Prostate cancer is a major global health issue, and its management remains controversial. A refined understanding of how aberrant signalling drives prostate carcinogenesis will help develop better prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. FGF receptor and ERK5 in particular have been implicated in prostate cancer.
Work in our lab continues to explore the significance of these signalling pathways, to investigate tumour biology using in vitro and in vivo models and to develop specific small molecule inhibitors. Working closely with colleagues in the NHS, Glasgow University and the CRUK Scotland Institute, we are developing infrastructure required for the necessary biorespository and other ongoing translational research programmes.
We are always keen to hear from good people. Please email me ( with a copy of your CV including the details of two referees.
Patel R, Gao M, Ahmad I, Fleming J, Singh LB, Rai TS, McKie AB, Seywright M, Barnetson RJ, Edwards J, Sansom OJ and Leung HY. Sprouty2, PTEN and PP2A interact to regulate prostate cancer progression. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2013; 123: 1157-75
Gao M, Patel R, Ahmad I, Fleming J, Edwards J, McCracken S, Sahadevan K, Seywright M, Norman J, Sansom O, Leung HY. SPRY2 loss enhances ErbB trafficking and PI3K/AKT signalling to drive human and mouse prostate carcinogenesis. EMBO Mol Med. 2012; 4: 776-90
Ahmad I, Patel R, Singh LB, Nixon C, Seywright M, Barnetson RJ, Brunton V, Muller WJ, Edwards J, Sansom OJ, Leung HY. HER2 overcomes PTEN (loss) induced Senescence to cause Aggressive Prostate Cancer. Proc Nat Acad Sci. 2011; 108: 6392-7
Ahmad I, Morton J, Singh BL, Radulescu SM, Ridgway RA, Patel S, Woodgett J, D, Winton DL, Taketo MM, Wu XR Leung HY, Sansom OJ. β-catenin activation synergises with PTEN loss to cause bladder cancer formation. Oncogene. 2011; 30: 178-89
Wiltshire C, Singh BL, Stockley J, Fleming J, Doyle B, Barnetson R, Robson CN, Kozielski F and Leung HY. Docetaxel resistant prostate cancer cells remain sensitive to S-trityl L-cysteine (STLC) mediated Eg5 inhibition. Mol Cancer Therapeutics. 2010; 9: 1730-9
McCracken SR, Ramsay A, Heer R, Mathers ME, Jenkins BL, Edwards J, Robson CN, Marquez R, Cohen P, Leung HY. Aberrant expression of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 5 in human prostate cancer. Oncogene. 2008; 27: 2978-88
1986: MB ChB, University of Aberdeen
1990: FRCS (Glas) , Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
1994: PhD, University of London, Supervisor Nick Lemoine
1997: FRCS (Urol), Royal Colleges of Surgeons (UK & Ireland)
2006-present: Professor of Urology and Surgical Oncology, University of Glasgow; Group Leader, CRUK Scotland Institute; Consultant Urological Surgeon, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
2002-2006: Professor of Urological Oncology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1999-2002: Senior Lecturer, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1995-1998: Clinical Lecturer, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1990-1994: Clinical Research Fellow, Imperial Cancer Research Fund
1987-1989: Surgical Registrar, Birmingham Rotation
Movember GAP Committee
Prostate Cancer UK Trustee
Chairman, Section of Academic Urology, British Association of Urological Surgeons
MRC College of Experts & Molecular and Cellular Medicine Board
The Karl Storz Harold Hopkins Golden Telescope Award, British Association of Urological Surgeons, 2008
Founding member of the Northern Institute for Cancer Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Hartley A, Galbraith LCA, Shaw R, Tibbo A, Veeratterapillay R, Wilson L, Heer R, Blyth K, Leung H, Ahmad I. Loss of ARID1A accelerates prostate tumourigenesis with a proliferative collagen-poor phenotype through co-operation with AP1 subunit cFos. Br J Cancer. 2025.
Ibrahim I, Kouli O, Ilangovan S, Sneddon M, Nalagatla S, Marshall C, Dutto L, Leung HY, Ahmad I. Impact of Centralisation of Radical Prostatectomy Driven by the Introduction of Robotic Systems on Positive Surgical Margin and Biochemical Recurrence in pT2 Prostate Cancer. Cancer Med. 2025;14(2):e70514.
McAteer MA, McGowan DR, Cook GJR, Leung HY, Ng T, O'Connor JPB, Aloj L, Barnes A, Blower PJ, Brindle KM, Braun J, Buckley C, Darian D, Evans P, Goh V, Grainger D, Green C, Hall MG, Harding TA, Hines CDG, Hollingsworth SJ, Cristinacce PLH, Illing RO, Lee M, Leurent B, Mallett S, Neji R, Norori N, Pashayan N, Patel N, Prior K, Reiner T, Retter A, Taylor A, van der Aart J, Woollcott J, Wong WL, van der Meulen J, Punwani S, Higgins GS. Translation of PET radiotracers for cancer imaging: recommendations from the National Cancer Imaging Translational Accelerator (NCITA) consensus meeting. BMC Med. 2025(1):37.
Sahni DS, Morrison J, Leung HY. Grid-based cognitive diagnostic prostatic biopsy without transrectal ultrasonography. BJU Int. 2024.
AlRasheedi M, Han S, Thygesen H, Neilson M, Hendry F, Alkarn A, Maclay JD, Leung HY. A Comparative Evaluation of Mediastinal Nodal SUVmax and Derived Ratios from (18)F-FDG PET/CT Imaging to Predict Nodal Metastases in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023;13.
Bennett SS, Leung HY, Ahmad I. A cohort analysis of patients receiving neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy prior to robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy during the Covid-19 pandemic. J Clin Urol. 2023;16:131-139.
Román-Fernández A, Mansour MA, Kugeratski FG, Anand J, Sandilands E, Galbraith L, Rakovic K, Freckmann EC, Cumming EM, Park J, Nikolatou K, Lilla S, Shaw R, Strachan D, Mason S, Patel R, McGarry L, Katoch A, Campbell KJ, Nixon C, Miller CJ, Leung HY, Le Quesne J, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Bryant DM. Spatial regulation of the glycocalyx component podocalyxin is a switch for prometastatic function. Sci Adv. 2023;9:eabq1858.
Rushworth LK, Loveridge C, Salji M, MacLeod M, Mui E, Sumpton D, Neilson M, Hedley A, Alexander L, McCartney E, Patel R, Wallace J, Delles C, Jones R, Leung HY. Phase II proof-of-concept study of atorvastatin in castration-resistant prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2023;131:236-243.
Sandilands E, Freckmann EC, Cumming EM, Román-Fernández A, McGarry L, Anand J, Galbraith L, Mason S, Patel R, Nixon C, Cartwright J, Leung HY, Blyth K, Bryant DM. The small GTPase ARF3 controls invasion modality and metastasis by regulating N-cadherin levels. Journal of Cell Biology. 2023;222.
Taggart R, Dutto L, Leung HY, Salji M, Ahmad I. A contemporary analysis of disease upstaging of Gleason 3 + 3 prostate cancer patients after robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. Cancer Med. 2023.
Tibbo AJ, Hartley A, Vasan R, Shaw R, Galbraith L, Mui E, Leung HY, Ahmad I. MBTPS2 acts as a regulator of lipogenesis and cholesterol synthesis through SREBP signalling in prostate cancer. British Journal of Cancer. 2023;128: 1991–1999
Adam C, Bray TL, Pérez-López AM, Tan EH, Rubio-Ruiz B, Baillache DJ, Houston DR, Salji MJ, Leung HY, Unciti-Broceta A. A 5-FU Precursor Designed to Evade Anabolic and Catabolic Drug Pathways and Activated by Pd Chemistry In Vitro and In Vivo. J Med Chem. 2022; 65:552–561
Blomme A, Peter C, Mui E, Rodriguez Blanco G, An N, Mason LM, Jamieson LE, McGregor GH, Lilla S, Ntala C, Patel R, Thiry M, Kung SHY, Leclercq M, Ford CA, Rushworth LK, McGarry DJ, Mason S, Repiscak P, Nixon C, Salji MJ, Markert E, MacKay GM, Kamphorst JJ, Graham D, Faulds K, Fazli L, Gleave ME, Avezov E, Edwards J, Yin H, Sumpton D, Blyth K, Close P, Murphy DJ, Zanivan S, Leung HY. THEM6-mediated reprogramming of lipid metabolism supports treatment resistance in prostate cancer. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2022;4:e14764
Freckmann EC, Sandilands E, Cumming E, Neilson M, Román-Fernández A, Nikolatou K, Nacke M, Lannagan TRM, Hedley A, Strachan D, Salji M, Morton JP, McGarry L, Leung HY, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bryant DM. Traject3d allows label-free identification of distinct co-occurring phenotypes within 3D culture by live imaging. Nat Commun. 2022;13:5317.
Gómez V, Galazi M, Weitsman G, Monypenny J, Al-Salemee F, Barber PR, Ng K, Beatson R, Szokol B, Orfi L, Mullen G, Vanhaesebroeck B, Chowdhury S, Leung HY, Ng T. HER2 Mediates PSMA/mGluR1-Driven Resistance to the DS-7423 Dual PI3K/mTOR Inhibitor in PTEN Wild-type Prostate Cancer Models. Mol Cancer Ther. 2022;21:667-676.
Patel R, Ford CA, Rodgers L, Rushworth LK, Fleming J, Mui E, Zhang T, Watson D, Lynch V, Mackay G, Sumpton D, Sansom OJ, Vande Voorde J, Leung HY. Cyclocreatine suppresses creatine metabolism and impairs prostate cancer progression. Cancer Res. 2022;82: 2565–2575.
Salji MJ, Blomme A, Däbritz JHM, Repiscak P, Lilla S, Patel R, Sumpton D, van den Broek NJF, Daly R, Zanivan S, Leung HY. Multi-omics & pathway analysis identify potential roles for tumor N-acetyl aspartate accumulation in murine models of castration-resistant prostate cancer. iScience. 2022;25:104056.
Sooriakumaran P, Wilson C, Rombach I, Hassanali N, Aning J, A DL, Cathcart P, Eden C, Ahmad I, Rajan P, Sridhar A, Bryant RJ, Elhage O, Cook J, Leung H, Soomro N, Kelly J, Nathan S, Donovan JL, Hamdy FC. Feasibility and safety of radical prostatectomy for oligo-metastatic prostate cancer: the Testing Radical prostatectomy in men with prostate cancer and oligo-Metastases to the bone (TRoMbone) trial. BJU Int. 2022;130:43-53.
Gaba F, Tipping WJ, Salji M, Faulds K, Graham D, Leung HY. Gaba F, Tipping WJ, Salji M, Faulds K, Graham D, Leung HY. Raman Spectroscopy in Prostate Cancer: Techniques, Applications and Advancements. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14:1535
Cangiano M, Grudniewska M, Salji MJ, Nykter M, Jenster G, Urbanucci A, Granchi Z, Janssen B, Hamilton G, Leung HY, Beumer IJ. Gene Regulation Network Analysis on Human Prostate Orthografts Highlights a Potential Role for the JMJD6 Regulon in Clinical Prostate Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2021;13.
Clement KD, Day L, Rooney H, Neilson M, Birrell F, Salji M, Norman E, Clark R, Patel A, Morrison J, Leung HY. Developing a coordinate-based strategy to support cognitive targeted prostate biopsies and correlative spatial-histopathological outcome analysis. Asian J Androl. 2021;23(3):231-235.
Galbraith LCA, Mui E, Nixon C, Hedley A, Strachan D, MacKay G, Sumpton D, Sansom OJ, Leung HY, Ahmad I. PPAR-gamma induced AKT3 expression increases levels of mitochondrial biogenesis driving prostate cancer. Oncogene. 2021;40:2355-2366.
Laskar P, Somani S, Mullin M, Tate RJ, Warzecha M, Bowering D, Keating P, Irving C, Leung HY, Dufès C. Octadecyl chain-bearing PEGylated poly(propyleneimine)-based dendrimersomes: physicochemical studies, redox-responsiveness, DNA condensation, cytotoxicity and gene delivery to cancer cells. Biomater Sci. 2021;9: 1431-1448
Martinez RS, Salji MJ, Rushworth L, Ntala C, Rodriguez Blanco G, Hedley A, Clark W, Peixoto P, Hervouet E, Renaude E, Kung SHY, Galbraith LCA, Nixon C, Lilla S, Mackay GM, Fazli L, Gaughan L, Sumpton D, Gleave ME, Zanivan S, Blomme A, Leung HY. SLFN5 regulates LAT1-mediated mTOR activation in castration-resistant prostate cancer. Cancer Res. 2021; 82: 3664-78
McAteer MA, O'Connor JPB, Koh DM, Leung HY, Doran SJ, Jauregui-Osoro M, Muirhead N, Brew-Graves C, Plummer ER, Sala E, Ng T, Aboagye EO, Higgins GS, Punwani S. Introduction to the National Cancer Imaging Translational Accelerator (NCITA): a UK-wide infrastructure for multicentre clinical translation of cancer imaging biomarkers. Br J Cancer. 2021:1-4.
Nacke M, Sandilands E, Nikolatou K, Román-Fernández Á, Mason S, Patel R, Lilla S, Yelland T, Galbraith LCA, Freckmann EC, McGarry L, Morton JP, Shanks E, Leung HY, Markert E, Ismail S, Zanivan S, Blyth K, Bryant DM. An ARF GTPase module promoting invasion and metastasis through regulating phosphoinositide metabolism. Nat Commun. 2021;12:1623.
Ntala C, Salji M, Salmond J, Officer L, Teodosio AV, Blomme A, McGhee EJ, Powley I, Ahmad I, Kruithof-de Julio M, Thalmann G, Roberts E, Goodyear CS, Jamaspishvili T, Berman DM, Carlin LM, Le Quesne J, Leung HY. Analysis of Prostate Cancer Tumor Microenvironment Identifies Reduced Stromal CD4 Effector T-cell Infiltration in Tumors with Pelvic Nodal Metastasis. Eur Urol Open Sci. 2021;29:19-29.
Campbell KJ, Leung HY. Evasion of cell death: A contributory factor in prostate cancer development and treatment resistance. Cancer Lett. 2021;520:213-221.
Hartley A, Leung HY, Ahmad I. Targeting the BAF complex in advanced prostate cancer. Expert Opin Drug Discov. 2021; 16:173-181.
Bellier J, Nokin MJ, Caprasse M, Tiamiou A, Blomme A, Scheijen JL, Koopmansch B, MacKay GM, Chiavarina B, Costanza B, Rademaker G, Durieux F, Agirman F, Maloujahmoum N, Cusumano PG, Lovinfosse P, Leung HY, Lambert F, Bours V, Schalkwijk CG, Hustinx R, Peulen O, Castronovo V, Bellahcene A. Methylglyoxal Scavengers Resensitize KRAS-Mutated Colorectal Tumors to Cetuximab. Cell reports. 2020;30(5):1400-1416 e1406.
Blomme A, Ford CA, Mui E, Patel R, Ntala C, Jamieson LE, Planque M, McGregor GH, Peixoto P, Hervouet E, Nixon C, Salji M, Gaughan L, Markert E, Repiscak P, Sumpton D, Rodriguez Blanco G, Lilla S, Kamphorst JJ, Graham D, Faulds K, MacKay GM, Fendt S-M, Zanivan S, Leung HY. 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase regulates lipid homeostasis in treatment-resistant prostate cancer. Nat Commun. 2020; 11: 2508
Clement KD, Day L, Rooney H, Neilson M, Birrell F, Salji M, Norman E, Clark R, Patel A, Morrison J, Leung HY. Developing a coordinate-based strategy to support cognitive targeted prostate biopsies and correlative spatial-histopathological outcome analysis. Asian J Androl. 2020;23:231-235
Hartley A, Leung HY, Ahmad I. Targeting the BAF complex in advanced prostate cancer. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. 2020:1-9.
Loveridge CJ, Slater S, Campbell KJ, Nam NA, Knight J, Ahmad I, Hedley A, Lilla S, Repiscak P, Patel R, Salji M, Fleming J, Mitchell L, Nixon C, Strathdee D, Neilson M, Ntala C, Bryson S, Zanivan S, Edwards J, Robson CN, Goodyear CS, Blyth K, Leung HY. BRF1 accelerates prostate tumourigenesis and perturbs immune infiltration. Oncogene. 2020; 39: 1797–1806
Malviya G, Patel R, Salji M, Martinez RS, Repiscak P, Mui E, Champion S, Mrowinska A, Johnson E, AlRasheedi M, Pimlott S, Lewis D, Leung HY. 18F-Fluciclovine PET metabolic imaging reveals prostate cancer tumour heterogeneity associated with disease resistance to androgen deprivation therapy. EJNMMI Research. 2020;10(1):143.
McAllister M, Constâncio V, Patek S, Gan H, Bailey P, Wheadon H, Underwood M, Leung H, Edwards J. Inflammatory infiltration is associated with AR expression and poor prognosis in hormone naïve prostate cancer. Prostate. 2020; 80: 1353-1364
McAllister MJ, McCall P, Dickson A, Underwood MA, Andersen D, Holmes E, Markert E, Leung HY, Edwards J. Androgen receptor phosphorylation at serine 81 and serine 213 in castrate-resistant prostate cancer. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases.2020; 23:596–606
Mevel R, Steiner I, Mason S, Galbraith LCA, Patel R, Fadlullah MZH, Ahmad I, Leung HY, Oliveira P, Blyth K, Baena E, Lacaud G. RUNX1 marks a luminal castration resistant lineage established at the onset of prostate development. eLife. 2020;9:e60225.
Patel R, Brzezinska EA, Repiscak P, Ahmad I, Mui E, Gao M, Blomme A, Harle V, Tan EH, Malviya G, Mrowinska A, Loveridge CJ, Rushworth LK, Edwards J, Ntala C, Nixon C, Hedley A, Mackay G, Tardito S, Sansom OJ, Leung HY. Activation of beta-Catenin Cooperates with Loss of Pten to Drive AR-Independent Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Cancer research. 2020;80(3):576-590.
Pritchard JJG, Hamilton G, Hurst CD, Fraser S, Orange C, Knowles MA, Jones RJ, Leung HY, Iwata T. Monitoring of urothelial cancer disease status after treatment by digital droplet PCR liquid biopsy assays. Urol Oncol. 2020;38: 737.e1-737.e10
Rushworth LK, Harle V, Repiscak P, Clark W, Shaw R, Hall H, Bushell M, Leung HY, Patel R. In vivo CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screen: TCEAL1 silencing enhances docetaxel efficacy in prostate cancer. Life Sci Alliance. 2020;3(12).
Rushworth LK, Hewit K, Munnings-Tomes S, Somani S, James D, Shanks E, Dufes C, Straube A, Patel R, Leung HY. Repurposing screen identifies mebendazole as a clinical candidate to synergise with docetaxel for prostate cancer treatment. British journal of cancer. 2020; 122: 517–527
Scarsbrook AF, Bottomley D, Teoh EJ, Bradley KM, Payne H, Afaq A, Bomanji J, van As N, Chua S, Hoskin P, Chambers A, Cook GJ, Warbey VS, Han S, Leung HY, Chau A, Miller MP, Gleeson FV, group Fs. Impact of (18)F-fluciclovine positron emission tomography on the management of patients with recurrence of prostate cancer: results from the FALCON trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2020; 107: 316-324
Birrell F, Leung HY. The Scottish prostate cryotherapy service-the role of the clinical nurse specialist. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing). 2019; 28: S12-s16.
Kdadra M, Hockner S, Leung H, Kremer W, Schiffer E. Metabolomics Biomarkers of Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review. Diagnostics (Basel). 2019; 9: E21
Laskar P, Somani S, Campbell SJ, Mullin M, Keating P, Tate RJ, Irving C, Leung HY, Dufes C. Camptothecin-based dendrimersomes for gene delivery and redox-responsive drug delivery to cancer cells. Nanoscale. 2019; 11: 20058-20071
McAllister MJ, Underwood MA, Leung HY, Edwards J. A review on the interactions between the tumor microenvironment and androgen receptor signaling in prostate cancer. Transl Res 2019; 206: 91-106
Altwaijry N, Somani S, Parkinson JA, Tate RJ, Keating P, Warzecha M, Mackenzie GR, Leung HY, Dufes C. Regression of prostate tumors after intravenous administration of lactoferrin-bearing polypropylenimine dendriplexes encoding TNF-alpha, TRAIL, and interleukin-12. Drug Deliv 2018; 25: 679-89
Galbraith L, Leung HY, Ahmad I. Lipid pathway deregulation in advanced prostate cancer. Pharmacol Res 2018; 131: 177-84.
Hewit K, Sandilands E, Martinez RS, James D, Leung HY, Bryant DM, Shanks E, Markert EK. A functional genomics screen reveals a strong synergistic effect between docetaxel and the mitotic gene DLGAP5 that is mediated by the androgen receptor. Cell Death Dis 2018; 9: 1069
Patel R, Fleming J, Mui E, Loveridge C, Repiscak P, Blomme A, Harle V, Salji M, Ahmad I, Teo K, Hamdy FC, Hedley A, van den Broek N, Mackay G, Edwards J, et al. Sprouty2 loss-induced IL6 drives castration-resistant prostate cancer through scavenger receptor B1. EMBO Mol Med 2018; 10.
Salji M, Hendry J, Patel A, Ahmad I, Nixon C, Leung HY. Peri-prostatic Fat Volume Measurement as a Predictive Tool for Castration Resistance in Advanced Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol Focus 2018; 4: 858-866
Loveridge CJ, Mui EJ, Patel R, Tan EH, Ahmad I, Welsh M, Galbraith J, Hedley A, Nixon C, Blyth K, Sansom O, Leung HY. Increased T-cell Infiltration Elicited by Erk5 Deletion in a Pten-Deficient Mouse Model of Prostate Carcinogenesis. Cancer Res 2017; 77: 3158-68
Loveridge CJ, van 't Hof RJ, Charlesworth G, King A, Tan EH, Rose L, Daroszewska A, Prior A, Ahmad I, Welsh M, Mui EJ, Ford C, Salji M, Sansom O, Blyth K, Leung HY. Analysis of Nkx3.1:Cre-driven Erk5 deletion reveals a profound spinal deformity which is linked to increased osteoclast activity. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 13241
Munkley J, McClurg UL, Livermore KE, Ehrmann I, Knight B, McCullagh P, McGrath J, Crundwell M, Harries LW, Leung HY, Mills IG, Robson CN, Rajan P, Elliott DJ. The cancer-associated cell migration protein TSPAN1 is under control of androgens and its upregulation increases prostate cancer cell migration. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 5249
Patek S, Willder J, Heng J, Taylor B, Horgan P, Leung H, Underwood M, Edwards J. Androgen receptor phosphorylation status at serine 578 predicts poor outcome in prostate cancer patients. Oncotarget 2017; 8: 4875-87
Ahmad I, Mui E, Galbraith L, Patel R, Tan EH, Salji M, Rust AG, Repiscak P, Hedley A, Markert E, Loveridge C, van der Weyden L, Edwards J, Sansom OJ, Adams DJ, Leung HY. Sleeping Beauty screen reveals Pparg activation in metastatic prostate cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2016; 113: 8290-5
Kerr L, Rewhorn MJ, Longmuir M, Fraser S, Walsh S, Andrew N, Leung HY. A cohort analysis of men with a family history of BRCA1/2 and Lynch mutations for prostate cancer. BMC cancer. 2016; 16: 529
Munkley J, Vodak D, Livermore KE, James K, Wilson BT, Knight B, McCullagh P, McGrath J, Crundwell M, Harries LW, Leung HY, Robson CN, Mills IG, Rajan P, Elliott DJ Glycosylation is an Androgen-Regulated Process Essential for Prostate Cancer Cell Viability. EBioMedicine. 2016; 8: 103-16
Myers SM, Bawn RH, Bisset LC, Blackburn TJ, Cottyn B, Molyneux L, Wong AC, Cano C, Clegg W, Harrington RW, Leung H, Rigoreau L, Vidot S, Golding BT, Griffin RJ, Hammonds T, Newell DR, Hardcastle IR. High-throughput screening and hit validation of extracellular-related kinase 5 (ERK5) inhibitors. ACS Comb Sci. 2016; 18: 444-55
Peck B, Schug ZT, Zhang Q, Dankworth B, Jones DT, Smethurst E, Patel R, Mason S, Jiang M, Saunders R, Howell M, Mitter R, Spencer-Dene B, Stamp G, McGarry L, James D, Shanks E, Aboagye EO, Critchlow SE, Leung HY Harris AL, Wakelam MJ, Gottlieb E, Schulze A. Inhibition of fatty acid desaturation is detrimental to cancer cell survival in metabolically compromised environments. Cancer & metabolism. 2016; 4: 6
Hing Leung
Mark Salji
Syer Choon Lim
Nicole Ralston
I am a PhD student from Glasgow, and I have an undergraduate degree in Pharmacology from the University of Glasgow and a masters degree in Cancer Therapies from the University of Strathclyde. My PhD aims to pharmacologically augment the expression of the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 4D7 (PDE4D7) and the effects this has in advanced prostate cancer. Outside of the lab I enjoy going to concerts, Pilates, travelling, and watching football.
