkusolchit N, Dhayade S, Suzuki T, Huguet-Pradell J, Powley IR, Officer-Jones L, Pennie RL, Esteban-Fabró R, Gris-Oliver A, Pinyol R, Skalka GL, Leslie J, Hoare M, Sprangers J, Malviya G, Mackintosh A, Johnson E, McCain M, Halpin J, Kiourtis C, Nixon C, Clark G, Clark W, Shaw R, Hedley A, Drake TM, Tan EH, Neilson M, Murphy DJ, Lewis DY, Reeves HL, Le Quesne J, Mann DA, Carlin LM, Blyth K, Llovet JM, Heim MH, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bird TG. Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer. Nature. 2025.
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Hock AK, Cheung EC, Humpton TJ, Monteverde T, Paulus-Hock V, Lee P, McGhee E, Scopelliti A, Murphy DJ, Strathdee D, Blyth K, Vousden KH. Development of an inducible mouse model of iRFP713 to track recombinase activity and tumour development in vivo. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 1837
Loveridge CJ, Mui EJ, Patel R, Tan EH, Ahmad I, Welsh M, Galbraith J, Hedley A, Nixon C, Blyth K, Sansom O, Leung HY. Increased T-cell Infiltration Elicited by Erk5 Deletion in a Pten-Deficient Mouse Model of Prostate Carcinogenesis. Cancer Res 2017; 77: 3158-68
Loveridge CJ, van 't Hof RJ, Charlesworth G, King A, Tan EH, Rose L, Daroszewska A, Prior A, Ahmad I, Welsh M, Mui EJ, Ford C, Salji M, Sansom O, Blyth K, Leung HY. Analysis of Nkx3.1:Cre-driven Erk5 deletion reveals a profound spinal deformity which is linked to increased osteoclast activity. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 13241
Maddocks ODK, Athineos D, Cheung EC, Lee P, Zhang T, van den Broek NJF, Mackay GM, Labuschagne CF, Gay D, Kruiswijk F, Blagih J, Vincent DF, Campbell KJ, Ceteci F, Sansom OJ, Blyth K, Vousden KH. Modulating the therapeutic response of tumours to dietary serine and glycine starvation. Nature 2017; 544: 372-6
Reid SE, Kay EJ, Neilson LJ, Henze AT, Serneels J, McGhee EJ, Dhayade S, Nixon C, Mackey JB, Santi A, Swaminathan K, Athineos D, Papalazarou V, Patella F, Roman-Fernandez A, ElMaghloob Y, Hernandez-Fernaud JR, Adams RH, Ismail S, Bryant DM et al. Tumor matrix stiffness promotes metastatic cancer cell interaction with the endothelium. EMBO J 2017; 36: 2373-89
van Tuyn J, Jaber-Hijazi F, MacKenzie D, Cole JJ, Mann E, Pawlikowski JS, Singh Rai T, Nelson DM, McBryan T, Ivanov A, Blyth K, Wu H, Milling S, Adams PD. Oncogene-Expressing Senescent Melanocytes Upregulate Mhc Class Ii, A Candidate Melanoma Suppressor Function. J Invest Dermatol 2017; 137: 2197-207
Walton JB, Farquharson M, Mason S, Port J, Kruspig B, Dowson S, Stevenson D, Murphy D, Matzuk M, Kim J, Coffelt S, Blyth K, McNeish IA.
CRISPR/Cas9-derived models of ovarian high grade serous carcinoma targeting Brca1, Pten and Nf1, and correlation with platinum sensitivity. Sci Rep 2017;7: 16827
Weigert M, Binks A, Dowson S, Leung EYL, Athineos D, Yu X, Mullin M, Walton JB, Orange C, Ennis D, Blyth K, Tait SWG, McNeish IA. RIPK3 promotes adenovirus type 5 activity. Cell Death and Disease 2017; 8: 3206
Holen I, Speirs V, Morrissey B, Blyth K. In vivo models in breast cancer research: progress, challenges and future directions. Dis Model Mech 2017; 10: 359-71
Morrissey B, Blyth K, Carter P, Chelala C, Jones L, Holen I, Speirs V. The Sharing Experimental Animal Resources, Coordinating Holdings (SEARCH) Framework: Encouraging Reduction, Replacement, and Refinement in Animal Research. PLoS Biol 2017 15: e2000719
Riggio AI, Blyth K. The Enigmatic Role of RUNX1 in Female-Related Cancers: Current Knowledge & Future Perspectives. FEBS J 2017; 284: 2345-62
Rooney N, Riggio AI, Mendoza-Villanueva D, Shore P, Cameron ER, Blyth K. Runx Genes in Breast Cancer and the Mammary Lineage. Adv Exp Med Biol 2017; 962: 353-68
Birch J, Clarke CJ, Campbell AD, Campbell K, Mitchell L, Liko D, Kalna G, Strathdee D, Sansom OJ, Neilson M, Blyth K, Norman JC. The initiator methionine tRNA drives cell migration and invasion leading to increased metastatic potential in melanoma. Biol Open.
