Frequently Asked Questions

When can I apply for a studentship?

Studentships for an October 2025 start will be advertised in February 2025, with interviews being held in March/April 2025. These will be listed on our website, and advertised on our social media. 

At interview, candidates will be asked to give a brief 10-minute talk about a research project they have been involved with. This will be followed by meetings with selected group leaders. Only reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed by the Institute.

What qualifications will I need to apply?

You will need at least an Upper Second Class (2.1) Honours Degree or equivalent in a life sciences subject. If you haven’t finished your degree yet, remember to tell us what you expect your final result to be. You will also be expected to have some research/lab experience.

How much is the student stipend?

Students starting in October 2025 will receive £21,000 per year for their living expenses. We will also pay their fees to the University of Glasgow (UK, EU or International).

Will I need an English Language qualification?

Yes, if you are offered a place and your native language is not English and your first or subsequent degrees were not taught in English, you will need an English Language qualification to register with the University of Glasgow. Most students take a TOEFL or IELTS test. For more details go the University of Glasgow website.

What's it like living in Glasgow?

For more information see Information About Glasgow and Scotland