Qi Wang
The transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily comprises approximately forty related dimeric polypeptide cytokines including the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), the growth and differentiation factors (GDFs), activin, nodal and the TGFβs (TGFβ1, TGFβ2 and TGFβ3). These growth factors play fundamental roles during mammalian development and act as homeostatic factors in adult life, regulating tissue repair, wound healing and the immune response. As well as having vital normal physiological functions, these factors play pivotal roles in disease pathogenesis, and the emerging importance of TGFβ and BMP signalling in cancer biology is the primary focus of our studies. Paradoxically, TGFβ can act as both a tumour suppressor and a tumour promoter. The tumour suppressor activities of TGFβ are ascribed to its ability to act as a potent negative regulator of cell proliferation and survival. As tumours progress they frequently avoid the tumour suppressive activities of TGFβ and switch their response to this cytokine and utilise it as a promoter of motility, survival, invasion, vascularisation, metastasis and immunosuppression. We have three fundamental questions that we are trying to answer in the laboratory using both in vitro cell biological and in vivo techniques coupled with analysis of primary patient tumour material:
1) How do TGFβ/BMP act as tumour suppressors and how do tumour cells avoid this?
2) How do TGFβ/BMP act on tumour cells to promote cancer progression?
3) When and where do these events occur?
Our ultimate goals are to develop therapeutics that selectively target the pro-oncogenic actions of these cytokines and to identify patient selection criteria for their deployment.
In collaboration with Owen Sansom’s laboratory, we have previously shown that both TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 are frequently mutationally inactivated in human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) and that combined deletion of TGFBR1 coupled with activation of the MAPK pathway is sufficient to drive rapid invasive cSCC formation from the Lgr5+ve hair follicle bulge stem cells in the mouse. This has led us into studies profiling the molecular landscape of human cSCC. Our recent whole exome sequencing studies have identified driver genes and pathways that are implicated in cSCC progression and we are currently building upon these observations using whole genome sequencing and RNAseq in collaboration with Peter Bailey (University of Glasgow) and Irene Leigh (QMUL). There are striking similarities in the molecular landscape of all squamous cancers, and we are determining the biological roles of the genes, pathways and processes underpinning tumour progression in cSCC, head and neck SCC and the 'squamous' subtype of pancreatic cancer using in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo pre-clinical models.
Inman GJ, Wang J, Nagano A, Alexandrov LB, Purdie KJ, Taylor RG, Sherwood V, Thomson J, Hogan S, Spender LC, South AP, Stratton M, Chelala C, Harwood CA, Proby CM, Leigh IM. The genomic landscape of cutaneous SCC reveals drivers and a novel azathioprine associated mutational signature. Nat Commun. 2018; 9: 3667.
Cammareri P, Rose AM, Vincent DF, Wang J, Nagano A, Libertini S, Ridgway RA, Athineos D, Coates PJ, McHugh A, Pourreyron C, Dayal JH, Larsson J, Weidlich S, Spender LC, Sapkota GP, Purdie KJ, Proby CM, Harwood CA, Leigh IM, Clevers H, Barker N, Karlsson S, Pritchard C, Marais R, Chelala C, South AP, Sansom OJ, Inman GJ. Inactivation of TGFβ receptors in stem cells drives cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Nat Commun. 2016; 7: 12493
Hannigan A, Smith P, Kalna G, Lo Nigro C, Orange C, O'Brien DI, Shah R, Syed N, Spender LC, Herrera B, Thurlow JK, Lattanzio L, Monteverde M, Maurer ME, Buffa FM, Mann J, Chu DC, West CM, Patridge M, Oien KA, Cooper JA, Frame MC, Harris AL, Hiller L, Nicholson LJ, Gasco M, Crook T, Inman GJ. Epigenetic downregulation of human disabled homolog 2 switches TGF-beta from a tumor suppressor to a tumor promoter. J Clin Invest. 2010; 120: 2842-57.
Inman GJ, Nicolás FJ, Hill CS. Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of Smads 2, 3, and 4 permits sensing of TGF-beta receptor activity. Mol Cell. 2002; 10: 283-94
1995: PhD, University of London (Ludwig Institute), Supervisor Paul Farrell
1990: BSc, Biology, University of York
2018-present: Director of Research Strategy, CRUK Scotland Institute
2018-present: Professor of Cell Signalling, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2017-2018: Professor of Cell Signalling, School of Medicine, University of Dundee
2010-2017: Reader, Division of Cancer Research, School of Medicine, University of Dundee
2003-2010: Junior Group Leader, CRUK Beatson Institute
Advisory Board, Institute Curie, Orsay, Paris
Editorial Board, Scientific Reports, Experimental Dermatology
Deputy Chair, FASEB SRC TGFβ superfamily Signalling in Health and Disease
Ian Stevenson Award for Excellence in Public Engagement (joint with Dr C Henderson and Dr G Smith), University of Dundee, 2016
1st Association for International Cancer Research Fellowship, 2003
Hurley R, Paterson C, Conway DI, Inman GJ, Douglas CM. Laryngeal Cancer in the West of Scotland 2014-2020: Trends and Survival in a Cohort of 867 Patients. Laryngoscope. 2025.
White SE, Schwartze TA, Mukundan A, Schoenherr C, Singh SP, van Dinther M, Cunningham KT, White MPJ, Campion T, Pritchard J, Hinck CS, Ten Dijke P, Inman GJ, Maizels RM, Hinck AP. TGM6 is a helminth secretory product that mimics TGF-β binding to TGFBR2 to antagonize signaling in fibroblasts. Nat Commun. 2025;16(1):1847.
Carrasco G, Stavrou I, Treanor-Taylor M, Beetham H, Lee M, Masalmeh R, Carreras-Soldevila A, Hardman D, Bernabeu MO, von Kriegsheim A, Inman GJ, Byron A, Brunton VG. Involvement of Kindlin-1 in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Oncogenesis. 2024;13(1):24.
Derby SJ, Dutton L, Strathdee KE, Stevenson K, Koessinger A, Jackson M, Tian Y, Yu W, McLay K, Misquitta J, Alsharif S, Clarke CJ, Gilmour L, Thomason P, McGhee E, McGarrity-Cottrell CL, Vanderlinden A, Collis SJ, Rominyi O, Lemgruber L, Solecki G, Olson M, Winkler F, Carlin LM, Heiland DH, Inman GJ, Chalmers AJ, Norman JC, Carruthers R, Birch JL. Inhibition of ATR opposes glioblastoma invasion through disruption of cytoskeletal networks and integrin internalization via macropinocytosis. Neuro Oncol. 2024;26(4):625-639.
Kiourtis C, Terradas-Terradas M, Gee LM, May S, Georgakopoulou A, Collins AL, O’Sullivan ED, Baird DP, Hassan M, Shaw R, Tan EH, Müller M, Engelmann C, Andreola F, Hsieh Y-C, Reed LH, Borthwick LA, Nixon C, Clark W, Hanson PS, Sumpton D, Mackay G, Suzuki T, Najumudeen AK, Inman GJ, Campbell A, Barry ST, Quaglia A, Morris CM, LeBeau FEN, Sansom OJ, Kirschner K, Jalan R, Oakley F, Bird TG. Hepatocellular senescence induces multi-organ senescence and dysfunction via TGFβ. Nature Cell Biology. 2024.
Singh SP, Smyth DJ, Cunningham KT, Mukundan A, Byeon CH, Hinck CS, White MPJ, Ciancia C, Wąsowska N, Sanders A, Jin R, White RF, Lilla S, Zanivan S, Schoenherr C, Inman GJ, van Dinther M, Ten Dijke P, Hinck AP, Maizels RM. The TGF-β mimic TGM4 achieves cell specificity through combinatorial surface co-receptor binding. EMBO Rep. 2024.
Smith CDL, McMahon AD, Purkayastha M, Creaney G, Clements K, Inman GJ, Bhatti LA, Douglas CM, Paterson C, Conway DI. Head and neck cancer incidence is rising but the sociodemographic profile is unchanging: a population epidemiological study (2001-2020). BJC Rep. 2024;2(1):71.
Strathearn LS, Spender LC, Schoenherr C, Mason S, Edwards R, Blyth K, Inman GJ. C1orf106 (INAVA) Is a SMAD3-Dependent TGF-β Target Gene That Promotes Clonogenicity and Correlates with Poor Prognosis in Breast Cancer. Cells. 2024;13(18).
Bailey P, Ridgway RA, Cammareri P, Treanor-Taylor M, Bailey UM, Schoenherr C, Bone M, Schreyer D, Purdie K, Thomson J, Rickaby W, Jackstadt R, Campbell AD, Dimonitsas E, Stratigos AJ, Arron ST, Wang J, Blyth K, Proby CM, Harwood CA, Sansom OJ, Leigh IM, Inman GJ. Driver gene combinations dictate cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma disease continuum progression. Nat Commun. 2023;14:5211.
Singh SP, Smyth DJ, Cunningham K, Mukundan A, Byeon C-H, Hinck CS, White MPJ, Ciancia C, Wosowska N, Sanders A, Jin R, Lilla S, Zanivan S, Schoenherr C, Inman G, Dinther Mv, Dijke Pt, Hinck AP, Maizels RM. The helminth TGF-β mimic TGM4 is a modular ligand that binds CD44, CD49d and TGF-β receptors to preferentially target myeloid cells. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2011.2013.566701.
Wang J, Harwood CA, Bailey E, Bewicke-Copley F, Anene CA, Thomson J, Qamar MJ, Laban R, Nourse C, Schoenherr C, Treanor-Taylor M, Healy E, Lai C, Craig P, Moyes C, Rickaby W, Martin J, Proby C, Inman GJ, Leigh IM. Transcriptomic analysis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma reveals a multi-gene prognostic signature associated with metastasis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2023;10.1016/j.jaad.2023.08.012.
Bone M, Inman GJ. Exon specific oncogenic function of the long non-coding RNA PVT1 in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, a promising potential therapeutic target. Br J Dermatol. 2023.
Cosgarea I, McConnell AT, Ewen T, Tang D, Hill DS, Anagnostou M, Elias M, Ellis RA, Murray A, Spender LC, Giglio P, Gagliardi M, Greenwood A, Piacentini M, Inman GJ, Fimia G, Corazzari M, Armstrong JL, Lovat PE. Melanoma secretion of TGFβ-2 leads to loss of epidermal AMBRA1 threatening epidermal integrity and facilitating tumour ulceration. Br J Dermatol. 2022; 186:606-607
Flanagan DJ, Amirkhah R, Vincent DF, Gundaz N, Gentaz P, Cammareri P, McCooey AJ, McCorry AMB, Fisher NC, Davis HL, Ridgway RA, Lohuis J, Leach JDG, Jackstadt R, Gilroy K, Mariella E, Nixon C, Clark W, Hedley A, Markert EK, Strathdee D, Bartholin L, Redmond KL, Kerr EM, Longley DB, Ginty F, Cho S, Coleman HG, Loughrey MB, Bardelli A, Maughan TS, Campbell AD, Lawler M, Leedham SJ, Barry ST, Inman GJ, van Rheenen J, Dunne PD, Sansom OJ. Epithelial TGFβ engages growth-factor signalling to circumvent apoptosis and drive intestinal tumourigenesis with aggressive features. Nat Commun. 2022;13:7551.
Smith CDL, McMahon AD, Ross A, Inman GJ, Conway DI. Risk prediction models for head and neck cancer: A rapid review. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. 2022;7:1893-1908
Dayal JHS, Mason SM, Salas-Alanis JC, McGrath JA, Taylor RG, Mellerio JE, Blyth K, South AP, Inman GJ. Heterogeneous addiction to transforming growth factor-beta signalling in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa-associated cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Br J Dermatol. 2021;184:697-708.
Hollis RL, Stillie LJ, Hopkins S, Bartos C, Churchman M, Rye T, Nussey F, Fegan S, Nirsimloo R, Inman GJ, Herrington CS, Gourley C. Clinicopathological Determinants of Recurrence Risk and Survival in Mucinous Ovarian Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Nov 21;13(22):5839.
Leach JDG, Vlahov N, Tsantoulis P, Ridgway RA, Flanagan DJ, Gilroy K, Sphyris N, Vázquez EG, Vincent DF, Faller WJ, Hodder MC, Raven A, Fey S, Najumudeen AK, Strathdee D, Nixon C, Hughes M, Clark W, Shaw R, van Hooff SR, Huels DJ, Medema JP, Barry ST, Frame MC, Unciti-Broceta A, Leedham SJ, Inman GJ, Jackstadt R, Thompson BJ, Campbell AD, Tejpar S, Sansom OJ. Oncogenic BRAF, unrestrained by TGFβ-receptor signalling, drives right-sided colonic tumorigenesis. Nat Commun. 2021;12:3464.
Thomson J, Bewicke-Copley F, Anene CA, Gulati A, Nagano A, Purdie K, Inman GJ, Proby CM, Leigh IM, Harwood CA, Wang J. The Genomic Landscape of Actinic Keratosis. J Invest Dermatol. 2021;141(7):1664-1674.e1667.
Kumari A, Shonibare Z, Monavarian M, Arend RC, Lee NY, Inman GJ, Mythreye K. TGFβ signaling networks in ovarian cancer progression and plasticity. Clin Exp Metastasis. 2021;38:139-161.
Birch JL, Coull BJ, Spender LC, Watt C, Willison A, Syed N, Chalmers AJ, Hossain-Ibrahim MK, Inman GJ. Multifaceted transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) signalling in glioblastoma. Cell Signal. 2020;72:109638.
Smith HG, Jamal K, Dayal JH, Tenev T, Kyula-Currie J, Guppy N, Gazinska P, Roulstone V, Liccardi G, Davies E, Roxanis I, Melcher AA, Hayes AJ, Inman GJ, Harrington KJ, Meier P. RIPK1-mediated immunogenic cell death promotes anti-tumour immunity against soft-tissue sarcoma. EMBO Mol Med. 2020; 12:e10979.
Wei Q, Holle A, Li J, Posa F, Biagioni F, Croci O, Benk AS, Young J, Noureddine F, Deng J, Zhang M, Inman GJ, Spatz JP, Campaner S, Cavalcanti-Adam EA. BMP-2 Signaling and Mechanotransduction Synergize to Drive Osteogenic Differentiation via YAP/TAZ. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2020;7(15):1902931.
Hassan S, Purdie KJ, Wang J, Harwood CA, Proby CM, Pourreyron C, Mladkova N, Nagano A, Dhayade S, Athineos D, Caley M, Mannella V, Blyth K, Inman GJ, Leigh IM. A Unique Panel of Patient-Derived Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines Provides a Preclinical Pathway for Therapeutic Testing. International journal of molecular sciences. 2019;20:3428
Spender LC, Ferguson GJ, Hughes GD, Davies BR, Goldberg FW, Herrera B, Taylor RG, Strathearn LS, Sansom OJ, Barry ST, Inman GJ. Preclinical Evaluation of AZ12601011 and AZ12799734, Inhibitors of Transforming Growth Factor βSuperfamily Type 1 Receptors. Mol Pharmacol. 2019; 95: 222-34.
Badshah, II, Brown S, Weibel L, Rose A, Way B, Sebire N, Inman G, Harper J, Kinsler V, O'Shaughnessy R. Differential expression of secreted factors SOSTDC1 and ADAMTS8 cause pro-fibrotic changes in linear morphoea fibroblasts. Br J Dermatol. 2018; 180: 1135-1149
Inman GJ, Wang J, Nagano A, Alexandrov LB, Purdie KJ, Taylor RG, Sherwood V, Thomson J, Hogan S, Spender LC, South AP, Stratton M, Chelala C, Harwood CA, Proby CM, et al. The genomic landscape of cutaneous SCC reveals drivers and a novel azathioprine associated mutational signature. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 3667.
Purdie KJ, Proby CM, Rizvi H, Griffin H, Doorbar J, Sommerlad M, Feltkamp MC, der Meijden EV, Inman GJ, South AP, Leigh IM, Harwood CA. The Role of Human Papillomaviruses and Polyomaviruses in BRAF-Inhibitor Induced Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Benign Squamoproliferative Lesions. Front Microbiol 2018; 9: 1806.
Rose AM, Spender LC, Stephen C, Mitchell A, Rickaby W, Bray S, Evans AT, Dayal J, Purdie KJ, Harwood CA, Proby CM, Leigh IM, Coates PJ, Inman GJ. Reduced SMAD2/3 activation independently predicts increased depth of human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Oncotarget 2018; 9: 14552-66.
Cammareri P, Vincent DF, Hodder MC, Ridgway RA, Murgia C, Nobis M, Campbell AD, Varga J, Huels DJ, Subramani C, Prescott KLH, Nixon C, Hedley A, Barry ST, Greten FR, Inman GJ, Sansom OJ. TGFβ pathway limits dedifferentiation following WNT and MAPK pathway activation to suppress intestinal tumourigenesis. Cell Death Differ. 2017; 24: 1681-93.
Hurst LA, Dunmore BJ, Long L, Crosby A, Al-Lamki R, Deighton J, Souhtwood M, Yang X, Nikolic MZ, Herrera B, Inman GJ, Bradley JR, Rana AA, Upton PD, Morrell NW. TNFα drives pulmonary arterial hypertension by suppressing BMP type-II receptor and altering NOTCH signalling. Nature Commun. 2017; 8: 14079
Phillips TJ, Scott H, Menassa DA, Bignell AL, Sood A, Morton JS, Akagi T, Azuma K, Rogers MF, Gilmore CE, Inman GJ, Grant S, Chung Y, Aljunaidy MM, Cooke CL, Steinkraus BR, Pocklington A, Logan A, Collett GP, Kemp H, Holmans PA, Murphy MP, Fulga TA, Coney AM, Akashi M, Davidge ST, Case CP. Treating the placenta to prevent adverse effects of gestational hypoxia on fetal brain development. Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 9079.
Rose, AM, Sansom OJ, Inman GJ. Loss of TGF-β signaling drives cSCC from skin stem cells - More evidence. Cell Cycle 2017; 16: 386-7.
Spender LC, Inman GJ. Targeting BRAF-mutant tumours with TGFBR1 inhibitors. Aging (Albany NY). 2017; 9: 5-6.
Cammareri P, Rose AM, Vincent DF, Wang J, Nagano A, Libertini S, Ridgway RA, Athineos D, Coates PJ, McHugh A, Pourreyron C, Dayal JH, Larsson J, Weidlich S, Spender LC, Sapkota GP, Purdie KJ, Proby CM, Harwood CA, Leigh IM, Clevers H, Barker N, Karlsson S, Pritchard C, Marais R, Chelala C, South AP, Sansom OJ, Inman GJ. Inactivation of TGFβ receptors in stem cells drives cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Nature Commun. 2016; 7: 12493.
Harwood CA, Proby CM, Inman GJ, Leigh IM. The Promise of Genomics and the Development of Targeted Therapies for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Acta Derm Venereol. 2016; 96: 3-16.
Languino LR, Singh A, Prisco M, Inman GJ, Luginbuhl A, Curry JM, South AP. Exosome-mediated transfer from the tumor microenvironment increases TGFβ signaling in squamous cell carcinoma. Am J Transl Res. 2016; 8: 2432-7.
Spender, LC, Ferguson, GJ, Liu, S, Cui, C, Girotti, MR, Sibbett, G, Higgs, EB, Shuttleworth, MK, Hamilton, T, Lorigan, P, Weller, M, Vincent, DF, Sansom, OJ, Frame, M, ten Dijke, P, Marais, R, Inman, GJ. Mutational activation of BRAF confers sensitivity to transforming growth factor beta inhibitors in human cancer cells. Oncotarget. 2016; 7: 81995-2012.
Spender, LC, Inman, GJ. Fatal attractions? Correlations of CXCL12-CXCR4-CXCR7 expression with disease progression in melanoma and Kaposi sarcoma. Br J Dermatol. 2016; 175: 1140-1.
The aim of our group is to understand the factors regulating programmed cell death in cancer cells. Since it is known that inhibition of cell death mechanisms is a common event in tumour development, this poses problems for many forms of chemotherapy that utilise cell death pathways, leading to drug resistance.
We are investigating both known cell death regulators as well as searching for novel proteins that control cell death and chemosensitivity. We envisage that the knowledge gained from our studies will be translated and lead to the improvement of existing clinical regimens or new targets for therapeutic intervention.
Beaumatin F, O'Prey J, Barthet VJA, Zunino B, Parvy JP, Bachmann AM, O'Prey M, Kania E, Gonzalez PS, Macintosh R, Lao LY, Nixon C, Lopez J, Long JS, Tait SWG, Ryan KM. mTORC1 Activation Requires DRAM-1 by Facilitating Lysosomal Amino Acid Efflux. Molecular cell. 2019; 76:163-176.e8
Gonzalez PS, O'Prey J, Cardaci S, Barthet VJA, Sakamaki JI, Beaumatin F, Roseweir A, Gay DM, Mackay G, Malviya G, Kania E, Ritchie S, Baudot AD, Zunino B, Mrowinska A, et al. Mannose impairs tumour growth and enhances chemotherapy. Nature 2018; 563:719-23
Sakamaki JI, Wilkinson S, Hahn M, Tasdemir N, O'Prey J, Clark W, Hedley A, Nixon C, Long JS, New M, Van Acker T, Tooze SA, Lowe SW, Dikic I, Ryan KM. Bromodomain Protein BRD4 Is a Transcriptional Repressor of Autophagy and Lysosomal Function. Mol Cell. 2017; 66: 517-32.e9
Rosenfeldt MT, O'Prey J, Morton JP, Nixon C, Mackay G, Mrowinska A, Au A, Rai TS, Zheng L, Ridgway R, Adams PD, Anderson KI, Gottlieb E, Sansom OJ, Ryan KM. p53 status determines the role of autophagy in pancreatic tumour development. Nature 2013; 504:296-300
Long JS, Crighton D, O’Prey J, MacKay G, Zheng L, Palmer TM, Gottlieb E, Kevin M. Ryan KM. Extracellular adenosine sensing - a metabolic cell death priming mechanism downstream of p53. Molecular Cell. 2013; 50: 394-406
Wilkinson S, O'Prey J, Fricker M, Ryan KM. Hypoxia-selective macroautophagy and cell survival signaled by autocrine PDGFR activity. Genes Dev. 2009; 23: 1283-8
Bell HS, Dufes C, O'Prey J, Crighton D, Bergamaschi D, Lu X, Schätzlein AG, Vousden KH, Ryan KM. A novel p53-derived apoptotic peptide de-represses p73 to cause tumor regression in vivo. J Clin Invest. 2007; 117: 1008-18
Crighton D, Wilkinson S, O'Prey J, Syed N, Smith P, Harrison PR, Gasco M, Garrone O, Crook T, Ryan KM. DRAM – a p53- induced modulator of autophagy is critical for apoptosis. Cell. 2006; 126: 121-34
1996: PhD, Beatson Institute (University of Glasgow), Supervisor George Birnie
1991: BSc, Biochemistry (Honours), University of Liverpool
2007-present: Professor of Molecular Cell Biology, University of Glasgow
2007-present: Senior Group Leader, CRUK Scotland Institute
2002-2008: Cancer Research UK Senior Cancer Research Fellow
2001-2007: Junior Group Leader, CRUK Beatson Institute
1996-2001: Postdoctoral Fellow with Karen Vousden, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA
Chair-elect, British Association for Cancer Research (BACR)
Scientific Advisory Board, Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF), Valencia, Spain
Royal Society of Edinburgh Fellow Selection Panel
Scientific Advisory Board, Danish Cancer Society
International Council, NIH Center for Autophagy, Inflammation and Metabolism
North West Cancer Research Scientific Advisory Group
Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2022
Member of Academia Europaea / Academy of Europe, 2022
Fellow of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences, 2022
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2016
Tenovus Medal, 2012
Cancer Researcher Award, European Association for Cancer Research, 2010
Elected Fellow of the Society of Biology, 2009
Certificate of Merit, European Association for Cancer Research, 2002
Cancer Research UK Senior Cancer Research Fellowship, 2002
National Institutes of Health Year 2001 Fellows Award for Research Excellence, 2000
National Institutes of Health Year 2000 Fellows Award for Research Excellence, 1999
Cross J, Durgan J, McEwan DG, Tayler M, Ryan KM, Florey O.Lysosome damage triggers direct ATG8 conjugation and ATG2 engagement via non-canonical autophagy. J Cell Biol. 2023;222(12).