Meiser J, Tumanov S, Maddocks O, Labuschagne CF, Athineos D, Van Den Broek N, Mackay GM, Gottlieb E, Blyth K, Vousden K, Kamphorst JJ, Vazquez A. Serine one-carbon catabolism with formate overflow. Science Advances 2: e1601273, 2016
Morrissey B, Blyth K, Carter P, Chelala C, Jones L, Holen I, Speirs V. SEARCHBreast: a new online resource to make surplus material from in vivo models of breast cancer visible and accessible to researchers. Breast Cancer Res 2016;18: 59.
Karen Blyth
I did my PhD at the University of Glasgow (too long ago!) studying cancer biology and oncogenic mechanisms of key cancer genes using mouse models of cancer – an interest I have continued to pursue throughout my career and since joining the CRUK Scotland Institute in 2009. What I enjoy most about my job is the fantastic people I work with and exciting collaborative science we do. I also co-lead the MRC National Mouse Genetic Network (NMGN) Cancer Cluster which is a UK team using complex genetic models of cancer to understand tumour complexity and how these might be used for better prediction of patient response to therapy. When I can escape work, I am happiest spending time with friends and family, exploring new places, being on remote Scottish beaches or chasing down the Aurora Borealis!
Kirsteen J. Campbell
As an Associate Scientist in the In Vivo Cancer Biology lab at CRUK Scotland Institute and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at University of Glasgow I lead research projects focussed on understanding the role of aberrant cell death in cancer development and response to therapy. With expertise in breast and prostate cancer, and interests extending to pancreatic, lung and brain cancer, I use in vivo and in vitro models to help identify new therapeutic approaches with the aim of making cancer treatments kinder and more effective.
An advocate of scientific outreach, you’ll find me happily discussing our research at open evenings, lab tours, work experience and cancer awareness events.
Laura Martinez Escardo
I am a postdoctoral scientist investigating the role of MCL-1 and other BCL-2 family proteins in prostate cancer at the In Vivo Cancer Biology group. I was born and raised in Terrassa, a city near Barcelona. My educational background is in Biomedical Sciences, with a master's degree in Biomedicine with a specialization in basic and translational research in cancer, and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biomedicine at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). My research background and interests are in cell death pathways and mechanisms of therapeutic resistance in cancer. Here at the Institute, I am interrogating how these cell death pathways are altered in prostate cancer and how reinstatement of cell death could be used to improve treatment for advanced prostate cancer. Outside of work, I like spending quality time with family and friends, and I find joy in engaging in sports activities such as hiking, cycling, climbing, and water sports. I do also like to have relaxation time listening to music, watching films, reading books, or cooking and learning new recipes from around the world.
Nimrit Kaur
Driven by a deep passion for research, I am working as a Senior Scientific Officer investigating new potential radiosensitising agents in solid cancers. Originally from India, I moved to Glasgow in 2021 to pursue a Master of Research (MRes) in Biomedical Sciences specialising in Cancer Studies at the University of Glasgow. My initial role at CRUK SI began with my master’s project and evolved into a more extensive relationship, where I worked as a Scientific Officer in the Transgenic Technology unit to develop genetically modified mice using embryonic stem cells. Now, as part of Karen’s lab, I work with multiple cancer cell types in vitro and am honing my skills in the in vivo tumour models. Beyond the lab, I enjoy travelling, exploring new places (especially bakeries), and spending time outdoors.
Dale Watt
I am a Senior Scientific Officer within the lab working predominantly on in vivo models of cancer. I work as part of the National Mouse Genetics Network in the Cancer Cluster group where we aim to develop and improve in vivo cancer models in order to align these better with human disease. I obtained my PhD at the CRUK Scotland institute in the field of Pancreatic Cancer and have an honours degree in Immunology from the University of Glasgow.
Amy Lawlor
Matthew Winder
Liver cancer is the third most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide. It is becoming an increasing problem, particularly in the Western world, and its rates have trebled in Scotland in the last 20 years. Despite some improvements in outcomes for those patients in whom the disease is detected early, there remains a limited range of only minimally effective treatment options for the overwhelming majority of patients who have their disease detected at a later stage. Precision medicine offers the potential to target more effective therapies to individuals with different forms of this disease, across this highly heterogeneous cancer.
My group has been interested in studying the regenerative responses to injury and aberrant proliferative responses in cancer of hepatocytes, the principle functional cell of the liver. These cells show immense regenerative capacity but are also the source of the most common primary liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
We have described how these cells enter a state of shock, named senescence, in response to injury, and how preventing them from doing so can promote liver regeneration. We are also investigating how this same senescent state occurs during early cancer formation as an anti- cancer therapeutic target.
To further understand these processes, we have developed a state-of-the-art suite of genetically engineered models of HCC, which mimics key features of the human condition. This suite is based upon the range of genetic mutations which drive HCC across the spectrum of human disease. Cross comparing between the models and patients we are able to identify novel pathways for therapy and some drug combinations which are highly effective in our cancer models. Working with academic and industrial collaborators, we are using these avatar-like models to uncover and test novel therapies, which could be used to target precision medicine dependent on the underlying characteristics of tumours in different patients.
Read about Tom's collaboration with the University of Edinburgh's Centre for Statistics to improve early detection of liver cancer here.
Müller M, May S, Hall H, Kendall TJ, McGarry L, Blukacz L, Nuciforo S, Georgakopoulou A, Jamieson T, Phinichkusolchit N, Dhayade S, Suzuki T, Huguet-Pradell J, Powley IR, Officer-Jones L, Pennie RL, Esteban-Fabró R, Gris-Oliver A, Pinyol R, Skalka GL, Leslie J, Hoare M, Sprangers J, Malviya G, Mackintosh A, Johnson E, McCain M, Halpin J, Kiourtis C, Nixon C, Clark G, Clark W, Shaw R, Hedley A, Drake TM, Tan EH, Neilson M, Murphy DJ, Lewis DY, Reeves HL, Le Quesne J, Mann DA, Carlin LM, Blyth K, Llovet JM, Heim MH, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bird TG. Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer. Nature. 2025.
Nehme J, Borghesan M, Mackedenski S, Bird TG, Demaria M. Cellular senescence as a potential mediator of COVID-19 severity in the elderly. Aging Cell. 2020:e13237.
Müller M, Bird TG, Nault J-C. The landscape of gene mutations in cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol. 2020; 72: 990-1002
Hughes DM, Berhane S, Degroot ECA, Toyoda H, Tada T, Kumada T, Satomura S, Nishida N, Kudo M, Kimura T, Osaki Y, Kolamunage-Dona R, Salvador RA, Bird TG, Fiñana MG, Johnson P. Serum Levels of Alpha Fetoprotein Increased More Than 10 Years Before Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;19:162-170
Vizioli MG, Liu T, Miller KN, Robertson NA, Gilroy K, Lagnado AB, Perez-Garcia A, Kiourtis C, Dasgupta N, Lei X, Kruger PJ, Nixon C, Clark W, Jurk D, Bird TG, Passos JF, Berger SL, Dou Z, Adams PD. Mitochondria-to-nucleus retrograde signaling drives formation of cytoplasmic chromatin and inflammation in senescence. Genes & development. 2020; 34: 428-445
Amoros R, King R, Toyoda H, Kumada T, Johnson PJ, Bird TG. A continuous-time hidden Markov model for cancer surveillance using serum biomarkers with application to hepatocellular carcinoma. Metron. 2019;77:67-86.
Teo YV, Rattanavirotkul N, Olova N, Salzano A, Quintanilla A, Tarrats N, Kiourtis C, Muller M, Green AR, Adams PD, Acosta JC, Bird TG, Kirschner K, Neretti N, Chandra T. Notch Signaling Mediates Secondary Senescence. Cell Rep 2019; 27: 997-1007
Gay DM, Ridgway RA, Mueller M, Hodder MC, Hedley A, Clark W, Leach JD, Jackstadt R, Nixon C, Huels DJ, Campbell AD, Bird TG, Sansom OJ. Loss of BCL9/9l suppresses Wnt driven tumourigenesis in models that recapitulate human cancer. Nature communications 2019; 10: 723.
Bird TG, Muller M, Boulter L, Vincent DF, Ridgway RA, Lopez-Guadamillas E, Lu WY, Jamieson T, Govaere O, Campbell AD, Ferreira-Gonzalez S, Cole AM, Hay T, Simpson KJ, Clark W, et al. TGFbeta inhibition restores a regenerative response in acute liver injury by suppressing paracrine senescence. Sci Transl Med 2018; 10: eaan1230
Bird TG, Dimitropoulou P, Turner RM, Jenks SJ, Cusack P, Hey S, Blunsum A, Kelly S, Sturgeon C, Hayes PC, Bird SM. Alpha-Fetoprotein Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Leads to a Standardized Analysis of Dynamic AFP to Improve Screening Based Detection. PLoS One 2016; 11: e0156801.