Debnath J, Gammoh N, Ryan KM. Autophagy and autophagy-related pathways in cancer. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2023;24:560-575
Kania E, Long JS, McEwan DG, Welkenhuyzen K, La Rovere R, Luyten T, Halpin J, Lobbestael E, Baekelandt V, Bultynck G, Ryan KM, Parys JB. LRRK2 phosphorylation status and kinase activity regulate (macro)autophagy in a Rab8a/Rab10-dependent manner. Cell Death Dis. 2023;14:436.
Nössing C, Ryan KM. 50 years on and still very much alive: 'Apoptosis: a basic biological phenomenon with wide-ranging implications in tissue kinetics'. Br J Cancer. 2023;128:426-431.
Ringborg U, von Braun J, Celis J, Baumann M, Berns A, Eggermont A, Heard E, Heitor M, Chandy M, Chen CJ, Costa A, De Lorenzo F, De Robertis EM, Dubee FC, Ernberg I, Gabriel M, Helland Å, Henrique R, Jönsson B, Kallioniemi O, Korbel J, Krause M, Lowy DR, Michielin O, Nagy P, Oberst S, Paglia V, Parker MI, Ryan K, Sawyers CL, Schüz J, Silkaitis K, Solary E, Thomas D, Turkson P, Weiderpass E, Yang H. Strategies to decrease inequalities in cancer therapeutics, care and prevention. Mol Oncol. 2023.
Ryan KM. Data sharing and management in 21st century cancer research. Mol Oncol. 2023;17:381-381
Ryan KM, Smith J, Bernards R. Molecular Oncology and the EACR: new partners in communicating and supporting cancer research. Mol Oncol. 2023;17:919-920.
Vitale I, Pietrocola F, Guilbaud E, Aaronson SA, Abrams JM, Adam D, Agostini M, Agostinis P, Alnemri ES, Altucci L, et al. Apoptotic cell death in disease-Current understanding of the NCCD 2023. Cell Death Differ. 2023;30:1097–1154
Barthet VJA, Mrschtik M, Kania E, McEwan DG, Croft D, O'Prey J, Long JS, Ryan KM. DRAM-4 and DRAM-5 are compensatory regulators of autophagy and cell survival in nutrient-deprived conditions. Febs j. 2022;289: 3752-3769
Baudot AD, Wang VM, Leach JD, O'Prey J, Long JS, Paulus-Hock V, Lilla S, Thomson DM, Greenhorn J, Ghaffar F, Nixon C, Helfrich MH, Strathdee D, Pratt J, Marchesi F, Zanivan S, Ryan KM. Glycan degradation promotes macroautophagy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022;119(26):e2111506119.
Koessinger AL, Cloix C, Koessinger D, Heiland DH, Bock FJ, Strathdee K, Kinch K, Martínez-Escardó L, Paul NR, Nixon C, Malviya G, Jackson MR, Campbell KJ, Stevenson K, Davis S, Elmasry Y, Ahmed A, O’Prey J, Ichim G, Schnell O, Stewart W, Blyth K, Ryan KM, Chalmers AJ, Norman JC, Tait SWG. Increased apoptotic sensitivity of glioblastoma enables therapeutic targeting by BH3-mimetics. Cell Death & Differentiation. 2022; 29: 2089–2104
Long JS, Kania E, McEwan DG, Barthet VJA, Brucoli M, Ladds M, Nössing C, Ryan KM. ATG7 is a haploinsufficient repressor of tumor progression and promoter of metastasis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022;119:e2113465119.
Barthet VJA, Ryan KM. DRAMs and autophagy: a family affair. Autophagy Reports. 2022;1:170-174.
McEwan DG, Ryan KM. ATG2 and VPS13 proteins: molecular highways transporting lipids to drive membrane expansion and organelle communication. Febs j. 2022;289:7113-7127.
Ryan KM. In the spotlight: Julio Celis, the Founding Editor of Molecular Oncology. Mol Oncol. 2022;16(1):3-7.
Ryan KM. Navigating the current landscape of scientific publishing - the Molecular Oncology perspective. Mol Oncol. 2022;16(12):2297-9.
Barthet VJA, Brucoli M, Ladds M, Nössing C, Kiourtis C, Baudot AD, O'Prey J, Zunino B, Müller M, May S, Nixon C, Long JS, Bird TG, Ryan KM. Autophagy suppresses the formation of hepatocyte-derived cancer-initiating ductular progenitor cells in the liver. Sci Adv. 2021;7.
Latif AL, Newcombe A, Li S, Gilroy K, Robertson NA, Lei X, Stewart HJS, Cole J, Terradas MT, Rishi L, McGarry L, McKeeve C, Reid C, Clark W, Campos J, Kirschner K, Davis A, Lopez J, Sakamaki JI, Morton JP, et al. BRD4-mediated repression of p53 is a target for combination therapy in AML. Nat Commun. 2021;12:241.
Rosenfeldt MT, O'Prey J, Lindsay CR, Nixon C, Roth S, Sansom OJ, Ryan KM. Loss of autophagy affects melanoma development in a manner dependent on PTEN status. Cell Death Differ. 2021;28:1437-1439.
McEwan DG, Ryan KM. ATG2 and VPS13 proteins: molecular highways transporting lipids to drive membrane expansion and organelle communication. FEBS J. 2021
Torretta S, Scagliola A, Ricci L, Mainini F, Di Marco S, Cuccovillo I, Kajaste-Rudnitski A, Sumpton D, Ryan KM, Cardaci S. D-mannose suppresses macrophage IL-1β production. Nat Comm. 2020;11(1):6343.
Gerada C, Ryan KM. Autophagy, the innate immune response and cancer. Mol Oncol. 2020; 14: 1913-1929
Baquero P, Dawson A, Mukhopadhyay A, Kuntz EM, Mitchell R, Olivares O, Ianniciello A, Scott MT, Dunn K, Nicastri MC, Winkler JD, Michie AM, Ryan KM, Halsey C, Gottlieb E, Keaney EP, Murphy LO, Amaravadi RK, Holyoake TL, Helgason GV. Targeting quiescent leukemic stem cells using second generation autophagy inhibitors. Leukemia. 2019;33:981-994.
Beaumatin F, O'Prey J, Barthet VJA, Zunino B, Parvy JP, Bachmann AM, O'Prey M, Kania E, Gonzalez PS, Macintosh R, Lao LY, Nixon C, Lopez J, Long JS, Tait SWG, Ryan KM. mTORC1 Activation Requires DRAM-1 by Facilitating Lysosomal Amino Acid Efflux. Molecular cell. 2019;76:163-176.e8
Beauvarlet J, Bensadoun P, Darbo E, Labrunie G, Rousseau B, Richard E, Draskovic I, Londono-Vallejo A, Dupuy JW, Nath Das R, Guedin A, Robert G, Orange F, Croce S, Valesco V, et al. Modulation of the ATM/autophagy pathway by a G-quadruplex ligand tips the balance between senescence and apoptosis in cancer cells. Nucleic acids research 2019; 47: 2739–2756
Deretic V, Prossnitz E, Burge M, Campen MJ, Cannon J, Liu KJ, Hall P, Sklar LA, Allers L, Mariscal L, Garcia SA, Baehrecke EH, Behrends C, Cecconi F, Codogno P, Chen GC, Elazar Z, Eskelinen EL, Fourie B, Gozuacik D, Hong W, Jo EK, Johansen T, Juhasz G, Kimchi A, Ktistakis N, Kroemer G, Mizushima N, Munz C, Reggiori F, Rubinsztein D, Ryan K, Schroder K, Shen HM, Simonsen A, Tooze SA, Vaccaro M, Yoshimori T, Yu L, Zhang H, Klionsky DJ. Autophagy, Inflammation, and Metabolism (AIM) Center in its second year. Autophagy. 2019; 15:1829-1833
New M, Van Acker T, Jiang M, Saunders R, Long JS, Sakamaki JI, Ryan KM, Howell M, Tooze SA. Identification and Validation of Novel Autophagy Regulators Using an Endogenous Readout siGENOME Screen. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ) 2019; 359-74.
New M, Van Acker T, Sakamaki JI, Jiang M, Saunders RE, Long J, Wang VM, Behrens A, Cerveira J, Sudhakar P, Korcsmaros T, Jefferies HBJ, Ryan KM, Howell M, Tooze SA. MDH1 and MPP7 Regulate Autophagy in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancer research. 2019;79:1884-1898.
Campbell KJ, Dhayade S, Ferrari N, Sims AH, Johnson E, Mason SM, Dickson A, Ryan KM, Kalna G, Edwards J, Tait SWG, Blyth K. MCL-1 is a prognostic indicator and drug target in breast cancer. Cell Death Dis 2018;9(2):19
Fitzwalter BE, Towers CG, Sullivan KD, Andrysik Z, Hoh M, Ludwig M, O'Prey J, Ryan KM, Espinosa JM, Morgan MJ, Thorburn A. Autophagy Inhibition Mediates Apoptosis Sensitization in Cancer Therapy by Relieving FOXO3a Turnover. Dev Cell 2018;44:555-565 e553
Garcia-Mariscal A, Li H, Pedersen E, Peyrollier K, Ryan KM, Stanley A, Quondamatteo F, Brakebusch C. Loss of RhoA promotes skin tumor formation and invasion by upregulation of RhoB. Oncogene 2018;37:847-860
Gonzalez PS, O'Prey J, Cardaci S, Barthet VJA, Sakamaki JI, Beaumatin F, Roseweir A, Gay DM, Mackay G, Malviya G, Kania E, Ritchie S, Baudot AD, Zunino B, Mrowinska A, et al. Mannose impairs tumour growth and enhances chemotherapy. Nature 2018; 563: 719-23.
Mitchell R, Hopcroft LEM, Baquero P, Allan EK, Hewit K, James D, Hamilton G, Mukhopadhyay A, O'Prey J, Hair A, Melo JV, Chan E, Ryan KM, Maguer-Satta V, Druker BJ, et al. Targeting BCR-ABL-Independent TKI Resistance in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia by mTOR and Autophagy Inhibition. J Natl Cancer Inst 2018;110:467-478.
Riley JS, Quarato G, Cloix C, Lopez J, O'Prey J, Pearson M, Chapman J, Sesaki H, Carlin LM, Passos JF, Wheeler AP, Oberst A, Ryan KM, Tait SW. Mitochondrial inner membrane permeabilisation enables mtDNA release during apoptosis. EMBO J 2018; 37:e99238
Barthet VJA, Ryan KM. Autophagy in Neurodegeneration: Can't Digest It, Spit It Out! Trends Cell Biol 2018;28:171-173.
Deretic V, Prossnitz E, Burge M, Campen MJ, Cannon J, Liu KJ, Sklar LA, Allers L, Garcia SA, Baehrecke EH, Behrends C, Cecconi F, Codogno P, Chen GC, Elazar Z, et al. Autophagy, Inflammation, and Metabolism (AIM) Center of Biomedical Research Excellence: supporting the next generation of autophagy researchers and fostering international collaborations. Autophagy 2018; 14: 925-929
Galluzzi L, Vitale I, Aaronson SA, Abrams JM, Adam D, Agostinis P, Alnemri ES, Altucci L, Amelio I, Andrews DW, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Antonov AV, Arama E, Baehrecke EH, Barlev NA, et al. Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018. Cell Death Differ 2018;25:486-541
Sakamaki JI, Long JS, New M, Van Acker T, Tooze SA, Ryan KM. Emerging roles of transcriptional programs in autophagy regulation. Transcription 2018;9(2):131-136.
Giampazolias E, Zunino B, Dhayade S, Bock F, Cloix C, Cao K, Roca A, Lopez J, Ichim G, Proics E, Rubio-Patino C, Fort L, Yatim N, Woodham E, Orozco S, Taraborrelli L, Peltzer N, Lecis D, Machesky L, Walczak H et al. Mitochondrial permeabilization engages NF-kappaB-dependent anti-tumour activity under caspase deficiency. Nat Cell Biol 2017; 19: 1116-29
Kania E, Pajak B, O'Prey J, Sierra Gonzalez P, Litwiniuk A, Urbanska K, Ryan KM, Orzechowski A. Verapamil treatment induces cytoprotective autophagy by modulating cellular metabolism. FEBS J 2017; 284: 1370-87
Lampada A, O'Prey J, Szabadkai G, Ryan KM, Hochhauser D, Salomoni P. mTORC1-independent autophagy regulates receptor tyrosine kinase phosphorylation in colorectal cancer cells via an mTORC2-mediated mechanism. Cell Death Differ 2017; 24: 1045-62
O'Prey J, Sakamaki J, Baudot AD, New M, Van Acker T, Tooze SA, Long JS, Ryan KM. Application of CRISPR/Cas9 to Autophagy Research. Methods Enzymol 2017; 588: 79-108
Rosenfeldt MT, O'Prey J, Flossbach L, Nixon C, Morton JP, Sansom OJ, Ryan KM. PTEN deficiency permits the formation of pancreatic cancer in the absence of autophagy. Cell Death Differ 2017; 24: 1303-4
Sakamaki JI, Wilkinson S, Hahn M, Tasdemir N, O'Prey J, Clark W, Hedley A, Nixon C, Long JS, New M, Van Acker T, Tooze SA, Lowe SW, Dikic I, Ryan KM. Bromodomain Protein BRD4 Is a Transcriptional Repressor of Autophagy and Lysosomal Function. Mol Cell 2017; 66: 517-32.e9
Galluzzi L, Baehrecke EH, Ballabio A, Boya P, Bravo-San Pedro JM, Cecconi F, Choi AM, Chu CT, Codogno P, Colombo MI, Cuervo AM, Debnath J, Deretic V, Dikic I, Eskelinen EL, Fimia GM, Fulda S, Gewirtz DA, Green DR, Hansen M et al. Molecular definitions of autophagy and related processes. EMBO J 2017; 36: 1811-36
New M, Van Acker T, Long JS, Sakamaki JI, Ryan KM, Tooze SA. Molecular Pathways Controlling Autophagy in Pancreatic Cancer. Front Oncol 2017; 7: 28
Sakamaki JI, Ryan KM. Transcriptional regulation of autophagy and lysosomal function by bromodomain protein BRD4. Autophagy 2017; 13: 2006-7
Simon HU, Friis R, Tait SW, Ryan KM. Retrograde signaling from autophagy modulates stress responses. Sci Signal 2017; 10: pii: eaag2791.
Baudot AD, Crighton D, O'Prey J, Somers J, Sierra Gonzalez P, Ryan KM p53 directly regulates the glycosidase FUCA1 to promote chemotherapy-induced cell death. Cell Cycle. 2016; 15: 2299-308
Gillespie DA, Ryan KM Autophagy is critically required for DNA repair by homologous recombination. Mol Cell Oncol. 2016; 3: e1030538
Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H, Acevedo Arozena A, Adachi H, Adams CM, Adams PD, Adeli K, Adhihetty PJ, Adler SG, Agam G, Agarwal R, Aghi MK, Agnello M, Agostinis P,Aguilar PV, Aguirre-Ghiso J, Airoldi EM et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy. 2016; 12: 1-222
Mrschtik M, Ryan KM Another DRAM involved in autophagy and cell death. Autophagy 2016; 12: 603-5
Patella F, Neilson LJ, Athineos D, Erami Z, Anderson KI, Blyth K, Ryan KM, Zanivan S In-Depth Proteomics Identifies a Role for Autophagy in Controlling Reactive Oxygen Species MediatedEndothelial Permeability. Journal of proteome research 2016; 15: 2187-97
Sakamaki J, Ryan KM Autophagy Determines the Path on the TRAIL to Death. Developmental cell. 2016; 37: 291-3
Kevin Ryan FRSE
I first joined the Institute in 1991…as a student…and after time in the US, I was very happy to return in 2001 to establish a research group focused on cell viability in cancer. It’s a pleasure to run an excellent international team studying how apoptosis, autophagy and other aspects of metabolism determine cell fate and therapy responses. In addition to the lab, I am also Chair-elect of the British Association for Cancer Research (BACR) and Editor-in-Chief of the non-profit FEBS society journal Molecular Oncology. Away from science I love spending time with my family in Scotland’s beautiful nature and running around the house after my toddler! I’d love to hear from anyone interested in the lab’s work, the activities of BACR or FEBS and non-profit publishing.
David McEwan
I am an associate scientist in the lab, and I am interested in the dual role the process of autophagy plays in cancer development. In particular, the cross talk between autophagy, the immune system and cell death and how we can exploit this for therapeutic benefit. I help support lab members in their projects and I love spending time in a dark, cold room with only a microscope for company! Outside of work, I enjoy some light gardening, running and drinking lots and lots of coffee!
Jaclyn Long
As the Principal Scientific Officer, my role ranges from overseeing the smooth running of the lab, to developing and supporting key research projects in the group in the areas of cell viability, autophagy and cancer. Every day in the lab is different, which makes it exciting and stimulating. Although a graduate in Pharmacy, I pursued a career in cancer research and have continued in this field for the past 18 years. Originally from Malaysia, I have lived in Glasgow for half my life and love a good black pudding.
Paula Fernandez Palanca
I’m a postdoctoral research scientist interested in the study of autophagy in liver cancer, mainly by assessing the role played by ATG7 in liver cancer development and progression. I did my PhD in my hometown, Leon, in Spain, focused on hepatocellular carcinoma, the main type of liver cancer, and where I started to be interested in autophagy. Outside of work, I like going on hikes, running and spending time with my friends.
Annabel Minton
I’m Annabel and I am a postdoctoral research scientist in the group, with particular interests in autophagy regulation in immune cancers, and how exploring this could help inform treatment options. My current projects focus on autophagy and lysosomal proteins in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), two B-Cell malignancies with distinct clinical outcomes. These projects build upon work started during my PhD at the University of Southampton, looking at autophagy, antigen presentation and T Cell interactions in CLL. I am originally from the south coast of England and enjoy hiking, paddleboarding, reading, gaming and fitness in my spare time.
Olga Troitskaya
I am a postdoctoral scientist with a deep interest in exploring the intricate relationship between autophagy and the immune system, particularly in the context of tumorigenesis and tumor cell death. Prior to joining the CRUK Scotland Institute, I completed my PhD in Novosibirsk, Russia, where I focused on immunogenic cell death as a promising avenue for cancer therapy. Outside the lab, I find joy in playing board games, bringing life to paintings through paint-by-numbers, and embracing the outdoors by hiking with friends.
Jia Li
I’m a final-year PhD student from China, with a master’s in biomedical engineering from Tsinghua Shenzhen Graduate School and a bachelor’s in pharmacology from Jiangnan University. My current research focuses on cancer metabolism and therapy. Outside of academia, I enjoy playing badminton, and when I’m not on the court, I’m a proud cat enthusiast!
Hannah Mearns
I’m Hannah, a final year PhD student. Before moving to Glasgow for my PhD, I completed my Bachelor’s in Biomedical Sciences at Newcastle University, with an industrial placement year at AstraZeneca, Cambridge. My PhD project is investigating biomarkers for the early detection of pre-cancerous lesions associated with pancreatic cancer. When I’m not in the lab I enjoy long-distance running, hiking with friends and visiting new donut shops.
Jing Hui Neo
Hello, I am Jing Hui, a first year PhD student from Singapore. I completed my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science at the University of Dundee before moving to Glasgow. My project investigates the impact of alcohol consumption on the development of cancers in a mouse model. Beyond the lab, I enjoy watching theatre, musicals and travelling around the world.
Post-translational modifications of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins (Ubls) control myriad of cellular processes ranging from cell cycle regulation, transcription and DNA repair to virus budding. Ubls are attached to protein targets by a hierarchical cascade of enzymes involving an E1 activating enzyme, an E2 conjugating enzyme, and an E3 ligase.
Defects in these pathways have been associated with diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorder and viral infection. Bortezomib (Velcade) targets ubiquitin-proteasome system, is presently approved for treating multiple myeloma demonstrating the importance of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in anti-cancer therapies.
E3s promote transfer of Ub from E2 to the amino group of a substrate lysine, and thus play a pivotal role in determining substrate fate. In general, E3s contain an E2 binding module (HECT, RING, U-box and RING-in-between-RING) and a substrate-binding domain to facilitate Ub transfer. RING E3s are the largest class with ~600 members in the human genome. Our group applies X-ray crystallography and biochemical approaches to study the regulation, mechanistic functions and mutation-induced deregulation in RING E3s.
See more about Prof Huang's work on Cbl on the Protein Data Bank website.
Other funding:
Gabrielsen M, Buetow L, Nakasone MA, Ahmed SF, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Zhang W, Sidhu SS, Huang DT. A General Strategy for Discovery of Inhibitors and Activators of RING and U-box E3 Ligases with Ubiquitin Variants. Mol Cell 2017; 68: 456-70 e10
Nomura K, Klejnot M, Kowalczyk D, Hock AK, Sibbet GJ, Vousden KH, Huang DT. Structural analysis of MDM2 RING separates degradation from regulation of p53 transcription activity. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2017; 24: 578-87
Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Anthony NG, Dou H, Patel A, Aitkenhead H, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Huang DT. Activation of a primed RING E3-E2-ubiquitin complex by non-covalent ubiquitin. Molecular Cell 58: 297-310, 2015
Dou H, Buetow L, Sibbet GJ, Cameron K, Huang DT. Essentiality of a non-RING element in priming donor ubiquitin for catalysis by a monomeric E3. Nat Struct Mol Biol 20: 982-6, 2013
Dou H, Buetow L, Sibbet GJ, Cameron K, Huang DT. BIRC7-E2 ubiquitin conjugate structure reveals the mechanism of ubiquitin transfer by a RING dimer. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 19: 876-83, 2012 (News and Views, Nature 489, 43-4)
Dou H, Buetow L, Hock A, Sibbet GJ, Vousden KH, Huang DT. Structural basis for autoinhibition and phosphorylation-dependent activation of c-Cbl. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 19: 184-92, 2012 (News and Views, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 19, 131-3)
Huang DT, Ayrault O, Hunt HW, Taherbhoy AT, Duda DM, Scott DC, Borg LA, Neale G, Murray PJ, Roussel MF, Schulman BA. E2-RING expansion of the NEDD8 cascade confers specificity to Cullin modification. Molecular Cell 33: 483-95, 2009
Huang DT, Zhuang M, Schulman BA. Identification of conjugation specificity determinants unmasks vestigial preference for ubiquitin within the NEDD8 E2. Nature Structural Mol Biol. 15, 280-7, 2008
Huang DT, Hunt HW, Zhuang M, Ohi MD, Holton JM, Schulman BA. Basis for a ubiquitin-like protein thioester switch toggling E1–E2 affinity. Nature 445, 394-8, 2007
Huang DT, Schulman BA. Breaking up with a kinky SUMO. Nature Structural Mol Biol. 13, 1045-7, 2006
2002: PhD, University of Sydney, Australia, Supervisor Richard Christopherson
1996: BSc, Biochemistry (First Class Honours), University of Sydney, Australia
2009-present: Group Leader, CRUK Scotland Institute
2007-2009: Staff Scientist with Brenda Schulman, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
2006-2007: Postdoctoral Fellow with Brenda Schulman, HHMI, USA
2002-2005: Postdoctoral Fellow with Brenda Schulman, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
Lorne Protein Young Investigator Award, 2006
Morgan DC, McDougall L, Knuhtsen A, Buetow L, Steven CF, Shepperson OA, Huang DT, Hulme AN, Jamieson AG. Raman active diyne-girder conformationally constrained p53 stapled peptides bind to MDM2 for visualisation without fluorophores. RSC Chem Biol. 2025.
Bohlen J, Bagarić I, Vatovec T, Ogishi M, Ahmed SF, Cederholm A, Buetow L, Sobrino S, Le Floc'h C, Arango-Franco CA, Seabra L, Michelet M, Barzaghi F, Leardini D, Saettini F, Vendemini F, Baccelli F, Catala A, Gambineri E, Veltroni M, Aguilar de la Red Y, Rice GI, Consonni F, Berteloot L, Largeaud L, Conti F, Roullion C, Masson C, Bessot B, Seeleuthner Y, Le Voyer T, Rinchai D, Rosain J, Neehus AL, Erazo-Borrás L, Li H, Janda Z, Cho EJ, Muratore E, Soudée C, Lainé C, Delabesse E, Goulvestre C, Ma CS, Puel A, Tangye SG, André I, Bole-Feysot C, Abel L, Erlacher M, Zhang SY, Béziat V, Lagresle-Peyrou C, Six E, Pasquet M, Alsina L, Aiuti A, Zhang P, Crow YJ, Landegren N, Masetti R, Huang DT, Casanova JL, Bustamante J. Autoinflammation in patients with leukocytic CBL loss of heterozygosity is caused by constitutive ERK-mediated monocyte activation. J Clin Invest. 2024;134(20).