Lu WY, Bird TG, Boulter L, Tsuchiya A, Cole AM, Hay T, Guest RV, Wojtacha D, Man TY, Mackinnon A, Ridgway RA, Kendall T, Williams MJ, Jamieson T, Raven A, Hay DC, Iredale JP, Clarke AR, Sansom OJ, Forbes SJ. Hepatic progenitor cells of biliary origin with liver repopulation capacity. Nat Cell Biol 2015; 17: 971-83.
Bird TG, Lu WY, Boulter L, Gordon-Keylock S, Ridgway RA, Williams MJ, Taube J, Thomas JA, Wojtacha D, Gambardella A, Sansom OJ, Iredale JP, Forbes SJ. Bone marrow injection stimulates hepatic ductular reactions in the absence of injury via macrophage-mediated TWEAK signaling. PNAS 2013; 110: 6542-7.
Boulter L, Govaere O, Bird TG, Radulescu S, Ramachandran P, Pellicoro A, Ridgway RA, Seo SS, Spee B, Van Rooijen N, Sansom OJ, Iredale JP, Lowell S, Roskams T, Forbes SJ. Macrophage-derived Wnt opposes Notch signaling to specify hepatic progenitor cell fate in chronic liver disease. Nature Medicine 2012; 18: 572-9.
Hsieh WC, Mackinnon AC, Lu WY, Jung J, Boulter L, Henderson NC, Simpson KJ, Schotanus B, Wojtacha D, Bird TG, Hay D, Medine C, Sethi T, Iredale JP, Forbes SJ. Galectin-3 regulates hepatic progenitor cell expansion during liver injury. Gut 2015; 64: 312-21.
Lorenzini S*, Bird TG*, Boulter L, Bellamy C, Samuel K, Aucott R, Clayton E, Andreone P, Bernardi M, Golding M, Alison MR, Iredale JP, Forbes SJ. Characterisation of a stereotypical cellular and extracellular adult liver progenitor cell niche in rodents and diseased human liver. Gut 2010; 59: 645-54. *Joint first authorship
2015: Certificate of completion of training: Gastroenterology and Hepatology
2012: Specialty Certificate, Gastroenterology, Royal College of Physicians
2011: PhD, Liver Regeneration by Hepatic Progenitor Cells, University of Edinburgh
2005: MRCP, Medicine, Royal College of Physicians
2003: MA, Physiological Sciences, Oxford University
2002: BM BCh, Medicine, Oxford University
1999: BA (1st Class), Physiological Sciences, Oxford University
2020: Reader, University of Edinburgh
2016: Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow
2015: Honorary Consultant Hepatologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and Scottish Liver Transplant Unit
2013-2014: Hepatology Subspecialty Year, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
2011-2015: Clinical Lecturer in Hepatology, University of Edinburgh/Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
2010-2011: ST Gastroenterology, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
2007-2010: Clinical Training Fellow, University of Edinburgh
2006-2007: Clinical Fellow, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
2005-2006: ST3 Renal and Liver Transplantation, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
2003-2005: Medical Senior House Officer, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
2003: Surgical Pre-Registration House Officer, Royal United Hospital, Bath
2002-2003: Medical Pre-Registration House Officer, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
UEG Rising Star award, 2019 – annual award by United European Gastroenterology
Francis Avery Jones Medal Winner, 2019 – annual award by the British Society of Gastroenterology
Andy Burroughs Young Investigator Award, 2015
British Society of Gastroenterology: Young Gastroenterologist of the Year - Clinical & Translational Science, 2015
Wellcome Trust Intermediate Clinical Fellowship, 2015
Wilfred Card Lectureship, 2014
Academy of Medical Sciences Start Grant for Clinical Lecturers, 2012
Sheila Sherlock Prize, 2011
ESOT Prize for scientific presentation, 2011
Anne Ferguson Prize, 2009
EASL travel bursary, 2009
Miss Urquart Charitable Trust Award, 2007
Wellcome Clinical Research Training Fellowship, 2007
BSG Travelling Fellowship, 2006
Griffith's Memorial Travelling Scholarship, 2001
Representative for the Queen's Award for Higher Education and Training, 2001
Martin Lawrence Memorial Scholarship, 2001
Paul Hayes Memorial Scholarship, 2000
Hobson Mann Oxford University Clinical Medical School Scholarship, 2000
Wronker dissertation prize, 1999
Müller M, May S, Hall H, Kendall TJ, McGarry L, Blukacz L, Nuciforo S, Georgakopoulou A, Jamieson T, Phinichkusolchit N, Dhayade S, Suzuki T, Huguet-Pradell J, Powley IR, Officer-Jones L, Pennie RL, Esteban-Fabró R, Gris-Oliver A, Pinyol R, Skalka GL, Leslie J, Hoare M, Sprangers J, Malviya G, Mackintosh A, Johnson E, McCain M, Halpin J, Kiourtis C, Nixon C, Clark G, Clark W, Shaw R, Hedley A, Drake TM, Tan EH, Neilson M, Murphy DJ, Lewis DY, Reeves HL, Le Quesne J, Mann DA, Carlin LM, Blyth K, Llovet JM, Heim MH, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bird TG. Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer. Nature. 2025.
Garay OU, Ambühl LE, Bird TG, Barnes E, Irving WL, Walkley R, Rowe IA. Cost-effectiveness of HCC Surveillance Strategies in Patients With Compensated Liver Cirrhosis in the United Kingdom. Value Health. 2024.
Kiourtis C, Terradas-Terradas M, Gee LM, May S, Georgakopoulou A, Collins AL, O’Sullivan ED, Baird DP, Hassan M, Shaw R, Tan EH, Müller M, Engelmann C, Andreola F, Hsieh Y-C, Reed LH, Borthwick LA, Nixon C, Clark W, Hanson PS, Sumpton D, Mackay G, Suzuki T, Najumudeen AK, Inman GJ, Campbell A, Barry ST, Quaglia A, Morris CM, LeBeau FEN, Sansom OJ, Kirschner K, Jalan R, Oakley F, Bird TG. Hepatocellular senescence induces multi-organ senescence and dysfunction via TGFβ. Nature Cell Biology. 2024.
Matchett KP, Wilson-Kanamori JR, Portman JR, Kapourani CA, Fercoq F, May S, Zajdel E, Beltran M, Sutherland EF, Mackey JBG, Brice M, Wilson GC, Wallace SJ, Kitto L, Younger NT, Dobie R, Mole DJ, Oniscu GC, Wigmore SJ, Ramachandran P, Vallejos CA, Carragher NO, Saeidinejad MM, Quaglia A, Jalan R, Simpson KJ, Kendall TJ, Rule JA, Lee WM, Hoare M, Weston CJ, Marioni JC, Teichmann SA, Bird TG, Carlin LM, Henderson NC. Multimodal decoding of human liver regeneration. Nature. 2024.
Krishna A, Meynert A, Kelder M, Ewing A, Sheraz S, Ferrer-Vaquer A, Grimes G, Becher H, Silk R, Semple CA, Kendall T, Hadjantonakis A-K, Bird T, Marsh JA, Hohenstein P, Wood AJ, Ozdemir DD. Mutational scanning reveals oncogenic CTNNB1 mutations have diverse effects on signalling and clinical traits. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2011.2009.566307.
May S, Müller M, Livingstone CR, Skalka GL, Walsh PJ, Nixon C, Hedley A, Shaw R, Clark W, Voorde JV, Officer-Jones L, Ballantyne F, Powley IR, Drake TM, Kiourtis C, Keith A, Rocha AS, Tardito S, Sumpton D, Le Quesne J, Bushell M, Sansom OJ, Bird TG. Absent expansion of AXIN2+ hepatocytes and altered physiology in Axin2CreERT2 mice challenges the role of pericentral hepatocytes in homeostatic liver regeneration. J Hepatol. 2023; 78: 1028-1036
Moore M, Pardo L, Mitchell L, Schmidt T, May S, Mueller M, Strathdee D, Bryson S, Hodge K, Lilla S, Zanivan S, Waldron J, McGarry L, Peter-Durairaj R, Kanellos G, Nixon C, Ballantyne F, LeQuesne J, Sansom OJ, Bird T, Bushell M, Norman JC. The eIF4A2 negative regulator of mRNA translation promotes extracellular matrix deposition to accelerate hepatocellular carcinoma initiation. bioRxiv. 2023;Volume:2023.2008.2016.553544.
Villar VH, Allega MF, Deshmukh R, Ackermann T, Nakasone MA, Vande Voorde J, Drake TM, Oetjen J, Bloom A, Nixon C, Müller M, May S, Tan EH, Vereecke L, Jans M, Blancke G, Murphy DJ, Huang DT, Lewis DY, Bird TG, Sansom OJ, Blyth K, Sumpton D, Tardito S. Hepatic glutamine synthetase controls N5-methylglutamine in homeostasis and cancer. Nature Chemical Biology. 2023;19:292-300.
May S, Bird TG. How the liver keeps itself in shape. Elife. 2023;12.
Humpton TJ, Hall H, Kiourtis C, Nixon C, Clark W, Hedley A, Shaw R, Bird TG, Blyth K, Vousden KH. p53-mediated redox control promotes liver regeneration and maintains liver function in response to CCl(4). Cell Death Differ. 2022;29:514-526.