Dearlove EL, Chatrin C, Buetow L, Ahmed SF, Schmidt T, Bushell M, Smith BO, Huang DT. DTX3L ubiquitin ligase ubiquitinates single-stranded nucleic acids. Elife. 2024;13.
Vosbein P, Paredes Vergara P, Huang DT, Thomson AR. AlphaFold Ensemble Competition Screens Enable Peptide Binder Design with Single-Residue Sensitivity. ACS Chem Biol. 2024;19(10):2198-2205.
Vosbein P, Vergara PP, Huang DT, Thomson AR. An engineered ubiquitin binding coiled coil peptide. Chem Sci. 2024.
Vringer E, Heilig R, Riley JS, Black A, Cloix C, Skalka G, Montes-Gómez AE, Aguado A, Lilla S, Walczak H, Gyrd-Hansen M, Murphy DJ, Huang DT, Zanivan S, Tait SW. Mitochondrial outer membrane integrity regulates a ubiquitin-dependent and NF-κB-mediated inflammatory response. EMBO J. 2024.
Chen H, Bai Y, Kobayashi M, Xiao S, Cai W, Barajas S, Chen S, Miao J, Meke FN, Vemula S, Ropa JP, Croop JM, Boswell HS, Wan J, Jia Y, Liu H, Li LS, Altman JK, Eklund EA, Ji P, Tong W, Band H, Huang DT, Platanias LC, Zhang ZY, Liu Y. PRL2 phosphatase enhances oncogenic FLT3 signaling via dephosphorylation of the E3 ubiquitin ligase CBL at tyrosine 371. Blood. 2023;141:244-259.
Chen H, Bai Y, Kobayashi M, Xiao S, Barajas S, Cai W, Chen S, Miao J, Nguele Meke F, Yao C, Yang Y, Strube K, Satchivi O, Sun J, Ronnstrand L, Croop JM, Boswell HS, Jia Y, Liu H, Li LS, Altman JK, Eklund EA, Sukhanova M, Ji P, Tong W, Band H, Huang DT, Platanias LC, Zhang ZY, Liu Y. PRL2 phosphatase promotes oncogenic KIT signaling in leukemia cells through modulating CBL phosphorylation. Mol Cancer Res. 2023.
Nikolatou K, Sandilands E, Román-Fernández A, Cumming EM, Freckmann E, Lilla S, Buetow L, McGarry L, Neilson M, Shaw R, Strachan D, Miller C, Huang DT, McNeish IA, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Bryant DM. PTEN deficiency exposes a requirement for an ARF GTPase module for integrin-dependent invasion in ovarian cancer. The EMBO Journal. 2023;n/a:e113987.
Schmidt T, Dabrowska A, Waldron JA, Hodge K, Koulouras G, Gabrielsen M, Munro J, Tack DC, Harris G, McGhee E, Scott D, Carlin Leo M, Huang D, Le Quesne J, Zanivan S, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. eIF4A1-dependent mRNAs employ purine-rich 5’UTR sequences to activate localised eIF4A1-unwinding through eIF4A1-multimerisation to facilitate translation. Nucleic Acids Research. 2023; 51: 1859–1879
Villar VH, Allega MF, Deshmukh R, Ackermann T, Nakasone MA, Vande Voorde J, Drake TM, Oetjen J, Bloom A, Nixon C, Müller M, May S, Tan EH, Vereecke L, Jans M, Blancke G, Murphy DJ, Huang DT, Lewis DY, Bird TG, Sansom OJ, Blyth K, Sumpton D, Tardito S. Hepatic glutamine synthetase controls N5-methylglutamine in homeostasis and cancer. Nature Chemical Biology. 2023;19:292-300.
Kowalczyk D, Nakasone MA, Smith BO, Huang DT. Bivalent binding of p14ARF to MDM2 RING and acidic domains inhibits E3 ligase function. Life Sci Alliance. 2022;5(12).
Nakasone MA, Majorek KA, Gabrielsen M, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Huang DT. Structure of UBE2K–Ub/E3/polyUb reveals mechanisms of K48-linked Ub chain extension. Nature Chemical Biology. 2022; 18:422–431
Nikolatou K, Sandilands E, Roman-Fernandez A, Cumming EM, Freckmann EC, Lilla S, Buetow L, McGarry L, Neilson M, Shaw R, Strachan D, Miller C, Huang DT, McNeish IA, Norman JC, Zanivan S, Bryant D. PTEN deficiency exposes a requirement for an ARF GTPase module in integrin-dependent invasion in ovarian cancer. bioRxiv. 2022;Volume:2022.2011.2029.518198.
Ahmed SF, Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Lilla S, Sibbet GJ, Sumpton D, Zanivan S, Hedley A, Clark W, Huang DT. E3 ligase-inactivation rewires CBL interactome to elicit oncogenesis by hijacking RTK-CBL-CIN85 axis. Oncogene. 2021;40:2149-2164.
Humpton TJ, Nomura K, Weber J, Magnussen HM, Hock AK, Nixon C, Dhayade S, Stevenson D, Huang DT, Strathdee D, Blyth K, Vousden KH. Differential requirements for MDM2 E3 activity during embryogenesis and in adult mice. Genes & development. 2021;35:117-132.
Magnussen HM, Huang DT. Identification of a catalytic active but non-aggregating MDM2 RING domain variant. J Mol Biol. 2021; 433:166807.
Ahmed SF, Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Lilla S, Chatrin C, Sibbet GJ, Zanivan S, Huang DT. DELTEX2 C-terminal domain recognizes and recruits ADP-ribosylated proteins for ubiquitination. Sci Adv. 2020;6(34):eabc0629.
Chatrin C, Gabrielsen M, Buetow L, Nakasone MA, Ahmed SF, Sumpton D, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Huang DT. Structural insights into ADP-ribosylation of ubiquitin by Deltex family E3 ubiquitin ligases. Sci Adv. 2020;6(38): eabc0418
Magnussen HM, Ahmed SF, Sibbet GJ, Hristova VA, Nomura K, Hock AK, Archibald LJ, Jamieson AG, Fushman D, Vousden KH, Weissman AM, Huang DT. Structural basis for DNA damage-induced phosphoregulation of MDM2 RING domain. Nat Commun. 2020; 11: 2094
Gabrielsen M, Buetow L, Kowalczyk D, Zhang W, Sidhu SS, Huang DT. Identification and Characterization of Mutations in Ubiquitin Required for Non-covalent Dimer Formation. Structure. 2019; 27: 1452-9
Patel A, Sibbet GJ, Huang DT. Structural insights into non-covalent ubiquitin activation of the cIAP1-UbcH5B∼ubiquitin complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2019; 294: 1240-1249.
Buetow L, Gabrielsen M, Huang DT. Single-Turnover RING/U-Box E3-Mediated Lysine Discharge Assays. Methods Mol Biol 2018; 1844: 19-31
Marcianò G, Da Vela S, Tria G, Svergun DI, Byron O, Huang DT. Structure specific recognition protein-1 (SSRP1) is an elongated homodimer that binds histones. J Biol Chem. 2018; 293, 10071-10083.
Gabrielsen M, Buetow L, Nakasone MA, Ahmed SF, Sibbet GJ, Smith BO, Zhang W, Sidhu SS, Huang DT. A General Strategy for Discovery of Inhibitors and Activators of RING and U-box E3 Ligases with Ubiquitin Variants. Mol Cell 2017; 68: 456-70 e10
Nomura K, Klejnot M, Kowalczyk D, Hock AK, Sibbet GJ, Vousden KH, Huang DT. Structural analysis of MDM2 RING separates degradation from regulation of p53 transcription activity. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2017; 24: 578-87
Buetow L, Tria G, Ahmed SF, Hock A, Dou H, Sibbet GJ, Svergun DI, Huang DT. Casitas B-lineage lymphoma linker helix mutations found in myeloproliferative neoplasms affect conformation. BMC Biol 14: 76, 2016
Marciano G, Huang DT. Structure of the human histone chaperone FACT Spt16 N-terminal domain. Acta Crystallogr F 72: 121-8, 2016
Buetow L, Huang DT. Structural insights into the catalysis and regulation of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Nat Rev Mol Cell Bio 17: 626-42, 2016
Nakasone MA, Huang DT. Ubiquitination accomplished: E1 and E2 enzymes were not necessary. Mol Cell 62: 807-9, 2016
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 2Y1M
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 2Y1N
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 3ZNI
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 4A4C
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 4A49
Protein Data Bank link: PDB 4AUQ
Protein Data Bank: PDB 4V3L; PDB 4V3K
Protein Data Bank: PDB 5MNJ
Protein Data Bank: PDB 5O6T; PDB 5O6S
Protein Data Bank: PDB 5O76
Protein Data Bank: PDB 6HPR
Protein Data Bank: PDB 6QK9
Oncogenic mutations do more than simply drive unscheduled proliferation – they requisition entire suites of cellular programmes that impinge upon almost every aspect of cellular function. Our overarching hypothesis is that, as tumours evolve, some of these oncogene-induced alterations will be selectively required by cancer cells to maintain viability.
We have used a synthetic lethal approach to identify kinases required by cells that overexpress c-Myc. Intriguingly, our screen identified a number of metabolic regulators, suggesting that Myc-driven tumours may be particularly sensitive to disruption of metabolic checkpoints. Indeed we have recently demonstrated that cells overexpressing Myc are critically dependent upon AMPK and the closely related kinase ARK5 in order to maintain ATP homeostasis and thereby viability (Liu, Ulbrich et al., Nature 2012). This exciting result suggests that pharmacological suppression of Ark5/AMPK may have broad therapeutic potential against a spectrum of human cancers. Furthermore, we have developed a number of conditional transgenic mouse models of cancer that enable us to humanely track the entire course of early disease through tumour initiation and progression in situ.
The use of inducible RNAi transgenic technology will now enable us to accurately model therapeutic intervention against existing tumours in mice with a higher degree of genetic "on-target" certainty than is typically afforded by nascent pharmacological agents. The use of these models to complement cell culture based approaches is essential for a complete mechanistic understanding of the many processes involved in cancer as well as for more realistic pre-clinical evaluation of candidate therapies.
Other funding:
2000: PhD, University of Virginia, Supervisor Daniel Engel
1993: BSc, Biology (Magna cum Laude), University of Scranton
2012-present: Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow
2008-2012: Junior Group Leader, University of Würzburg, Germany
2006-2008: Research Specialist, University of California, San Francisco, USA
2001-2006: Postdoctoral Fellow with Gerard Evan, UCSF, USA
2000-2001: Postdoctoral Scientist with Mark Israel, UCSF, USA
Müller M, May S, Hall H, Kendall TJ, McGarry L, Blukacz L, Nuciforo S, Georgakopoulou A, Jamieson T, Phinichkusolchit N, Dhayade S, Suzuki T, Huguet-Pradell J, Powley IR, Officer-Jones L, Pennie RL, Esteban-Fabró R, Gris-Oliver A, Pinyol R, Skalka GL, Leslie J, Hoare M, Sprangers J, Malviya G, Mackintosh A, Johnson E, McCain M, Halpin J, Kiourtis C, Nixon C, Clark G, Clark W, Shaw R, Hedley A, Drake TM, Tan EH, Neilson M, Murphy DJ, Lewis DY, Reeves HL, Le Quesne J, Mann DA, Carlin LM, Blyth K, Llovet JM, Heim MH, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bird TG. Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer. Nature. 2025.
Vincelette ND, Yu X, Kuykendall AT, Moon J, Su S, Cheng CH, Sammut R, Razabdouski TN, Nguyen HV, Eksioglu EA, Chan O, Al Ali N, Patel PC, Lee DH, Nakanishi S, Ferreira RB, Hyjek E, Mo Q, Cory S, Lawrence HR, Zhang L, Murphy DJ, Komrokji RS, Lee D, Kaufmann SH, Cleveland JL, Yun S. Trisomy 8 Defines a Distinct Subtype of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Driven by the MYC-Alarmin Axis. Blood Cancer Discov. 2024;5(4):276-297.
Vringer E, Heilig R, Riley JS, Black A, Cloix C, Skalka G, Montes-Gómez AE, Aguado A, Lilla S, Walczak H, Gyrd-Hansen M, Murphy DJ, Huang DT, Zanivan S, Tait SW. Mitochondrial outer membrane integrity regulates a ubiquitin-dependent and NF-κB-mediated inflammatory response. EMBO J. 2024.
Chrisochoidou Y, Roy R, Farahmand P, Gonzalez G, Doig J, Krasny L, Rimmer EF, Willis AE, MacFarlane M, Huang PH, Carragher NO, Munro AF, Murphy DJ, Veselkov K, Seckl MJ, Moffatt MF, Cookson WOC, Pardo OE. Crosstalk with lung fibroblasts shapes the growth and therapeutic response of mesothelioma cells. Cell Death Dis. 2023;14(11):725.
Dye I, Laing S, Garner I, Mirza HB, Iyer N, Brady N, Spiliopoulou P, Spear S, Robinson J, Fiorentino F, Fuchter MJ, Murphy DJ, McNeish IA, Brown R. cMYC-mediated immune repression is reversed by inhibition of H3K9/H3K27 methylation maintenance. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2010.2018.562888.
Farahmand P, Gyuraszova K, Rooney C, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Jayasekera G, Hedley A, Johnson E, Chernova T, Malviya G, Hall H, Monteverde T, Blyth K, Duffin R, Carlin LM, Lewis D, Le Quesne J, MacFarlane M, Murphy DJ. Asbestos accelerates disease onset in a genetic model of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Frontiers in Toxicology. 2023;5.
Laing S, Kruspig B, Shaw R, Officer-Jones L, Edwards S, McKinven D, Hsieh Y-C, Powley I, Brady N, Pennie R, Kwan R, Lima A, Myrta S, Periyasamy M, Dye IC, Nixon C, Clark G, Junttila MR, Maddalo D, Miller C, Ali S, Fuchter MJ, Nickles D, Kirschner K, Brown RB, Quesne JL, Strathdee D, Coffelt SB, Roberts E, Murphy DJ. ERBB signalling contributes to immune evasion in KRAS-driven lung adenocarcinoma. bioRxiv. 2023;Volume:2023.2007.2024.550274.
Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, McFarlane AJ, Kruspig B, Fercoq F, Secklehner J, Donatis MD, Mackey JBG, Wiesheu R, Laing S, Hsieh Y-C, Shaw R, Corbyn R, Nixon C, Miller C, Kirschner K, Bain CC, Daniel J. Murphy, Seth B. Coffelt, Carlin LM. γδ T cells impair airway macrophage differentiation in lung adenocarcinoma. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2009.2014.557344.
Villar VH, Allega MF, Deshmukh R, Ackermann T, Nakasone MA, Vande Voorde J, Drake TM, Oetjen J, Bloom A, Nixon C, Müller M, May S, Tan EH, Vereecke L, Jans M, Blancke G, Murphy DJ, Huang DT, Lewis DY, Bird TG, Sansom OJ, Blyth K, Sumpton D, Tardito S. Hepatic glutamine synthetase controls N5-methylglutamine in homeostasis and cancer. Nature Chemical Biology. 2023;19:292-300.
Vincelette ND, Yu X, Kuykendall AT, Moon J, Su S, Cheng C-H, Sammut R, Razabdouski TN, Nguyen HV, Eksioglu EA, Chan O, Ali NA, Patel PC, Lee DH, Nakanishi S, Ferreira RB, Mo Q, Cory S, Lawrence HR, Zhang L, Murphy DJ, Komrokji RS, Lee D, Kaufmann SH, Cleveland JL, Yun S. A Novel Subtype of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Driven by a MYC-Alarmin Axis. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2009.2025.559138.
Whyte D, Skalka G, Walsh P, Wilczynska A, Paul NR, Mitchell C, Nixon C, Clarke W, Bushell M, Morton JP, Murphy DJ, Muthalagu N. NUAK1 governs centrosome replication in pancreatic cancer via MYPT1/PP1β and GSK3β-dependent regulation of PLK4. Mol Oncol. 2023; 17:1212-1227
Vitale I, Pietrocola F, Guilbaud E, Aaronson SA, Abrams JM, Adam D, Agostini M, Agostinis P, Alnemri ES, Altucci L, et al. Apoptotic cell death in disease-Current understanding of the NCCD 2023. Cell Death Differ. 2023; 30:1097–1154
Blomme A, Peter C, Mui E, Rodriguez Blanco G, An N, Mason LM, Jamieson LE, McGregor GH, Lilla S, Ntala C, Patel R, Thiry M, Kung SHY, Leclercq M, Ford CA, Rushworth LK, McGarry DJ, Mason S, Repiscak P, Nixon C, Salji MJ, Markert E, MacKay GM, Kamphorst JJ, Graham D, Faulds K, Fazli L, Gleave ME, Avezov E, Edwards J, Yin H, Sumpton D, Blyth K, Close P, Murphy DJ, Zanivan S, Leung HY. THEM6-mediated reprogramming of lipid metabolism supports treatment resistance in prostate cancer. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2022;14:e14764
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Grosso S, Marini A, Gyuraszova K, Voorde JV, Sfakianos A, Garland GD, Tenor AR, Mordue R, Chernova T, Morone N, Sereno M, Smith CP, Officer L, Farahmand P, Rooney C, Sumpton D, Das M, Teodósio A, Ficken C, Martin MG, Spriggs RV, Sun XM, Bushell M, Sansom OJ, Murphy D, MacFarlane M, Le Quesne JPC, Willis AE. The pathogenesis of mesothelioma is driven by a dysregulated translatome. Nat Commun. 2021;12:4920.
Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Jamieson T, Jackstadt R, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Secklehner J, Cortes-Lavaud X, Fercoq F, Clarke W, Hedley A, Gilroy K, Lilla S, Vuononvirta J, Graham GJ, De Filippo K, Murphy DJ, Steele CW, Norman JC, Bird TG, Mann DA, Morton JP, Zanivan S, Sansom OJ, Carlin LM. Maturation, developmental site, and pathology dictate murine neutrophil function. bioRxiv. 2021.
Yun S, Vincelette ND, Yu X, Watson GW, Fernandez MR, Yang C, Hitosugi T, Cheng CH, Freischel AR, Zhang L, Li W, Hou H, Schaub FX, Vedder AR, Cen L, McGraw KL, Moon J, Murphy DJ, Ballabio A, Kaufmann SH, Berglund AE, Cleveland JL. TFEB links MYC signaling to epigenetic control of myeloid differentiation and acute myeloid leukemia. Blood Cancer Discov. 2021;2:162-185.
Muthalagu N, Monteverde T, Raffo-Iraolagoitia X, Wiesheu R, Whyte D, Hedley A, Laing S, Kruspig B, Upstill-Goddard R, Shaw R, Neidler S, Rink C, Karim SA, Gyuraszova K, Nixon C, Clark W, Biankin AV, Carlin LM, Coffelt SB, Sansom OJ, Morton JP, Murphy DJ. Repression of the Type I Interferon pathway underlies MYC & KRAS-dependent evasion of NK & B cells in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancer discovery. 2020;
Bott AJ, Shen J, Tonelli C, Zhan L, Sivaram N, Jiang YP, Yu X, Bhatt V, Chiles E, Zhong H, Maimouni S, Dai W, Velasquez S, Pan JA, Muthalagu N, Morton J, Anthony TG, Feng H, Lamers WH, Murphy DJ, Guo JY, Jin J, Crawford HC, Zhang L, White E, Lin RZ, Su X, Tuveson DA, Zong WX. Glutamine Anabolism Plays a Critical Role in Pancreatic Cancer by Coupling Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism. Cell reports. 2019;29:1287-1298.e1286
Neidler S, Kruspig B, Hewit K, Monteverde T, Gyuraszova K, Braun A, Clark W, James D, Hedley A, Nieswandt B, Shanks E, Dick C, Murphy DJ. Identification of a Clinically Relevant Signature for Early Progression in KRAS-Driven Lung Adenocarcinoma. Cancers 2019; 11: 600.
Scopelliti A, Bauer C, Yu Y, Zhang T, Kruspig B, Murphy DJ, Vidal M, Maddocks ODK, Cordero JB. A Neuronal Relay Mediates a Nutrient Responsive Gut/Fat Body Axis Regulating Energy Homeostasis in Adult Drosophila. Cell Metab 2019. 29: 269-284
Kruspig B, Monteverde T, Neidler S, Hock A, Kerr E, Nixon C, Clark W, Hedley A, Laing S, Coffelt SB, Le Quesne J, Dick C, Vousden K, Martins CP, Murphy DJ. The ERBB network facilitates KRAS-driven lung tumorigenesis. Sci Transl Med 2018; 10: eaao2565
Monteverde T, Tait-Mulder J, Hedley A, Knight JR, Sansom OJ, Murphy DJ. Calcium signalling links MYC to NUAK1. Oncogene 2018; 37: 982-92
Port J, Muthalagu N, Raja M, Ceteci F, Monteverde T, Kruspig B, Hedley A, Kalna G, Lilla S, Neilson L, Brucoli M, Gyuraszova K, Tait-Mulder J, Mezna M, Svambaryte S, et al. Colorectal Tumors Require NUAK1 for Protection from Oxidative Stress. Cancer Discov 2018; 8: 632-47.
Blyth KG, Murphy DJ. Progress and challenges in Mesothelioma: From bench to bedside. Respir Med 2018; 134: 31-41.
Muthalagu N, Murphy DJ. Is oxidative stress MYC's Achilles heel? Cell Death Differ 2018; 25: 1189-90.
Farrell AS, Joly MM, Allen-Petersen BL, Worth PJ, Lanciault C, Sauer D, Link J, Pelz C, Heiser LM, Morton JP, Muthalagu N, Hoffman MT, Manning SL, Pratt ED, Kendsersky ND, Egbukichi N, Amery TS, Thoma MC, Jenny ZP, Rhim AD et al. MYC regulates ductal-neuroendocrine lineage plasticity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma associated with poor outcome and chemoresistance. Nat Commun 2017; 8: 1728
Hock AK, Cheung EC, Humpton TJ, Monteverde T, Paulus-Hock V, Lee P, McGhee E, Scopelliti A, Murphy DJ, Strathdee D, Blyth K, Vousden KH Development of an inducible mouse model of iRFP713 to track recombinase activity and tumour development in vivo. Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 1837
Iltzsche F, Simon K, Stopp S, Pattschull G, Francke S, Wolter P, Hauser S, Murphy DJ, Garcia P, Rosenwald A, Gaubatz S. An important role for Myb-MuvB and its target gene KIF23 in a mouse model of lung adenocarcinoma. Oncogene 2017; 36: 110-21
Sarosiek KA, Fraser C, Muthalagu N, Bhola PD, Chang W, McBrayer SK, Cantlon A, Fisch S, Golomb-Mello G, Ryan JA, Deng J, Jian B, Corbett C, Goldenberg M, Madsen JR, Liao R, Walsh D, Sedivy J, Murphy DJ, Carrasco DR et al. Developmental Regulation of Mitochondrial Apoptosis by c-Myc Governs Age- and Tissue-Specific Sensitivity to Cancer Therapeutics. Cancer Cell 2017; 31: 142-56
Walton JB, Farquharson M, Mason S, Port J, Kruspig B, Dowson S, Stevenson D, Murphy D, Matzuk M, Kim J, Coffelt S, Blyth K, McNeish IA. CRISPR/Cas9-derived models of ovarian high grade serous carcinoma targeting Brca1, Pten and Nf1, and correlation with platinum sensitivity. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 16827
Murphy DJ, Blyth KG. Predicting lung cancer recurrence from circulating tumour DNA. Commentary on 'Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early-stage lung cancer evolution. Cell Death Differ 2017; 24: 1473-4
Port J, Murphy DJ Mesothelioma: Identical Routes to Malignancy from Asbestos and Carbon Nanotubes. Curr Biol. 2017; 27: R1173-R1176
Cell death is a key tumour suppressor mechanism that must be inhibited in order for cancer to develop. Sensitivity to cell death also governs therapeutic efficacy because anti-cancer therapies often act by killing cells. The major form of programmed cell death is apoptosis, a process in which mitochondria play an essential role. Our research focuses upon understanding how mitochondria control cell death and addressing how this is deregulated in cancer. Clinical translation of our findings should lead to improvements of existing therapies and development of new approaches to enable tumour selective killing.