Humpton TJ, Hock AK, Kiourtis C, De Donatis M, Fercoq F, Nixon C, Bryson S, Strathdee D, Carlin LM, Bird TG, Blyth K, Vousden KH. A noninvasive iRFP713 p53 reporter reveals dynamic p53 activity in response to irradiation and liver regeneration in vivo. Sci Signal. 2022;15:eabd9099.
Leslie J, Mackey JBG, Jamieson T, Ramon-Gil E, Drake TM, Fercoq F, Clark W, Gilroy K, Hedley A, Nixon C, Luli S, Laszczewska M, Pinyol R, Esteban-Fabró R, Willoughby CE, Haber PK, Andreu-Oller C, Rahbari M, Fan C, Pfister D, Raman S, Wilson N, Müller M, Collins A, Geh D, Fuller A, McDonald D, Hulme G, Filby A, Cortes-Lavaud X, Mohamed N-E, Ford CA, Raffo Iraolagoitia XL, McFarlane AJ, McCain MV, Ridgway RA, Roberts EW, Barry ST, Graham GJ, Heikenwälder M, Reeves HL, Llovet JM, Carlin LM, Bird TG, Sansom OJ, Mann DA. CXCR2 inhibition enables NASH-HCC immunotherapy. Gut. 2022;10.1136/gutjnl-2021-326259:gutjnl-2021-326259.
Geh D, Leslie J, Rumney R, Reeves HL, Bird TG, Mann DA. Neutrophils as potential therapeutic targets in hepatocellular carcinoma. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022;19:257–273
Barthet VJA, Brucoli M, Ladds M, Nössing C, Kiourtis C, Baudot AD, O'Prey J, Zunino B, Müller M, May S, Nixon C, Long JS, Bird TG, Ryan KM. Autophagy suppresses the formation of hepatocyte-derived cancer-initiating ductular progenitor cells in the liver. Sci Adv. 2021;7: eabf9141
Burton A, Tataru D, Driver RJ, Bird TG, Huws D, Wallace D, Cross TJS, Rowe IA, Alexander G, Marshall A. Primary liver cancer in the UK: Incidence, incidence-based mortality, and survival by subtype, sex, and nation. JHEP Rep. 2021;3(2):100232.
Haq MI, Drake TM, Goh TL, Ahmed A, Forrest E, Barclay S, Gillespie R, Priest M, Evans J, Graham J, Ballantyne S, McMillan DC, Hayes PC, Bird TG, Stanley AJ. Effect of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance Programmes on Overall Survival in a Mixed Cirrhotic UK Population: A Prospective, Longitudinal Cohort Study. J Clin Med. 2021;10:2770
Kiourtis C, Wilczynska A, Nixon C, Clark W, May S, Bird TG. Specificity and off-target effects of AAV8-TBG viral vectors for the manipulation of hepatocellular gene expression in mice. Biol Open. 2021; 10: bio058678
Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Jamieson T, Jackstadt R, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Secklehner J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Fercoq F, Clarke W, Hedley A, Gilroy K, Lilla S, Vuononvirta J, Graham GJ, De Filippo K, Murphy DJ, Steele CW, Norman JC, Bird TG, Mann DA, Morton JP, Zanivan S, Sansom OJ, Carlin LM. Maturation, developmental site, and pathology dictate murine neutrophil function. bioRxiv. 2021.
Müller M, May S, Bird TG. Ploidy dynamics increase the risk of liver cancer initiation. Nat Commun. 2021;12:1896.
Hughes DM, Berhane S, Degroot ECA, Toyoda H, Tada T, Kumada T, Satomura S, Nishida N, Kudo M, Kimura T, Osaki Y, Kolamunage-Dona R, Salvador RA, Bird TG, Fiñana MG, Johnson P. Serum Levels of Alpha Fetoprotein Increased More Than 10 Years Before Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;19:162-170
Leslie J, Macia MG, Luli S, Worrell JC, Reilly WJ, Paish HL, Knox A, Barksby BS, Gee LM, Zaki MYW, Collins AL, Burgoyne RA, Cameron R, Bragg C, Xu X, Chung GW, Brown CDA, Blanchard AD, Nanthakumar CB, Karsdal M, Robinson SM, Manas DM, Sen G, French J, White SA, Murphy S, Trost M, Zakrzewski JL, Klein U, Schwabe RF, Mederacke I, Nixon C, Bird T, Teuwen L-A, Schoonjans L, Carmeliet P, Mann J, Fisher AJ, Sheerin NS, Borthwick LA, Mann DA, Oakley F. c-Rel orchestrates energy-dependent epithelial and macrophage reprogramming in fibrosis. Nature Metabolism. 2020; 2:1350–1367
Müller M, Bird TG, Nault J-C. The landscape of gene mutations in cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol. 2020; 72: 990-1002
Vizioli MG, Liu T, Miller KN, Robertson NA, Gilroy K, Lagnado AB, Perez-Garcia A, Kiourtis C, Dasgupta N, Lei X, Kruger PJ, Nixon C, Clark W, Jurk D, Bird TG, Passos JF, Berger SL, Dou Z, Adams PD. Mitochondria-to-nucleus retrograde signaling drives formation of cytoplasmic chromatin and inflammation in senescence. Genes & development. 2020; 34: 428-445
Nehme J, Borghesan M, Mackedenski S, Bird TG, Demaria M. Cellular senescence as a potential mediator of COVID-19 severity in the elderly. Aging Cell. 2020:e13237.