Other funding:
2001: PhD, University of Sussex, Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright Lab
1996: BSc, Medical Microbiology, University of Edinburgh
2012-present: Group Leader, CRUK Scotland Institute / University of Glasgow
2005-2011: Postdoctoral Fellow with Doug Green, St Jude Children's Hospital, Memphis, USA
2003-2005: Postdoctoral Fellow with Jannie Borst, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
2001-2003: Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
Borgeaud AC, Ganeva I, Klein C, Stooss A, Ross-Kaschitza D, Wu L, Riley JS, Tait SWG, Lemmin T, Kaufmann T, Kukulski W. Large transient assemblies of Apaf1 constitute the apoptosome in cells. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2007.2001.600688.
von Mässenhausen A, Schlecht MN, Beer K, Maremonti F, Tonnus W, Belavgeni A, Gavali S, Flade K, Riley JS, Zamora Gonzalez N, Brucker A, Becker JN, Tmava M, Meyer C, Peitzsch M, Hugo C, Gembardt F, Angeli JPF, Bornstein SR, Tait SWG, Linkermann A. Treatment with siRNAs is commonly associated with GPX4 up-regulation and target knockdown-independent sensitization to ferroptosis. Sci Adv. 2024;10(11):eadk7329.
Vringer E, Heilig R, Riley JS, Black A, Cloix C, Skalka G, Montes-Gómez AE, Aguado A, Lilla S, Walczak H, Gyrd-Hansen M, Murphy DJ, Huang DT, Zanivan S, Tait SW. Mitochondrial outer membrane integrity regulates a ubiquitin-dependent and NF-κB-mediated inflammatory response. EMBO J. 2024.
Ahmed A, Tait SWG. Tumour immunogenicity goes with the (mitochondrial electron) flow. Mol Oncol. 2024.
Glover HL, Schreiner A, Dewson G, Tait SWG. Mitochondria and cell death. Nat Cell Biol. 2024.
Killarney ST, Tait SWG, Green DR, Wood KC. Sublethal engagement of apoptotic pathways in residual cancer. Trends Cell Biol. 2024(3):225-238.
Montes-Gómez AE, Tait SWG. Getting more bang for their buck: BCL2 inhibitors boost dendritic-cell function to enhance anti-cancer immune surveillance. J Transl Med. 2024(1):317.
Koessinger D, Novo D, Koessinger A, Campos A, Peters J, Dutton L, Paschke P, Zerbst D, Moore M, Mitchell L, Neilson M, Stevenson K, Chalmers A, Tait S, Birch J, Norman J. Glioblastoma extracellular vesicles influence glial cell hyaluronic acid deposition to promote invasiveness. Neuro-Oncology Advances. 2023;5:vdad067.
Heilig R, Lee J, Tait SWG. Mitochondrial DNA in cell death and inflammation. Biochem Soc Trans. 2023; 51: 457–472
Killarney ST, Tait SWG, Green DR, Wood KC. Sublethal engagement of apoptotic pathways in residual cancer. Trends Cell Biol. 2023;10.1016/j.tcb.2023.07.005.
Marchi S, Guilbaud E, Tait SWG, Yamazaki T, Galluzzi L. Mitochondrial control of inflammation. Nat Rev Immunol. 2023;23:159-173.
Sneyers F, Kerkhofs M, Speelman-Rooms F, Welkenhuyzen K, La Rovere R, Shemy A, Voet A, Eelen G, Dewerchin M, Tait SWG, Ghesquière B, Bootman MD, Bultynck G. Intracellular BAPTA directly inhibits PFKFB3, thereby impeding mTORC1-driven Mcl-1 translation and killing MCL-1-addicted cancer cells. Cell Death Dis. 2023;14(9):600.
Victorelli S, Salmonowicz H, Chapman J, Martini H, Vizioli MG, Riley JS, Cloix C, Hall-Younger E, Machado Espindola-Netto J, Jurk D, Lagnado AB, Sales Gomez L, Farr JN, Saul D, Reed R, Kelly G, Eppard M, Greaves LC, Dou Z, Pirius N, Szczepanowska K, Porritt RA, Huang H, Huang TY, Mann DA, Masuda CA, Khosla S, Dai H, Kaufmann SH, Zacharioudakis E, Gavathiotis E, LeBrasseur NK, Lei X, Sainz AG, Korolchuk VI, Adams PD, Shadel GS, Tait SWG, Passos JF. Apoptotic stress causes mtDNA release during senescence and drives the SASP. Nature. 2023.
Vitale I, Pietrocola F, Guilbaud E, Aaronson SA, Abrams JM, Adam D, Agostini M, Agostinis P, Alnemri ES, Altucci L, et al. Apoptotic cell death in disease-Current understanding of the NCCD 2023. Cell Death Differ. 2023;30:1097–1154
Vringer E, Tait SWG. Mitochondria and cell death-associated inflammation. Cell Death Differ. 2023;30:304-312.
Cao K, Riley JS, Heilig R, Montes-Gómez AE, Vringer E, Berthenet K, Cloix C, Elmasry Y, Spiller DG, Ichim G, Campbell KJ, Gilmore AP, Tait SWG. Mitochondrial dynamics regulate genome stability via control of caspase-dependent DNA damage. Developmental Cell. 2022;57:1211-1225
Fanfone D, Wu Z, Mammi J, Berthenet K, Neves D, Weber K, Halaburkova A, Virard F, Bunel F, Jamard C, Hernandez-Vargas H, Tait SWG, Hennino A, Ichim G. Confined migration promotes cancer metastasis through resistance to anoikis and increased invasiveness. Elife. 2022;11.
Kalkavan H, Chen MJ, Crawford JC, Quarato G, Fitzgerald P, Tait SWG, Goding CR, Green DR. Sublethal cytochrome c release generates drug-tolerant persister cells. Cell. 2022;185:3356-3374.e3322.
Zacharioudakis E, Agianian B, Kumar Mv V, Biris N, Garner TP, Rabinovich-Nikitin I, Ouchida AT, Margulets V, Nordstrøm LU, Riley JS, Dolgalev I, Chen Y, Wittig AJH, Pekson R, Mathew C, Wei P, Tsirigos A, Tait SWG, Kirshenbaum LA, Kitsis RN, Gavathiotis E. Modulating mitofusins to control mitochondrial function and signaling. Nat Commun. 2022;13:3775.
Marchi S, Guilbaud E, Tait SWG, Yamazaki T, Galluzzi L. Mitochondrial control of inflammation. Nature Reviews Immunology. 2022;23:159–173
Rhiner C, Suzanne M, Liu GH, Tait SWG, Torii KU, Ichikawa T, Zhang HT, Liu WC, Sun N. Voicing the story behind the cover. Dev Cell. 2022;57:2679-2682.
Tait SWG. Killing cells using light (activated) sabers. Journal of Cell Biology. 2022;221: e202205018
Bock FJ, Sedov E, Koren E, Koessinger AL, Cloix C, Zerbst D, Athineos D, Anand J, Campbell KJ, Blyth K, Fuchs Y, Tait SWG. Apoptotic stress-induced FGF signalling promotes non-cell autonomous resistance to cell death. Nat Commun. 2021 Nov 12;12(1):6572.
Campbell KJ, Mason SM, Winder ML, Willemsen RBE, Cloix C, Lawson H, Rooney N, Dhayade S, Sims AH, Blyth K, Tait SWG. Breast cancer dependence on MCL-1 is due to its canonical anti-apoptotic function. Cell Death Differ. 2021; 28:2589–2600
Johnson SA, Ormsby MJ, Wessel HM, Hulme HE, Bravo-Blas A, McIntosh A, Mason S, Coffelt SB, Tait SWG, Mowat AM, Milling SWF, Blyth K, Wall DM. Monocytes mediate Salmonella Typhimurium-induced tumour growth inhibition in a mouse melanoma model. Eur J Immunol. 2021; 51: 3228-3238
Latif AL, Newcombe A, Li S, Gilroy K, Robertson NA, Lei X, Stewart HJS, Cole J, Terradas MT, Rishi L, McGarry L, McKeeve C, Reid C, Clark W, Campos J, Kirschner K, Davis A, Lopez J, Sakamaki JI, Morton JP, et al. BRD4-mediated repression of p53 is a target for combination therapy in AML. Nat Commun. 2021;12:241.
Rabas N, Palmer S, Mitchell L, Ismail S, Gohlke A, Riley JS, Tait SWG, Gammage P, Soares LL, Macpherson IR, Norman JC. PINK1 drives production of mtDNA-containing extracellular vesicles to promote invasiveness. J Cell Biol. 2021;220.
Roca-Portoles A, Tait SWG. Mitochondrial quality control: from molecule to organelle. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021; 78:3853–3866
Ahmed A, Tait SWG. Targeting Immunogenic Cell Death in Cancer. Mol Oncol. 2020: ed2020.
Koessinger AL, Koessinger D, Stevenson K, Cloix C, Mitchell L, Nixon C, Gomez-Roman N, Chalmers AJ, Norman JC, Tait SWG. Quantitative in vivo bioluminescence imaging of orthotopic patient-derived glioblastoma xenografts. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1):15361.
Roca-Portoles A, Rodriguez-Blanco G, Sumpton D, Cloix C, Mullin M, Mackay GM, O’Neill K, Lemgruber L, Luo X, Tait SWG. Venetoclax causes metabolic reprogramming independent of BCL-2 inhibition. Cell Death & Disease. 2020;11(8):616.
Stöhr D, Schmid JO, Beigl TB, Mack A, Maichl DS, Cao K, Budai B, Fullstone G, Kontermann RE, Mürdter TE, Tait SWG, Hagenlocher C, Pollak N, Scheurich P, Rehm M. Stress-induced TRAILR2 expression overcomes TRAIL resistance in cancer cell spheroids. Cell Death Diff. 2020; 27;3037–3052
Bock FJ, Tait SWG. Mitochondria as multifaceted regulators of cell death. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology. 2020: 21: 85–100
Riley JS, Tait SW. Mitochondrial DNA in inflammation and immunity. EMBO Rep. 2020; 21: e49799
Roca Portoles A, Tait SWG. ER Stress Leaves an Inflammatory TRAIL. Dev Cell. 2020; 52: 678-680
Beaumatin F, O'Prey J, Barthet VJA, Zunino B, Parvy JP, Bachmann AM, O'Prey M, Kania E, Gonzalez PS, Macintosh R, Lao LY, Nixon C, Lopez J, Long JS, Tait SWG, Ryan KM. mTORC1 Activation Requires DRAM-1 by Facilitating Lysosomal Amino Acid Efflux. Molecular cell. 2019; 76: 163–17
Cao K, Tait SWG. Parkin inhibits necroptosis to prevent cancer. Nature cell biology. 2019;21:915-916.
Lopez J, Tait SWG. Application of Mito-Priming to Generate BCL-2 Addicted Cells. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ) 2019;1877:45-60.
Orozco SL, Daniels BP, Yatim N, Messmer MN, Quarato G, Chen-Harris H, Cullen SP, Snyder AG, Ralli-Jain P, Frase S, Tait SWG, Green DR, Albert ML, Oberst A. RIPK3 Activation Leads to Cytokine Synthesis that Continues after Loss of Cell Membrane Integrity. Cell reports. 2019; 28: 2275-2287
Riley JS, Tait SW. Mitochondria and pathogen immunity: from killer to firestarter. The EMBO journal. 2019;38: e102325
Vringer E, Tait SWG. Mitochondria and Inflammation: Cell Death Heats Up. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 2019;7:100.
Riley JS, Quarato G, Cloix C, Lopez J, O'Prey J, Pearson M, Chapman J, Sesaki H, Carlin LM, Passos JF, Wheeler AP, Oberst A, Ryan KM, Tait SW. Mitochondrial inner membrane permeabilisation enables mtDNA release during apoptosis. EMBO J. 2018; 37: e99238
Bock FJ, Tait SWG. p53 REEPs to sow ER-mitochondrial contacts. Cell Res. 2018; 28: 877–878
Campbell KJ, Tait SWG. Targeting BCL-2 regulated apoptosis in cancer. Open Biol. 2018; 8:
Giampazolias E, Tait SWG. Caspase-independent cell death: An anti-cancer double whammy. Cell cycle. 2018; 17: 269-270.
Correia-Melo C, Ichim G, Tait SW, Passos JF. Depletion of mitochondria in mammalian cells through enforced mitophagy. Nat Protoc 2017; 12: 183-94
Daniels BP, Snyder AG, Olsen TM, Orozco S, Oguin TH, 3rd, Tait SW, Martinez J, Gale M, Jr., Loo YM, Oberst A. RIPK3 Restricts Viral Pathogenesis via Cell Death-Independent Neuroinflammation. Cell 2017; 169: 301-13.e11
Giampazolias E, Zunino B, Dhayade S, Bock F, Cloix C, Cao K, Roca A, Lopez J, Ichim G, Proics E, Rubio-Patino C, Fort L, Yatim N, Woodham E, Orozco S, Taraborrelli L, Peltzer N, Lecis D, Machesky L, Walczak H et al. Mitochondrial permeabilization engages NF-kappaB-dependent anti-tumour activity under caspase deficiency. Nat Cell Biol 2017; 19: 1116-29
Gutierrez KD, Davis MA, Daniels BP, Olsen TM, Ralli-Jain P, Tait SW, Gale M, Jr., Oberst A. MLKL Activation Triggers NLRP3-Mediated Processing and Release of IL-1beta Independently of Gasdermin-D. J Immunol 2017; 195: 2156-64
Villa E, Proics E, Rubio-Patino C, Obba S, Zunino B, Bossowski JP, Rozier RM, Chiche J, Mondragon L, Riley JS, Marchetti S, Verhoeyen E, Tait SWG, Ricci JE. Parkin-Independent Mitophagy Controls Chemotherapeutic Response in Cancer Cells. Cell Rep 2017; 20: 2846-59
Weigert M, Binks A, Dowson S, Leung EYL, Athineos D, Yu X, Mullin M, Walton JB, Orange C, Ennis D, Blyth K, Tait SWG, McNeish IA. RIPK3 promotes adenovirus type 5 activity. Cell Death and Disease 2017; 8: 3206
Woodham EF, Paul NR, Tyrrell B, Spence HJ, Swaminathan K, Scribner MR, Giampazolias E, Hedley A, Clark W, Kage F, Marston DJ, Hahn KM, Tait SW, Larue L, Brakebusch CH, Insall RH, Machesky LM. Coordination by Cdc42 of Actin, Contractility, and Adhesion for Melanoblast Movement in Mouse Skin. Curr Biol 2017; 27: 624-37
Giampazolias E, Tait SWG. Caspase-independent cell death: an anti-cancer double-whammy. Cell Cycle 2017; 17: 269-270
Ichim G, Tait SWG. Cancer therapy-induced PAFR ligand expression: any role for caspase activity? Nat Rev Cancer 2017; 17: 253
Simon HU, Friis R, Tait SW, Ryan KM. Retrograde signaling from autophagy modulates stress responses. Sci Signal 2017; 10: eaag2791.
Correia-Melo C, Ichim G, Tait SW, Passos JF. Depletion of mitochondria in mammalian cells through enforced mitophagy. Nat Protoc 2017; 12: 183-94. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2016.159. Epub 22 Dec 2016Correia-Melo C, Marques FD, Anderson R, Hewitt G, Hewitt R, Cole J, Carroll BM, Miwa S, Birch J, Merz A, Rushton MD, Charles M, Jurk D, Tait SW, Czapiewski R, Greaves L, Nelson G, Bohlooly-Y M, Rodriguez-Cuenca S, Vidal-Puig A, Mann D, Saretzki G, Quarato G, Green DR, Adams PD, von Zglinicki T, Korolchuk VI, Passos JF. Mitochondria are required for pro-ageing features of the senescent phenotype. EMBO J. 2016; 35: 724-42
Lopez J, Bessou M, Riley JS, Giampazolias E, Todt F, Rochegue T, Oberst A, Green DR, Edlich F, Ichim G, Tait SWG. Mito-priming as a method to engineer Bcl-2 addiction. Nat Commun 2016; 7: 10538
Pecot J, Maillet L, Le Pen J, Vuillier C, Trecesson SC, Fetiveau A, Sarosiek KA, Bock FJ, Braun F, Letai A, Tait SW, Gautier F, Juin PP. Tight Sequestration of BH3 Proteins by BCL-xL at Subcellular Membranes Contributes to Apoptotic Resistance. Cell Rep. 2016; 17: 3347-3358
Giampazolias E, Tait SWG. Mitochondria and the hallmarks of cancer. FEBS J. 2016; 283: 803-14
Ichim G, Tait SWG. A fate worse than death: apoptosis as an oncogenic process. Nat Rev Cancer. 2016; 16: 539-48
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Oberst A, Ichim G, Tait SWG. Mitochondrial Permeabilization: From Lethality to Vitality. In: Cell Death in Biology and Diseases pp 213-26, 2016 (Ed Hockenbery DM)
Riley JS, Tait SWG. Mechanisms of mitophagy: putting the powerhouse into the doghouse. Biol Chem. 2016; 397: 617-35
The Computational Biology group is focused on using data-driven approaches from machine learning to develop a better understanding of the processes that underpin tumour growth and development. We are a highly interdisciplinary group that integrates computer science, mathematics, bench- and clinical science.
A major aspect of our work is the use of cancer ‘omics data generated by large-scale tumour sequencing projects. These datasets are large enough to use machine learning algorithms that seek to correlate patterns with phenotype. This is allowing us to explore aspects of tumour evolution, and to ask how the regulatory systems that control gene expression are perturbed in tumour cells.
Our group is particularly interested in the regulatory pathways that act downstream of transcription, including the processes that govern how alternative splicing is coordinated across different pathways. Other projects in the group focus on uncovering novel regulatory sequences within the genome, and in making use of comparative genomics to help interpret the genome rearrangements that occur in tumour cells.
Other funding:
2000: PhD, Bioinformatics, The University of Manchester
1996: BSc, Artificial Intelligence, The University of Manchester
2019-: Head of Bioinformatics, Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute
2012-2018: Senior Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute
2007-2012: Senior Staff Scientist, The Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, The University of Manchester
2002-2007: Junior Group Leader, The Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, The University of Manchester
2000-2002: MRC Fellowship, The University of Manchester
Müller M, May S, Hall H, Kendall TJ, McGarry L, Blukacz L, Nuciforo S, Georgakopoulou A, Jamieson T, Phinichkusolchit N, Dhayade S, Suzuki T, Huguet-Pradell J, Powley IR, Officer-Jones L, Pennie RL, Esteban-Fabró R, Gris-Oliver A, Pinyol R, Skalka GL, Leslie J, Hoare M, Sprangers J, Malviya G, Mackintosh A, Johnson E, McCain M, Halpin J, Kiourtis C, Nixon C, Clark G, Clark W, Shaw R, Hedley A, Drake TM, Tan EH, Neilson M, Murphy DJ, Lewis DY, Reeves HL, Le Quesne J, Mann DA, Carlin LM, Blyth K, Llovet JM, Heim MH, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bird TG. Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer. Nature. 2025.
Liu D, Young F, Lamb KD, Claudio Quiros A, Pancheva A, Miller C, Macdonald C, Robertson DL, Yuan K. PLM-interact: extending protein language models to predict protein-protein interactions. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2011.2005.622169.
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Tumour immunotherapy, most notably checkpoint blockade therapy, has produced remarkable benefits for patients with cancers that previously had poor outcomes. Blockade of the T cell inhibitory checkpoint molecules CTLA-4 and PD-1 has led to dramatic remissions that have lasted more than a decade in many patients. However, these responses are unfortunately restricted to only a subset of patients. Our work broadly aims to understand how the immune response to cancer is generated so as to understand what may limit the quality or quantity of that response. In this way, we hope to find new means of augmenting the response to immunotherapy in a broader subset of patients.
To do this, we are focusing on how the T-cell-mediated immune response is initiated. T cell responses begin in the lymph node, where they are directed by signals received from the peripheral tissue, where the challenge occurs. During responses to viruses, numerous signals drive re-organisation of the lymph node and choreograph a highly regulated process by which appropriate T cell activation can occur. It has been observed that the tumour-draining lymph node is improperly activated, suggesting priming may be less efficient against the tumour. Indeed vaccination, which improves priming, can improve immunotherapeutic approaches in mice, suggesting this as a viable approach. As such, our aim is to determine how the periphery communicates with and educates the lymph node during an efficient immune response and how this is subverted in the tumour setting. Of particular interest to us is the role of different dendritic cell subsets in organising and directing efficient immune responses in the lymph node, and how these are manipulated by the tumour microenvironment. In this way, we aim to discover signals by which we can convert the lymph node microenvironment into a more effective site of immune priming to augment existing immunotherapeutic responses.
pdf Roberts Lab Report (95 KB)
Binnewies M, Mujal AM, Pollack JL, Combes AJ, Hardison EA, Barry KC, Tsui J, Ruhland MK, Kersten K, Abushawish MA, Spasic M, Giurintano JP, Chan V, Daud AI, Ha P, Ye CJ, Roberts EW, Krummel MF. Unleashing Type-2 Dendritic Cells to Drive Protective Antitumor CD4(+) T Cell Immunity. Cell. 2019; 177: 556-571.e16
Binnewies M, Roberts EW, Kersten K, Chan V, Fearon DF, Merad M, Coussens LM, Gabrilovich DI, Ostrand-Rosenberg S, Hedrick CC, Vonderheide RH, Pittet MJ, Jain RK, Zou W, Howcroft TK, Woodhouse EC, Weinberg RA, Krummel MF. Understanding the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) for effective therapy. Nature medicine. 2018; 24: 541-50.
Roberts EW, Broz ML, Binnewies M, Headley MB, Nelson AE, Wolf DM, Kaisho T, Bogunovic D, Bhardwaj N, Krummel MF. Critical Role for CD103(+)/CD141(+) Dendritic Cells Bearing CCR7 for Tumor Antigen Trafficking and Priming of T Cell Immunity in Melanoma. Cancer cell. 2016; 30: 324-36.
2012: PhD, University of Cambridge, Supervisor Douglas Fearon
2007: BSc, Pathology (immunology, parasitology and microbiology), University of Cambridge
2019-: Junior Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute
2013-2019: Postdoctoral Fellow with Matthew Krummel, UCSF, USA
Lau VWC, Mead GJ, Varyova Z, Mazet JM, Krishnan A, Roberts EW, Prota G, Gileadi U, Midwood KS, Cerundolo V, Gérard A. Remodelling of the immune landscape by IFNγ counteracts IFNγ-dependent tumour escape in mouse tumour models. Nat Commun. 2025;16(1):2.
Samarakoon Y, Yelland T, Garcia-Gonzalez E, da Silva Justo Junior A, Mahmood M, Manoharan A, Patterson S, Serafin V, Gammage PA, Marmiroli S, Halsey C, Ismail S, Roberts EW. UNC119 regulates T-cell receptor signalling in primary T cells and T acute lymphocytic leukaemia. Life Sci Alliance. 2025;8(3).
Bentley-Abbot C, Heslop R, Pirillo C, Chandrasegaran P, McConnell G, Roberts E, Hutchinson E, MacLeod A. An easy to use tool for the analysis of subcellular mRNA transcript colocalisation in smFISH data. Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):8348.
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Hargrave KE, Worrell JC, Pirillo C, Brennan E, Masdefiol Garriga A, Gray JI, Purnell T, Roberts EW, MacLeod MKL. Lung influenza virus-specific memory CD4 T cell location and optimal cytokine production are dependent on interactions with lung antigen-presenting cells. Mucosal Immunol. 2024;17(5):843-857.
Janas PP, T'Jonck W, Burgess M, Chauche C, Vermeren M, Lucas C, Bain CC, Illingworth RS, Roberts EW, McSorley HJ, Schwarze J. Epithelial memory after respiratory viral infection results in long-lasting enhancement of antigen presentation. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2007.2026.605255.
Lau VWC, Mead G, Mazet JM, Krishnan A, Roberts EW, Prota G, Gileadi U, Cerundolo V, Gérard A. IFNγ-dependent remodelling of the myeloid landscape underlies control of IFNγ-insensitive tumours. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2003.2025.586537.
Lukoszek R, Inesta-Vaquera F, Brett NJM, Liang S, Hepburn LA, Hughes DJ, Pirillo C, Roberts EW, Cowling VH. CK2 phosphorylation of CMTR1 promotes RNA cap formation and influenza virus infection. Cell Rep. 2024;43(7):114405.
Mahmood M, Liu EM, Shergold AL, Tolla E, Tait-Mulder J, Huerta-Uribe A, Shokry E, Young AL, Lilla S, Kim M, Park T, Boscenco S, Manchon JL, Rodríguez-Antona C, Walters RC, Springett RJ, Blaza JN, Mitchell L, Blyth K, Zanivan S, Sumpton D, Roberts EW, Reznik E, Gammage PA. Mitochondrial DNA mutations drive aerobic glycolysis to enhance checkpoint blockade response in melanoma. Nat Cancer. 2024.
Weir D, Bentley-Abbot C, McCowan J, Loney C, Roberts E, Hutchinson E. Influenza A viruses induce tunnelling nanotube-like structures through the onset of apoptosis. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2009.2025.614890.
Whyte D, Voorde JV, Sumpton D, Dhayade S, Dornier E, Moore M, Novo D, Peters J, Wiesheu R, Mackey JBG, McFarlane AJ, Fercoq F, Fisher S, Caballero CD, Gilroy K, Redmond KL, Mitchell LE, Anderson E, Thomson G, Dzierozynski LN, Saab JJA, Lewis CA, Muir A, Halbrook CJ, Strathdee D, Jackstadt R, Nixon C, Dunne P, Steele CW, Carlin LM, Macpherson IR, Roberts EW, Coffelt SB, Blyth K, Sansom OJ, Norman JC, Clarke CJ. Uridine Phosphorylase-1 supports metastasis of mammary cancer by altering immune and extracellular matrix landscapes of the lung. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.2007.2002.601676.
Cheng Z, Thompson EJ, Mendive-Tapia L, Scott JI, Benson S, Kitamura T, Senan-Salinas A, Samarakoon Y, Roberts EW, Arias MA, Pardo J, Galvez EM, Vendrell M. Fluorogenic Granzyme A Substrates Enable Real-Time Imaging of Adaptive Immune Cell Activity. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2023;62:e202216142.
Hargrave KE, Worrell JC, Pirillo C, Brennan E, Garriga AM, Gray JI, Purnell T, Roberts EW, MacLeod MK. Lung influenza virus specific memory CD4 T cell location and optimal cytokine production are dependent on interactions with lung antigen-presenting cells. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2009.2019.558387.
Hewitt RJ, Puttur F, Gaboriau DCA, Fercoq F, Fresquet M, Traves WJ, Yates LL, Walker SA, Molyneaux PL, Kemp SV, Nicholson AG, Rice A, Roberts E, Lennon R, Carlin LM, Byrne AJ, Maher TM, Lloyd CM. Lung extracellular matrix modulates KRT5(+) basal cell activity in pulmonary fibrosis. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):6039.
Laing S, Kruspig B, Shaw R, Officer-Jones L, Edwards S, McKinven D, Hsieh Y-C, Powley I, Brady N, Pennie R, Kwan R, Lima A, Myrta S, Periyasamy M, Dye IC, Nixon C, Clark G, Junttila MR, Maddalo D, Miller C, Ali S, Fuchter MJ, Nickles D, Kirschner K, Brown RB, Quesne JL, Strathdee D, Coffelt SB, Roberts E, Murphy DJ. ERBB signalling contributes to immune evasion in KRAS-driven lung adenocarcinoma. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2007.2024.550274.
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Pirillo C, Al Khalidi S, Sims A, Devlin R, Zhao H, Pinto R, Jasim S, Shearer PA, Shergold AL, Donnelly H, Bravo-Blas A, Loney C, Perona-Wright G, Hutchinson E, Roberts EW. Cotransfer of antigen and contextual information harmonizes peripheral and lymph node conventional dendritic cell activation. Sci Immunol. 2023;8:eadg8249.
Sims A, Tornaletti LB, Jasim S, Pirillo C, Devlin R, Hirst JC, Loney C, Wojtus J, Sloan E, Thorley L, Boutell C, Roberts E, Hutchinson E. Superinfection exclusion creates spatially distinct influenza virus populations. PLoS Biol. 2023;21:e3001941.
Young AL, Lorimer T, Al-Khalidi SK, Roberts EW. De novo priming: driver of immunotherapy responses or epiphenomenon? Essays Biochem. 2023;10.1042/ebc20220244.
Shergold AL, Devlin RM, Young AL, Roberts EW. Chemotaxis: Dendritic cells as trendsetters of the immune response. Curr Biol. 2023(18):R957-r959.
Leslie J, Mackey JBG, Jamieson T, Ramon-Gil E, Drake TM, Fercoq F, Clark W, Gilroy K, Hedley A, Nixon C, Luli S, Laszczewska M, Pinyol R, Esteban-Fabró R, Willoughby CE, Haber PK, Andreu-Oller C, Rahbari M, Fan C, Pfister D, Raman S, Wilson N, Müller M, Collins A, Geh D, Fuller A, McDonald D, Hulme G, Filby A, Cortes-Lavaud X, Mohamed N-E, Ford CA, Raffo Iraolagoitia XL, McFarlane AJ, McCain MV, Ridgway RA, Roberts EW, Barry ST, Graham GJ, Heikenwälder M, Reeves HL, Llovet JM, Carlin LM, Bird TG, Sansom OJ, Mann DA. CXCR2 inhibition enables NASH-HCC immunotherapy. Gut. 2022;
Pirillo C, Birch F, Tissot FS, Gonzalez Anton S, Haltalli M, Tini V, Kong IY, Piot C, Partridge B, Pospori C, Keeshan K, Santamaria S, Hawkins E, Falini B, Marra A, Duarte D, Lee CF, Roberts E, Lo Celso C. Metalloproteinase inhibition reduces AML growth, prevents stem cell loss, and improves chemotherapy effectiveness. Blood Adv. 2022;6:3126–3141
Scott JI, Mendive-Tapia L, Gordon D, Barth ND, Thompson EJ, Cheng Z, Taggart D, Kitamura T, Bravo-Blas A, Roberts EW, Juarez-Jimenez J, Michel J, Piet B, de Vries IJ, Verdoes M, Dawson J, Carragher NO, Connor RAO, Akram AR, Frame M, Serrels A, Vendrell M. A fluorogenic probe for granzyme B enables in-biopsy evaluation and screening of response to anticancer immunotherapies. Nat Commun. 2022;13:2366.
Yi R, Chen E, Roberts EW, Krummel MF, Serwas NK. Impact of protein identity on tumor-associated antigen uptake into infiltrating immune cells: A comparison of different fluorescent proteins as model antigens. PLoS One. 2022;17(8):e0272857.
Bravo-Blas A, Pirillo C, Shergold A, Andrusaite A, Roberts EW. Think global but act local: Tuning the dendritic cell response in cancer. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2022;147:106227.
Devlin R, Roberts E. Building a healthy mouse model ecosystem to interrogate cancer biology. Dis Model Mech. 2022; 15 (9): dmm049795
Ntala C, Salji M, Salmond J, Officer L, Teodosio AV, Blomme A, McGhee EJ, Powley I, Ahmad I, Kruithof-de Julio M, Thalmann G, Roberts E, Goodyear CS, Jamaspishvili T, Berman DM, Carlin LM, Le Quesne J, Leung HY. Analysis of Prostate Cancer Tumor Microenvironment Identifies Reduced Stromal CD4 Effector T-cell Infiltration in Tumors with Pelvic Nodal Metastasis. Eur Urol Open Sci. 2021;29:19-29.
Yi R, Chen E, Roberts EW, Krummel MF, Serwas NK. Impact of Protein Identity on Tumor-Associated Antigen Uptake into Infiltrating Immune Cells: A Comparison of Different Fluorescent Proteins as Model Antigens. bioRxiv. 2021;10.1101/2021.10.30.464602:2021.2010.2030.464602.
Ruhland MK, Roberts EW, Cai E, Mujal AM, Marchuk K, Beppler C, Nam D, Serwas NK, Binnewies M, Krummel MF. Visualizing Synaptic Transfer of Tumor Antigens among Dendritic Cells. Cancer cell. 2020;37(6):786-799.e785.
Binnewies M, Mujal AM, Pollack JL, Combes AJ, Hardison EA, Barry KC, Tsui J, Ruhland MK, Kersten K, Abushawish MA, Spasic M, Giurintano JP, Chan V, Daud AI, Ha P, Ye CJ, Roberts EW, Krummel MF. Unleashing Type-2 Dendritic Cells to Drive Protective Antitumor CD4(+) T Cell Immunity. Cell. 2019; 177: 556-571.e16
Binnewies M, Roberts EW, Kersten K, Chan V, Fearon DF, Merad M, Coussens LM, Gabrilovich DI, Ostrand-Rosenberg S, Hedrick CC, Vonderheide RH, Pittet MJ, Jain RK, Zou W, Howcroft TK, Woodhouse EC, Weinberg RA, Krummel MF. Understanding the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) for effective therapy. Nature medicine. 2018; 24: 541-50.
Denton AE, Roberts EW, Fearon DT. Stromal Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 2018; 1060: 99-114.
Morrissey MA, Williamson AP, Steinbach AM, Roberts EW, Kern N, Headley MB, Vale RD. Chimeric antigen receptors that trigger phagocytosis. eLife. 2018; 7: e36688
Wong PT, Roberts EW, Tang S, Mukherjee J, Cannon J, Nip AJ, Corbin K, Krummel MF, Choi SK. Control of an Unusual Photo-Claisen Rearrangement in Coumarin Caged Tamoxifen through an Extended Spacer. ACS chemical biology. 2017; 12: 1001-10.
Flint TR, Janowitz T, Connell CM, Roberts EW, Denton AE, Coll AP, Jodrell DI, Fearon DT. Tumor-Induced IL-6 Reprograms Host Metabolism to Suppress Anti-tumor Immunity. Cell metabolism. 2016; 24: 672-84.
Headley MB, Bins A, Nip A, Roberts EW, Looney MR, Gerard A, Krummel MF. Visualization of immediate immune responses to pioneer metastatic cells in the lung. Nature. 2016; 531: 513-7.
Roberts EW, Broz ML, Binnewies M, Headley MB, Nelson AE, Wolf DM, Kaisho T, Bogunovic D, Bhardwaj N, Krummel MF. Critical Role for CD103(+)/CD141(+) Dendritic Cells Bearing CCR7 for Tumor Antigen Trafficking and Priming of T Cell Immunity in Melanoma. Cancer cell. 2016; 30: 324-36.
Amauri Da Silva Justo Jr
I am the Senior Scientific Officer of the lab helping people on their different projects. I also have my own ongoing work in which I’m trying to develop a biosensor for Granzyme B activity in order the assess the particularities of tumour microenvironment. Before joining Roberts’s lab, I was a postdoc in my home country Brazil where I investigated the glutamine metabolism in tumour microenvironment and its influence in immune cells phenotype. When I’m away from the lab, I enjoy exploring new places and pubs in addition to spend time with family, friends and my dog.
Sarwah Al-Khalidi
A postdoctoral scientist passionate about improving T cell priming in the tumour draining lymph node by investigating CD8-dendritic cell interactions that drive CD8 cytotoxicity using highly multiplexed imaging platforms. Before joining the Roberts’ lab, I finished my PhD degree at the University of Cambridge where I investigated the effect of different genomic aberrations on the immune infiltration profile in ovarian cancer patients
Baptiste Brauge
I’m a postdoctoral researcher, coming from the south-west of France. My project aims to understand how different immune populations of the lymph node react to the metastatic spread of prostate cancer tumour cells. Our goal is to be able to enhance the anti-tumour response to prevent or reverse this process, increasing therapy effectiveness and patients’ survival. Previously, I did my PhD in Rennes, on the interactions between stromal cells and malignant B cells over the course of follicular lymphoma development. Outside the lab, I enjoy cool hikes and treks, discovering novel places and the game of rugby.
Ryan Devlin
I am a PhD student from Cromer, Norfolk, investigating how prior acute influenza infection alters the immune response to a subsequent tumour. Prior to joining the Roberts lab, I was a medical student at the University of Edinburgh, where I had a keen interest in oncology. When not in the lab, I enjoy writing, hiking, gardening and cat taming, as well as volunteering as a CRUK Ambassador. I am more than happy to chat if you have any questions about research life, PhDs, etc.
Gerda Dlugabarskaite
I am a TRACC MB-PhD student currently investigating the role of germline-encoded antigens within tumours to establish vaccination approaches. I started my medical degree at the University of Edinburgh where I underwent an intercalated year in Genetics (Hons) at the Institute of Regeneration and Repair looking at pre-neoplastic HRAS skin models, before coming to the CRUK Scotland Institute to pursue my PhD. I usually spend my free time reading, going for walks, or trying out whatever new hobby strikes my fancy that month!
Tara Lorimer
I am a PhD student investigating the mechanisms of antigen transfer from migratory to lymph node-resident dendritic cells. I grew up in Hong Kong but studied and worked in the US, exploring a range of areas including bioengineering, nutrition, and health tech. I moved to Glasgow to be with family during COVID and decided to pursue my interest in immunology with a master’s at the University of Glasgow, which is when I first had the opportunity to work in the Roberts lab. Outside of work, I enjoy trying new food spots, going to concerts, and spending time outdoors.
Jack McCowan
I am a second year PhD student interested in understanding how immunity is organised in the lung following the clearance of influenza virus infection. Outside of the lab, I enjoy running, exploring new places and reading.
Alex Young
I am Alex and I am a PhD student from Glasgow, Scotland. I completed my Master’s in Immunology at the University of Glasgow, and where I completed my undergraduate project defining signals that regular tissue resident macrophages in the synovial joint. I recently came back to the Beatson to rejoin the Roberts lab to start my PhD, where my research focuses on investigating the signals regulating the tumour immune microenvironment (TIME) in colorectal carcinoma and determining if we can exploit these changes to augment the TIME. Outside of work, I enjoy running, baking and hill walking.
Prostate cancer is a leading cause of cancer mortality in men in the western world. Identifying and understanding the pathways that drive advanced and treatment-resistant prostate cancer will provide important information that will allow prognostication and individualised patient treatments.
Androgens have been found to be important for prostate cancer progression and androgen deprivation therapy is usually effective at initially controlling the disease. In many cases, however, there is a recurrent castration-resistant phase, for which there is no effective treatment.
Our current research interest is in understanding the mechanisms of treatment-resistance in advanced prostate cancer. Work in my laboratory uses state-of-the-art in vivo models in conjunction with patient samples to interrogate the disease processes in advanced and treatment-resistant prostate cancer. This work will help to provide information on drivers of prostate cancer progression and to identify novel biomarkers of disease and/or drug targets to treat the disease.
Prof Imran Ahmad explains how a Starter Grant from the Academy of Medical Sciences allowed him to continue his research following his PhD. Click here to read the interview.
Galbraith LCA, Mui E, Nixon C, Hedley A, Strachan D, MacKay G, Sumpton D, Sansom OJ, Leung HY, Ahmad I. PPAR-gamma induced AKT3 expression increases levels of mitochondrial biogenesis driving prostate cancer. Oncogene. 2021;40:2355-2366.
Ahmad I, Mui E, Galbraith L, Patel R, Tan EH, Salji M, Rust AG, Repiscak P, Hedley A, Markert E, Loveridge C, van der Weyden L, Edwards J, Sansom OJ, Adams DJ, Leung HY. Sleeping Beauty screen reveals Pparg activation in metastatic prostate cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2016; 113: 8290-5
Ahmad I, Patel R, Singh LB, Nixon C, Seywright M, Barnetson RJ, Muller WJ, Edwards J, Sansom OJ, Leung HY. HER2 overcomes PTEN (loss) induced Senescence to cause Aggressive Prostate Cancer. PNAS. 2011; 208: 16392-97.
2015: FEBU, European Board of Urology
2014: FRCS (Urol), Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSEng)
2010: PhD in Bladder Cancer Biology, 'The role of Wnt Signalling in Urothelial Cell Carcinoma', CRUK Beatson Institute/University of Glasgow
2005: MRCS, RCSEng
2003: MB ChB, University of Glasgow
2001: BSc (MedSci) Hons in Anatomical Sciences (Class 1:1), University of Glasgow
2023-present: Professor of Urological Oncology, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2016-present: Honorary Consultant Urological & Robotic Surgeon, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
2016-2023: CRUK Clinician Scientist and Senior Clinical Lecturer in Uro-Oncology, University of Glasgow
2022: EAU Best Paper in Fundamental Research 2022
2018: AUA-BAUS Visiting Scholar 2018
2017: Chairman's Award at NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
2017: EAU Best Paper in Fundamental Research 2017
2014: ARTP Award (L'Association pour la Recherche sur les Tumeurs de la Prostate)
2013: Thomas and Margaret Smellie Prize (Best PhD thesis by a medical graduate), University of Glasgow
2013: Hunterian Professorship, Royal College of Surgeons of England
2013: EAU Prostate Cancer Research Award
2012: The Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow Prize
2011: Sir James Black Medal, Scottish Society of Experimental Medicine
Hartley A, Galbraith LCA, Shaw R, Tibbo A, Veeratterapillay R, Wilson L, Heer R, Blyth K, Leung H, Ahmad I. Loss of ARID1A accelerates prostate tumourigenesis with a proliferative collagen-poor phenotype through co-operation with AP1 subunit cFos. Br J Cancer. 2025.
Ibrahim I, Kouli O, Ilangovan S, Sneddon M, Nalagatla S, Marshall C, Dutto L, Leung HY, Ahmad I. Impact of Centralisation of Radical Prostatectomy Driven by the Introduction of Robotic Systems on Positive Surgical Margin and Biochemical Recurrence in pT2 Prostate Cancer. Cancer Med. 2025;14(2):e70514.
Beijert IJ, Hagberg O, Gårdmark T, Holmberg L, Häggström C, Johnston A, Trail M, Hamid S, Dreyer BA, Padovani L, Garau R, Hasan R, Ahmad I, Hendry D, Compérat EM, Burger M, Rouprêt M, Gontero P, Ribal MJ, van der Kwast TH, Babjuk M, Sylvester RJ, Mariappan P, Liedberg F, van Rhijn BWG. The Importance of Being Grade 3: A Plea for a Three-tier Hybrid Classification System for Grade in Primary Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer. Eur Urol. 2024;86(5):391-399.
Mariappan P, Johnston A, Trail M, Hamid S, Hollins G, Dreyer BA, Ramsey S, Padovani L, Garau R, Enriquez JG, Boden A, Maresca G, Simpson H, Hasan R, Sharpe C, Thomas BG, Chaudhry AH, Khan RS, Bhatt JR, Ahmad I, Nandwani GM, Dimitropoulos K, Makaroff L, Shaw J, Graham C, Hendry D. Achieving Benchmarks for National Quality Indicators Reduces Recurrence and Progression in Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer. Eur Urol Oncol. 2024;7(6):1327-1337.
Bennett SS, Leung HY, Ahmad I. A cohort analysis of patients receiving neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy prior to robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy during the Covid-19 pandemic. J Clin Urol. 2023;16:131-139.
Taggart R, Dutto L, Leung HY, Salji M, Ahmad I. A contemporary analysis of disease upstaging of Gleason 3 + 3 prostate cancer patients after robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. Cancer Med. 2023.
Tibbo AJ, Hartley A, Vasan R, Shaw R, Galbraith L, Mui E, Leung HY, Ahmad I. MBTPS2 acts as a regulator of lipogenesis and cholesterol synthesis through SREBP signalling in prostate cancer. British Journal of Cancer. 2023;128: 1991–1999
Hartley A, Ahmad I. The role of PPARγ in prostate cancer development and progression. Br J Cancer. 2023;128:940-945.
Catto JWF, Khetrapal P, Ricciardi F, Ambler G, Williams NR, Al-Hammouri T, Khan MS, Thurairaja R, Nair R, Feber A, Dixon S, Nathan S, Briggs T, Sridhar A, Ahmad I, Bhatt J, Charlesworth P, Blick C, Cumberbatch MG, Hussain SA, Kotwal S, Koupparis A, McGrath J, Noon AP, Rowe E, Vasdev N, Hanchanale V, Hagan D, Brew-Graves C, Kelly JD. Effect of Robot-Assisted Radical Cystectomy With Intracorporeal Urinary Diversion vs Open Radical Cystectomy on 90-Day Morbidity and Mortality Among Patients With Bladder Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama. 2022;327:2092-2103.
Dinneen E, Allen C, Strange T, Heffernan-Ho D, Banjeglav J, Lindsay J, Mulligan J-P, Briggs T, Nathan S, Sridhar A, Grierson J, Haider A, Panayi C, Patel D, Freeman A, Aning J, Persad R, Ahmad I, Dutto L, Oakley N, Ambrosi A, Parry T, Kasivisvanathan V, Giganti F, Shaw G, Punwani S. Negative mpMRI Rules Out Extra-Prostatic Extension in Prostate Cancer before Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy. Diagnostics. 2022;12:1057.
Sooriakumaran P, Wilson C, Rombach I, Hassanali N, Aning J, A DL, Cathcart P, Eden C, Ahmad I, Rajan P, Sridhar A, Bryant RJ, Elhage O, Cook J, Leung H, Soomro N, Kelly J, Nathan S, Donovan JL, Hamdy FC. Feasibility and safety of radical prostatectomy for oligo-metastatic prostate cancer: the Testing Radical prostatectomy in men with prostate cancer and oligo-Metastases to the bone (TRoMbone) trial. BJU Int. 2022;130:43-53.
Galbraith LCA, Mui E, Nixon C, Hedley A, Strachan D, MacKay G, Sumpton D, Sansom OJ, Leung HY, Ahmad I. PPAR-gamma induced AKT3 expression increases levels of mitochondrial biogenesis driving prostate cancer. Oncogene. 2021;40:2355-2366.
Ntala C, Salji M, Salmond J, Officer L, Teodosio AV, Blomme A, McGhee EJ, Powley I, Ahmad I, Kruithof-de Julio M, Thalmann G, Roberts E, Goodyear CS, Jamaspishvili T, Berman DM, Carlin LM, Le Quesne J, Leung HY. Analysis of Prostate Cancer Tumor Microenvironment Identifies Reduced Stromal CD4 Effector T-cell Infiltration in Tumors with Pelvic Nodal Metastasis. Eur Urol Open Sci. 2021;29:19-29.
Tan WS, Arianayagam R, Khetrapal P, Rowe E, Kearley S, Mahrous A, Pal R, Fowler W, Heer R, Elajnaf M, Douglas-Moore J, Leyshon Griffiths TR, Voss J, Wilby D, Kadhi OA, Noel J, Vasdev N, McKay A, Ahmad I, Abu-Nayla I, et al. Major Urological Cancer Surgery for Patients is Safe and Surgical Training Should Be Encouraged During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicentre Analysis of 30-day Outcomes. Eur Urol Open Sci. 2021;25:39-43
Hartley A, Leung HY, Ahmad I. Targeting the BAF complex in advanced prostate cancer. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. 2021;16:173-181.
Loveridge CJ, Slater S, Campbell KJ, Nam NA, Knight J, Ahmad I, Hedley A, Lilla S, Repiscak P, Patel R, Salji M, Fleming J, Mitchell L, Nixon C, Strathdee D, Neilson M, Ntala C, Bryson S, Zanivan S, Edwards J, Robson CN, Goodyear CS, Blyth K, Leung HY. BRF1 accelerates prostate tumourigenesis and perturbs immune infiltration. Oncogene. 2020; 39:1797–1806
Mevel R, Steiner I, Mason S, Galbraith LCA, Patel R, Fadlullah MZH, Ahmad I, Leung HY, Oliveira P, Blyth K, Baena E, Lacaud G. RUNX1 marks a luminal castration resistant lineage established at the onset of prostate development. eLife. 2020;9:e60225.