Amoros R, King R, Toyoda H, Kumada T, Johnson PJ, Bird TG. A continuous-time hidden Markov model for cancer surveillance using serum biomarkers with application to hepatocellular carcinoma. Metron. 2019;77:67-86.
Drake TM, Bird TG. Editorial: simplifying screening for primary liver cancer - do the LCR1 and LCR2 tests hold the key? Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 2019;49:612-613.
Gay DM, Ridgway RA, Mueller M, Hodder MC, Hedley A, Clark W, Leach JD, Jackstadt R, Nixon C, Huels DJ, Campbell AD, Bird TG, Sansom OJ. Loss of BCL9/9l suppresses Wnt driven tumourigenesis in models that recapitulate human cancer. Nature communications 2019; 10: 723.
Liko D, Mitchell L, Campbell KJ, Ridgway RA, Jones C, Dudek K, King A, Bryson S, Stevenson D, Blyth K, Strathdee D, Morton JP, Bird TG, Knight JRP, Willis AE, Sansom OJ. Brf1 loss and not overexpression disrupts tissues homeostasis in the intestine, liver and pancreas. Cell Death Differ. 2019; 26: 2535–2550
Muller M, Forbes SJ, Bird TG. Beneficial Noncancerous Mutations in Liver Disease. Trends in genetics. 2019; 35: 475-477
Teo YV, Rattanavirotkul N, Olova N, Salzano A, Quintanilla A, Tarrats N, Kiourtis C, Muller M, Green AR, Adams PD, Acosta JC, Bird TG, Kirschner K, Neretti N, Chandra T. Notch Signaling Mediates Secondary Senescence. Cell Rep 2019; 27: 997-1007
Bird TG, Muller M, Boulter L, Vincent DF, Ridgway RA, Lopez-Guadamillas E, Lu WY, Jamieson T, Govaere O, Campbell AD, Ferreira-Gonzalez S, Cole AM, Hay T, Simpson KJ, Clark W, et al. TGFbeta inhibition restores a regenerative response in acute liver injury by suppressing paracrine senescence. Sci Transl Med 2018; 10: eaan1230
Ferreira-Gonzalez S, Lu WY, Raven A, Dwyer B, Man TY, O'Duibhir E, Lewis PJS, Campana L, Kendall TJ, Bird TG, Tarrats N, Acosta JC, Boulter L, Forbes SJ. Paracrine cellular senescence exacerbates biliary injury and impairs regeneration. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 1020
Ogrodnik M, Miwa S, Tchkonia T, Tiniakos D, Wilson CL, Lahat A, Day CP, Burt A, Palmer A, Anstee QM, Grellscheid SN, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Barnhoorn S, Mann DA, Bird TG, Vermeij WP, Kirkland JL, Passos JF, von Zglinicki T, Jurk D. Cellular senescence drives age-dependent hepatic steatosis. Nat Commun 2017; 8: 15691
Kelly S, Bird TG. The Evolution of the Use of Serum Alpha-fetoprotein in Clinical Liver Cancer Surveillance. J Immunobiol 2017; 1. pii: 1000116
Bird TG, Dimitropoulou P, Turner RM, Jenks SJ, Cusack P, Hey S, Blunsum A, Kelly S, Sturgeon C, Hayes PC, Bird SM. Alpha-Fetoprotein Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Leads to a Standardized Analysis of Dynamic AFP to Improve Screening Based Detection. PLoS One. 2016; 11: e0156801
Vidal V, Sacco S, Rocha AS, da Silva F, Panzolini C, Dumontet T, Thi Mai Phuong Doan, Shan J, Rak-Raszewska A, Bird T, Vainio S, Martinez A, Schedl A. The adrenal capsule is a signaling center controlling cell renewal and zonation through Rspo3. Genes Dev 2016; 30: 1389-94
Tom Bird
Honorary Consultant Hepatologist, University of Edinburgh and Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Wellcome Trust Intermediate Research Fellow
I am a clinical academic and group leader of the Liver Cancer, Disease and Regeneration group. We have grown a highly collaborative team studying a number of models to understand how the liver functions and dysfunctions in cancer and how we can translate this understanding into therapy. This has impacted a number of ongoing clinical trials in patients. I am the Conference and Education lead for HCC-UK and sit on a number of steering/advisory committees externally. I love outdoor sports particularly anything in the water or on the hills.