Patel R, Brzezinska EA, Repiscak P, Ahmad I, Mui E, Gao M, Blomme A, Harle V, Tan EH, Malviya G, Mrowinska A, Loveridge CJ, Rushworth LK, Edwards J, Ntala C, Nixon C, Hedley A, Mackay G, Tardito S, Sansom OJ, Leung HY. Activation of beta-catenin cooperates with loss of Pten to drive AR-independent castration-resistant prostate cancer. Cancer research. 2020; 80: 576-590
Patel R, Fleming J, Mui E, Loveridge C, Repiscak P, Blomme A, Harle V, Salji M, Ahmad I, Teo K, Hamdy FC, Hedley A, van den Broek N, Mackay G, Edwards J, et al. Sprouty2 loss-induced IL6 drives castration-resistant prostate cancer through scavenger receptor B1. EMBO Mol Med 2018; 10: e8347
Ahmad I, Sansom OJ. Role of Wnt signalling in advanced prostate cancer. J Pathol 2018; 245: 3-5
Galbraith L, Leung HY, Ahmad I. Lipid pathway deregulation in advanced prostate cancer. Pharmacol Res 2018; 131: 177-84
Loveridge, CJ, Mui EJ, Patel R, Tan EH, Ahmad I, Welsh M, Galbraith J, Hedley A, Nixon C, Blyth K, Sansom O, Leung HY. Increased T cell infiltration elicited by Erk5 deletion in a Pten-deficient mouse model of prostate carcinogenesis. Canc Res 2017; 77: 3158–68
Loveridge, CJ, van't Hof RJ, Charlesworth G, King A, Tan EH, Rose L, Daroszewska A, Prior A, Ahmad I, Welsh M, Mui EJ, Ford C, Salji M, Sansom O, Blyth K, Leung HY. Analysis of Nkx3.1:Cre-driven Erk5 deletion reveals a profound spinal deformity which is linked to increased osteoclast activity. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 1324
Salji, M, Hendry, J, Patel, A, Ahmad, I, Nixon, C and Leung, HY. Peri-prostatic fat volume measurement as a predictive tool for castration resistance in advanced prostate cancer. Eur Urol Focus. 2017; 4: 858–866
Tan WS, Lamb BW, Tan MY, Ahmad I, Sridhar A, Nathan S, Hines J, Shaw G, Briggs TP, Kelly JD. In-depth analysis of complications following Robot-assisted radical cystectomy with intracorporeal urinary diversion. Eur Urol Focus. 2017; 3: 273–9
Ahmad I, Mui E, Galbraith L, Patel R, Tan EH, Salji M, Rust AG, Repiscak P, Hedley A, Markert E, Loveridge C, van der Weyden L, Edwards J, Sansom OJ, Adams DJ, Leung HY. Sleeping Beauty screen reveals Pparg activation in metastatic prostate cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2016; 113: 8290-5
Imran Ahmad a Surgeon-Scientist I am passionate about improving outcomes for my patients, keeping my research portfolio clinically relevant. In addition to running a lab at the CRUK Scotland Institute, I am a Urological Surgeon based at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, with a special interest in robotic surgery for advanced prostate and bladder cancer. As a partnership between NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and the University of Glasgow, the service has delivered several practice-changing clinical surgical trials over the last decade. I am very keen to hear from students and post-docs interested in prostate cancer, as well as clinicians interested in research. Outside work, I am often found at the local park with my 2 young sons.
Richa Vasan
I am Richa, a Postdoc Research Associate in the lab. I am studying Castration and Enzalutamide Resistance in Prostate Cancer using both in vitro and in vivo models. I did my PhD at the University of Nottingham. During my postgraduate studies I worked on multiple projects focussing on mechanisms in different cancer types. I am from India and moved to the UK for higher studies. In my free time I enjoy reading, cooking and practising yoga. .
Poppy Brown
I am a PhD student working on investigating novel immune targets and enhancing the immunogenicity of prostate cancer. I am from the north of Ireland and have lived in Glasgow from my undergraduate where I studied Molecular and Cellular Biology at UofG. Outside of the lab I love to enjoy the Scottish scenery, read and try my hand at lots of different crafts.
Zhangdong Jiang
I am Zhangdong Jiang, a PhD student working on how mitochondria contribute to tumorigenesis and treatment resistance in prostate cancer. I am from China, where I completed my undergraduate degree in clinical medicine and master's in surgery with a focus on urology at Xi'an Jiaotong University. Outside of the lab, I enjoy traveling around, reading, and practicing calligraphy.
Cancer cells are metabolically reprogrammed to provide the energy and biomass required to proliferate. The resulting metabolic phenotype is driven by genetic mutations and a nutrient-deprived microenvironment. Differing mutations and substrate availability create a dynamic and metabolically heterogeneous tumour. This heterogeneity drives tumour recurrence, metastasis and drug resistance leading to a poor clinical outcome for cancer patients.
Molecular imaging can non-invasively measure the spatial and temporal dynamics of cancer metabolism. Research in our group uses state-of-the art PET/MR imaging, metabolomics and genomics to understand the drivers and consequences of metabolic heterogeneity in living tumours. The goal of this research is to develop methods to non-invasively classify tumours and to direct cancer treatment.
Radionuclide imaging of lung tumour development (place cursor over image to play video):
Young Investigator of the Year Award Finalist (World Molecular Imaging Congress, New York), 2016
See the following interviews about Dr Lewis' work:
Other funding:
Witney, T. H. and D. Y. Lewis (2019). Imaging Cancer Metabolism with Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Methods Mol Biol 1928: 29-44.
Lewis, D. Y., R. Mair, A. Wright, K. Allinson, S. K. Lyons, T. Booth, J. Jones, R. Bielik, D. Soloviev and K. M. Brindle (2018). [18F]fluoroethyltyrosine-induced Cerenkov Luminescence Improves Image-Guided Surgical Resection of Glioma. Theranostics 8(14): 3991-4002.
Brindle, K. M., J. L. Izquierdo-Garcia, D. Y. Lewis, R. J. Mair and A. J. Wright (2017). Brain Tumor Imaging. J Clin Oncol 35(21): 2432-2438.
Neves, A. A., B. Xie, S. Fawcett, I. S. Alam, T. H. Witney, M. M. de Backer, J. Summers, W. Hughes, S. McGuire, D. Soloviev, J. Miller, W. J. Howat, D. E. Hu, T. B. Rodrigues, D. Y. Lewis and K. M. Brindle (2017). Rapid Imaging of Tumor Cell Death In Vivo Using the C2A Domain of Synaptotagmin-I. J Nucl Med 58(6): 881-887.
Lewis DY, Boren J, Shaw GL, Bielik R, Ramos-Montoya A, Larkin TJ, Martins CP, Neal DE, Soloviev D, Brindle KM. Late Imaging with [1-11C]Acetate Improves Detection of Tumor Fatty Acid Synthesis with PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2014; 55: 1144-1149.
2008: PhD Neuropsychopharmacology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
2003: BSc Pharmacology (First Class Honours), University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
2017-present: Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute, Glasgow, UK
2012-2016: Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Radionuclide Imaging Facility, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
2011-2016: Research Associate, Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge, UK
2009-2016: Honorary Visiting Researcher, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK
2015: 'CRUK Awarded' Visiting Scholar, Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
2009-2012: Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cambridge Research Institute, Cancer Research UK
2008-2009: Research Fellow in Neuroscience, Translational Medicine Research Collaboration, University of Glasgow, UK
2007-2008: Study Director, CNS and Rodent Safety Pharmacology, Aptuit Limited, Riccarton, UK
2003-2008: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Pharmacology, University of Strathclyde, UK
Steering Board, CRUK RadNet
EJNMMI Research: Best Paper Award - EANM Springer Prize, 2017
Young Investigator of the Year Award Finalist (World Molecular Imaging Congress, New York), 2016
Industry Sponsored Award Winner (World Molecular Imaging Congress, New York), 2016
Research Travel Award (CRUK), 2015
John J. Lewis Award (University of Glasgow) for outstanding examination performance, 2003
Müller M, May S, Hall H, Kendall TJ, McGarry L, Blukacz L, Nuciforo S, Georgakopoulou A, Jamieson T, Phinichkusolchit N, Dhayade S, Suzuki T, Huguet-Pradell J, Powley IR, Officer-Jones L, Pennie RL, Esteban-Fabró R, Gris-Oliver A, Pinyol R, Skalka GL, Leslie J, Hoare M, Sprangers J, Malviya G, Mackintosh A, Johnson E, McCain M, Halpin J, Kiourtis C, Nixon C, Clark G, Clark W, Shaw R, Hedley A, Drake TM, Tan EH, Neilson M, Murphy DJ, Lewis DY, Reeves HL, Le Quesne J, Mann DA, Carlin LM, Blyth K, Llovet JM, Heim MH, Sansom OJ, Miller CJ, Bird TG. Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer. Nature. 2025.
Shaw RC, Morgan TEF, McErlain H, Alcaide-Corral CJ, Waldman AD, Soloviev D, Lewis DY, Sutherland A, Tavares AAS. Assessment of a 6-arylaminobenzamide lead derivative as a potential core scaffold for S1P(5) positron emission tomography radiotracer development. Bioorg Med Chem. 2025;119:118057.
Hesketh RL, Lewis DY, Brindle KM. Optimisation of Animal Handing and Timing of 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D-glucose PET Tumour Imaging in Mice. Mol Imaging Biol. 2024.
Lefebvre TL, Sweeney PW, Grohl J, Hacker L, Brown EL, Else TR, Oraiopoulou ME, Bloom A, Lewis DY, Bohndiek SE. Performance evaluation of image co-registration methods in photoacoustic mesoscopy of the vasculature. Phys Med Biol. 2024;69(21).
Malviya G, Lannagan TRM, Johnson E, Mackintosh A, Bielik R, Peters A, Soloviev D, Brown G, Jackstadt R, Nixon C, Gilroy K, Campbell A, Sansom OJ, Lewis DY. Noninvasive Stratification of Colon Cancer by Multiplex PET Imaging. Clin Cancer Res. 2024:Of1-of12.
Lewis DY. Multiplexing Autoradiography. Methods Mol Biol. 2024:423-439.
Brown G, Soloviev D, Lewis DY. Radiosynthesis and Analysis of (S)-4-(3-[(18)F]Fluoropropyl)-L-Glutamic Acid. Mol Imaging Biol. 2023;10.1007/s11307-022-01793-3.
Dzien P, Mackintosh A, Malviya G, Johnson E, Soloviev D, Brown G, Uribe AH, Nixon C, Lyons SK, Maddocks O, Blyth K, Lewis DY. Positron emission tomography imaging of the sodium iodide symporter senses real-time energy stress in vivo. Cancer Metab. 2023;11(1):14.
Farahmand P, Gyuraszova K, Rooney C, Raffo-Iraolagoitia XL, Jayasekera G, Hedley A, Johnson E, Chernova T, Malviya G, Hall H, Monteverde T, Blyth K, Duffin R, Carlin LM, Lewis D, Le Quesne J, MacFarlane M, Murphy DJ. Asbestos accelerates disease onset in a genetic model of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Frontiers in Toxicology. 2023;5.
Merrill JR, Inguscio A, Chung T, Demestichas B, Garcia LA, Habel J, Lewis DY, Janowitz T, Lyons SK. Sensitive, non-immunogenic in vivo imaging of cancer metastases and immunotherapy response. Cell Stress. 2023;7(8):59-68.
Villar VH, Allega MF, Deshmukh R, Ackermann T, Nakasone MA, Vande Voorde J, Drake TM, Oetjen J, Bloom A, Nixon C, Müller M, May S, Tan EH, Vereecke L, Jans M, Blancke G, Murphy DJ, Huang DT, Lewis DY, Bird TG, Sansom OJ, Blyth K, Sumpton D, Tardito S. Hepatic glutamine synthetase controls N5-methylglutamine in homeostasis and cancer. Nature Chemical Biology. 2023;19:292-300.
Ferrer M, Anthony TG, Ayres JS, Biffi G, Brown JC, Caan BJ, Cespedes Feliciano EM, Coll AP, Dunne RF, Goncalves MD, Grethlein J, Heymsfield SB, Hui S, Jamal-Hanjani M, Lam JM, Lewis DY, McCandlish D, Mustian KM, O'Rahilly S, Perrimon N, White EP, Janowitz T. Cachexia: A systemic consequence of progressive, unresolved disease. Cell. 2023;186:1824-1845.
Soloviev D, Dzien P, Mackintosh A, Malviya G, Brown G, Lewis D. High molar activity [(18)F]tetrafluoroborate synthesis for sodium iodide symporter imaging by PET. EJNMMI Radiopharm Chem. 2022;7:32.
Najumudeen AK, Ceteci F, Fey SK, Hamm G, Steven RT, Hall H, Nikula CJ, Dexter A, Murta T, Race AM, Sumpton D, Vlahov N, Gay DM, Knight JRP, Jackstadt R, Leach JDG, Ridgway RA, Johnson ER, Nixon C, Hedley A, Gilroy K, Clark W, Malla SB, Dunne PD, Rodriguez-Blanco G, Critchlow SE, Mrowinska A, Malviya G, Solovyev D, Brown G, Lewis DY, Mackay GM, Strathdee D, Tardito S, Gottlieb E, Takats Z, Barry ST, Goodwin RJA, Bunch J, Bushell M, Campbell AD, Sansom OJ. The amino acid transporter SLC7A5 is required for efficient growth of KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer. Nat Genet. 2021;53(1):16-26.
Woitek R, McLean MA, Ursprung S, Rueda OM, Manzano Garcia R, Locke MJ, Beer L, Baxter G, Rundo L, Provenzano E, Kaggie JD, Patterson A, Frary A, Field-Rayner J, Papalouka V, Kane J, Benjamin AJV, Gill AB, Priest AN, Lewis DY, Russell R, Grimmer A, White B, Latimer EC, Patterson I, Schiller A, Carmo B, Slough R, Lanz T, Wason J, Schulte RF, Chin SF, Graves MJ, Gilbert FJ, Abraham J, Caldas C, Brindle KM, Sala E, Gallagher FA. Hyperpolarized carbon-13 MRI for early response assessment of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Cancer Res. 2021;81: 6004–6017
Malviya G, Patel R, Salji M, Martinez RS, Repiscak P, Mui E, Champion S, Mrowinska A, Johnson E, AlRasheedi M, Pimlott S, Lewis D, Leung HY. 18F-Fluciclovine PET metabolic imaging reveals prostate cancer tumour heterogeneity associated with disease resistance to androgen deprivation therapy. EJNMMI Research. 2020;10(1):143.
Hesketh RL, Wang J, Wright AJ, Lewis DY, Denton AE, Grenfell R, Miller JL, Bielik R, Gehrung M, Fala M, Ros S, Xie B, Hu DE, Brindle KM. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Is More Sensitive Than PET for Detecting Treatment-Induced Cell Death-Dependent Changes in Glycolysis. Cancer research. 2019; 79: 3557-3569.
Witney TH, Lewis DY. Imaging Cancer Metabolism with Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ) 2019; 1928: 29-44.
Serrao EM, Kettunen MI, Rodrigues TB, Lewis DY, Gallagher FA, Hu DE, Brindle KM. Analysis of (13) C and (14) C labeling in pyruvate and lactate in tumor and blood of lymphoma-bearing mice injected with (13) C- and (14) C-labeled pyruvate. NMR Biomed 2018; 31: e3901.
Zmuda F, Blair A, Liuzzi MC, Malviya G, Chalmers AJ, Lewis D, Sutherland A, Pimlott SL. An (18)F-Labeled Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Agent. J Med Chem 2018; 61: 4103-14.
Neves AA, Xie B, Fawcett S, Alam IS, Witney TH, de Backer MM, Summers J, Hughes W, McGuire S, Soloviev D, Miller J, Howat WJ, Hu DE, Rodrigues TB, Lewis DY, Brindle KM. Rapid Imaging of Tumor Cell Death in vivo using the C2A domain of Synaptotagmin-I. J Nucl Med 2017; 58: 881-7
Brindle KM, Izquierdo-Garcia JL, Lewis DY, Mair RJ, Wright AJ. Brain Tumor Imaging. J Clin Oncol 2017; 35: 2432-38
Heinzmann K, Honess DJ, Lewis DY, Smith DM, Cawthorne C, Keen H, Heskamp S, Schelhaas S, Witney TH, Soloviev D, Williams KJ, Jacobs AH, Aboagye EO, Griffiths JR, Brindle KM. The relationship between endogenous thymidine concentrations and [18F]FLT uptake in a range of preclinical tumour models. EJNMMI Research. 2016; 6: 63
Serrao EM, Kettunen MI, Rodrigues TB, Dzien P, Wright AJ, Gopinathan A, Gallagher FA, Lewis DY, Frese KK, Almeida J, Howat WJ, Tuveson DA, Brindle KM. MRI with hyperpolarised [1 13C]pyruvate detects advanced pancreatic preneoplasia prior to invasive disease in a mouse model. Gut. 2016: 65, 465-475
The dysregulation of protein synthesis in the tumour clone and the supporting stroma is essential for the delivery of oncogenic gene programmes that allow the establishment of both the intracellular and extracellular environments. This is driven by two fundamental post-transcriptional processes. First, hyperactivation of the eIF4F translation initiation complex results in the specific upregulation of oncogenic mRNAs. Secondly, a fundamental shift within tRNA pools promotes oncogenic gene expression programmes by altering the protein synthesis landscape. Recent data from our group and others show that these two processes are coordinated by a number of distinct regulatory RNA-binding complexes and suggest that there is cross-talk between these key steps of the translation process. Our current hypothesis is that these complexes control and connect all post-transcriptional stages of the mRNA lifecycle, from selection, through decoding, to turnover.
The balance of expressed tRNA and codon usage of oncogenic mRNAs that are sensed by these complexes represent a targetable axis of the malignant phenotype, which could be explored therapeutically if mechanistic understanding was available.
The research in our laboratory focuses on understanding how RNA-binding protein complexes, tRNA abundance and codon optimality dictate oncogenic protein production in a coordinated manner. We employ biochemical, biophysical and computational methods to address these questions. We are interested in how the changing tumour environment results in the redeployment of mRNA-binding complexes that control the balance between upregulation of protein translation and mRNA turnover and translational silencing. These mechanistic insights drive our endeavours in designing assays and drug discovery pipelines to target the heart of tumour cell biology.
pdf Bushell Lab Report (202 KB)
Lu WT, Hawley BR, Skalka GL, Baldock RA, Smith EM, Bader AS, Malewicz M, Watts FZ, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. Drosha drives the formation of DNA:RNA hybrids around DNA break sites to facilitate DNA repair. Nat Commun. 2018; 9: 532.
Meijer HA, Kong YW, Lu WT, Wilczynska A, Spriggs RV, Robinson SW, Godfrey JD, Willis AE, Bushell M. Translational repression and eIF4A2 activity are critical for microRNA-mediated gene regulation. Science. 2013; 340: 82-5.
1999: DPhil, University of Sussex
1993: BSc, Biochemistry (Honours), University of Sussex
2018-present: Senior Group Leader, CRUK Scotland Insitute, Glasgow
2018-present: Honorary Professor, University of Leicester
2011-2018: Deputy Director, MRC Toxicology Unit
2014-2018: Professor, Biochemistry Department, University of Leicester
2010-2015: MRC Senior Fellow, Group Leader MRC Toxicology Unit, Leicester
2011-2014: Reader, Biochemistry Department, University of Leicester
2005-2010: BBSRC David Phillips Fellow, School of Pharmacy, Nottingham University
2004-2004: Wellcome Trust ViP Fellow, University of Leicester
2003-2003: Wellcome Trust Travelling Fellow, University of Leicester
2001-2002: Wellcome Trust Travelling Fellow, Stanford University, CA, USA
1999-2000: Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. M. Clemens, London
Albihlal WS, Matia-González AM, Schmidt T, Mayer W, Bushell M, Niessing D, Barberis M, Schmidt A, Heinisch JJ, Gerber AP. The yeast phosphofructokinase β-subunit has ATP-dependent RNA unwinding activity and modulates cell cycle progression. bioRxiv. 2025:2025.2002.2001.636022.
Marco S, Walsh PJ, Revenko AS, Thomason PA, McGarry L, MacLeod AR, Ansell S, Tataran D, Bushell M, Braconi C, Norman JC. EPHA2 and scavenger receptor-directed trafficking enhances endosomal leakiness and antisense therapy delivery. bioRxiv. 2025:2025.2002.2005.635637.
Dearlove EL, Chatrin C, Buetow L, Ahmed SF, Schmidt T, Bushell M, Smith BO, Huang DT. DTX3L ubiquitin ligase ubiquitinates single-stranded nucleic acids. Elife. 2024;13.
Ghashghaei M, Liu Y, Ettles J, Bombaci G, Ramkumar N, Liu Z, Escano L, Miko SS, Kim Y, Waldron JA, Do K, MacPherson K, Yuen KA, Taibi T, Yue M, Arsalan A, Jin Z, Edin G, Karsan A, Morin GB, Kuchenbauer F, Perna F, Bushell M, Vu LP. Translation efficiency driven by CNOT3 subunit of the CCR4-NOT complex promotes leukemogenesis. Nat Commun. 2024;15(1):2340.
Pantaleão LC, Loche E, Fernandez-Twinn DS, Dearden L, Córdova-Casanova A, Osmond C, Salonen M, Kajantie E, Niu Y, de Almeida-Faria J, Thackray BD, Mikkola T, Giussani DA, Murray AJ, Bushell M, Eriksson JG, Ozanne SE. Programming of cardiac metabolism by miR-15b-5p, a miRNA released in cardiac extracellular vesicles following ischemia-reperfusion injury. Mol Metab. 2024:101875.
Quintas A, Harvey RF, Horvilleur E, Garland GD, Schmidt T, Kalmar L, Dezi V, Marini A, Fulton AM, Pöyry TAA, Cole CH, Turner M, Sawarkar R, Chapman MA, Bushell M, Willis AE. Eukaryotic initiation factor 4B is a multi-functional RNA binding protein that regulates histone mRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024.
Sandovici I, Fernandez-Twinn DS, Campbell N, Cooper WN, Sekita Y, Zvetkova I, Ferland-McCollough D, Prosser HM, Oyama LM, Pantaleão LC, Cimadomo D, Barbosa de Queiroz K, Cheuk CSK, Smith NM, Kay RG, Antrobus R, Hoelle K, Ma MKL, Smith NH, Geyer SH, Reissig LF, Weninger WJ, Siddle K, Willis AE, Lam BYH, Bushell M, Ozanne SE, Constância M. Overexpression of Igf2-derived Mir483 inhibits Igf1 expression and leads to developmental growth restriction and metabolic dysfunction in mice. Cell Rep. 2024;43(9):114750.
Arnould C, Rocher V, Saur F, Bader AS, Muzzopappa F, Collins S, Lesage E, Le Bozec B, Puget N, Clouaire T, Mangeat T, Mourad R, Ahituv N, Noordermeer D, Erdel F, Bushell M, Marnef A, Legube G. Chromatin compartmentalization regulates the response to DNA damage. Nature. 2023.
Bader AS, Bushell M. iMUT-seq: high-resolution DSB-induced mutation profiling reveals prevalent homologous-recombination dependent mutagenesis. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):8419.
May S, Müller M, Livingstone CR, Skalka GL, Walsh PJ, Nixon C, Hedley A, Shaw R, Clark W, Voorde JV, Officer-Jones L, Ballantyne F, Powley IR, Drake TM, Kiourtis C, Keith A, Rocha AS, Tardito S, Sumpton D, Le Quesne J, Bushell M, Sansom OJ, Bird TG. Absent expansion of AXIN2+ hepatocytes and altered physiology in Axin2CreERT2 mice challenges the role of pericentral hepatocytes in homeostatic liver regeneration. J Hepatol. 2023; 78: 1028-1036
Moore M, Pardo L, Mitchell L, Schmidt T, May S, Mueller M, Strathdee D, Bryson S, Hodge K, Lilla S, Zanivan S, Waldron J, McGarry L, Peter-Durairaj R, Kanellos G, Nixon C, Ballantyne F, LeQuesne J, Sansom OJ, Bird T, Bushell M, Norman JC. The eIF4A2 negative regulator of mRNA translation promotes extracellular matrix deposition to accelerate hepatocellular carcinoma initiation. bioRxiv. 2023;Volume:2023.2008.2016.553544.
Munro J, Gillen SL, Mitchell L, Laing S, Karim SA, Rink CJ, Waldron JA, Bushell M. Optimisation of Sample Preparation from Primary Mouse Tissue to Maintain RNA Integrity for Methods Examining Translational Control. Cancers (Basel). 2023;15.
Schmidt T, Dabrowska A, Waldron JA, Hodge K, Koulouras G, Gabrielsen M, Munro J, Tack DC, Harris G, McGhee E, Scott D, Carlin Leo M, Huang D, Le Quesne J, Zanivan S, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. eIF4A1-dependent mRNAs employ purine-rich 5’UTR sequences to activate localised eIF4A1-unwinding through eIF4A1-multimerisation to facilitate translation. Nucleic Acids Research. 2023; 51: 1859–1879
Waldron JA, Kanellos G, Smith RCL, Knight JRP, Munro J, Alexandrou C, Vlahov N, Pardo-Fernandez L, Moore M, Gillen SL, Strathdee D, Stevenson D, Warrander FC, Gilroy K, Nixon C, Cadden B, Powley I, Officer-Jones L, Ballantyne F, Hay J, Pennel K, Edwards J, Campbell AD, Ridgway RA, Coffelt SB, Norman J, Quesne JL, Bushell M, Sansom OJ. eIF4A1 is essential for reprogramming the translational landscape of Wnt-driven colorectal cancers. bioRxiv. 2023:2023.2011.2010.566546.
Whyte D, Skalka G, Walsh P, Wilczynska A, Paul NR, Mitchell C, Nixon C, Clarke W, Bushell M, Morton JP, Murphy DJ, Muthalagu N. NUAK1 governs centrosome replication in pancreatic cancer via MYPT1/PP1β and GSK3β-dependent regulation of PLK4. Mol Oncol. 2023;17: 1212-1227
Collart MA, Audebert L, Bushell M. Roles of the CCR4-Not complex in translation and dynamics of co-translation events. Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA. 2023:e1827.
Bader AS, Luessing J, Hawley BR, Skalka GL, Lu W-T, Lowndes Noel F, Bushell M. DDX17 is required for efficient DSB repair at DNA:RNA hybrid deficient loci. Nucleic Acids Research. 2022; 50: 10487–10502
Pantaleao LC, Inzani I, Furse S, Loche E, Hufnagel A, Ashmore T, Blackmore HL, Jenkins B, Carpenter AA, Wilczynska A, Bushell M, Koulman A, Fernandez-Twinn DS, Ozanne SE. Maternal diet-induced obesity during pregnancy alters lipid supply to mouse E18.5 fetuses and changes the cardiac tissue lipidome in a sex-dependent manner. Elife. 2022;11:e69078
Bader AS, Bushell M. Damage-Net: A program for DNA repair meta-analysis identifies a network of novel repair genes that facilitate cancer evolution. DNA Repair (Amst). 2021;105:103158.
Bader AS, Bushell M. iMUT-seq: high-resolution mapping of DSB mutational landscapes reveals new insights into the mutagenic mechanisms of DSB repair. bioRxiv. 2021:2021.2012.2008.471781.
Bader AS, Luessing J, Hawley BR, Skalka GL, Lu W-T, Lowndes NF, Bushell M. DDX17 is required for efficient DSB repair at DNA:RNA hybrid deficient loci. bioRxiv. 2021:2021.2010.2014.464298.
de Almeida-Faria J, Duque-Guimarães DE, Ong TP, Pantaleão LC, Carpenter AA, Loche E, Kusinski LC, Ashmore TJ, Antrobus R, Bushell M, Fernandez-Twinn DS, Ozanne SE. Maternal obesity during pregnancy leads to adipose tissue ER stress in mice via miR-126-mediated reduction in Lunapark. Diabetologia. 2021; 64:890–902
Gillen SL, Giacomelli C, Hodge K, Zanivan S, Bushell M, Wilczynska A. Differential regulation of mRNA fate by the human Ccr4-Not complex is driven by coding sequence composition and mRNA localization. Genome Biol. 2021;22:284.
Grosso S, Marini A, Gyuraszova K, Voorde JV, Sfakianos A, Garland GD, Tenor AR, Mordue R, Chernova T, Morone N, Sereno M, Smith CP, Officer L, Farahmand P, Rooney C, Sumpton D, Das M, Teodósio A, Ficken C, Martin MG, Spriggs RV, Sun XM, Bushell M, Sansom OJ, Murphy D, MacFarlane M, Le Quesne JPC, Willis AE. The pathogenesis of mesothelioma is driven by a dysregulated translatome. Nat Commun. 2021;12:4920.
Knight JRP, Alexandrou C, Skalka GL, Vlahov N, Pennel K, Officer L, Teodosio A, Kanellos G, Gay DM, May-Wilson S, Smith EM, Najumudeen AK, Gilroy K, Ridgway RA, Flanagan DJ, Smith RCL, McDonald L, MacKay C, Cheasty A, McArthur K, Stanway E, Leach JD, Jackstadt R, Waldron JA, Campbell AD, Vlachogiannis G, Valeri N, Haigis KM, Sonenberg N, Proud CG, Jones NP, Swarbrick ME, McKinnon HJ, Faller WJ, Le Quesne J, Edwards J, Willis AE, Bushell M, Sansom OJ. MNK Inhibition Sensitizes KRAS-Mutant Colorectal Cancer to mTORC1 Inhibition by Reducing eIF4E Phosphorylation and c-MYC Expression. Cancer Discov. 2021;11(5):1228-1247.
Najumudeen AK, Ceteci F, Fey SK, Hamm G, Steven RT, Hall H, Nikula CJ, Dexter A, Murta T, Race AM, Sumpton D, Vlahov N, Gay DM, Knight JRP, Jackstadt R, Leach JDG, Ridgway RA, Johnson ER, Nixon C, Hedley A, et al. The amino acid transporter SLC7A5 is required for efficient growth of KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer. Nat Genet. 2021;53:16-26.
Smith EM, Benbahouche NEH, Morris K, Wilczynska A, Gillen S, Schmidt T, Meijer HA, Jukes-Jones R, Cain K, Jones C, Stoneley M, Waldron JA, Bell C, Fonseca BD, Blagden S, Willis AE, Bushell M. The mTOR regulated RNA-binding protein LARP1 requires PABPC1 for guided mRNA interaction. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021;49:458-478.
Gillen SL, Waldron JA, Bushell M. Codon optimality in cancer. Oncogene. 2021:10.1038/s41388-021-02022-x.
Rushworth LK, Harle V, Repiscak P, Clark W, Shaw R, Hall H, Bushell M, Leung HY, Patel R. In vivo CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screen: TCEAL1 silencing enhances docetaxel efficacy in prostate cancer. Life Sci Alliance. 2020;3(12).
Valtonen S, Vuorinen E, Kariniemi T, Eskonen V, Le Quesne J, Bushell M, Härmä H, Kopra K. Nanomolar Protein-Protein Interaction Monitoring with a Label-Free Protein-Probe Technique. Anal Chem. 2020; 92: 15781–15788
Bader AS, Bushell M. DNA:RNA hybrids form at DNA double-strand breaks in transcriptionally active loci. Cell Death Dis. 2020; 11: 280
Bader AS, Hawley BR, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. The roles of RNA in DNA double-strand break repair. Br J Cancer. 2020; 122: 613–23
Meijer HA, Schmidt T, Gillen SL, Langlais C, Jukes-Jones R, de Moor CH, Cain K, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. DEAD-box helicase eIF4A2 inhibits CNOT7 deadenylation activity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019; 47: 8224-8238
Skalka G, Hall H, Somers J, Bushell M, Willis A, Malewicz M. Leucine zipper and ICAT domain containing (LZIC) protein regulates cell cycle transitions in response to ionising radiation. Cell Cycle. 2019; 18: 963-975
Waldron JA, Tack DC, Ritchey LE, Gillen SL, Wilczynska A, Turro E, Bevilacqua PC, Assmann SM, Bushell M, Le Quesne J. mRNA structural elements immediately upstream of the start codon dictate dependence upon eIF4A helicase activity. Genome Biol. 2019; 20: 300.
Wilczynska A, Gillen SL, Schmidt T, Meijer HA, Jukes-Jones R, Langlais C, Kopra K, Lu WT, Godfrey JD, Hawley BR, Hodge K, Zanivan S, Cain K, Le Quesne J, Bushell M. eIF4A2 drives repression of translation at initiation by Ccr4-Not through purine-rich motifs in the 5'UTR. Genome Biol. 2019; 20: 262.
Godfrey JD, Morton JP, Wilczynska A, Sansom OJ, Bushell MD. MiR-142-3p is downregulated in aggressive p53 mutant mouse models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by hypermethylation of its locus. Cell Death Dis. 2018; 9: 644
Lu WT, Hawley BR, Skalka GL, Baldock RA, Smith EM, Bader AS, Malewicz M, Watts FZ, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. Drosha drives the formation of DNA:RNA hybrids around DNA break sites to facilitate DNA repair. Nat Commun. 2018; 9: 532.
Marini A, Rotblat B, Sbarrato T, Niklison-Chirou MV, Knight JRP, Dudek K, Jones C, Bushell M, Knight RA, Amelio I, Willis AE, Melino G. TAp73 contributes to the oxidative stress response by regulating protein synthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018;
Fletcher CE, Godfrey JD, Shibakawa A, Bushell M, Bevan CL. A novel role for GSK3β as a modulator of Drosha microprocessor activity and MicroRNA biogenesis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017; 45: 2809–2828
Hawley BR, Lu WT, Wilczynska A, Bushell M. The emerging role of RNAs in DNA damage repair. Cell Death Differ. 2017; 24: 580-587
Bastide A, Peretti D, Knight JR, Grosso S, Spriggs RV, Pichon X, Sbarrato T, Roobol A, Roobol J, Vito D, Bushell M, von der Haar T, Smales CM, Mallucci GR, Willis AE. RTN3 Is a Novel Cold-Induced Protein and Mediates Neuroprotective Effects of RBM3. Curr Biol. 2017; 27: 638-650
Halliday M, Radford H, Zents KAM, Molloy C, Moreno JA, Verity NC, Smith E, Ortori CA, Barrett DA, Bushell M, Mallucci GR. Repurposed drugs targeting eIF2α-P-mediated translational repression prevent neurodegeneration in mice. Brain. 2017; 6: 1768–1783
Chernova T, Murphy FA, Galavotti S, Sun X-M, Powley IR, Grosso S, Schinwald A, Zacarias-Cabeza J, Dudek KM, Dinsdale D, Le Quesne J, Bennett J, Nakas A, Greaves P, Poland CA, Donaldson K, Bushell M*, Willis AE*, MacFarlane M*. Long-Fibre Carbon Nanotubes Replicate Asbestos-Induced Mesothelioma with Disruption of the Tumour Suppressor Gene Cdkn2a (Ink4a/Arf). Curr Biol. *corresponding author. 2017; 27: 3302-3314.e6
Chernova T, Sun XM, Powley IR, Galavotti S, Grosso S, Murphy FA, Miles GJ, Cresswell L, Antonov AV, Bennett J, Nakas A, Dinsdale D, Cain K, Bushell M*, Willis AE*, MacFarlane M*.
Molecular profiling reveals primary mesothelioma cell lines recapitulate human disease. Cell Death Differ. 2016; 23: 1152–1164 *corresponding author
Martin-Gronert MS, Fernandez-Twinn DS, Bushell M, Siddle K, Ozanne SE. Cell-autonomous programming of rat adipose tissue insulin signalling proteins by maternal nutrition. Diabetologia. 2016; 59: 1266-75.
Hall AE, Lu WT, Godfrey JD, Antonov AV, Paicu C, Moxon S, Dalmay T, Wilczynska A, Muller PA, Bushell M. The cytoskeleton adaptor protein ankyrin-1 is upregulated by p53 following DNA damage and alters cell migration. Cell Death Dis. 2016; 7: e2184.
Sbarrato T, Horvilleur E, Pöyry T, Hill K, Chaplin LC, Spriggs RV, Stoneley M, Wilson L, Jayne S, Vulliamy T, Beck D, Dokal I, Dyer MJ, Yeomans AM, Packham G, Bushell M, Wagner SD, Willis AE. A ribosome-related signature in peripheral blood CLL B cells is linked to reduced survival following treatment. Cell Death Dis. 2016; 7: e2249.
Alfaradhi MZ, Kusinski LC, Fernandez-Twinn DS, Pantaleão LC, Carr SK, Ferland-McCollough D, Yeo GS, Bushell M, Ozanne SE. Maternal obesity in pregnancy developmentally programs adipose tissue inflammation in young, lean male mice offspring. Endocrinology. 2016; 157: 4246–4256
Mitochondria are a cellular nexus, performing numerous signalling, biosynthetic and bioenergetic functions. In humans, mitochondria are composed of ~1200 proteins, the vast majority encoded in nuclear DNA, with a minor subset encoded in the spatially and heritably separate mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).
The human mitochondrial genome is a genetically compact, circular, double-stranded DNA molecule of 16.5 kb, typically present at between 100 and 10,000 copies per cell on a cell type-specific basis. Encoded exclusively in mtDNA are subunits of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and ATP synthase, required for functional oxidative phosphorylation, and all RNA components necessary for their translation by mitochondrial ribosomes.
Mutations, deletions and rearrangements of mtDNA are a known source of hereditary metabolic disease in humans, causing a broad spectrum of pathology underpinned by mitochondrial dysfunction. Mutations of mtDNA are also found in approximately 60% of all solid tumours, often at levels that would result in profound mitochondrial dysfunction.
Mitochondrial dysregulation and dysfunction, particularly a switch from oxidative to glycolytic metabolism, is often observed in cancer. Our research focuses on determining the role of mitochondrial genetics and gene expression in human cancer.
Other funding:
pdf Gammage Lab Report (2.26 MB)
Mahmood M, Liu EM, Shergold AL, Tolla E, Tait-Mulder J, Huerta-Uribe A, Shokry E, Young AL, Lilla S, Kim M, Park T, Boscenco S, Manchon JL, Rodríguez-Antona C, Walters RC, Springett RJ, Blaza JN, Mitchell L, Blyth K, Zanivan S, Sumpton D, Roberts EW, Reznik E, Gammage PA. Mitochondrial DNA mutations drive aerobic glycolysis to enhance checkpoint blockade response in melanoma. Nat Cancer. 2024.
See the following CRUK blog for further insights into these findings: The secret in cancer cells that can make immunotherapy more effective
Kim M, Mahmood M, Reznik E, Gammage PA. Mitochondrial DNA is a major source of driver mutations in cancer. Trends in Cancer. 2022;8:1046-1059
Gorelick AN, Kim M, Chatila WK, La K, Hakimi AA, Berger MF, Taylor BS, Gammage PA, Reznik E. Respiratory complex and tissue lineage drive recurrent mutations in tumour mtDNA. Nat Metab. 2021; 3:558–570
See the following articles for insights into this study: Mutations in overlooked DNA could have profound impact on bowel cancer survival and Mitochondrial DNA in cancer: small genome, big impact
2015: PhD, Biochemistry, University of Cambridge
2011: MSc, Neuroscience, University College London
2024-present: Professor of Mitochondrial Biology, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2019-present: Junior Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute
2020 - 2024: Senior Lecturer, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
2015-2019: Career Development Fellow, MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit
2014-2015: Research Associate, MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit
2024-2027 EMBO Young Investigator
2022 National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, USA, MERIT Award (R37)
2021 ERC Starting Grant
2020–present The Royal Society, UK, Open Science - Editorial Board
Novak J, Nahacka Z, Oliveira GL, Brisudova P, Dubisova M, Dvorakova S, Miklovicova S, Dalecka M, Puttrich V, Grycova L, Magalhaes-Novais S, Correia CM, Levoux J, Stepanek L, Prochazka J, Svec D, Reguera DP, Lopez-Domenech G, Zobalova R, Sedlacek R, Terp MG, Gammage PA, Lansky Z, Kittler J, Oliveira PJ, Ditzel HJ, Berridge MV, Rodriguez AM, Boukalova S, Rohlena J, Neuzil J. The adaptor protein Miro1 modulates horizontal transfer of mitochondria in mouse melanoma models. Cell Rep. 2025;44(1):115154.
Samarakoon Y, Yelland T, Garcia-Gonzalez E, da Silva Justo Junior A, Mahmood M, Manoharan A, Patterson S, Serafin V, Gammage PA, Marmiroli S, Halsey C, Ismail S, Roberts EW. UNC119 regulates T-cell receptor signalling in primary T cells and T acute lymphocytic leukaemia. Life Sci Alliance. 2025;8(3).
Kim M, Gorelick AN, Vàzquez-García I, Williams MJ, Salehi S, Shi H, Weiner AC, Ceglia N, Funnell T, Park T, Boscenco S, O’Flanagan CH, Jiang H, Grewal D, Tang C, Rusk N, Gammage PA, McPherson A, Aparicio S, Shah SP, Reznik E. Single-cell mtDNA dynamics in tumors is driven by coregulation of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Nature Genetics. 2024.
Mahmood M, Liu EM, Shergold AL, Tolla E, Tait-Mulder J, Huerta-Uribe A, Shokry E, Young AL, Lilla S, Kim M, Park T, Boscenco S, Manchon JL, Rodríguez-Antona C, Walters RC, Springett RJ, Blaza JN, Mitchell L, Blyth K, Zanivan S, Sumpton D, Roberts EW, Reznik E, Gammage PA. Mitochondrial DNA mutations drive aerobic glycolysis to enhance checkpoint blockade response in melanoma. Nat Cancer. 2024.
Mahmood M, Liu EM, Shergold AL, Tolla E, Tait-Mulder J, Uribe AH, Shokry E, Young AL, Lilla S, Kim M, Park T, Manchon JL, Rodriguez-Antona C, Walters RC, Springett RJ, Blaza JN, Zanivan S, Sumpton DA, Roberts EW, Reznik E, Gammage PA. Tumour mitochondrial DNA mutations drive aerobic glycolysis to enhance checkpoint blockade. bioRxiv. 2023;Volume:2023.2003.2021.533091.
Shaw AM, Gammage PA. Coupling Differential Centrifugation with Exonuclease Treatment and Size Exclusion Chromatography (DIFSEC) for Purification of mtDNA from Mammalian Cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2023;2615:31-40.
Ganly I, Liu EM, Kuo F, Makarov V, Dong Y, Park J, Gong Y, Gorelick AN, Knauf JA, Benedetti E, Tait-Mulder J, Morris LGT, Fagin JA, Intelkofer AM, Krumsiek J, Gammage P, Ghossein R, Xu B, Chan TA, Reznik E. Mitonuclear genotype remodels the metabolic and microenvironmental landscape of Hürthle cell carcinoma. Sci Adv. 2022;8(25):eabn9699.
Kim M, Mahmood M, Reznik E, Gammage PA. Mitochondrial DNA is a major source of driver mutations in cancer. Trends in Cancer. 2022;8:1046-1059
Gorelick AN, Kim M, Chatila WK, La K, Hakimi AA, Berger MF, Taylor BS, Gammage PA, Reznik E. Respiratory complex and tissue lineage drive recurrent mutations in tumour mtDNA. Nat Metab. 2021; 3:558–570
See the following articles for insights into this study: Mutations in overlooked DNA could have profound impact on bowel cancer survival and Mitochondrial DNA in cancer: small genome, big impact
Rabas N, Palmer S, Mitchell L, Ismail S, Gohlke A, Riley JS, Tait SWG, Gammage P, Soares LL, Macpherson IR, Norman JC. PINK1 drives production of mtDNA-containing extracellular vesicles to promote invasiveness. J Cell Biol. 2021;220.
Bacman SR, Gammage PA, Minczuk M, Moraes CT. Manipulation of mitochondrial genes and mtDNA heteroplasmy. Methods in cell biology. 2020;155:441-487.
Jackson CB, Turnbull DM, Minczuk M, Gammage PA. Therapeutic Manipulation of mtDNA Heteroplasmy: A Shifting Perspective. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 2020; 26: 698-709
Pinheiro P, A. Gammage P, Minczuk M. Chapter 19 - Mitochondrially targeted zinc finger nucleases. In: Gasparre G, Porcelli AM, eds. The Human Mitochondrial Genome. Academic Press; 2020:499-514.
Andreazza S, Samstag CL, Sanchez-Martinez A, Fernandez-Vizarra E, Gomez-Duran A, Lee JJ, Tufi R, Hipp MJ, Schmidt EK, Nicholls TJ, Gammage PA, Chinnery PF, Minczuk M, Pallanck LJ, Kennedy SR, Whitworth AJ. Mitochondrially-targeted APOBEC1 is a potent mtDNA mutator affecting mitochondrial function and organismal fitness in Drosophila. Nature communications. 2019;10:3280.
Gammage PA, Frezza C. Mitochondrial DNA: the overlooked oncogenome? BMC biology. 2019;17:53.
Hoitzing H, Gammage PA, Haute LV, Minczuk M, Johnston IG, Jones NS. Energetic costs of cellular and therapeutic control of stochastic mitochondrial DNA populations. PLoS computational biology. 2019;15:e1007023.
Gammage PA, Minczuk M. Enhanced Manipulation of Human Mitochondrial DNA Heteroplasmy In Vitro Using Tunable mtZFN Technology. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ). 2018;1867:43-56.
Gammage PA, Moraes CT, Minczuk M. Mitochondrial Genome Engineering: The Revolution May Not Be CRISPR-Ized. Trends in genetics : TIG. 2018;34:101-110.
Gammage PA, Viscomi C, Simard ML, Costa ASH, Gaude E, Powell CA, Van Haute L, McCann BJ, Rebelo-Guiomar P, Cerutti R, Zhang L, Rebar EJ, Zeviani M, Frezza C, Stewart JB, Minczuk M. Genome editing in mitochondria corrects a pathogenic mtDNA mutation in vivo. Nature medicine. 2018;24:1691-1695.
Gaude E, Schmidt C, Gammage PA, Dugourd A, Blacker T, Chew SP, Saez-Rodriguez J, O'Neill JS, Szabadkai G, Minczuk M, Frezza C. NADH Shuttling Couples Cytosolic Reductive Carboxylation of Glutamine with Glycolysis in Cells with Mitochondrial Dysfunction. Molecular cell. 2018;69:581-593.e587
Kullar PJ, Gomez-Duran A, Gammage PA, Garone C, Minczuk M, Golder Z, Wilson J, Montoya J, Hakli S, Karppa M, Horvath R, Majamaa K, Chinnery PF. Heterozygous SSBP1 start loss mutation co-segregates with hearing loss and the m.1555A>G mtDNA variant in a large multigenerational family. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2018;141:55-62
McCann BJ, Cox A, Gammage PA, Stewart JB, Zernicka-Goetz M, Minczuk M. Delivery of mtZFNs into Early Mouse Embryos. Methods in molecular biology. 2018;1867:215-228.
Peeva V, Blei D, Trombly G, Corsi S, Szukszto MJ, Rebelo-Guiomar P, Gammage PA, Kudin AP, Becker C, Altmuller J, Minczuk M, Zsurka G, Kunz WS. Linear mitochondrial DNA is rapidly degraded by components of the replication machinery. Nature communications. 2018;9:1727.
Gammage PA, Gaude E, Van Haute L, Rebelo-Guiomar P, Jackson CB, Rorbach J, Pekalski ML, Robinson AJ, Charpentier M, Concordet JP, Frezza C, Minczuk M. Near-complete elimination of mutant mtDNA by iterative or dynamic dose-controlled treatment with mtZFNs. Nucleic acids research. 2016;44:7804-7816.
Gammage PA, Van Haute L, Minczuk M. Engineered mtZFNs for Manipulation of Human Mitochondrial DNA Heteroplasmy. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ). 2016;1351:145-162.
Jacqueline Tait-Mulder
I did my Ph.D. at the Netherlands Cancer Institute and post-doc at the St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, USA. We then moved to Scotland and after the birth of my third child, I started working at the CRUK Scotland Institute. Since then, I have been supporting and working in several groups, becoming a Senior Scientific Officer and now a Principal Scientific Officer in the lab of Payam Gammage working on mitochondrial DNA mutations in cancer. My experience is widespread, having worked in several labs, institutes, and scientific areas. I enjoy the continuous excitement of scientific discoveries, and I enjoy helping others wherever I can. In my free time I like to garden, spend time with friends, play games with my family and walk our dog.
Peggy Paschke
Originally from Germany, I am a postdoctoral researcher interested in mitochondrial metabolism and cell motility. I am currently working on a pancreatic cancer model to investigate the role of disturbed mitochondrial metabolism in tumorigeneses and metastasis. My passion in the lab is doing microscopy, image processing and image analysis. In my free time I enjoy running, hiking and spending time with my naughty felines watching movies.
Elisabetta Tolla
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the lab, investigating the role of mitochondrial DNA mutations in colorectal cancer by using different types of cancer models. I am specifically interested in how mitochondrial DNA mutations alter metabolic pathways in the cells and whether these affect colorectal cancer initiation, progression and metastasis. Before joining the CRUK Scotland Institute, I completed my PhD at the University of Glasgow studying neuroendocrine and epigenetic mechanisms underlying circannual reproductive rhythms in mammals and birds. Outside of the lab, I enjoy travelling, taking part in musicals and getting out in nature.
Fergus Bremner
Catarina Mendes Correia
Zaniah Gonzalez-Galofre
I am a Senior Scientific Officer with an interest in stem cell biology, development, and the role of mitochondrial mutations in cancer. I did my PhD in Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh and had a few postdoctoral positions before joining the Gammage group. My job focuses on supporting my lab in various projects, helping with everything from planning experiments to analysing data and keeping things running smoothly. I also have my own research project, where I’m investigating how mitochondrial DNA mutations undergo positive or negative selection during embryonic development and how this occurs. Outside of my scientific life, I enjoy being surrounded by nature, cycling, and reading a good Sci-Fi book.
Flora McNulty
I am a PhD student from Glasgow, Scotland. I completed my undergraduate degree in Genetics at the University of Glasgow. I am going into my third year in the Gammage lab, where my project aims on understanding regulators of mitochondrial DNA copy number in Cancer. Outside of the lab I enjoy running, cooking and keeping up to date with films.
Amy Shepherd
Jenny Rietdorf
Chiara Trento