Stephanie May
Hi, I am Steph, I was born in England, did my PhD in Wales and moved to Scotland as a postdoc. I am the Principal Scientific Officer in Prof Bird’s lab where I support the day-to-day operations of the group. I am fortunate to lead a team in my two research interests which focus on identifying therapies that can be used to prevent hepatocellular (liver) cancer and investigating the potential of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy and systemic therapy in the treatment of liver cancer. Outside of the lab you’ll most likely find me walking my dog along the canal or picking vegetables from my garden.
Fiona Chalmers
I am a postdoctoral scientist researching the effect of fatty diets on the development of liver cancer, as well as the impact of a fatty liver on the treatment of liver tumours. I have previously worked in a few other research labs in both my home country of Scotland and in the United States. I have prior research experience in other types of cancer, such as skin and nerve cancers, and in other aspects of molecular and cell biology such as cell stress response signalling pathways, protein folding biochemistry, and tissue development and differentiation. Outside of lab work, I enjoy video games, reading, and painting.
Anastasia Georgakopoulou
My name is Anastasia, and I am the lab’s Senior Scientific Officer. I hold an M.Sc. in Cancer Sciences and a Ph.D. in Cancer Research and Precision Oncology, both from the University of Glasgow. My current project aims to unveil transcriptomic and epigenetic dysregulation during tumour evolution, in liver carcinogenesis, as well as exploring novel therapeutic interventions targeting epigenetic regulators. Additionally, I support our lab in various laboratory techniques and procedures, troubleshooting, and data analysis. Outside the lab, I enjoy films, traveling, and a good board game challenge.
Megan Quince
I am a Post Doctoral Researcher working on developing novel Liver Cancer therapies. I’m interested in further understanding liver cancer biology, specifically looking into immune modulation, inflammation and metabolism. I did the Cancer Sciences and Precision Oncology Masters at Glasgow University. I then went on to do my PhD at Glasgow, studying the characteristics and function of inflammation in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia. I write and run a high fantasy Dungeons and Dragons adventure campaign for a group in my free time.
George Skalka
I am a Senior Scientific Officer in the Liver Cancer, Disease and Regeneration group. My project focuses on how liver cancer treatment can alter the tumour immune microenvironment. To interrogate this, I use a combination of murine liver cancer models, molecular biology, and bioinformatics analysis of large ‘omic datasets. In my spare time I enjoy playing hockey and coding.
Toshi Suzuki
I am a postdoctoral researcher who is aspiring to be a group leader in the UK. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) emerge as a very powerful therapy to advanced cancer patients, who used to have no treatment option. However, only a part of patients receives benefit from ICIs. My research focus is to understand why ICIs does not work in the majority of patients, and how we can make ICIs effective in more patients in future. T cells, macrophages and Wnt/β-catenin signalling are of my specific focuses. I enjoy working with many people and have been fortunate to collaborate with more than seven group leaders in the UK. I have also supervised 12 students (both master's and PhD), most of whom have pursued academic careers. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my research.
Kyi Lai Yin Swe
My name is Kyi Lai Yin Swe (Vanessa). I am a medical doctor, currently working in Tom’s group for the CRUK RadNet project. The study focuses on the effects of image-guided stereotactic ablative radiotherapy and systemic treatment in orthotopic transplant models. I am really dedicated to Oncology and Cancer Research. Personally, I really love baking and cooking.
Danis Thomas
I am a cell and molecular biologist, completing my MSci in Biochemistry from King's College London followed by my PhD from the University of Cambridge investigating centrosome loss-induced senescence. In Bird the lab, I work with Dr. Stephanie May to design precision prevention therapy strategies for Hepatocellular carcinoma using BH3-mimetics to treat our genetically engineered mouse models. I am particularly interested in how accumulation of fat in the liver can affect tumorigenesis as well as the effectiveness of preventative therapy. Outside work, I enjoy exploring the scenic nature of Scotland!
Clara Mullen
I am a PhD student from Glasgow, Scotland. Prior to joining CRUK Scotland Institute, I completed my undergraduate degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology and a Masters of Research (MRes) in Biomedical Science at the University of Glasgow. Here, I uncovered my interests in cancer studies leading me to pursue a career in cancer research. My PhD project aims to investigate the roles of stromal cell senescence in liver cancer development. Outside of work, I enjoy outdoor adventures, sports and exploring new places.